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27/09/2023 13:49 tp3infocode.


1 from PyQt5.uic import *

2 from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *
3 from random import randint
4 from numpy import array
5 def somme(ch):
6 while len(ch)>1:
7 s=0
8 for i in range(len(ch)):
9 s=s+int(ch[i])
10 ch=str(s)
11 return s
12 def remplir(T):
13 for i in range(0,8):
14 T[i]=randint(1,99)
15 def chercher(T,x):
16 i=0
17 trouve=False
18 while i<8 and trouve==False:
19 if T[i]==x:
20 trouve=True
21 else:
22 i=i+1
23 return trouve
24 def effacer():
25 win.num.clear()
26 win.affiche.clear()
28 def verifier():
29 N=win.num.text()
30 if not(len(N)==8 and N[0] in '23459' and N.isnumeric()):
31 QMessageBox.critical(win,'Erreur','vérifier votre numéro !!')
32 else:
33 T=array([int]*8)
34 remplir(T)
35 s=somme(N)
36 if chercher(T,s*s)==True:
37 win.affiche.setText('Client gagnant !')
38 else:
39 win.affiche.setText('Client perdant !!')
40 app=QApplication([])
41 win =loadUi('tp3info3.ui')
42 win.show()
43 win.ver.clicked.connect(verifier)
44 win.eff.clicked.connect(effacer)
45 app.exec_()

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