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3heg hanuha O BL- AMeyn minI-

mBal07 (o1y h d KUwAL 's KABA BIS TAN

Stion - A

Topic-A "So propnutorshp

what What on th aedvemlugs os u os th nuyotis

a sal propritesshib l sol thadis businus

simplusf buashs

1 Eo8y t Jam I t io not nass to i l a

Porpers wwthdrd omd s tut 90UAnmuns te
o phopaiutosh
te a

coperal (en and

2. s Porpesneh ajikul UnA

inceperdie hu ha ts oi
anti b s nud.
p e uhon 7h ta
t Vel nd net
opeationd t bunus o p
t t pblic discledel

3 w n has CempiR O The ummu cooniAo

b a s t n a s dos ond hu da
wwryAhung The
nt havt
th beasd
dinnutors todhalUa. tm n u oLs al
ame mels alU thi cleiayed,
.. AU J n a yas to thi oun Sa prepsilou Kup al
t hoto The businy ta themslas
hawza Dho
do th n n rth m0p(o?(ory
Thy net haw
to shw
o n shwukolds n invs foy o Thy
ith t busins snturosuh os o

5. To lbns n Simpa l t nnem ththe


i toud on
tn T

Cep torl cs sporati ntity

In pnu th n y To m nieJes is sehedy
u is l) anth IRs elgry aTh Thi u w n u g

tA cesy t
6. Esy Dsoluton is
e propriUshf. Thue n

perutions af
picd4snn th
to md
necd to gs a lonhy
ongs thauk v m a l anpis Zrotvon
taks is to l Th oli ema
bindi ngit. A l t p
omed close all cirsm. euned t
obiqati ons

to aheutis t t h ciss u t i e y
noliy th
Th beyi ns o

V o , u will losk at domu t h iscoantgas

balu potpaiakorekrp.

1 nimtel lisik ty o th a l pobriatos T

PAppruuo hos to btor th bwrlen Jiail tiu
md lo
md ossy. Ln th nmd thot t h but nuys (Snavgo hanula
mealo Ploiy
hos inewael y
ts dab to ths onih tors Con go
losts amd is u n b te Paj
altr thu
go a th

PAshrirtor pers onal ottis

Uelan Buuenu Ceninu

Centinut o tha bustnis
The ounu That u n l
Th denlh od omy mpauimint
ndur him tnwpobl o meuking cheeiotons

Mameaa hg
Thu bunnus l u atomncoty leod to thw

Cstn emcl r to o p e z t t o n

Cap tred
thu cop tal
i Dit clty in rnding Copttal3- Most o
the Ppraor
nss is besught by
indesed in Th b
monuy. The n e l n g Coptat
tha s
e e thuis
l be imutil to thu
h peepeito
heided by
m tud viu n Bassnss Manaytmins ThA ou high
ehans y o °bjtiu, y bung tmporud
9ow O The anlz o m i malan
l b o l g dpwn te th pespulelo

Tus rannd ts.

whet o u
Th agd form al
2) >
C sul thadn busencse
ta stonta doy
Lgal o mall tes lapnAid
a os ollows
thader huneA
tioti on
Thwu i1 uh speide lagol Agd
Th n
s l prpriters hup

BtG can opply
lons undur voniss Lous to
ovoid nlot
meA 2/.
os den ag
OgcompUcatad dconoslo.
T h Aegistorations (ianse 7hal may b attrd h
tha dale prpprinto
the sheb 4 Establaanin y
a s tratio umelr
thn msmE lA,
2) is tes und
t h 6ST.
tus md
ues ntd
rodemanlK Kegsstoraten I t is Aa u in

tads ysun pBduut omd
Ca o m t to

w as uth
enses e utikcadteN AAu kedancoidi
t neT h but nu

m Impertan ulememd 1 h benk a e o m t

Th popst er
7 Tdentiicotien Uesidhcetiev is Cemmplel t h
th PON Cod ,AAhas lord in Lnella

Mecule -2 "Pentrnship

O BC) > what is th daantom Popnwahip '°

Patrership " A portnsshub a o m omd
port ( mena
y tuo mA

Te o sewrol typs porTrrrhP a o n y

(9 a anw
Jn polia la (n pesalnan s hap bustnyAs, 10
louss ahunt iLilu tus omd pPeafala daa lly.
wu n olhns poslnns hut Linnbed iobl

lp)what as the adwantugcs os ullos i d odvonoye

petass hup m o bounus

on thu
InLom Pasduushap pa n o s tobushud
utobe, 183 2 und this lorlbimand ve
fnmDd(A mvds hlum toso o wy pvard
uho p s (o opoots h busins oglhur vnd
o t i b u thu pepfls fru goln.

ordous pauonto-qls o 7h Pordruhtp dorm buaruA

i ) o s y maion n ayUmumd om be mesei ool a

Aned os am postn amd

ytlih ophn.
bods profrueba

( mo
Conlu hal mef
ohwhp, polnvs a
Md o das upuAud
bu Ond o n
con nu tiate ony chomge
i ) F b i uty Th portno
MApdd to mul h
thanh tis distd
h a n g l iuwms tns.

) Sariny u - tnawed by theAm

dis taALked amongst
o-ch pastnwrs. .
6 an
V)pmination of ulfrntshnls T meA lo9
Potiusahib Jiam hes ttu awomlagt
omd toleots a
nkeg«, i , tpermet

Vaqatiu aPotuahp 16rm d bnd c

i) T ebility *j
bustnns is unlimu-te

i E a t h Pords jendy tnuodj 'Aibba f


Panarsp'h *h deb te m id, Joih portnas

hun s hau tha Potushp dkts
as l l bung i a e o t h dubta
is iklieogAur
mony Ptns mama

t Pordnahsp
v) Eoch pardm is an m

wll pasboby ho
(v rntnv jotn oi laarf yod
his Ca
o s t s ond huis can
oll thu pothrahit
to vo

whut iu t T
B(3) In Postnuuhp low, menung e

Eln A f finm wth a putial Eomplo

() y nu
A fism man

thu JiAm
oby y pohes o en of
o1gaina thu Jam.FuPertnes i ios, jonliy
n00 the otuy p o n e a d l a lav searal9
aocds the e m dont nhile he id

Sadion 2 t Pfnushap Ac 1o 3, olfinns
Pont s
med e

Thud tt tà nol nectAey(hal

poniA dhsunld d
h Jem neln ha om home

by eny etha povns o*

buul I be lou
ocl ta m thee
cyent o th ia 7 of nui
dm t t es ifit a

allt dnns o t
Tham. E pordnan id ieblu jointly
ot d o n by oll ef bomd olso seu UY Jpr wU
dfhn potruum
all th
futmy oo uuhid is P o n

m aut te bind t uim: Setton 22od

Mo dtng act t o
to brnd tum.
brnd r m

t givs th moo o oloing dem ot

om cat on (na Auminl%
To bina inm
In orn behol4 o 1
XAudtel by a pardn o oy
tn th pims nom
Amohal! t don o to band
on ndnlien
rpiusny o hholf
t ce ov al en

partu faulo
h Am. whe a

Ahodnst he icnv.
m, 7 m
els ot Phamga
)AomiAu oy by o arlnus (sec
23) M00(o ?(o
ulknmyfl acta e pordma (e 6)
3) piacplication by Pordnus (ce )7)

a to puMhvst goad,
A.B,C P O Aml nlo am

dU cli t g00AA In specit.

n t nanmt o A omd to
cuconen (o
rlsell (ta 7h goads T
Led n

elllr o goves suu A D, C,t D th phuc

As thy ib ? itday
betuem ,B, C,4 D. Since,
Thet id
The no
no Potnushi6
t podnAslu h
Thuru i(4
no lyil t enti
h C
Coouu d 8en
7ht Th buu n nuust
Lo rtetn
acting .
b ong r h
bue A,,CFD e

T ll gosds hmaj houuu,

sinu thy hau cyud
GuUmens o th oods
thimu w beuicdy
di vid oods tspel in amemy
toqethA in th
asu ny ta pwrahas th osds

nam o A.

indivicud pontrus
Bu)->Whd o tM i l t i
ull taords th
towards larh dhen as

calldi ieik tyethe jontnruhap psm

( Bhvy Lhanla
bele itias
Licbele s lontners touenes thi fiam -

Mea/o (o4
T partnar ts baund To shwrd th losses7
th im lapual wmluss tot gigre

Fueny lotnun must indlommid t Jum cqont Ao4

AU fnd du to ily nuyigemat in th snur
corsLs buunua.

)Ao PoInur aam tionsler

hy thout tru Cesen7 Tha

mofaun P renelu thue cmd

uy pasTns mud T
a u v e u t s lating to h
The firm
ésdet Cotit

that potnas hp t
B aUhet an t Jgal options
swh l . Yelei Waighna
ABwi a chul ton as

to Auun th unpeed
Cnenush t Cas
T mini truKAupfld
bolonnu th pea
to th m
Th Portnvnshep t, tsig 32

PAaUIsu 'n 1s
id th
Worah Asts Zn cant

drbts du hem th atn

uhir u ari joint Porhs
rom amy po
a d o a o sepeat ebts oppins
hA h l ! hu
t perina prspeky o dabta
instunu i1 panen of th
t t irt
omd f
6 oy uurplus, hen th
ha Lah pa ell b pp
(10Shw DhDhan
Pcymant hud seporat ALt o pauc
M BAl7loty
to im. Th epbrots Popory of ony fana
huel bt oppiw Juut in tu
is pol Jbls, amed th nps in the
a tlabts t fiums.
. Y i Kiohna ansh ecam a a a wu thun th
y o t tim pei od per th lawd umiatJe
HCan coim Jot th ueny o his poryment fon
pnsshu p buss nes

B(6) In suh event, Jaus potnnshp law ollas a

Ortcdi tor n Yalei Haishna Cransh ta


doamo pan suah

Phocud nla ayoint e

as Ma. Vivek hwmor

4.Vlk is a odemur Pordnu
to th poanushy
T'ordnnshp husi n w s . Accoriny
Los Inlia, th lidinifion addotmanPoras

Aueh a pastnm h emorned a deinamt

hia aTkomun
Jer long tim Hun e

Pwhie hoti is na neunory t u
h T iobl y by hslding gut es hu hums

Poticahotion s Knoun to bem u tomau pAS

th mt, a ngfimust qven fa fhem n

ill bobe h holing aut tp suh prsena

who ind Mim to be a
tnl lor



apat copisth wnpung

h i daah
sfinsm th.

"mhu. vi n oy) h
Tu liosil ty ef thu mumbers
Lmutel Loblty

awunutid to uant of tha dou
h shhes huld by hum
thansjeorab-Shares oa Compeng
5 Prel
CU a puveto Cempoy
tanaond irapt in

auntnshe p 4 Managemani

N cem
maaned Thhongh a bend hioru il)
its mennbrs A manh has ho uqht fo podiajpt
In tha manoqmins a ts day to day a

hat a q a l PAscadrss( p . n i u a
t h Trrporsiie (Phemetion) Compemy?
step inwsusd in in cepetalion a
dfhan compoj is
)Maang & tht ns
t h th s c na
or iropa tn
no oth cemanyrys nth th nan

Kumal 'a Kababistun.

Phlprtion mm undiun a Assouaion

Asticl ossouction h h uill s e r
Jlubeo A th comton
3) Pantin , ainging k afanpiny uetting memoFANh



y)ndinly In ,wpgvnlnin

CahtyAienu ennmdeha'6A th Aon

Mtant ng mm Alup (n fomy' tnAh udion al
dauman l PnA Aoll
oA A land plemgh wmeinn B u l i o n

man (mnnl hi amte,had Aalas kptctivs

AAl nda fan

pe ut l ef tonufony

e , s neefrly du conpes

Didndn bhayes Inurposd1anf

uli ano Cpey ) busnem
Nnpolng a Cam pemin Tnlto nbuns

Compyin h
fhhane) prosd h
Hlpfo gentrul (oprtsl torpny hn twu
Joma ohlaining Cop1ll: Paytty, vshuich unny
haidi ng unds lhAoughh the pubue l dobt hfesmn,
t bemk loams e othn femmd of oudsf. ushun
Com poy id tn
copr. nd, it 14 Cn onsd po
Juin, ma ilshl ho Bosy la eb lain aufhusta

2 Seporae Entity compu m iAa 4Por.lo len

mAy 7 th ollnmaing
) Phomatons Ptop ho innliotod tnu admpany hkup
) Durlora- Peppla who conlhal pumy omd
ymomag businaA
) 9hot hol)ensropAa uhe oum th (ofny

) im d iahaty MmbesA a unay bunmd to po

Ar onl ef (huin. uniphlschanged kiobika i
6dy to ia Xinm tud
n os comny Jntod by Ahnes, l
th on 0uml umpatd o
Dhewyu hanua BA?/s (4

lhik purpul Aasten

Deulty to clussluin,:
cepstati ny it cam alss be disadn a

abenat o in ,

C a m negusi i qucont tme mgy t

b ceat

Compet the nucssy pAecdiunt for eliskton

C ) > Woull yeu uka

to meK jo a
c c e l e l yau k a to 4ta7 en sag an
I w s u Lik s s f r t my m csmpong

nd I ews dem busins ideas in m mind

wll. He art bon tm Aiosens uhy I
tued k te srart a cenpng of m au

Most t petd a busins qmasats arM

to th buatns eny, ha e
linvatd Ja J t h a A h oj t busins
ACompemy Com qenurate muck meu prefts
thom a
impe slany
2) pomy Cm pavicu (S muh mg
s empornd to n emplsya. h tbiggas
Abari ond
xamples u s hawsA M . Mukish
his bgat pkjeut Jie

top shw
) cempor ptwidd men psus to t
holdrs dor duiio malking e cnfosd to
a s a l l monoya uho he to r k hio hR6.
y an
(At ntm Aena
hay Cenpny

The tme umww Ayends ahe und ddton aA bsh9

Cepmy e
Sha helddma /a fecheldand
Hlo th (une humo
u( faplatn beinfy
fh cmpuny
A heae
heratetkhstAau apjsoot enamagesa
m t n
Steekhatodths lteiAto
antaJe At cempny .
nvasa ppotaMeNt ofnanagrs ei
Jalfl thuiA eluty hy
Mmegers e k taptny
mptovny shontholdins valut.
ds C(8)-> thit!
whe hos
hes to apply fom Bsten?' Jor
awenuton dosa bol mwy
nw Aadical SAmam 2s
M Shvwm
iav&ntot e p e y e e , M.
e t g nal hwwelKababrs/snLd
t&ployer conan
Puteda tt t d efom nplay
ts nethonsel
T ce

duelots new ptodtuc? quhiu uusrdiny in 7he empleyes

than ehe emplayes und fAe gb»dend,

jo Aspnstbela Shauwom Ls ts employcl
Tn o u t Cc Pt.
ts petof hut jo6 Thenthkere for
neeptoducs. Th

eunali Nobobstan

thes machent the employen

's mAhy
ho ryht o ofpy for po-tond
Onstls). Er plnin gel mabhoda by k a l

hn Vabohilum Lld. uhl ton

Cmmtseili 0mup fhu Jmrarnue yara

h pedendsd inva,stn
Lgel mulhods b whih Kunl' Kobonindo
CAm uAAy ReMOmuc qoins p o l n h ao4

) cllagt ny the campet trom to ust hs somad

hehmolopas lha bo thay unld hous a tmpeh7hu

y e oqoihs7 (hwm
2) Kaumul ' Kobeabad tom Cm do th umpiny
t poduud it Com thong othus to bae tharn
yLew touhnoloyj
3) Pottnds ad os bomohdng chapa

Csls ema bolomu shut

Potnds nll also hulp
to cuulop Valu Jo
PoArnti went usslo
U A o gadnat
g elinut
s) Tt olso pAov icles os a

Lernpui tors

whot is th namt h Copotal hon

CQwCCto)> Ma. Himansh |
b M o y w r e h Soni

Singh honm
Aaden q
Thy hu u th Infomalyn nal hsu)ahh
P lic foyhaa patontad pond,

Expkonn hot is th munmbn

ochun epotnlh Vais'
Declupe Cotporols Upid"ptans hal wh

t Atuali na bg & ny mpn Pnt T

members on ndunMny ilJegosl thanboJi

nUng Lovpm nan

uns CC12)-> Expkain u-he i h eonhy "YorA

Ltny the lorporats d

Ko CaILS behndHmak

P1o.ple bahand mpom).
y (20) Shwya Ohanu
un CC3) Beu!y stat : whih ow
tt Cerporats elia r d [paneed anmees
T crpeis acf 2ot3, os e l l ea fh j u d u r i

Jucuuo PAsusens et gisuncs Jo iing

th c p a s vu.
n cost a u c l e impeper cmdusi
r o benuf t of hevsman uhen Cet ho ty

oi ty to 1nst crperatt sbstonu in th

Jent that ia tiu zed
Ja tar luosi e
Erumy chiroctn - l s w may amalg pe t
Clorat odpepe i
t sspeta tht th
orpamndA OM
mim noti n
th compoyis cpectel to a ham.
nn compe p e t i d to areid liget
igadi &rs.
er xampl 1tu sten ebsasis t h t th
The Indprrt 1mLefos
o s cwe going agaunst
C w l has tha Aiet to 1 n e CL C
Dody id 1o d 4o toe wcsi&n
o tooc e)Rigatioms.

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