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Israeli Palestinian
Tuesday September 20 20XX

Ali Mohammad & Aryan Kamran

Resolving the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has a deep
history, resulting in a complex struggle that
affects the lives and interests of millions of
people around the world. In his mind, conflict
embodies the struggle between dictatorship,
personal conflict, and the desire for peace. By
exploring the problem's historical roots,
current problems, and hopes for a solution,
we can gain a deeper understanding of this
multifaceted problem and the path to peace.

Israile And Palastine

Ali Mohammad, 1

History of the conflict

Israeli & Palestine
The start of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict can be
traced back to the 19th and early 20th centuries,
which marked the rise of Zionism and Arab
society. movement. The 1917 Balfour
Declaration laid the foundation for the
establishment of the state of Israel by expressing
support for the establishment of a "national home The 1990 Oslo Accords aimed to establish a
for the Jews" in Palestine. These statements, Palestinian Authority and outlined a process
along with the rush of Jews into Palestine, led to to reach a final peace agreement. However,
tensions with the Arab population, leading to the failure to resolve important issues such as
conflict and conflict. the status of Jerusalem, the right of return of
Palestinian refugees, and the borders of the
CONFLICT The 1948 Arab-Israeli War, also known as the future Palestinian state leads to ongoing and
War of Independence, led to the establishment of sometimes violent incidents. The historical
the State of Israel and the evacuation of hundreds legacy of the conflict continues to influence
of thousands of Palestinians, displacing many fat today's challenges and highlights the
people. Subsequent wars, including the 1967 Six- difficulty of finding solutions.
Day War and the 1973 Yom Kippur War, led to
further escalation of violence and expanded the
conflict, especially in East Jerusalem, the West
Bank, and the Gaza Strip. These historical events
gave rise to deep grievances and competing
claims to land, leading to violence and insecurity.
Aryan Kamran, 1

Current problems and their consequences

Today, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is
characterized by many challenges that
affect the warehouse dedicated to peace The humanitarian situation in Palestine in the Gaza
and stability in the region. The expansion Strip has worsened due to the blockade and
of Israeli settlements in the West Bank renewed fighting, making life miserable for
has been a source of controversy, as the residents. Without access to basic amenities such as
international community views it as a clean water, electricity and adequate healthcare, the
violation of international law and a major people of Gaza are trapped in a low-income
interference in the establishment of a environment, leading to further hardships for peace
unified Palestinian state. The construction and harmony. Ongoing administrative problems,
of the separation wall, which Israel sees divisions in the Palestinian leadership and lack of
as a security measure, has increased collective bargaining also add to the complexity of
divisions and further complicated the the current situation.
territorial dispute.

Jerusalem, considered a holy city by both

Israelis and Palestinians, is still the focus
of conflicts. The controversial US
decision to recognize Jerusalem as
Israel's capital in 2017 sparked
widespread protests and condemnation
from Palestinian leaders, reflecting a
deep-seated desire to contain events in
the city. The Palestinian people's desire
for a state, including Israel's concerns and
security, creates a balance that has not yet
been positively addressed in the pursuit
of a peace agreement.

Ali Mohammad, 2

Land Conflicts: The Complexity of Borders a

At the heart of the Israeli-Palestinian

conflict are interrelated territorial
borders and disputes, and the
expansion of Israeli settlements in
the West Bank and East Jerusalem.
Ongoing debates over land rights,
security issues, and the possibility of
a two-state solution highlight the
complexity of this struggle. A
complex network of checkpoints,
barriers and systems continues to
impact the daily experiences of
Israelis and Palestinians, causing
Aryan Kamran, 2 physical and mental challenges.

Peace and hope for the future:

The effort to control key religious
Amongst the difficulties of the Israeli- Of course, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a deep sites such as Al-Aqsa Mosque and
Palestinian conflict, hope for peace and and complex issue that involves many historical, the West Bank adds another layer of
quiet paths to a common solution. hope. current issues and aspirations for peace, security complexity, including the religious
International efforts, including the and freedom. By delving into its historical roots, and territorial boundaries of the
participation of the United Nations, the dealing with today's challenges, and discovering conflict. The conflict over Jerusalem,
European Union and regional the hope for peace, we can gain a deeper which is considered a holy city by
authorities, aim to promote dialogue and understanding of this struggle and approach to both Jews and Muslims, shows the
dialogue between the two parties. problem-solving. It is possible to teach the future depth of the struggle between the
Support for a two-state solution with a of unity, mutual knowledge and peace in the administration and the holy places.
border agreement has received region through political, social and community When we draw attention to the
widespread support as a basis for efforts. network of different conflict areas, it
resolving the core problems of the is clear that territorial acquisition and
conflict and achieving peace. recognition are still the main drivers
of conflict.

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