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4 Problems and solutions Photocopiables

4.4 Work skills

1 Match the beginning of the sentences and questions (1–12) with a suitable ending (a–l).
1 What’s the a choose a different one.
2 I can order b problem?
3 I’ll c reinstalling the app?
4 I’ll call you d order a new one now.
5 Did you try turning e when it’s ready.
6 How can f about the problem?
7 You could g a new one.
8 I could give h it on Wednesday.
9 Can you tell me i you your money back.
10 Did you charge j the battery?
11 Did you try k I help you?
12 You can collect l it off and on again?

2 Are the questions/sentences in Exercise 1 Asking about a problem (A), Suggesting

solutions (B), Making offers (C) or Making promises (D)?

3 Work in pairs.

Student A:
You are a Sales Assistant. Ask your customer about his/her problem. Use the (A)
sentences/questions from Exercise 2. Deal with your customer’s complaint using
sentences/questions (B), (C) and/or (D).

Student B:
You are a customer. Read your problem and make a complaint.

You bought a tablet but it You bought a laptop but it You bought a phone but the
doesn’t turn on. doesn’t charge. screen is broken.

You bought a laptop but the You bought a phone but the You bought a tablet but paid
camera doesn’t work. volume is very low. the wrong amount.

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