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For this assignment, you will conduct independent research on your service project or any social problem of interest to you and find data on
it to have a deeper understanding of the societal and general context. You will then take a position on the issue at stake and connect it with
a class concept (Please state the concept: Social Entrepreneurship, Restless People, Power vs. Service Model, Self-Awareness, Ubuntu etc.)
and prepare your research grounded in literature analysis and empirical evidence. For example, if you are passionate about using
spots for social change, you may decide to do a series of spots activities in a school for your service project and focus your topic on “Using
spots as a tool for cultivating leadership capacity in children.”

You will then read at least two academic and two non-academic sources each on the topic. On the day of the dialogue (February 28th,
2024), you will be randomly paired with two of your colleagues. You will then take turns to present your initial findings from your research
on your topic (10 minutes each), each person in your group will then give you feedback (5minutes total). The presentation session would
last 45-minute total thus, 15 minutes for each student in your team. After the 45minutes, we will come together as a big class to share your
experience doing the presentation and receive final feedback for your paper.

After the dialogue, you will individually submit a 4-5 page (including Reference page) properly referenced APA style essay on your
findings (Due in CANVAS on March 1st, 2024). Your paper must cover three key elements:

• Your findings on the issue, especially how it's connected to some of the concepts and ideas we have discussed in the course,
• The dialogue process and lessons from it (the experience of doing this research, your presentation to and feedback from your
colleagues, etc.), and
• A detailed annotation of your four primary literature sources. DO NOT USE ANY OF OUR CLASS TEXTS FOR YOUR

Your final grade will cover the following:

1. Critical Analysis of issue (show research and analysis of the larger context of the problem (education, poverty, drug abuse, leadership
development, etc.) (8 pts)
2. Integration of Class Content (4 pts)
3. Lessons/Reflections about the dialogue process, what you learned about yourself on this journey doing the research to understand your
area of interest, giving and receiving feedback, your overall posture towards the issue, thinking process, lesson learned, etc. (2 pts)
4. Annotations (4 pts)
5. Writing Quality (2pts)
The Assignment will be submitted through Turnitin so please submit an original paper and ensure you are uploading the correct

An excellent/well-written paper A fair paper with some strengths and tangible A weak paper with significant gaps
Focus deserving full marks gaps
The student shows mastery and a
deep understanding of the social
problem/issue at hand and can The student seems only to have a fundamental The student lacks a basic understanding of
buttress points made with facts, the problem/issue at hand, speaks mainly
Analysis of understanding of the problem/issue at hand and
cross-references, and insights from in general terms only, and shows no
the makes references supported by a few
multiple sources - credible reports,
Subject anecdotes. Writing is mainly descriptive and evidence of reading or learning about the
data sets, and news articles.
Matter does not extend beyond the obvious issues. topic.
Submissions are analytical and
show a strong engagement with the
issue and evidence in the literature.
The student engages content from
class to emphasize the issues at
stake and conducts a solid analysis
and synthesis of ideas from The student descriptively mentions class The student hardly refers to class content
Integration of
readings, key concepts, etc., and content and ideas, with some linkages to or ideas or does so with
Class Content
how they may be linked to the topic realities in the local context. no links to the topic being discussed
being discussed, raising questions,
making input, and suggesting
alternative views.
Discussion of the dialogue shows
that the student was actively
listening. They highlight what was
discussed, how it was discussed, Limited discussion of the dialogue, with few
Personal Little or no indication from the report that
make observations about the observations and some personal reflections on
Reflections dialogue took place.
interaction. The student also the actual interaction.
reviews their posture toward the
issue, ideas shared, new knowledge
gained, lessons learned, etc.
Well-appraised annotation that Generic highlights from the reading are
captures the essentials/highlights of discussed, with some reflections on its
the reading and objectively reflects connection to the topic discussed in the
on its connection to the topic dialogue. It does not move beyond description The annotation shares the general or big
Quality of and offers no alternate views.
discussed in the dialogue. It idea mainly descriptively, without any
analyzes and may juxtapose interrogation of the ideas presented.
alternative views not explored in
the reading or may reinforce the
position of the reading.
Writing Excellently written, exceptionally Somewhat well-written and organized, but The report might not be complete and
Quality organized, and error-free. The might contain errors in presentation. The might lack coherence. The
– coherence of Bibliography and references are presented in bibliography is not
bibliography and references are
ideas, APA format with some errors. Some presented in a consistent format and may
presented in APA format without
grammar, grammatical mistakes etc. have several significant errors
error and show the student's
style, etc. learning depth and/or breadth.

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