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Branding and Digital Marketing for MWSE

-Aarti Barde


Literature review
Research Methodology
Time schedule
Expected Schedule

Digital media is changing the landscape for marketers everywhere. Traditionally, campaigns for every
product would depend upon determining the right marketing mix of the 4 P’s (Product, Price, Place
and Promotion) that would best influence the target audience’s purchase decisions. Today, however,
consumers are making buying-decisions differently and with this, strategies aimed at impacting this
process need to evolve as well.

Consumers now are exposed to their phone and laptop screens more than they are to traditional media
like television, newspapers and billboards. There are also a growing number of consumers who prefer
to shop online for products rather than visit a physical store.
The increase in online channels, interconnectivity and mobility has affected the decision-making
process and retailers need to adapt to this new environment. The challenge is to adapt these new
technologies to be able to offer customers an efficient and pleasant shopping experience and satisfy
their expectations

Today, in India, around 500,000 children under five years of age die each year due to waterborne
diseases like diarrhoea; 75 per cent of India’s rural population does not have access to safe drinking
water and over 80 per cent of diseases and 33 per cent of deaths are caused primarily due to unsafe
drinking water.

Beyond the rural population, it is estimated that around 80% of urban dwellers do not purify tap
water. Many of them are from the lower income strata and cannot afford UV or reverse osmosis water
purification systems. They are the potential buyers of economical but effective chemical purifiers.
Eureka Forbes, Hindustan Unilever and Tata are trying to aggressively tap this market of affordable
and effective chemical purifiers.

Chemical based purifiers, Aquasure and Pureit, together account for 20% of water purifiers sold. Both
are becoming increasingly popular because they are effective and affordable. The two brands are
reported to be growing at 100 percent per annum. Also, they do not run on electricity and are ideal for
locations where power supply is unpredictable. Neither do they demand continuous water supply.
Power and water are still scarce even in urban India.

For purifying water, several water filters are employed that ranges from simple faucet-mounted filters
to whole-house systems. Nevertheless, the rapidly used residential products are under sink filter that is
reasonable, simple, and affordable and forms the effective balance filtration. Likewise, in whole house
system filtration, wholesome water entering the house is filtered but this seems to be more costly. The
commercial water purifier ensures that there are no bacteria, corrosive salts, metals etc in the water. It
assists in improving the taste of the water and tackle hard water problems.

In India, water purifier market can be segmented into three divisions: Offline, UV, and RO water
purifiers. Offline water purifiers employ the simple concept of gravity for a purification process that
does not require the need for electricity. Similarly, Reverse Osmosis (RO) uses the semi-permeable
membrane filter to remove dissolved inorganic solids impurities and also even bacteria from water.
Likewise, UV water purifiers use ultraviolet light for germicidal eradication and can be paired with
other systems of purification for better results.

Launching your brand or services can be a daunting task in today’s business environment.

Competition is fierce in almost every trade. To carve out your own niche in a highly competitive

market, you need to align your business plan with your marketing plan from the get-go.

Customers today are influenced by several elements beginning right from the identification of

the brand’s logo to how and where they encountered the promotional messages. In addition to

running your small or medium enterprise, marketing your products and services has now

become a full fledged activity that is crucial to the promotion of a business. The promotional

messages have to be crafted especially keeping this current competitive environment in mind

and a sound knowledge of the potential customers’ preferences. One must know one’s target
market inside out to influence it the way one desires

Various brands are using digital strategies to market their brand

Literature review
Digital marketing is defined as the used of all digital channel as medium of marketing and this include
Radio, TV and now the internet. Today internet offers perhaps the most dynamic medium of
marketing both in terms of opportunities and audience. “Digital marketing” is the process of building
and maintaining customer relationships through online activities to facilitate the exchange of ideas,
products, and services that satisfy the goals of both parties.

J Suresh Reddy26 has published article in Indian Journal of Marketing. Title of article is “Impact of
E-commerce on marketing”. Marketing is one of the business function most dramatically affected by
emerging information technologies. Internet is providing companies new channels of communication
and interaction. It can create closer yet more cost effective relationships with customers in sales,
marketing and customer support. Companies can use web to provide ongoing information, service and
support. It also creates positive interaction with customers that can serve as the foundation for long
term relationships and encourage repeat purchases. Neelika Arora in research article entitled “Trends
in Online Advertising” in advertising Express, Dec2004. The global online advertising revenues are
expected to touch US $10bn by 2006. In India, the revenues at present are estimated to be Rs. 80 cr.
and are expected to increase six times more within the next five years. In India, Internet as a medium
is accepted by a wider industrial segment that includes automobiles, telecom, education, banking,
insurance, credit cards, FMCG (apparel/clothing, durables, media, business services and tourism. Out
of these, it is estimated that the banking, FMCG and insurance sectors together account for 45% of the
total advertising spend. In comparison to this, automotive, travel and retail spend 37% of the total
advertising revenue and financial service companies spend 12% only. Some of the top spenders in
India are automobiles, followed by brands like Pepsodent, Kelloggs, Cadbury, HDFC (Housing
Development Finance Corporation Ltd.) loans and Sunsilk. In addition to these the early adopters in
the field of finance and IT are also increasing their spending. Globally, the trend is that almost 60% of
the revenue goes to five firms- Goggle, Yahoo, Microsoft, AOL(America Online Launchers), and
Overture. Approximately, 90% of the Goggle revenues come from advertising. In India, portals like,,, etc are attracting major online
spender. This article explains demographic profile of Indian users. It also gives the comparison
between global trend and Indian trend, which is useful for my research work.

Nicholas Ind , Maria Chiara Riondino36 have originally published their article inthe Journal of Brand
Management in September 2001. The title of this article is “Branding on the Web: A real
Revolution?” In this paper difference in corporate attitudes to the Web are discussed and conclusions
as to the way in which branding practice and theory are affected by the new technology are drawn.
This article explains the Web is both a distribution and a communications channel that facilitates
interaction community building, openness and comparability.

Changing behaviour means influencing a person and this is often a social and psychological process.
Such process is not an easy task, especially not in traditional rural societies. Just spreading rational
information is not enough to be effective. KOTLER AND LEE (2011) explain the concept as:
“Similar to commercial sector marketers whose objective is to sell goods and services, social
marketers’ objectives is to successfully influence certain behaviours.” Accordingly, one typically
wants to influence target audiences to do one (or more) of the four things:
1. Accept a new behaviour;

2. Reject a potentially undesirable behaviour (e.g. starting smoking), which is why we refer more
often to behaviour influence than behaviour change;

3. Modify a current behaviour (e.g. do hand washing); or

4. Abandon and old undesirable behaviour (e.g. stop drinking untreated water).

It is, however also very important to have an impact on continuous behaviour changes. In contrary to
commercial marketing social marketing does not advertise a specific product or service but new

 The main objective of the study is to understand the consumer buying journey in digital era
for slow moving consumer goods.
 To identify the factors and dimensions of brand image for durable products with special
reference to water purifiers.
 To theoretically and practically find out the effect of advertisement on brand
 To find out how brand personality dimensions, brand trust, brand affect, and brand loyalty
correlate with consumer behaviour.
 How important can the brand name be, to make the consumers spend extra

Research Methodology
 Case study
 Visual research
 Surveys

Time schedule


MONTH 1 Create branding kit and doing visual research of competitive brands
about how they are using social media and digital platforms for

MONTH 2 Understanding Case study of various offline water purifiers and how they are

promoting themselves through digital platforms.

MONTH 3 Establishing accounts on all the relevant social media platforms and

creating digital campaigns according to trends.

MONTH 4 Analysing reports and measure the conversions of the digital campaigns

Expected outcome
It’s time to really look at what is being done with digital media. The growing trends of digital media
are all around without a question. Durable goods are no exception to this new movement. Throughout
the literature review evidence supports the growth and use of digital media to market and connect
with consumers.



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