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1 (a) State whether the statements are true or false.

i. Void contracts and voidable contracts are one and the same thing.
ii. A stranger to a consideration cannot sue.
iii. Indirect loss can only be claim by the aggrieved party if it is in the
contemplation. (9)

(b) Mistakes results in contract to be void, voidable as well as valid. Elucidate.


(a) State whether the statements are true or false.

i. A minor can ratify contracts.

ii. Fraud and misrepresentation are the same thing.
iii. The parties are free to make their own bargains. (9)

(b) Harsh promised to pay Rs. 10000 per month to his wife Sunita for her
medical treatment. Is the contract valid? Does writing and registration
in any way affect the validity of the contract. Explain. (6)

2 (a) All insurance contracts are wagering contracts. Discuss. (5)

(b) Define certain relations resembling those created by contracts and
discuss any two of them in details. (5)
(c) In case the bailee does not receive the payment under the contract.
Which right is available to him? Discuss this right in detail. Discussing the
kinds as well as bringing out the differences if any. (5)

(a) Impossibility of performance is not an excuse for performance of a

contract. Explain. (5)

1. (a) State whether the statements are true or false. Explain.

i. Collateral transactions to an illegal agreements do not

become void.
ii. Agreement in restrain of legal proceeding is valid.
iii. Contingent contracts are void. (9)

(b) What is the difference between mistake of fact and mistake of law?
Give examples. (6)
(a) State whether the statements are true or false. Explain.

i. Quasi contracts are illegal contracts.

ii. Wagering agreements are void ab initio.
iii. Consent is free when it is not caused by coercion and undue
influence. (9)

(b) Explain In detail the position of minor in contract. (6)

2. (a) Differentiate between fraud and misrepresentation.

(b) P applied for the post of principal in a school. He was selected by the
managing committee but no formal communication was sent to him
after sometime committee met and cancel the appointment of p as the
principle. He came to know through someone. He filed a suit against the
managing committee. Was he entitled to file a suit against the managing

(c) At the risk of his life, A saved B from a serious car accident. B
promises to pay rupees 10000 to C (son of A). B does not pay. can C
recover 10000 from B? (9)

1. (a) State whether the statements are true or false. Explain.

i. All illegal agreement are void but all void agreements are not
necessarily illegal.
ii. Mistake as to law of the land is not excusable.
iii. Silence cannot be prescribed as a mode of acceptance. (9)
(b) An agreement without consideration is void. Comment. (6)

(a) State with reasons in brief with whether the following statements
are true or false:
i. Fraud is wilful misrepresentation of facts.
ii. A voidable contracts can be enforced by a stranger.
iii. Quasi contracts are based on the principle of unjust
enrichment. (9)

(b) Agreements in restrain of trade are void. Critically examine the

statement giving suitable examples. (6)

2. (a)
i. Explain three essentials of a contract of bailment.
ii. Ratification has a retrospective effect.
iii. S, a minor fraudulently represented to L that he was of
full age and obtained a loan of 150000. Subsequently
he refused to pay it. Is L entitled to take any action
against S for the money lent. Advise L as to his rights.

(c) discuss in brief the various types of remedies available to an

aggrieved party in case of breach of a contract.
2021 march

1. Discuss the law relating to communication of offer, acceptance and

revocation under Section 4 and Section 5 of the Indian Contract Act.

Consideration may move or flow from the promisee or any other

person. Elucidate. A buys from Y a painting which both believe to be
the work of an old master and for which A pays a high price. The
painting turns out to be only a modern copy. Discuss the validity of
the contract? Will the answer be different if Y knows that the
painting is a modern copy of the master copy and presents it as the
work of an old master. Discuss.

2. “Can an agent delegate his powers?” In light of this statement bring

out the difference between Sub-agent and Substituted agent.

A has lost his share certificate of DCM Ltd. He applies to the

company for a duplicate. What will the company ask him to furnish? Does it
give rise to a contract and who are the parties? Why is it asked? Define it giving
examples and explain its features.

2020 NOV-DEC

1. “Acceptance is to an offer what a lighted match is to a train of

gunpowder”. Elucidate this Statement.

Ganesh posts a letter of offer on 20th October2020. It reaches Ramesh on

25th October2020. Ramesh posts the letter of acceptance on 27th October
and it reaches Ganesh on 30th October 2020. When is communication of a)
offer and b) acceptance complete? State the provisions clearly.
2. “A contract caused by unilateral mistake may be valid, voidable, or
void.” Explain.

Solve the following case giving reason for your answer: A buys from Y a
painting which both believe to be the work of an old master and for which A
pays a high price. The painting turns out to be only a modern copy. Discuss the
validity of the contract?

3. Define the term “Surety”. Give an example to explain the term. Explain
the rights which are available to the Surety.

A lost his bill of lading worth 1 lakh and he applies to the carrier to issue
him a duplicate one. Will the carrier issue him one? What will he have to
furnish to get a duplicate bill of lading? Explain giving reasons.

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