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NAME: Ashley B.

I. Application/Activity
a. Name at least three (3) of your habits that you think lead you to becoming a virtuous
person. Why?
1. Experimenting. Short Explanation: I like experimenting so
that it can boost my knowledge on the things
that I want to learn and if I can make it
2. Exploring things. Short Explanation: I like exploring things just
like experimenting so that I can gather a lot
of information and knowledge.
3. Working Out. Short Explanation: I like working out so that I
can achieve my dream physique and also to
boost my confidence and help my mental
health to be properly balance.

b. What person I ought to be?

a. Do you think Jenna is a morally good person? Justify your answer.
* Yes, Jenna's actions demonstrate a strong moral compass. Despite facing significant financial
challenges and pressure from neighbors, she chose to prioritize the sanctity of life by continuing
her pregnancy. Her decision to give her twins up for adoption reflects selflessness and a
commitment to ensuring the well-being of her children, even if it meant making a difficult
choice. Jenna's resilience, love for her children, and willingness to seek a better life for them
through adoption highlight her moral character and dedication to doing what she believes is
b. If you were in her situation, what you have done?
* Well if I was in jenna’s situation I’d rather give my children on adoption center, because in
jenna’s situation they are financially unstable and her family needs a lot of money so that I also
like to give my children to adoption center so that my children can have a better life, because I
don’t want my children to suffer from being poor, but I will find them once we’re back being
normal in financial.
c. Do you agree with Jenna?
* Yes, because Jenna's decision to continue with her pregnancy despite financial difficulties and
pressure from neighbors reflects her deeply-held beliefs and values. It's important to recognize
that each individual's perspective on matters like abortion and parenthood is shaped by their
personal experiences, beliefs, and cultural background. While some may agree with Jenna's
decision to prioritize the sanctity of life and carry the twins to term, others may believe that
practical considerations such as financial stability should have been prioritized.

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