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Quotable Quotes:
Notes from Three Mediators
By Joe Epstein, Esq., Julie Williamson, Esq.
and Kenneth Plotz, Esq.

W e have collected quotations that resonate with us as

mediators because they provide insight into both life
and mediation. Their beauty is they speak to all manner of
its mind, the other side finally makes an offer—an absurdly
low (or high) offer. You and your client may well be justified
in becoming insulted and even livid at the unreasonable
mediation, ranging from business cases to employment cases, offer, particularly since it took so long. However, if anger is
and from personal injury cases to family law cases. The beauty your only reaction, you are missing the opportunity to
of these quotations is their general resonance for life and thoughtfully consider what the other side is saying and to
their specific resonance for mediation. see your way through to an appropriate counter-offer.
We hope you enjoy this philosophic journey with us. We all enter negotiations intending to remain calm. Some-
times, however, despite our best intentions, our buttons get
pushed. What do you do then? Take a break. Go outside and
Quotation to Mediate by Julie Williamson walk around. Have a cold drink or a snack. Do whatever it
takes to remove yourself from the volatile situation and
When anger comes, wisdom goes.
give your brain the time it needs for the anger hormones to
- Hindi Proverb
subside and the thinking part to regain control. Then return,
As a young associate, a senior partner gave me an impor- ready to look at the situation afresh and plan your next move.
tant piece of litigation and life advice. In one of my first Does this sound like the sound advice of bringing the mind-
hearings, I became enraged at the antics of opposing coun- fulness practice of mediation to the mediation? One of our
sel. Taking me aside later, the senior partner cautioned that authors, Joe Epstein, Esq., has suggested that in the context
anger rarely is productive. As he told me, “When you get of another article, “Meditations for Mediations.”
angry, you lose control. You never want to lose control as
a lawyer.”
Quotation to Mediate by Joe Epstein
That advice is not only wise but also scientifically sound.
As explained by Gerry Vassar in How Does Anger Happen Adopt the pace of nature; her secret is patience.
in the Brain?,1 anger lights up an area in the brain’s limbic - Ralph Waldo Emerson
system (the primitive, reactive portion) called the amygdala. This quotation might conjure images of Henry David
If you are angry enough, the amygdala can override the cor- Thoreau sitting by Walden Pond. Not many mediation ses-
tex (the thinking part) of your brain. This happens when a sions take place outside or at a pond, but there is a way to
flood of hormones is released that makes it nearly impossi- set a tone of stillness, of patience, calm, mindfulness and
ble to make logical decisions. It can take on average twenty peace. It starts with a framing that pulls the poison from
minutes for the flood to subside and the thinking part of your declared positions and reflects mutual respect. It continues
brain to begin functioning again. with eliminating the loud and obtrusive click of the clock
This is never truer than in mediation. Suppose that after and chiming of the mobile device. Good mediators and
you have waited for five hours for the other side to make up advocates can make you forget the distractions and feel

Colorado Trial Lawyers Association Trial Talk December/January 2016 53


their focused listening. Softly stated ple engaged in business together usually Quotation to Mediate by Ken Plotz
positions often set a tone that you can have a long history of trust. When the
Conflict is the primary engine of
hear above strident words of accusa- parties perceive that there is a breach of
creativity and innovation.
tion. that trust, they can feel a great deal of
- Ronald A. Heifetz
pain but often say nothing. It is impor-
It is our view that patience and sto-
tant to hear where the breach really Often litigants and their attorneys
rytelling go together. If you patiently
occurred even though the details may enter the mediation process with the
listen to another’s story, you will
be unspoken. An acknowledgement idea of obtaining a favorable settle-
develop trust. After you have devel-
that a party heard this facet of the case ment. This usually means obtaining a
oped trust, you will then have the
goes a long way towards settlement. sum of money, a favorable determina-
opportunity to tell your story. It is only
tion of a real property boundary, an
then that you can have your story heard Quotation to Mediate by
agreement to perform the terms of a
by the other side. You may also find Julie Williamson contract, or favorable terms for parent-
that “patience and fortitude conquer all
Resolving conflict is rarely about ing time in a dissolution of marriage
things,” another favorite quotation of
who is right. It is about acknowledge- proceeding. However, when we enter the
mine by Ralph Waldo Emerson.
ment and appreciation of differences. mediation process with only these concepts
- Thomas Crum, The Magic of Conflict in mind, we overlook the opportunity to
use conflict to formulate solutions that
Quotation to Mediate by Ken Plotz Happily, successful mediation does exceed ordinary expectations.
not require the parties to agree who is
The most important thing in commu- Consider a dispute between parents
right. Instead, a mediated settlement
nication is hearing what isn’t said. for allocation of parental responsibility.
requires only that the two (or more)
- Peter Drucker The conflict can be used as an opportu-
sides agree that the negotiated resolu-
When parties are mediating they are tion is a preferred substitute for the nity to be creative. What do the children
trying to get their point across, and a costs and risks inherent in having a need? How can geographic locations
good mediator, of course, should be third party decide who is right. help define parenting time and respon-
skilled in making sure those points are sibility? How can parents’ strengths be
Since you do not have to make the exploited? Using creativity can result
properly delivered. But how often do
other side agree that you are right, quit in a solution that especially serves the
we really listen to the message from
fighting that losing battle. You may best interests of the children involved
the other room? Most of the time we
make more progress if you show and far better than an overwhelming
are busy preparing a response before
respect for the other side by expressing win or loss in a courtroom.
the mediator finishes delivering the
appreciation for the thoughtfulness and
message instead of listening carefully. Or consider a property boundary
quality of their legal work and recog-
If we really listen to what the other nizing the sincerity of their point of dispute, with one property owner
side is saying, we may hear what is left view. Obviously, you also will make it involved in a commercial operation on
unsaid. For example, an injured party plain that your side has worked equally his property and the other a private res-
may indeed have a disability and eco- well and hard and has―in good idential owner. The commercial opera-
nomic losses that deserves compensa- faith―concluded the opposite. That tor needs to conduct certain (loud)
tion. But the reason the injured party approach may cut down on the postur- aspects of his business, while the
wants an amount that appears exces- ing and enable the two sides to get landowner wants peace and quiet on
sive to the opposing side is the manner down to finding common ground for his side of a boundary legally defined
in which the other side originally han- resolving the dispute. as the middle of a small creek. These
dled the claim. Or sometimes it comes parties could spend thousands on
Keep in mind that mediation is all experts and a week in trial and still
down to the other side not hearing the
about building bridges and tearing have an uncertain outcome. Why not
specifics of what someone has lost, such
down roadblocks. Acknowledgment, create a remedy that gives the private
as the ability to run a beloved marathon
appreciation, respect and trust are just owner privacy and the business owner
without pain.
some of the building blocks skilled the ability to run a successful business,
Realizing what is not said also applies builders (advocates) will use.
such as spending what they would on
to the mediation of business cases. Peo-

54 December/January 2016 Trial Talk Colorado Trial Lawyers Association


legal fees on the cost of a privacy Joe Epstein, Esq. is an internationally

fence and sound mitigation. recognized commercial mediator. Joe
concentrates his practice in the Rocky
Letting conflict engineer, as Heifitz
Mountain/Southwest region of the United
advised, creativity and innovation dur-
States. He focuses his mediation practice
ing mediation may not come easily,
on emotionally intense cases, which in-
but it may be the optimal means for
resolving some differences. It is a clude catastrophic injury, employment,
building block that all the parties can medical malpractice, nursing home,
put into place as they work together. probate and wrongful death cases. He
has published numerous articles. A
Quotation to Mediate by member of CRS, he can be reached at
Joe Epstein 303-355-2314 or
The best preparation for good work The Honorable Ken Plotz is a former
tomorrow is to do good work today. Chief Judge of the 11th Judicial District.
- Elbert Hubbard He now sits as a senior judge throughout
There is nothing like committing to Colorado. For the past ten years, Ken has
the hard work of preparation in order served as a mediator, arbiter and private
to achieve a successful outcome at judge. Ken handles personal injury,
mediation. Preparation means know- commercial, construction and domestic
ing your client, knowing the other relations matters. He may be reached at
side, and knowing the mediator. Prepa- Conflict Resolution Services, Inc. (CRS) at
ration for mediation involves develop- or phone number 303-
ing a trial theme, conducting 355-2314.
thoughtful discovery, retaining good
Julie McCurdy Williamson, Esq. brings
experts, filing appropriate motions and
to her full-time mediation and arbitration
creating respect for your work.
practice with Conflict resolution Services,
It is important for advocates to real- Inc. more than 30 years’ experience as a
ize the ship has sailed before the medi- successful commercial litigator. She
ation session. Most of the good work focuses her mediation and arbitration
is already done, with success at media- practice in bankruptcy adversary pro-
tion the outcome of pre-mediation ceedings, breach of contract claims,
work artfully leveraged during the business and professional dissolutions,
mediation itself. civil, class and collective actions, com-
mercial, financial fraud, real estate and
A Final Note
unfair business practices. Julie can be
The theme running throughout these reached at 303-355-2314 or by e-mail at
quotes is that we should listen to the
other side, anticipate their needs and
seek mutually beneficial solutions. We For a complete bio, visit
rarely get everything we want, even
when we go to trial. But at the media-
tion session, if we try sometimes, we just Endnote:
might find, we get what we need. ▲▲▲
© 2015 Joe Epstein, Julie Williamson
and Hon. Ken Plotz. All rights reserved.

Colorado Trial Lawyers Association Trial Talk December/January 2016 55

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