Techpack Integration Lesson Plan Sheeeesh

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Target Subject English

Topic Elements of a Story

Lesson Title Exploring the Philippine Literature: “The Wedding Dance” by Amador

Year Level Grade 7

Competencies ● Determine the tone, mood, and purpose of the author.

● Explain how a selection may be influenced by culture,

history, environment, and/or other culture.

Standards ● Appreciate the culture represented in the text.

● Demonstrate communicative competence through his/her

understanding of the Philippine literature.

Learning Objectives At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

● Distinguish different elements of the story.

● Critically identify the theme of the story

Type of Learners Auditory, Verbal, Solitary, Multi-cultural


CK The teacher has been able to read the whole short story. The story
went through textual analysis wherein theme is determined
throughout the process. The story revolves around two lovers
whereas society and norms are what hinders their happily ever after.

Summary: There was a couple named Awiyao and Lumnay. They

were married for a long time but Awiyao her husband has to marry
another girl named Madulimay because Lumnay cannot bear a child.
On the night of the wedding of Awiyao and Madulimay, Awiyao went
to his and Lumnay's house where they used to live to personally
invite his ex-wife to join the dance but Lumnay refuses to join.
Lumnay is the best dancer in their tribe.

They had a heart-to-heart talk about their separation, and on their

conversation, they found out that the couple still had a thing on
each other. They still love each other but they have to separate
because their tribe’s custom is--every man in that tribe should have
one (or more) child that would carry his name and if his wife cannot
give him a child, he can marry another woman. It's a man's
necessity to have a child.

Lumnay can hardly let go of her husband. The two both agreed that
if Awiyao's second marriage did not work, he will go back to
Lumnay's arms and this was sealed by the beads that Lumnay will
keep. Then Awiyao goes back to the wedding because someone is
calling him already. After being fetched by others, Lumnay decided
to go to the wedding not to dance or to join the celebration but to
stop the wedding.

She decided to break the unwritten law of her tribe, but when she is
near all her guts to stop the wedding suddenly disappeared. She did
not have the courage to break into the wedding feast. Lumnay
walked away from the dancing ground, away from the village. She
went to the mountain instead and in the mountain is where she
diverted all her bitterness in her and she partly reminisce their story
of Awiyao. (

PK In introducing the topic, there are a lot of strategies that a teacher

can provide by starting a lesson that can immediately grab learners'
interest and create an emotional connection through the story that
will be going to discuss.

Present the story in a relatable and relevant context. Through

discussing the characters, settings, and plots, complex ideas can be
simplified and made easier to understand by linking them to real-life

In making the learning experience more memorable and meaningful

we can let them learn on their own through reading individually,
reading it aloud or it's either through film viewing. When learners
connect emotionally to the characters or scenarios in the story, they
are more likely to retain the information. Encouraging students to
think critically about the motives, actions, and consequences of the
characters, the teacher can stimulate higher-order thinking skills.

The story of "The Wedding Dance" is an essential tool for passing

down cultural values, history, and traditions. It can be used to teach
students about different cultures and ask them how they can relate
in the story. This can also help students develop a broader
understanding of the world and encourages empathy towards
others. Students are more likely to remember information presented
in the form of a story rather than isolated facts. The story that have
been discussed often contain moral or ethical lessons that can be
used to teach values and virtues.

By analyzing the choices made by characters in a story, students

can learn about consequences and the importance of ethical
decision-making. Giving group storytelling activities can encourage
collaboration and teamwork among students. By working together to
create a story, learners can enhance their communication and
problem-solving skills.


- a gadget capable of connecting to a projector to be presented to

an audience of 30-50 learners which will be used to access the
Canva Presentation software in addressing the visual aids of the


- a gadget that will be utilized in addressing the need for

presentation of visual aids which will project the connected laptop’s
screen for a big group of learners to see.


- a gadget that will be used to amplify the sound from the connected


- a software that will be used for content presentation wherein

playful transitions and helpful visual aids are displayed for the
learners to be utilized.


Alison, Mary France A.

Cardona, Marimar H.
Catequista, Joash P.
Chequillo, Chennie E.
Elauria, Krishna Shanice B.

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