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Guide 2

Fernando Andres Ponguta Mesa

Idioma 2

Ingieneria de sistemas
Universidad EAN

Bogotá d.c
Bogotá d.c, May 23rd

Fernando Andres Ponguta Mesa

Systems engineer
Adress 29th Street #10-33
Phone 3153806170
02 June 2023
James Burton
Human Resources Manager TYDL Inc.

Dear Mr. Burton,

In today’s society, it is clear that some methods used in advertising are considered
unethical and unacceptable. Advertising has a significant impact on our lives, and when
misleading or manipulative tactics are used, it undermines public trust and jeopardizes consumer
welfare. Practices such as misleading advertising, which distorts information to gain an unfair
commercial advantage, must stop.

The presence of stereotypes and discrimination in advertising is also a problem that

persists in today’s society. Advertisements that perpetuate stereotypes based on gender, race or
other personal characteristics reinforce prejudices and contribute to inequality. It is essential that
advertisers take responsibility and promote fair and diverse representation in their advertising
messages to avoid discrimination and promote inclusion.

Invasion of privacy is another major concern regarding some advertising methods.

Intrusive advertising, such as online pop-up ads or unsolicited calls, interrupts and annoys
consumers, violating their personal space. In addition, excessive collection of personal data for
advertising purposes raises questions about the protection of individuals’ privacy.

Finally, it is essential to address the exploitation of vulnerability in advertising. Some

advertising practices take advantage of the susceptibility of certain groups, such as children or
people with financial or health difficulties. Targeting persuasive ads to these vulnerable groups
can lead to uninformed or even harmful decisions. Protecting the most vulnerable groups from
manipulative advertising practices is an ethical responsibility that must be addressed by the
advertising industry and regulatory authorities.

Sincerely, Fernando Andres Mesa

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