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Linux LabInstitute of Innovation in Technology & Management

Linux Lab Practical Questions List (Part 1)Paper o!e "#$ %'
1 Inclu!e atleast  options ith each comman! in the *le' +o
every ,uestion in your !irectory only otherise *le ill not be evaluate!%
-rite Linux Lab in .ea!er an! Page /umber0 /ame class an! oll /o in 2ooter as!one
in this list3 Inclu!e your name as atermar4
Que 1 -rite the linux comman! to !isplay calen!ar ith various optionsQue
' -rite a linux comman! to !isplay !ate ith various optionsQue % -rite a linux
comman! to !isplay the list of users ho are currently usinglinux serverQue 3 -
rite a linux comman! to !isplay your system !etailsQue  -rite a linux
comman! to !isplay your user nameQue 5 -rite linux comman! to list all the !
irectories an! *les on the serverQue 6 -rite the linux comman! to !isplay the
content of a *leQue 7 -rite the linux comman! to print the content on stan!ar!
output !eviceQue 8 -rite the linux comman! to perform calculationsQue 19 -rite
the linux comman! to sho the current or4ing !irectoryQue 19 -rite the
linux comman! to get help ith various optionsQue 1' -rite the linux comman! to
!isplay hat all users are currently !oingQue 1% -rite the linux comman! to create
a !irectoryQue 13 -rite the linux comman! to change the !irectoryQue 1 -rite the
linux comman! to remove a !irectory1/$M:;<=:oll /o

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Linux Lab
Que 15 -rite the linux comman! to !elete a *leQue 16 -rite the linux
omman! to copy a *le to some other locationQue 17 -rite the linux
comman! to move a *le to some !i>erent locationQue 18 -rite the linux
comman! to compare the contents of to *lesQue '9 -rite the linux comman!
to sho the !i>erence beteen the contents ofto *lesQue '1 -rite the linux
comman! to sho the common !ata of to *lesQue '' -rite the linux
comman! to count the number of or!s0 lines an! sentencesin the
*leQue '% -rite the linux comman! to see the !ata in octal formatQue '3
-rite the linux comman! to give the alias nameQue ' -rite the linux
comman! to vie the exiting aliasesQue '5 -rite the linux comman! to
unalias the exiting alias nameQue '6 -rite the linux comman! to !isplay
the hostname of the systemQue '7 -rite the linux comman! to get
information about the operating =ystemQue '8 -rite the linux comman! to
chec4 hether a comman! is Internal or:xternalQue %9 -rite the linux
comman! to !isplay uni,ue contents of a *leQue %1 -rite the linux
comman! to vie *rst  lines of a *leQue %' -rite the linux comman! to
vie last '9 lines of a *leQue %% -rite the linux comman! to extract
speci*c column an! *el! from a *leQue %3 -rite the linux comman! to merge
to *les verticallyQue % -rite the linux comman! to sort a *leQue %5 -
rite the linux comman! to *n! any character an! replace it ith someother
characterQue %6 -rite the linux comman! to chec4 the !efault
permission of a *leQue %7 -rite the linux comman! to change the !efault
permission of a *le'/$M:;<=:oll /o
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Linux Lab
Que %8 -rite the linux comman! to change the permission of an existing *le
inrelative mannerQue 39 -rite the linux comman! to change the permission of an
existing *le inabsolute mannerQue 31 -rite the linux comman! to create a har!
lin4 of a *leQue 3' -rite the linux comman! to create a soft lin4 of a *le as ell as !
irectoryQue 3% -rite the linux comman! to search for speci*c pattern in a *leQue
33 -rite the linux comman! to sho the use of #asic egular :xpressions usinggrep
omman!Que 3 -rite the linux comman! to sho the use of :xten!e!
egular :xpressionsusing grep omman!Que 35 -rite the linux comman! to print
the result of a speci*c patternQue 36 -rite the linux comman! to copy
speci*e! pattern of one *le in another *leusing se! omman!Que 37 -rite
the linux comman! to copy the !ata except speci*e! pattern of one *lein another
*le using se! omman!Que 38 -rite the linux comman! to replace any
character?string ith speci*e!character?string using se! omman!Que
9 -rite the linux comman! to sho the use of #asic egular :xpressions usingse!
omman!Que 1 -rite the linux comman! to sho the use of a4
omman!Que ' -rite the linux comman! to list the processes for the current
shell(ps)Que % -rite the linux comman! to !isplay !etaile! information about
processesQue 3 -rite the linux comman! to stop any currently running
processQue  -rite the linux comman! to run the process in the bac4groun!Que
5 -rite the linux comman! to @ill a processQue 6 -rite the linux comman! to
create a tar *leQue 7 -rite the linux comman! to create a Aip *le an!
<nBip itQue 8 -rite the linux comman! to create a CAip *le an! <nBip
it%/$M:;<=:oll /o
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Linux Lab
Que 59 .o to save an! execute a *le in DIQue 51 -rite a shell script to print all the
users ho have currently logge! inQue 5' -rite a shell script to !isplay only the siBe
of *les from the current or4ing!irectoryQue 5% -rite a shell script to create a !
irectory an! *les an! sub!irectoriesQue 53 -rite a shell script to *n! the largest of to
numbersQue 5-rite a shell script to chec4 hether a number is even or o!!Que
55 -rite a shell script to print the values of :nvironment variablesQue 56 -
rite a shell script to extract certain values from :nvironment variable P$T.Que 57 -
rite a shell script to *n! largest of three given numberQue 58 -rite a shell script to
greet the user accor!ing to the ee4 of the !ayQue 69 -rite a shell script to !
isplay the number of voels an! consonants in astringQue 61 -rite a shell
script to perform arithmetic operation using caseEEEesacQue 6' -rite a
shell script to count or!s0 lines an! characters in a *leQue 6% -rite a shell script to
*n! out hich shell you are or4ing inQue 63 -rite a shell script to sho the
output of ho comman! sorte! on %r!columnQue 6 -rite a shell script to !isplay
the number of !aemon processesQue 65 -rite a shell script to chec4 hether the
year entere! is leap or notQue 66 -rite a shell script to *n! factorial of a
numberQue 67 -rite a shell script to generate a multiplication tableQue
68 -rite a shell script to a!! the !igits of a numberQue 79 -rite a shell script to reverse
a stringQue 71 -rite a shell script to chec4 hether a number entere! is prime or
notQue 7' -rite a shell script to accept a *lename as comman! line argument an!
printits contents3/$M:;<=:oll /o
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Linux Lab
Que 7% -rite a shell script to generate 2ibonacci =eriesQue 73 -rite a shell script
to chec4 hether a given number is a palin!romeQue 7 -rite a shell script to
copy the contents of one *le to another *le in aseparate !irectoryQue 75 -
rite the linux comman! to !isplay a list of P<Eintensive tas4s on
thesystemQue 76 -rite the linux comman! to change process priorityQue 77
-rite the linux comman! to !isplays theprocesses on the system in the formof
a tree

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