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EDEE 406 Practicum Observation

Candidate: Dominique Ho
Lesson Plan #2: “”
Royal Elementary School, Grade 4
October 25, 2022


Very nice, friendly teaching style. I like the way that you activated prior knowledge using the
sticky notes. Excellent way to share the post-it notes, as well as use of “I can” statements.

When reminding them of the konohiki, have them repeat the definition.

Why did ancient Hawaiians barter? They did not have/use money to pay for things. Therefore
surplus products were bartered for what was needed. More emphasis on this fact up front
would have been good to do, so as not to lose sight of actual reason to barter.

Children asked good questions. Mineral; role of the konohiki

Is sugar cane indigenous to Hawaii or was it introduced after first contact?

Bartering activity went well.

Excellent to have them reflect on the activity. Timed reflection was a good idea. Love the
electronic white board!

Bartering quiz was very comprehensive.

Excellent to ask them how they felt about the activity.

Using bartering at Halloween---super way to extend and reinforce the concept using a topic
that is relevant to the students’ lives. Always relate conceptual knowledge to students’ personal
lives whenever possible. In this way you help them to retain information more readily because
they’ve made connections.


Overall, a nicely planned and executed lesson. You mentor teacher, Mrs. Lopez, and I were both
equally impressed by your lesson plan delivery and management of the students. I hope my
suggestions above are helpful, as you continue your journey into the profession. ~Dr. Heller

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