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Luis Felipe Marques

Personal Narrative:

I never realized how dangerous the Represa Guarapiranga could be, but not necessarily because of
itself. The day was beautiful, everyone was jolly for it was a Friday. Submerged in the beautiful scenery of
the Hochstedler’s majestic house, we were merry, and the activities of the day were performed with ecstacy.
Me and my friends, Daniel and Gustavo, took the classes of the day without any enthusiasm; we dreamed of
the snacks afterwards. Finally, the classes were finished, and the fun part of the day was about to begin.
After eating our delicious snacks – it was worth the waiting – we got our skates and began skating on
the halfcourt. Lost in our skating tricks, we didn’t realize that our recess was over. “ Hey guys, what are you
doing? Sailing class is going to start!” Screamed one of our friends from the kiosk on the other side of the
campus. We quickly changed; although we had to keep urging Daniel to go faster. Finally, all of us were
gathered in the large kiosk. Soon, the entire class was gathering life jackets and paddles and heading to the
dock at the Represa.
I always feel like the moments in life where you feel the most secure are the moments that end up
getting dangerous and perilous. As we were heading to the Represa, cautiosly avoiding the droppings and,
most importantly, the shards of glass and metal. With the dock in view, excitement began to grow inside of
us, the sailboats called us to adventures. We were a few paces to the deck, when I remembered, “ I forgot my
lifejacket!” Danny also forgot his lifejacket, so I said, “ Let’s go quickly to be able to return on time for the
sailing.” Danny agreed, and soon we were running back to the house. At that moment, I hear some barking
in the distance, and a smudge of brown running towards us. Instantly I screamed, “ Turn back!” Adrenaline
fueling my legs, I ran back towards the dock. Screaming at the top of my lungs, with Danny behind me, I
came stumbling into the dock. Unfortunately, I stumbled too much. Scraping my knees and my hands on the
rough dock, blood started to trickle down my leg. The rough surface deeply removed my skin during the
impact; my knee was a mess of blood.
I never comprehended the dangers of the barren Represa Guarapiranga. After the events of that day, I
realized how this Represa was dilapidated, ruined. With trash covering its shores, the Represa looked more
like a junkyard than a place of pleasure. Dogs roamed the shores. Through further reflection, I realized how
beautiful this place could be if it was properly cared for. Beyond the junk, I saw a Represa dominated with
luxury. Unfortunately, my visions were dreams, and in the present day, caution is a virtue I suggest while
roaming on the Represa.

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