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"EYES-sential: SEE CLEARLY, LIVE BRIGHTLY" is an eye center dedicated to helping Palaweños take care
of their eyes. We provide comprehensive eye care services to ensure that you can see clearly and live

Our goal is to be the top choice for eye care in Palawan, offering accessible and affordable services to
meet your needs.

At "EYES-sential," we want to empower Palaweños to prioritize their eye health. We provide expert
diagnosis, treatment, and preventive care to improve your vision and overall well-being.

**Marketing Objectives:**
1. Raise awareness about the importance of regular eye exams and preventive eye care practices
among Palaweños.
2. Increase brand visibility and establish "EYES-sential" as a trusted authority in eye health within the
Palawan community.
3. Encourage Palaweños to seek professional eye care services at our center.
4. Expand our patient base and increase appointment bookings for comprehensive eye examinations
and vision correction procedures.

**Marketing Channels:**
- Social Media: Use platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to share eye care tips and
promotions with Palaweños.
- Website and SEO: Improve our website to make it easier for Palaweños to find information about
our services.
- Local Events: Participate in health fairs and community events in Palawan to provide free eye
screenings and raise awareness about eye health.
- Traditional Advertising: Advertise in local newspapers and radio stations to reach Palaweños who
may not use the internet as much.

**Campaign Ideas / Promos:**

- "Clear Vision, Bright Future": Offer discounted eye exams to encourage Palaweños to prioritize their
eye health.
- "Family Eye Care Package": Provide special deals for families to get their eyes checked together.
- "Eye Health Workshop": Host educational workshops in Palawan communities to teach Palaweños
about the importance of eye health.

In conclusion, "EYES-sential: SEE CLEARLY, LIVE BRIGHTLY" is committed to improving the eye health
of Palaweños through accessible and affordable eye care services. With our dedication to serving the
Palawan community, we aim to be your trusted partner in vision care.

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