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¿Cuál es el impacto de la inteligencia artificial en la vida de los jóvenes y cómo puede

promoverse un uso ético y responsable de esta tecnología?

Autores: Maria Jose Montero Molina – Paula Andrea Sarabia Sandoval – Yasser Alfonso
Ferreira Rondano.

Artículo 1:

Cita: Bragazzi, N. L., Crapanzano, A., Converti, M., Zerbetto, R., & Khamisy‐Farah, R. (2023b).
The Impact of Generative Conversational Artificial Intelligence on the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,
Transgender, and Queer Community: Scoping Review. JMIR. Journal Of Medical Internet
Research, 25, e52091.

Base de datos: PubMed

Palabras clave: artificial intelligence, youth, impact, ethics

Estrategia de búsqueda: ("artificial intelligence" OR AI) AND youth AND impact AND ethics

Artículo 2:

Cita: Alsegier, R. A. (2016). Roboethics: Sharing Our World with Humanlike Robots. IEEE
Potentials, 35(1), 24-28.

Base de datos: IEEE Xplore

Palabras clave: ethical use, artificial intelligence, young people

Estrategia de búsqueda: "ethical use" AND "artificial intelligence" AND "young people"

Artículo 3:

Cita: Chubb, J., Missaoui, S., Concannon, S., Maloney, L., & Walker, J. A. (2022). Interactive
storytelling for children: A case-study of design and development considerations for ethical
conversational AI. International Journal Of Child-computer Interaction, 32, 100403.

Base de datos: ScienceDirect

Palabras clave: AI, youth, ethical considerations

Estrategia de búsqueda: AI AND youth AND "ethical considerations"

Artículo 4:

Cita: Mohammed, P., & Watson, E. (2019). Towards Inclusive Education in the Age of Artificial
Intelligence: Perspectives, Challenges, and Opportunities. En Perspectives on rethinking and
reforming education (Internet) (pp. 17-37).

Base de datos: Google Scholar

Palabras clave: youth, artificial intelligence, perspectives

Estrategia de búsqueda: youth AND "artificial intelligence" AND perspectives

Artículo 5:

Cita: Mohammed, P., & Watson, E. (2019). Towards Inclusive Education in the Age of Artificial
Intelligence: Perspectives, Challenges, and Opportunities. En Perspectives on rethinking and
reforming education (Internet) (pp. 17-37).

Base de datos: ACM Digital Library

Palabras clave: responsible AI use, young people, case study

Estrategia de búsqueda: "responsible AI use" AND "young people" AND "case study"

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