Nuclear Fusion Writing Assignment Physical Science EHS

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Nuclear Fusion

Papa Idrissa Diallo

Physical Science EHS
Nuclear fusion technology is often hailed as the pinnacle of clean and virtually unlimited

energy production, contrasting starkly with nuclear fission's process of splitting heavy atomic

nuclei. Fusion involves merging light atomic nuclei to form a heavier nucleus, releasing significant

energy. It occurs in stars naturally, eventually leading to supernovae, the implosion of stars to a

super dense state (Excel High School, n.d).

Nuclear fusion offers several key advantages over nuclear fission, making it an attractive

prospect for future energy production. Firstly, nuclear fusion produces significantly more energy

than nuclear fission. The fusion of light atomic nuclei, such as isotopes of hydrogen, releases nearly

four million times more energy than coal combustion and four times as much as nuclear fission at

an equivalent mass, such as uranium or plutonium (Guo, 2024). This means that a smaller amount

of fuel can produce a much larger amount of energy, making nuclear fusion a highly efficient

energy source. While fission remains the mature technology commonly used in our reactors today,

fusion augurs a promising future of more affordable energy production generating little radioactive

waste. With global demand for electricity set to nearly double between now and 2050, fission and

fusion are both potentially crucial contributors to the future of low-carbon industrial production.

We take another look at these impacts at the core of our reactors, to understand their benefits and

their industrial applications. (Nuclear Fission and Nuclear Fusion- What You Should Know, n.d.)

Secondly, nuclear fusion does not produce long-lived radioactive waste as a byproduct,

unlike nuclear fission. The waste generated by nuclear fission, such as plutonium and other

transuranic elements, remains hazardous for thousands of years, necessitating careful storage and

disposal measures. In contrast, the waste produced by nuclear fusion is short-lived and less

radioactive, making it easier to handle and reducing the long-term environmental impact.

Moreover, fusion fuel sources are abundant and widely available. Deuterium, from water, and
tritium, from lithium, contrast with the finite supply of fissile materials used in fission, making

fusion a more sustainable energy solution.

Despite its advantages, fusion poses significant challenges. Achieving the extremely high

temperature and pressure needed for fusion reactions is one hurdle. Overcoming the electrostatic

repulsion between atomic nuclei requires temperatures of millions of degrees Celsius, sustained for

a duration to yield a net energy gain. Confining the high-temperature plasma where fusion occurs

is another challenge. Plasma is inherently unstable and hard to contain. Various methods like

magnetic confinement in tokamaks and inertial confinement with high-energy lasers have been

developed, but sustaining fusion reactions remains difficult.

Notwithstanding the challenges, progress has been made. To illustrate continuous fusion

and open the door for commercial fusion plants, international cooperation is being pursued,

especially through ITER. The development of better confinement techniques is one area where

nuclear fusion technology has advanced. Tokamaks, which use magnetic fields to confine the

plasma, have seen substantial advancements in plasma control and stability, bringing researchers

closer to achieving the conditions required for sustained fusion reactions. Stellarators, another type

of magnetic confinement device, offer the potential for improved plasma confinement and reduced

instabilities, contributing to the progress in fusion research (Guo, 2024).

In summary, nuclear fusion technology offers numerous advantages over nuclear fission,

including higher energy yield, reduced radioactive waste, and abundant fuel sources. Ongoing

research and development efforts, coupled with international collaboration and advancements in

confinement techniques and materials, have been steadily improving nuclear fusion technology,

bringing humanity closer to realizing the potential of fusion energy as a clean, sustainable, and

virtually limitless power source for the future.


Excel High School. (2022). Physical Science

Guo, Z. (2024, February 3). Nuclear Fusion: Overview of challenges and recent progress - NHSJS.


Nuclear fission and nuclear fusion- what you should know. (n.d.).


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