PMP 2023 Review Notes

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Questions PMP:

may/might = risk question

changes will likely be approved by project sponsor/change control board
share = inform others about risk/sharing what you learned with others
accept = do nothing, no action against risk
avoid = take steps to eliminate risk!
mitigate = reduce risk, still there
transfer = give risk over to someone
escalate = pushing problem up to a different team to fix (higher level)
expert judgment = getting SMEs, experts etc
prototyping = give prototype/demo (if product is mostly complete)
bottom-up estimating = cost time estimate
decision making
RACI chart = reponsibility assignment matrix
focus groups = feedback from customers
affinity diagram
appraisal costs
cost of quality = spent on quality
cost-benefit analysis
project charter = high level scope & budget (high level)
requirements tracability matrix = output of requirements
product analysis = develop scope
team has difficult time negotiating = servant leadership, lead by example help team
collaborate/problem solve = open dialogue & support
change management plan = process for submitting/evaluating/implementing changes
scope management plan = process of making a scope change (doesn't say who has authority), how scope is define
change log = gives status of a change (doesn't say how to request a change)
change request = what you implement (doesn't say who has authority)
stakeholder analysis = see what needs of stakeholders are -> then create stakeholder reigster
stakeholder engagement matrix = tells you how invested stakeholder is on a project
if project terminated = must follow organization's closure guidelines/procedure
how to reduce schedule and not impact budget = schedule compression & fast-tracking
agile charter = approves sprint
sprint goal = set by team/product owner, clear objectives
burnup/burndown chart shows work status
risk register vs issue log = if something is an actual problem then issue log
if there are problems, have the problems get sent to you = servant leadership (agile, removing blockers)
customers attend sprint review meeting not sprint retrospective (that's internal)
sensing = focus on reality of how things are
Extraversion - Introversion
Sensing - Intuition
Thinking - Feeling
Judging - Perceiving
MoSCoW = must, should, could, will not have
stand ups = many times 15 min, walk through kanban, anyone in team can facilitate
PO = product owner
DSDM = dynamic system delivery method, agile "variable scope, constrained cost, schedule time"
refactor = cleaning up "boot-leg" solutions to make them better presented/cleaner after problem solved
red-green-refactor = fail, pass, streamline
agile = changing scope & cost as product completed incrementally, but using fixed schedule & quality
eXtreme programming (XP) = agile approach with focus on whole team & informative workspace, root cause analys
team charter = captures team values, communication guidelines, decision-making process
TDD = test driven development (creating software that fits test criteria), rather than feature driven delivery (create s
FDD = feature driven development (configuration managemnet, individual class ownership, starts with overall featur
agile thumb sideways vote = member has concern/conflict and needs further discussion
ways to show transparency through agile = kanban board, burndown chart, product backlog
agile recommends 12 or fewer team members per delivery (limiting communication channels)
generalizing specialist = T shape team member = good at many things, expert in 1 thing (great to have on agile tea
one delivery = waterfall & iterative project lifecycle
multiple deliveries = agile & incremental
tuckman model (forming, storming, norming, performing, adjourning)
project director = directs
project coach = building people/facilitates
project support = addition to team
project executive = executive sponsor
large scale scrum (LeSS) = one product backlog, shippable deliverable at end of sprint, one definition of done acros
user story = piece of functionality small enough to be complete in 1-3 days
agile manifesto core values
estimating based on relative sizing (t shirt) or story points (1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13)
time card estimates should include (testing, refactoring, complexity, risk)
planning poker = estimates for a story card are different (some vote high 8 points, others vote low 3 points), share r
spike = time-boxed task to explore or investigate an issue
fast failure = proof of concept for iteration did not have intended outcome (value not provided)
estimation techniques
triangular estimating = [pessimistic + most likely + optimistic] / 3
product owner should prioritize product backlog
control chart = determines if process is stable or has predictable performance (rule of 7)
affinity diagram = groups problems together
histogram = show frequency of stuff
scope management plan = documents how project & product scope are defined, validated, controlled
quality metrics = description of project or product and how to measure it
WBS dictionary = detailed information about the work (
WBS broken down into work packages -> activities
when something is not going well (remember SERVANT LEADERSHIP, take action yourself)
if small team problem -> meet each team member individually and find root cause
have others/have them resolve a problem = NOT servant leadership
what should project manager do first/next? (never take action first, first review/assess)
project management information system (PMIS) = how you store project information and how you access
project schedule trending downwards -> issue change request (best if you don't know cost/what factors are slowing
MVP educate customer the purpose of an MVP
if something is an issue and will make project not compliant = issue change request
for 3 point estimating -> always default to beta if not specified = [optimistic + (4 x most likely) + pessimistic] / 6 =
servant leader does not force or push a team member
servant leader doesn't give solutions -> facilitates and works with team for them to find the solution together
safety risks should be "fixed", stop project if necessary
for senior management -> give least amount of info to make a decision
prevent increase in cost to a project that has started? -> conduct analysis of resource costs before planning the pro
customers inform you (agile project) product not meeting requirements -> inform customer to attend iteration review
never stop the project (unless safety risk or not compliant with law), never fire people
if something isn't solved during an interation, resolve/discuss further during the retrospective
iteration review is for customers mainly not for discussing problems
herzberg's theory of motivation = motivation-hygiene or two factor, ("hygiene" = work condition, salary, policies, rule
theory y = employees like working (you don't micromanage them)
theory x = micromanager (you don't believe people like working)
maslow's hieratchy of needs = how to achieve self-actualization (physiological -> safety -> social -> esteem -> self a
mcgregor's theory x and theory y = (x = authoritarian "believe people don't have motivation to work", y = participativ
mcclelland's theory of needs = 3 motivating needs "power, achievement, affiliation"
team members don't have same training -> best you train them, otherwise have original team members train the ne
project sponsor replaced by large PMO -> PM should modify communication mangement plan to PMO
feasability study = assess if a project/deliverable can actually be accomplished
acceptance criteria = list of needs that should be met for customer to accept deliverable
project requirements not being met, stakeholders not happy with progress -> schedule frequent meetings with stake
completed building deliverable but customer noticed missing requirements -> implement change request to add the
questions that ask "fix an issue" (not first), look for action statement
project behind schedule, got new resources, didn't work and still behind schedule, project manager decided to esca
2 year agile project completed, stakeholders upset took too long & not deliver on promises -- how could this be prev
how to update stakeholder on project so far -> ask executive to meet with you 1 on 1 to explain progress (don't hav
component on deliverable failed, change request implemented then failed, what plan should PM use to escalate iss
if project has been completed (means already accepted by sponsor & done)
project has been completed & PM is about to close project -> make sure project given to operations & disband team
project should be accepted by sponsor & deliverables met before "closing phase"
student syndrome = planned procrastination (eliminates potential safety margins and puts person under stress/pres
parkinson's law = work expands to fill the time available for its completion (if you have 8 hrs to do a project, you'll sp
self-protection = saying or doing things that cannot hurt someone now or later
sandbagging = act of under promising and over delivering (not exceeding expectation in beginning)
dropped baton = one team finishes early and the next team is not ready to accept it, results in wasted time
spike story = user story that needs more information so the team can estimate how long the story will take to complete
why might story cards be getting bigger with each release? -> technical debt is built on previous releases (code is s
velocity of agile team increased over last iteration why? -> productivity of one team member has increased (velocity
servant leadership project order -> purpose, people, process
agile team consists of = product owner, cross functional team members, "team facilitator" or Scrum master
extreme programming (XP) = core values (simplicity, communication, feedback, courage, respect)
information radiator = kanban board (displays content)
virtual fishbowl window = long video conferencing link people start beginning of day and end at end of day
workstation screen mirroring = only displays 1 monitor (captures one screen)
product owner (repeated complains) says function developed by dev team doesn't align on OG design -> update pr
red green refactor = what you develop, how to make tests pass, how to improve exisiting implementation
smoke testing = make sure critical product/software works, don't test details
follow the sun problem resolution = focus on client problem 24 hrs and hand off to another team until complete
norming = coming to resolution/solution
performing = working on deliverable
senior managers are not involved in planning phase (too detailed)
team member fixes issue with complex step-by-step procedure -> update lesson learned register yourself for future
sponsor concerned agile project will not deliver value -> ensure user stories are written
product owner does not work with team during sprint
user stories written (have to have value) -> understand what users want
complex project, issue comes up what should project manager do? -> implement adequate response from risk regis
MBTI match:
feeling = value harmony, forgiveness
thinking = value justice, fairness
intuition = enjoy ideas and concepts for their own sake
for high level scope vendor (details not known) -> use time and material contract
for issues/problems, always try to find the "root cause"
project has defect (0.97 CPI, 0.98 SPI) what should PM do? -> initiate change request with change control board
servant leadership -> stand up for the team's views
PMO assigned PM to a project, sponsor asks PM to develop quality management plan, how should PM proceed? ->
resource leveling = monitoring resources (no overallocation/overtime work on schedule)
PM worried about a risk, what should PM do first? -> update risk register
traditional project -> PM assigns the work to the team based on skills
agile project -> team self-organizes and distributes work themself
team members have acquired knowledge but haven't shared to rest of team (could benefit team), how should PM p
sprint planning meeting (internal team discusses what to complete/how to complete) -> sprint review (after sprint, a
principles for team to move toward agile -> have mangement directly communicate with project team & use product
sponsor says finish project 3 months earlier/you need resources, what's first thing yo do? -> check w functional man
don't make sponsor help you/problem solve for you
PO says function doesn't work -> have PO voice concerns during sprint review (customer voices concerns/feedbac
risks always change in projects (no matter how similar)
team doesn't feel comfortable with compliance laws to build a product -> PM research & budget training for team to
PO input required for major scope changes (including rework)
eXtreme Programming practices (pair programming, 2 per workstation, planning poker, test-first programming, meta
ority), how scope is defined/developed/monitored/controlled
oving blockers)

oblem solved

ule & quality

kspace, root cause analysis

e driven delivery (create software feature then test)

p, starts with overall feature model, then plan/design/build by those features)

great to have on agile team)

ne definition of done across teams)

vote low 3 points), share reasons & revote until consensus

d, controlled

how you access

t/what factors are slowing down a project)

ely) + pessimistic] / 6 =

e solution together

ts before planning the project

r to attend iteration review meetings

dition, salary, policies, rules...lack of these cause job disatisfaction); "motivation" = achievement, recognition, responsibility, adv

> social -> esteem -> self actualization)

n to work", y = participative "trust team members to take ownership")

eam members train the new ones

plan to PMO

quent meetings with stakeholders to better understand requirements

change request to add the additional feature

manager decided to escalate issue -> (what to do first?) refer communication management plan
s -- how could this be prevented -> engage stakeholders throughout project via sprint review & allow customers to change scop
xplain progress (don't have them review document online, could cause confusion/questions)
uld PM use to escalate issue? -> communication management plan

operations & disband team

person under stress/pressure)

rs to do a project, you'll spend all 8 hours (not do earlier))

ts in wasted time
will take to complete
evious releases (code is simplified/refactored because it's being rushed and pushed out)
er has increased (velocity = work completed by team)

or Scrum master

nd at end of day

n OG design -> update product owner twice/wk on product dev


r team until complete

register yourself for future

e response from risk register

h change control board

ow should PM proceed? -> meet with PMO to identify established plans/processes

t team), how should PM proceed? -> schedule meeting with team to have the members update the team on new knowledge
print review (after sprint, allow customer to engage and give feedback) -> sprint retrospective (internal team reviews and goes o
roject team & use product backlog that is ordered by PO
-> check w functional manager to see available resources

voices concerns/feedback)

budget training for team to understand compliance

st-first programming, metaphor naming of processes)

gnition, responsibility, advancement
customers to change scope as needed as project was progressing
am on new knowledge
team reviews and goes over any lessons learned)

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