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7 Procedures Photocopiables

7.4 Work skills

1 Put the phrases in the correct order.
1 solution / What’s / the / ?
2 improve / the / we / I / to / process / need / think / .
3 interesting. / That’s / more / Tell / me / .
4 sounds / Really? / great / That / .
5 use / Why / an / don’t / app / we / ?
6 we / can / How / this / improve / ?
7 about / I’m / sure / that / not / .
8 use / Why / technology / not / ?
9 a / idea / good / That’s / .
10 but / convinced / OK, / totally / not / I’m /.

2 Which of the phrases in Exercise 1 Give ideas (G) and which of them Respond to ideas (R)?

3 Look at the workflow. Which adjective describes the process?

complicated clear efficient

1 An employee asks their manager to buy travel tickets.

2 The manager sends an email to the admin department

to buy the travel tickets for the employee.

3 Admin asks the manager for the travel details.

4 The manager asks the employee to send the travel

details to admin.

5 The employee emails admin with his/her travel details.

6 Admin buys the tickets and sends an email with the

tickets to the employee and the manager.

4 Have a meeting to improve the workflow. Use the phrases from

Exercise 1 to help you.

Student A Student B

You are the employee. You think the company should use an online system for
You are the manager. Your
employee travel. With the new system:
employee has an idea how
to improve the workflow. • The employee can complete a form online to buy travel tickets.
Ask questions, listen to his/ • Admin and the manager can approve the employee’s tickets on the system.
her ideas and respond. • The employee can see their travel details on the system.

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