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Education reviews

Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2017-097700 on 6 July 2017. Downloaded from on October 11, 2023 at UFSC - Universidade Federal de Santa
Relative energy deficiency in ►► Tanner staging
►► Musculoskeletal injury assessment.

sport (RED-S) Additional testing

►► Basic laboratory testing may include a
complete blood count and comprehen-
1 2 3
Siobhan M Statuta, Irfan M Asif, Jonathan A Drezner sive metabolic panel with particular
attention to potassium (K+)
►► ECG: assess for arrhythmias or
prolonged QT interval in athletes with
Background ►► Body image eating disorders
Relative energy deficiency in sport ►► Recent weight changes ►► Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry
(RED-S) is the result of insufficient caloric ►► Recent training increases to measure bone mineral density for
intake and/or excessive energy expendi- ►► Disordered eating (restricting or athletes with prior or current bony
ture. Consequences of this low-energy self-induced vomiting)
stress injury or eating disorders
condition can alter many physiological ►► Prior stress fractures
►► Additional laboratory evaluation
systems, including metabolism, menstrual ►► Medications
may be indicated depending on the
function, bone health, immunity, protein ►► Supplements (energy, weight loss or
unique athlete clinical presentation
synthesis, and cardiovascular and psycho- dietary)
(significant fatigue/poor performance,
logical health1 (figure 1). ►► Menstrual history in women
prior bone stress injury, secondary
The RED-S concept has been adapted (menarche, menstrual cycle frequency)
amenorrhoea or severe hypogonado-
from a previously identified syndrome, ►► Duration of fatigue or poor athletic
tropic hypogonadism). Possible tests
the female athlete triad, which affects performance
to consider are thyroid hormones,
active women with low-energy availability, ►► Increase in resting heart rate
►► Sleep pattern/hygiene
gonadotropins, prolactin, vitamin
menstrual dysfunction and low bone mineral
levels and a pregnancy test in women.
density.2 Emerging data suggest there may be ►► Athlete knowledge of ‘energy
a parallel syndrome in undernourished male balance’.
Physical exam Management

Catarina. Protected by copyright.

athletes with resulting hypogonadotropic
hypogonadism and impairment of bone ►► Height, weight, BMI; consider ortho- Treatment of RED-S preferably involves
health.3 RED-S is a comprehensive model statics (blood pressure and pulse), a multidisciplinary team of health profes-
depicting a low-energy status in physically per cent body fat sionals to address the complex interplay of
active women or men. ►► Physical signs of disordered eating: eating, training, body image and perfor-
lanugo, parotid gland enlargement, mance. This panel ideally includes a sports
Case hypercarotenaemia, Russell’s sign medicine physician, sports dietician and
A 29-year-old male runner presents for (scab on purging finger) sports psychologist/psychiatrist. Coaches,
evaluation with concerns of fatigue and ►► Cardiac: bradycardia, arrhythmia strength and conditioning specialists,
poor athletic performance. Over the ►► Mucus membranes: pale, dry athletic trainers, exercise physiologists and
past year, he has focused on his training, ►► Skin: acne, male pattern hirsutism appropriate subspecialists with expertise
running approximately 72 miles per week
and performing yoga 3 days per week. He
also has revised his diet to eat ‘healthy’
and avoid alcohol, and subsequently lost
21 lbs. The following were his vital signs
on presentation: blood pressure 128/57,
pulse 56, height 6’3.5’, weight 151 lbs and
body mass index (BMI) 18.6.

Clinical questions
1. What are the symptoms and clinical
features of RED-S?
2. What management interventions
should be considered?

Clinical features
Important history elements
►► Eating habits and caloric intake

Family Medicine, University of Virginia, Charlottesville,
Virginia, USA
Family Medicine, University of South Carolina,
Greenville, South Carolina, USA
Family Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle,
Washington, USA
Correspondence to Dr Siobhan M Statuta, Family
Medicine, University of Virginia, PO Box 800729, Figure 1 Spoke and wheel figure (from Mountjoy et al1). RED-S, relative energy deficiency in
Charlottesville, 22908, USA; s​ iobhan@​virginia.e​ du sport.

1570    Statuta SM, et al. Br J Sports Med November 2017 Vol 51 No 21

Education reviews

Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2017-097700 on 6 July 2017. Downloaded from on October 11, 2023 at UFSC - Universidade Federal de Santa
in affected organ systems may also be The IOC has developed a tool to assist changes and menstrual dysfunction
involved. medical professionals in the evaluation are helpful signs.
The basis of RED-S is an energy defi- and management of at-risk athletes: the ►► Treatment relies on a multidiscipli-
ciency; thus, treatment must focus on RED-S Clinical Assessment Tool.4 This nary approach to educate and support
increasing the caloric intake and/or model uses information collected from the athlete with the primary aim to
decreasing the caloric expenditure (ie, the history and physical examination and correct and maintain energy balance.
training demands) to correct the energy provides a guide to activity recommenda-
balance. Education is critical, as many tions. Athletes are classified as being in the Competing interests None declared.
athletes believe it is normal to experi- ‘Red’, ‘Yellow’ or ‘Green’ zone, correlating Provenance and peer review Not commissioned;
ence fatigue, appetite variation, mood with high, moderate and low risk states. externally peer reviewed.
swings, recurrent injuries and (for women) The Red group is held from all activity, the © Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless
menstrual dysfunction. However, a Yellow group requires a more individual- otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2017. All
prolonged state of energy deficiency often ised plan involving close supervision, and rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless
otherwise expressly granted.
has negative effects on many systems, the Green group is permitted full sport
including a higher risk of bony stress participation.4 This model requires more
injury, fatigue and poor performance. research to validate the approach.
Serving as an educator is imperative to
gain trust from the athlete, family, team- Practical tips
mates and coaches. Promoting the concept To cite Statuta SM, Asif IM, Drezner JA.
►► RED-S affects both female and male
Br J Sports Med 2017;51:1570–1571.
of ‘eating to perform’ is helpful to change athletes, causing changes to many
the athletes’ relationship with food, so Accepted 30 May 2017
physiological systems, including bone Published Online First 1 July 2017
that they may consume the calories and metabolism, menstrual dysfunction,
nutrients needed for optimal athletic Br J Sports Med 2017;51:1570–1571.
cardiovascular performance and doi:10.1136/bjsports-2017-097700
performance. mental health.
Athletes presenting with specific ►► A low-energy state and ‘under-fue-
complaints such as weight loss, endocrine References
ling’ result in suboptimal function, 1 Mountjoy M, Sundgot-Borgen J, Burke L, et al. The IOC

Catarina. Protected by copyright.

dysfunction, recurrent injuries or illnesses, and serious health consequences may consensus statement: beyond the Female Athlete Triad-
or diminishing performance should result if not reversed. -Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S). Br J Sports
undergo a more detailed evaluation and ►► Early detection is paramount, and a Med 2014;48:491–7.
laboratory assessment to evaluate for more 2 Joy E, De Souza MJ, Nattiv A, et al. Female athlete triad
high level of suspicion is warranted in
coalition consensus statement on treatment and return
serious medical consequences resulting endurance and lean body sports. to play of the female athlete triad. Br J Sports Med
from energy deficiency. Screening for ►► Assessing for weight loss, recent 2014;2014:289.
RED-S should be considered as part of an training increases with ‘fueling’ 3 Tenforde AS, Barrack MT, Nattiv A, et al. Parallels with
annual health or preparticipation exam- mismatch, lack of normal growth or the Female Athlete Triad in Male Athletes. Sports Med
ination, especially in endurance athletes 2016;46:171–82.
development in adolescents, recurrent 4 Mountjoy M, Sundgot-Borgen J, Burke L, et al. The IOC
or sports emphasising aesthetics or a lean bony or soft tissue injuries, illnesses, relative energy deficiency in sport clinical assessment
physique. decreased performance, mood tool (RED-S CAT). Br J Sports Med 2015;49:1354.

Statuta SM, et al. Br J Sports Med November 2017 Vol 51 No 21 1571

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