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Un Vuelo Agitado

 I was flying from Paris to Sao Paolo when we hit  While people were crying and screaming, the
a lot of turbulence. Capitan got on the intercom. He reassured us
that everything was fine, but I don’t think
 Remember anybody believed him.
 Use the past continuous to describe
 Use while to emphasize the ongoing
background action and the past simple to
background action.
describe the main action.
 Anybody refers to ‘not one person’. It is used in
 Someone shouted, “We’re going to crash!” After negative sentences and in questions.
that, everybody was nervous.
 Just as I was starting to think maybe all these
 Someone refers to ‘one person’, usually unknown. people were right, the turbulence stopped.
 Everybody refers to ‘all people’.
 Just as is used similarly to while.

 Estaba volando de París a Sao Paulo cuando nos encontramos con mucha turbulencia. / Alguien gritó, ‘¡Vamos
a chocar!’ Después de eso todos estaban nerviosos. / Mientras la gente estaba llorando y gritando, el capitán
tomó el intercomunicador. Él aseguró que estaba todo bien, pero no creo que nadie le creyera. / Justo cuando
estaba empezando a pensar que quizás toda esta gente tenía razón, la turbulencia pasó.

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Problemas con el Auto

Can anyone help me? So. Tell me more about this noise.

Sure, what do you need help with? I was turning onto Smith Street
when I heard a “pum pum pum".

While I was driving to work this morning

my car started to make a strange noise. Interesting… Has anybody
else driven your car recently?

Okay, so do you need someone

to take a look at the engine? Nope, nobody. I’m the only person who drives it.

Yes please! Okay, well let’s take a look.

Come this way.

 ¿Puede alguien ayudarme? / Seguro, ¿con qué necesita ayuda? / Mientras estaba manejando al trabajo esta mañana
mi auto empezó a hacer un ruido extraño. / Ok, ¿entonces necesita a alguien que mire el motor? / Sí, por favor. / Ven
por acá. / Entonces. Dígame más acerca de este ruido. / Estaba doblando hacia la calle Smith cuando oí un “pum pum
pum”. / Interesante… ¿Alguien más ha manejado su auto recientemente? / No, nadie. Soy la única que lo maneja. /
Okey, bien veamos.

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Everybody, Somebody, Nobody, Anybody LANGUAGE BUILDER

Everybody / Everyone Somebody / Someone Nobody / No One / Anybody / Anyone

All people (100%) Some people (10-90%) No people (0%)

Everybody wears Can somebody help me? Nowadays, nobody I don’t know anybody
crazy clothes. wears crazy colors. who likes neon colors.

Everyone liked bright I saw someone wearing No one wears flannel Did anyone teach you
colors. a flannel shirt. these days. about fashion?

 Remember
 Use anybody/anyone for negative sentences and questions.

 Somebody/someone can refer to unknown people.

 Use singular verb forms: Everyone wear wears crazy clothes. I don’t know anybody who like likes neon colors.


Past Continuous Past Simple

Use to describe a background action that was in Use to describe the main action of the story.
progress at the time of the main action.

lightning  lights out 

 
raining reading

It was raining when the lightning started. When the lights went out, I was reading my book.

 Remember
 The past continuous can go in the first half or the second half of the sentence: I was walking home when it
started to rain. When it started to rain, I was walking home.

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Past Simple Clause: When Past Continuous Clause: When or While Just and Just As: Similar to While

I was walking in the park when When I was walking in the park, As I was walking the dog I saw
I saw my best friend. I saw my best friend. my best friend.

I was walking in the park while While I was walking in the park, Just as I was walking the dog
I saw my best friend.* I saw my best friend. I saw my best friend.

 Remember
 *Do not use while with the past simple clause.

 The past simple clause can go in the first half or the second half of the sentence: When I saw an accident I was
walking in the park. OR I was walking in the park when I saw an accident.

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