Lec 3 Major Applied Areas of Microbiology

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Brief Description Of Major Applied Areas

Of Microbiology
Major Applied Areas Of Microbiology

Microbiologists may have a Microbiologists may be interested

more applied focus: in various characteristics or
Medical microbiology, activities of microorganisms:
including immunology Microbial morphology
Food and Dairy microbiology Microbial cytology
Public Health microbiology Microbial physiology
(Epidemiology) Microbial ecology
Industrial microbiology Microbial genetics and
Agricultural microbiology molecular biology

Microbial taxonomy
Applied Microbiology
Taxonomy classification gives focus to the organism and its general
characteristics that we already studied in our previous lecture, applied
microbiology is focused on how various organisms can be used (applied) in
given processes or the impact they can have in different industries.
Some of the most important branches of microbiology based on application
Food microbiology

Research studies focus on a variety of microorganisms that contaminate/damage food

and those that can be used for food processing/modification among others. As such,
microbiology gives special attention to such microorganisms as molds, yeasts, and
bacteria among others that either benefit or have negative effects on the quality of food
material with public health concern in mind.
Food microbiology is connected to several other fields (immunology and molecular
biology etc) and entails such aspects as food processing and preservation, food
ingredients, production and fermentation among others.
Medical Microbiology

This is the branch of microbiology that is concerned with the diagnosis,

prevention and treatment of diseases caused by different types of organisms
(infection agents). This sub-discipline is therefore related to a number of
other fields including virology, bacteriology, immunology, and germicrobiology.
Industrial microbiology

This branch of microbiology is concerned with the use of given

microorganisms for industrial production. Here, research studies are directed
towards the use of these organisms to increase and maximize yields in
industries like fuel, pharmaceutical, and chemicals among others. Here, the
use of microorganisms makes it possible to mass produce for a big market.
Agricultural microbiology

Agricultural microbiology is concerned with microbes associated with plants

and animal diseases and production. As such, it is not only concerned with the
medical significance of these organisms, but also their economic importance
for farmers and the industry as a whole. In the process, agricultural
microbiology is aimed to solve issues identified in agricultural practices while
helping increase yields for farmers.
Some of the other branches of microbiology based on application include:
Soil microbiology - This is the branch of microbiology that deals with the study
of soil microorganisms and how they impact soil properties

Pharmaceutical microbiology - Concerned with the use of microorganisms for

inhibiting contamination as well as the development of pharmaceuticals

Veterinary microbiology - Focus on microbes that causediseases

Microbial biotechnology - Area of microbiology and biotechnology aimed at
using microbes for beneficial purposes: It is aimed at enhancing microbial
application in the day today life. A good example of this is the research study
currently being conducted (at the time of writing) to use given bacteria to
replace the traditional sewage systems by the Gates Foundation.
Microbiology is also classified into puresciences.

Some of the most common categories include:

Microbial cytology - deals with the structure and function of the
Microbial physiology - is the branch of microbiology that deals
with the different parts and normal functions of the organisms
(functioning of the different parts of the organism)
Microbial ecology - branch that deals with the
surroundings/habitat of the organism. This makes it possible to
understand how the organism interacts and affects its

Microbial genetics - is concerned with the genetic makeup of the

organism. It is used to identify the different strains and phenotypes
of an organism and classify the organisms as such
Microbial Enzyme (Enzymology)

Enzyme Produced Microorganisms used

Waste Water Microbiology
Biological treatment of waste water involves the use of different microorganisms.
These microorganisms are present throughout the process.

These could be : bacteria , viruses and protozoa

These organisms are present in the treatment vats ,grows and moves with sewage

They metabolize the biodegradable organics , conver t them in the carbon

dioxide, water and energy for their growth and reproduction.

The biological treatment systems must provide these microorganisms with

enough oxygen, comfortable home, suitable temperatures and adequate contac with
the organic materials.
Maintain balance of environment (microbial ecology)
Basis of food chain
 nitrogen fixation
 photosynthesis
digestion synthesis of vitamins
 manufacture of foods and drink
Genetic engineering
Synthesis of chemical products
Recycling sewage
 Bioremediation : use microbes to remove toxins (oil
Use of microbes to control pests
Normal microbiota

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