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Benefits in Language Classroom Integrating Problem-based learning and technology in

 Enables interaction in negotiating meaning among learners, Education

between learners and teachers, and between learners and texts
 Way to promote meaningful interaction 1. Learner-centered
 Can help students become more autonomous - Students at the forefront
Challenges in Language Class - Engage and motivate learners
 Use common language rather than English - Focus on abilities and process of learner
 May not be appropriate for beginning or literacy level students - Centers on what students already know which
 Teachers must carefully consider the problems & activities encourages motivation
 Nature of students’ interaction changes during solving the problem 2. Collaborative
Lesson 11: Problem-based Learning - Create a community of learners by broadening
 Combines cognitive and metacognitive teaching repertoires and personal resources
 Engages students in learning how to learn - Promotes engagement & positive well-being
 Learn language and content - Through engaging with real-world problems or cases
 Main focus is learning through solving real, open- 3. Real-life applications
ended problems - Make connections between new material and the
 Problem is presented first then; real world
Students can work alone or in groups - “repetition has not shown to remain in long-term
 Active Learning - Apply new skills in context

Principles Student-centered learning 4. Engages critical thinking
 Learning in context - Essential skill to adapt to ever-changing situations
 Focus on concepts - Questioning is an important teaching tool
 Activate prior knowledge - Use of application, analysis, evaluation, & synthesis
 Cooperative learning ___________________________________________________
 Reflection and feedback
SKILLS Lesson 12: Project-based Learning
 Critical thinking and decision making  gain knowledge by working for an extended period of
 Information literacy time to investigate and respond and authentic, engaging,
 Self-directed, life-long learning and complex question, problem, or challenge.
 Constructive self and peer assessment  Idea is not new
 Doing a project does not always equate to learning
 Requires; an extended period of time, meaningful
 Value of teamwork
language use, use of 21st century skills: communication &
 Inter-personal and communication skills
collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, & problem
 Social issues
 Professional ethics and behavior
 Language come into play through students’
Collaborative work
Language teacher’s role in Problem-based Learning
 Acts as a coach or facilitator of activities
 Provide appropriate problems
 Assists in identifying and accessing materials
 Gives necessary feedback and support
 Evaluates students’ participation and productr6s
 Goal is to develop also the language and literacy skills.

Students’ role in Problem-based Learning

 Expected to examine gaps in their own knowledge
and skills
 Collaborate in small teams

Steps for implementing Problem-based learning

Present/identify -Presents a good problem -Examine the
the problem -Determines how to divide problem
Principles of Project-BL
students - Identify the
 Self-directed learning
- Provide outline or the tasks problem
 Extended project over an extended period of time
they will need to complete
 High quality tangible product that
demonstrates/showcases students’ knowledge and skills
Develop plan for -ask students to develop a -develop a
 Core skills development
solving Problem plan reasonable plan for
 Student role
-assign or ask the students solving the
 Teacher role
to create their own group problem
-may need to ask probing
Planning a Project-BL Lesson
questions to help students
Stage 1 Brainstorm & Define
analyze the problem
 Driving question
-will need to scaffold student
 Brainstorm categories and ideas
Implement the -may need to provide -test out/
 Define aspect
Plan additional scaffolding like implement their
Stage 2 Global setting & Collaborate
documenting the plan
 Use SMART mnemonics to suggest outcomes
implementation of their plans -should document
 Designate & collaborate to decide
what happens w/
 Language Input
their plans
Stage 3 Compare & Enhance
Evaluate the -require students to reflect -evaluate/reflect
 Share & Evaluate project outcomes
Implementation on their individual or group on the
 Use THINK mnemonics to give feedback
contributions implementation
Stage 4 Review & Produce
-help students examine the -should weigh the
 Review work
benefits and challenges benefits and
 Create products
challenges of diff
Stage 5 Present & Self-assess
approaches to
 Present outcomes to a live/virtual audience
solving the same
 Self-assess performance
7 ways to integrate Tech for Successful Project-BL Lesson 16: Technology Tools for Language Teaching
 Your tech platform needs to be properly implemented 1. QUIZLET
1. Learning Management Systems  vocabulary games
- Makes it easier for teachers to communicate course  create a study set for your students
content with students effectively 2. PEAR DECK
- Able to collect learner data across different activities  the perfect way to make your Google Slides interactive
2. Flipped Classroom Learning  Incorporate listening and drawing activities
- Basic instructions are given before class through videos 3. FLIPGRID
- Classroom discussion would be better focused on problem-  Create a digital pen pal program via videos
 fun way to create videos rather than writing letters
solving and critical thinking
 students can post videos of themselves speaking in the target
- Encouraging an attitude of sustained inquiry language.
- After a topic is discussed  Bring music and song competitions to your class
- Increases learner’s time on the task, and encourages more 5. PADLET
time to practice  Host an online discussion
4. Learner Analytics & Data Visualization  allows students to view a prompt and respond on an online
- See the progress of the learner discussion board
- Gained for course feedback 6. GOOGLE TOUR CREATOR
- Effective communication to ensure the success of project-  virtual field trip
based learning  take students on a virtual field trip to the target country
5. Course Gamification  allows teachers to create an exciting experience for students that
will immerse them in the target language and culture
- Leverages learners’ desire for socializing, competition,
achievement and status
 online virtual classroom platform,
- Students are assigned levels or places on leaderboards o most useful for tests and discussion forums
6. Whiteboard Animation Videos  conveniently in place for multiple-choice and fill-in-the-blank
- Great tool to explain complex concepts to students  All they need to do is enter the in-app code specific to that quiz.
- Verbal cues in video help guide the learners 8. DUOLINGO
- Visual part enables them to create a map of new  contains lessons that integrate conversation, vocabulary, speaking
knowledge. and listening skills.
7. Training teachers and students for software use 9. STUDY BLUE
- Screen casting is great for training students and teachers  Study tool
with the use of software for online learning  Students memorize vocabulary, phrases and grammatical
- Guides learners on how softwares and computer tools are concepts more effectually, as well as mastering studying skills.
 Students will then be responsible for creating and using their in-
app flashcards based on what you upload as study tools for their
___________________________________________________ assignments and tests
Lesson 15: Productivity Software in Language 10. FLUENTU
Teaching & Learning  takes real-world videos and turns them into language immersion
CLASSROOM  has a huge collection of authentic language videos that native
-capable of creating, storing, and printing typed documents speakers in each language actually watch regularly
- one of the top-ranking word-processing software today ~Benefits of using apps in your language teaching~
1. Compose Original Work A. Can enhance student engagement
- print and publish final drafts  Enjoy incorporating technology than conventional
2. Insert Comments and Communicate  Technology could be a distraction but regulation is essential
- Provide feedback B. Add a whole new dimension to learning
3. Check Readability  Reinforcing the material
- Appropriate for kids or challenge students  Allowing them to experience language through:
4. Eliminate Busy work o Fresh
- Accessibility and “work smarter, not harder” o Uncharted and interactive means
5. Track Changes o Beyond the pen, paper and textbook
- How their work changes throughout the process  Novelty
6. Reformat Documents C. Make learning more easily
- Customize documents to better meet individual  Accessibility
7. Support language and mechanics instruction  Used inside and outside of the classroom
- Grammar options  Require minimal time
8. Spice up documents by inserting attention- D. Can ease the challenges of classroom
grabbing graphics management
- Getting your meaning across, whatever it takes  Allow teachers to focus more on teaching and less on attendance
 As language teachers, we need to constantly design new
9. Make your documents interactive
experiences to empower our students to us the language their
- Hyperlinks, multimedia presentations
10. Build your own Web page  Produce highly dedicated students
- Save as .html files and eliminate the need to buy


1. Design- customize the appearance and format of slides
2. Animation- add movement and effect when switching
3. Presentation- to accommodate public speaking
4. Integration- being compatible with other software in the
domain of Microsoft Office suite to export items


 store information and manipulate
 to make informed decisions
1. Data Collection
- Record homework grades, class assignments, and test
scores to keep a tally of overall class grade.
- Keep track of budget
2. Graphs
- Visual presentation to a numeric concept
- To compare difference between things
3. Surveys
- Polling mechanisms to collect multiple responses
4. Time/Calendar
- Timeline

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