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Ahmed Toufik El Madani Secondary School School year: 2023-2024

Level: 1st year Literary Stream Duration: 02 hours

The Second Term English Exam

Part One (15pts)
A. Reading Comprehension (7pts)
Read the text carefully then do the following activities:

New York Times Sunday Oct 31st 2018

A recent study found that children younger than 16 spend more two hours a day using their smart
phones. That is a less amount of time they spend with a book, or revising at home! The study was made by
an American reporter who wanted to know the effects of using phone on the children’s memory. It
included more than 1,000 school children between the ages of 8 year and 16 years. He also asked some
doctors and specialists to give their opinions and advices on the phenomenon.
In fact, 70% of the informants said that they could not spend a day without surfing social media for
more than one hour. In fact half of them assumed that they were not able to remember what they had learnt
in the same day. The rest of the informants answered: “we are not able to concentrate at school”. Victoria
Rideout commented: “kids, who use phone more than one hour a week, lose their intelligence”. Dr. Henry
Shapiro says using social media makes pupils lazy, not sociable and stressed all the time”.
To close, the findings confirmed that using phones has many negative effects on learning.
Consequently, it should be restricted and used at regular time so pupils can score the best results at exams.

James Brown./Journalist at New York Time.

1. Choose the right answer.

A. The text is: a) an interview b) a report c) a questionnaire
B.The text is taken from: a) a magazine b) a newspaper c) a website article
2. Say if the following statements are true or false.
a) The informants of the study were pupils.
b) The reporter questioned only children
c) 50% of the informant could not memorize their school lessons.

3. Answer the following questions according to the text.

a. What is the purpose of the survey?
b. Do smartphones help pupils to focus on their studies? justify
c. What advice did the reporter mentioned in the text?
4. In which paragraph is it mentioned “the reason of the survey”?
5. What or who do the underlined words refer to in the text?
who(§1) we(§2)

B. Text Exploration (8pts)

1. Find in the text words closest in meaning to the following.
a. consequences (§1) b. remind(§2) bad(§3)
2. Complete the following table
Noun Adjective Adverb
use ………. …………

3. Rewrite the sentence ‘b’ so that it means the same as sentence ‘a’.
1/ a. The rest answered: “ we are not able to concentrate at school”.
b. The rest answered…………………………………………………………………………
2/ a. 70% of the informants said that they could not spend a day without surfing social media.
b. 70% of the informants : “…………………………………………………………………………”.

4. Classify the words according to the pronunciation of their final “s/es”

phones - advices - informants - says

/s/ /z/ /iz/

5. Reorder the following sentences to get a coherent passage.

a. The police are still searching for the causes
b. because the street was full of children, there were many victims who were injured.
c. and the suspected reason is that the lorry driver was driving fast and lost control.
d. Yesterday, the accident was very terrible

Part two: Written Expression (5 pts)

Choose One topic only.

Topic 1: Today, most young people have their own smartphone and they spend long time using them.
Imagine you are a reporter. Use the findings of the questionnaire to write a report.

Number of informants: 90 Age: 15 - 18

Questions Answers
- Do you have a smartphone ? Yes : 70 No:20
- How much time do you spend using your smartphone per day? 1h-3h : 20 2h – 4h :50
- What do you do with it? Play online game : 25 use social media applications : 45
- Do you use it to watch on Youtube? Yes 40 No:30

Topic Two : write a short paragraph in which you talk about your favorite childhood story .

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