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Developing Leadership and Management

Module Code: 6HR510

Module Handbook 2019/20

Module Leader:
Dr. Sarah Digby
01332 593055

External Examiner:
Paula Jenkins - Chichester
Sensitivity: Internal

Handbook Contents
Tutor Access
Module Specifications
Module Teaching and Learning Methods
Module Assessment and submission
Marking and Feedback
Reading List
Quality Assurance
Student support and feedback
Links to additional information

Scheme of Work (Weekly content)
Marking Rubric – available via BlackBoard
Undergraduate Marking Descriptors
Sensitivity: Internal


Dear Student,

Wishing you a warm welcome to the Developing Leadership and Management


This module is about the concepts of Leadership and Management. It explores the
similarities and differences in the roles and responsibilities of leaders and managers
in the workplace and the development of leadership theoretical approaches as well
as the practical application of these within organisations. Students will analyse the
skills and competencies of effective organisational leaders and examine alternative
methods of leadership development to enhance these.

In this module we’ll cover a wide range of leadership and management concepts and
ideas. There is no way in twelve weeks that we can cover enough but we can make
a start. So please come to these sessions with an open mind, be prepared to
challenge conventional thinking and ready to enjoy a journey that thousands have
travelled before.

Dr. Sarah Digby

Module Leader
Sensitivity: Internal


Maria Tereza Leal


Cynthia Da Silvia Laureano


Miriam Diez
Sensitivity: Internal

Module Specification

Module Title Date of Approval May-17

Developing Leadership and Management
Module Code 6HR510 Module Level 6 Credit value 20

Module Delivery Online/Distance Blended/Face to Face ✘

Work-Based Learning

This module is about the concepts of Leadership and Management. It

Module explores the similarities and differences in the roles and responsibilities of
Description leaders and managers in the workplace and the development of leadership
theoretical approaches as well as the practical application of these within
organisations. Students will analyse the skills and competencies of effective
organisational leaders and examine alternative methods of leadership
development to enhance these.

On successful completion of this module students will be able to:

Module Learning
Outcomes 1. Critically evaluate the definition, roles and responsibilities of Leadership
and Management in modern contexts
2. Assess alternative theoretical approaches to leadership and management
and their relevance within contemporary organisations.
3. Discuss different methods of leadership and management development
and how to implement and evaluate interventions effectively

 Definitions of Leadership and Management*

Module Content  Similarities and Differences between Leadership and Management*
 The balance between Leadership and Management in a contemporary
 Contemporary requirements of Management and Leadership
 Key theoretical approaches through time and critical evaluation of these
 Leadership and vison*
 Practical skills required for Management and Leadership in contemporary
 Modern considerations for ethical and cultural issues*
 Approaches to Management and Leadership development
 Design, implementation and evaluation of effective development

 This module is mapped against CMI module 5012, Being a Leader and
5013, and Leadership practice. The starred (*) elements are key to this.

 This module has been mapped against the CIPD module 5LMS,
Developing Leadership and Management Skills.

Module Learning Scheduled Learning and Teaching Activities 25%

and Teaching

Guided Independent Study 75%

Placement Learning 0%
Sensitivity: Internal

Module Component 1: COURSEWORK

Assessment Assignment Weighting 100%

Students are required to write and submit a 3,500 word report demonstrating
their understanding of contemporary leadership and management. Refer to
the Assignment Instructions for detailed information on the assessment
Reading List Core Text
Yukl, G.E. (2012) Leadership in OrganizationS: Global Edition, 8th Edition.
Harlow, Pearson Education Ltd.

Additional Recommended Reading Sources

Carmichael, J., Collins, C., Emsell, P., Haydon, J (2011) Leadership and
Management Development. Oxford, Oxford University Press.

CIPD (2011) UK highlights: global leadership forecast 2011. London, CIPD.

Daft, R.L. (2014) The Leadership Experience. Stamford, Cengage Learning.

Gill, R. (2011) Theory and Practice of Leadership, 2nd Edition. London, Sage.

Gold, J., Thorpe, R., Mumford, A. (2010) Leadership and Management

Development. London, CIPD.

Northouse (2015) Leadership: Theory and Practice, 7th Edition. London,


Schedlitzki, D., Edwards, G. (2014) Studying Leadership: Traditional and

Critical Approaches. London, Sage.

Western S (2013) Leadership a critical text, 2nd Edition. London, Sage.
Sensitivity: Internal

Module Learning and Teaching Methods

The module will use a mixture of traditional lecture style input, seminars guest
contributions, practical activities and peer discussion and self-directed learning to
develop an underpinning knowledge of current leadership and management theory
and research. The key focus of the learning and teaching strategy will then be
exploring the application of this theory in practice by offering you an opportunity to
take part in and observe a number of practical leadership-based activities. This will
also provide you with an opportunity to reflect on the development of your own
leadership behaviours, qualities and skills. If you are Part-time students, you will be
taught via a blended learning approach with a minimum of 24 hours face to face
delivery over the semester.

Activity Type Hours Category

Lectures 12 1
Seminars and Tutorials 36 1

Independent Study 152 2

Total Learning Hours in Each Category

a. Category 1: 12 + 24 + 12 + 48 (24%) b. Category 2: 152 hours (76%)

Notes on teaching sessions

BYOD Bring Your Own Device

Whilst much material is supplied for you in this module, the means of supply is
electronic through Blackboard and through internet links.

Therefore, you are strongly encouraged to bring your own devices with you to
workshops and tutorials – this means:

 Ideally bring in a laptop

 Failing this then a large tablet or an iPhone or equivalent.
 Failing either of these you are expected to print off material ready for

You will be expected to access materials provided for you and to research materials
in class.
Sensitivity: Internal

Module Assessment
There is one assignment for this module.

This will be launched in week 4.

Assignment Weighting 100%

Formative Assessment

Formative assessment will take place in workshops throughout the module where
you will be required to respond, formally, to various tasks set for you and receive
feedback from your tutor.

Submissions in Turnitin and Blackboard

Assignment Query

If you have a question specific to the assignment, please contact your tutor for

Technical Issue approaching the deadline time

If you experience a technical issue when uploading to Course Resources or Turnitin

and you feel you are likely to be late submitting the work as a result, please inform
your Academic Counselor.

In your communication, you must include all of the following:

 Student ID
 Programme name, Module Code and Title
 Name of the submission point you are submitting to (Turnitin, Blackboard,
 Module tutor name
 Copy of your submission
 Screenshot/Details of the error message – this MUST be included to support your
claim that a technical issue has prevented you from submitting to the deadline.

This will help to identify your issue.
Sensitivity: Internal


Please note that copying, collusion, cutting and pasting, buying assignments which
are written by others are all forms of cheating and, as such, are not permitted under
University regulations. Students who commit acts of plagiarism deliberate or
unintentionally are attempting to achieve their degree by deception. Any form of
plagiarism in this module will not be tolerated. Turnitin will be used to detect
plagiarism where possible.

Feedback, grades and return of work

Tutors will aim to return grades and feedback within 3 weeks of submission. This
may take longer at the end of the academic year when grades need to be released
through the examinations board and sent to external examiners for approval.
Feedback as well as a grade is provided with the return of assignments. You should
carefully read this. If you have further questions you should contact the marking tutor
Assignment feedback on this module will be returned via the digital marking system.
The module tutor will notify you by email when feedback is available.

Understanding feedback
It is important to recognise that you will receive feedback in a number of ways during
the module. Whilst it is most apparent when your work is marked and returned to
you, you may also receive feedback in one or more of the following ways:

 Through in class discussions about assignments

 Through one to one tutorials

 Through email correspondence with your tutor

In all instances, it is important that you pay close attention to what you are being told
and look for any patterns that might be emerging in relation to your strengths and

A referral is an opportunity to make good an element of the module that you've
failed. This may be a piece of coursework, an exam or both. If you have been given
a referral, the details of the task set will be posted on UDO.
You must register to accept a referral (see paragraph below). Only one referral
opportunity is offered per element. If passed your grade for that element will be
capped to 40%. If you fail the referral opportunity you will need to retake the module
in its entirety and this will be capped to 40%.
Sensitivity: Internal

How to accept a referral: Referrals are offered in a drop-down box next to your
mark in your student centre on UDO and a box will appear which will ask you to
accept or reject. You may have been offered referrals in more than one element. To
accept or reject please select from the drop-down box.
Please note that if you do not submit a component of coursework you will receive an
NS grade. Under normal circumstances you will not be offered a referral where an
NS grade has been recorded for the coursework component. Please refer to UoD
Student Regulations in this regard.
Sensitivity: Internal

University of Derby
Fit to Submit: Assignment Checklist
Please Copy and Paste this page into your Assignment at the beginning.

find details on word counts for coursework; the assessment criteria your work is
marked against, and the learning outcomes – the basis for the assessment
strategy in each module.

Students often lose marks by forgetting some of the more straightforward elements of
their assignments. We recommend that you “tick off” each of the points below as you
prepare your work for submission. If you need any help, ask your tutor or visit

Click on the Square Box to confirm each item below

Have you kept to the word count? You will lose marks if you do not. 10% under or over the
word count is usually OK. If you are not sure, check with your tutor.

Have you read and understood the assessment criteria?

Have you met the learning outcomes? You will lose marks and your work may even be
failed if you have not.

Have you demonstrated that you can write critically? Show you have supported your
arguments using academic literature; you have presented ideas and information which
challenges thinking, and you have offered discussion points which extends your own or others’

Have you maintained an academic tone throughout your work? Have you tried to avoid
using the same words over and over again?

Have you checked that the referencing/bibliography in your assignment is in line with your
course requirements?

Have you proof-read your work and used spellcheck software to check your spelling and
grammar? Have you made sure your font size, colour, style, line spacing and margins are
appropriate to the work as specified by your tutor?

Can you confirm that the work submitted is your own and not plagiarised?

Return to Contents
Sensitivity: Internal

Reading List

An Important Note on Reading

You should support your learning with extensive reading – you cannot
hope to achieve high grades in this module without a good
understanding of the subject matter gained from reading textbooks and
journal articles.
A number of key journal articles are supplied for you on Blackboard –
please ensure you read them in accordance with the schedule set out in

Recommended Reading

Core Text

Yukl, G.E. (2012) Leadership in Organizations: Global Edition, 8th Edition. Harlow,
Pearson Education Ltd.

Additional Recommended Reading Sources

Carmichael, J., Collins, C., Emsell, P., Haydon, J (2011) Leadership and
Management Development. Oxford, Oxford University Press.

CIPD (2011) UK highlights: global leadership forecast 2011. London, CIPD.

Daft, R.L. (2014) The Leadership Experience. Stamford, Cengage Learning.

Gill, R. (2011) Theory and Practice of Leadership, 2nd Edition. London, Sage.

Gold, J., Thorpe, R., Mumford, A. (2010) Leadership and Management

Development. London, CIPD.

Northouse (2015) Leadership: Theory and Practice, 7th Edition. London, Sage.

Schedlitzki, D., Edwards, G. (2014) Studying Leadership: Traditional and Critical

Approaches. London, Sage.

Western S (2013) Leadership a critical text, 2nd Edition. London, Sage.
Sensitivity: Internal

Other Useful texts

Parry, K. and Jackson, B. (2011) A very short, fairly interesting and reasonably
cheap book about studying leadership. 2nd edn. London: Sage.

Whetten, D.A. and Cameron, K.S. (2011). Developing Management Skills. 8th edn.
New Jersey: Pearson Education.

Journal Articles:
Academy of Management Journal
Administrative Science Quarterly
British Journal of Management
Harvard Business Review
Journal of Management Studies
Journal of Management Academy
Management Review
Leadership Quarterly

Chartered institute of Personnel and Development
Chartered Management Institute
Institute of Leadership and Management


It is imperative that you correctly cite and reference your sources both within your
work and in the reference list at the end. If you are in any doubt about referencing
procedures, please refer to ‘Cite Them Right’:

Pears, R. and Shields, G. (2016) Cite them right : The essential referencing guide.
(10th edn). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan

Please Note – this book has been adopted by the Business School as the Harvard
Referencing definitive guide. This is available free online through the library at:

I would, however recommend you to buy hard copy from the bookshop in the Atrium
– VERY good value for money – will last the whole of your University life.
Sensitivity: Internal

Quality Assurance

It is our intent to provide the highest quality possible to you within this module.

Your feedback is sought formally via and ‘end of module’ feedback form and you are
encouraged to engage with the NSS annual Student Survey.

Assignments will be subject to the following:

1. Anonymous marking
2. A sample moderated by an internal moderator (a tutor external to the marking
3. A Sample moderated by the External Examiner
4. Discussed and approved (or otherwise) by an Examination Board.


A process of checking marks to see if given fairly and appropriately and marking
range is fair and appropriate

The process of moderation is as follows:

 Scripts are randomly allocated to tutors on the module for marking

 A square root sample (e.g. if a tutor mark 25 scripts, 5 scripts [5x5=25] are
selected from each tutor) is selected at random by one of the other tutors to
moderate (usually across the grade range)
 Internal moderator selects a square root sample (in the case of this module
the internal moderator selects their own scripts to moderate across the range
of grades) to moderate. In a cohort of 100 students 10 scripts will be selected.

The External Examiner for this Module is:

Paula Jenkins, University of Chichester

This information is provided to you for information purposes only – it is not

appropriate for students to contact any external examiner without being asked
to do so directly by a member of the university.
Sensitivity: Internal

Student Support and Feedback

As you may be aware, you have access to student representatives who represent
your interests in course committee which meet regularly to review programmes and
modules. This module is no exception to this so if you have any feedback both good
and bad then it is open to you to give feedback via this route.

The module team are very keen that you have a valuable experience on this module
and strive to deliver the content in a way that is informative and enjoyable. Please
feedback us in the first instance and we can take any early intervention.

You also have access to your Year Leader and your Personal Tutor as well as
Student Well-being, the Students Union or Student support.

The Link for Student Support online is:

Links to Additional information

All appropriate Academic regulations (including assessment regulations and

undergraduate frameworks) can be found through the University Website the link for
which is as follows:

Specific Programme information can be found from the appropriate section on

Blackboard – failing this please speak directly to your Module Tutor, Personal Tutor,
Year Leader or your Programme Leader.

For study skills advice please see your Module Tutor, Personal Tutor, Year Leader
or your Programme Leader. You can also access support directly from the library –
please ask at the reception of the Library.

For Careers advice, please use the following link:
Sensitivity: Internal

6HR510 Developing Leadership and Management Scheme of Work 2019-2020

Week Lecture Outline Seminar Outline
1 What is Leadership?
 Defining and distinguishing
leadership and management and
evaluation of the similarities and
Early perceptions of differences between leadership and
leadership: management
 Critical perspectives on early theories
 Great Man of leadership
 born, or made; trait
 Situation and
contingency theory

2 Seasoned Styles (Marques,

2015) of Leadership and  Critical comparison of contemporary
Management: theories of leadership and
 Transformational and management
transactional  Identifying and analysing leadership
 Servant leadership styles

3 Recent Styles of Leadership

(Marques, 2015):  Relationship between leaders and
followers (Kelley and Kellermann),
 Importance of emotional including: Follower choice, attracting
intelligence in leadership and retaining followers and exploring
 Authentic notions of leader and follower power
 Empathetic
 Resonant
 Awakened and agile

4 Assignment Launch  Approaches to case study analysis

 Critical writing using an appropriate
professional and academic tone
 Consolidation of learner so far and
how this relates to task 1 of the

5 Exploration and evaluation of

the role of the modern leader: Leadership conundrums, case study
 Creating vison  Series of leadership case studies to
 Shaping culture highlight the different roles of a leader
 Driving change  Linking of the modern leadership
 Empowering high conundrums to the definitions of
performance teams leadership and management and
 Embodying ethics contemporary theory of leadership
 And? styles
Sensitivity: Internal

6 Evaluation of Leaders of At this point the students should develop and

today: understanding of the first two learning
Guest Speaker outcome of the module:

1. Critically evaluate the definition,

roles and responsibilities of
Leadership and Management in
modern contexts
2. Assess alternative theoretical
approaches to leadership and
management and their relevance
within contemporary organisations

Seminar will consolidate learning to date,

aligned with the assignment tasks 1 and 2
and consider the implications beyond the
assessment for contemporary workplaces.

Time will be dedicated to developing a

structure for the first part of the assignment
and reviewing proposed structures.

7 Practical skills required for Focus of the module will now turn towards
Leadership and Management in learning outcome 3:
contemporary settings:
3. Discuss different methods of
 Distinguishing between leadership and management
competency and skill development and how to implement
 Exploration of and evaluate interventions
contemporary skills and effectively
competencies for
effective leadership  Critical evaluation of the skills and
competencies which make a ‘modern’
leader and manager

8 Approaches to Leadership and

Management development (1)  Practical activity session to evaluate
leadership and management
development tools and methods

9 Approaches to Leadership and  Practical activity session to evaluate

Management development (2) methods of measuring development
interventions and methods
Guest Speaker
 Assignment / Writing workshop and
support. Time will be dedicated to
developing a structure for the latter
part of the assignment and reviewing
proposed structures / ideas for the
first part
10 Unlocking your leadership
potential (1):  Understanding and evaluating your
 Revisit Goleman: own leadership qualities – practical
understanding self and
Sensitivity: Internal

others activities to find the leader within you!

 Learning through
experience – the path to
successful leadership
 The importance of
reflective practice – Kolb
and Gibbs
 Module Evaluation

11 Unlocking your leadership

potential (2):
 Your professional and  Activities to further develop individual
personal development leadership qualities potential
plan  Developing ‘Strategy you!’
 Your personal  Resilience building exercise
leadership brand/s
 Strategy you

12 Online assignment support

Assignment Support Tutorials
 Opportunity to dial in to
a real time online
collaboration to assist
with assignment
questions and queries

Assignment Submission

23.59 8th May via Turnitin

*please note that the planned schedule may be subject to change and/or substitution
as the Module Leader see fit. The above scheme serves as an illustration of
planned activities for the module.
Sensitivity: Internal

Undergraduate Mark Descriptors

% mark Mark Descriptors

70-100% Excellent
Outstanding; high to very high standard; a high level of critical analysis and

evaluation, incisive original thinking; commendable originality; exceptionally well
researched; high quality presentation; exceptional clarity of ideas; excellent
coherence and logic. Trivial or very minor errors.

60-69% Very good

Second Div
A very good standard; a very good level of critical analysis and evaluation;
significant originality; well researched; a very good standard of presentation;

pleasing clarity of ideas; thoughtful and effective presentation; very good sense of
coherence and logic; minor errors only.


Second Div
A good standard; a fairly good level of critical analysis and evaluation; some
evidence of original thinking or originality; quite well researched; a good standard

of presentation; ideas generally clear and coherent, some evidence of
misunderstandings; some deficiencies in presentation.

A sound standard of work; a fair level of critical analysis and evaluation; little
evidence of original thinking or originality; adequately researched; a sound

standard of presentation; ideas fairly clear and coherent, some significant
misunderstandings and errors; some weakness in style or presentation but
satisfactory overall.

35-39% Unsatisfactory

Marginal Fail
Overall marginally unsatisfactory; some sound aspects but some of the following
weaknesses are evident; inadequate critical analysis and evaluation; little
evidence of originality; not well researched; standard of presentation
unacceptable; ideas unclear and incoherent; some significant errors and
misunderstandings. Marginal fail.
21-34% Poor
Below the pass standard; a poor critical analysis and evaluation; virtually no
evidence of originality; poorly researched; presentation unacceptable and not up
to graduate standard; ideas confused and incoherent, some serious
misunderstandings and errors. A clear fail, short of pass standard.

1-20% Very poor

Well below the pass standard, with many serious errors. Standard of presentation
totally unacceptable. Incoherent and may be severely under-length. No evidence

of evaluation or application. A very clear fail, well short of the pass standard.

NS Non-submission
No work has been submitted.
Z Academic offence notation
Applies to proven instances of academic offence.
Sensitivity: Internal

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