Know Your Education Abs Activity

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Educ2000 Abbreviations & Acronyms in Ed Spr2022

Know Your Education ABS’s

Student Name:___Merle Stroud __EDU2000 CRN_41874


Use the attached abbreviations and acronyms sheet from the Ga Department of Education to complete this assignment.
Be sure to include the abbreviation/acronym along with its title in written form. There is an example provided.

Example: This exam assures admissions officers of English-language proficiency for students who are native English
TOEFL – Test of English As a Foreign Language

1. This is an organization that governs athletics and activities for member schools in Georgia.
GHSA Georgia High School Association
2. This identifies the academic and priority goals along with strategies for each school.
3. This agency governs education in the state of Georgia.
GaDOE Georgia Department of Education
4. This written plan is created for a student based on the outcome of the functional behavior
BIP Behavior Intervention Plan
5. This portfolio is a key component of the Georgia Student Assessment Program and is used to
capture student learning and achievement/progress in four content areas: English Language Arts,
Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies.
GAA Georgia Alignment Assessment
6. This is a year-long performance-based assessment aligned to the state mandated content for early
GKIDS Georgia Kindergarten inventory of Development Skills
7. This agency accredits over 13,000 public and private educational institutions in the southern United
SACS Southern Association of College and School Commission on College
8. This refers to a range of services that is specially designed instruction that addresses the unique
needs of students eligible to receive these services.
SDI Specially Designed Instruction
9. This is an alternative supplement academic intervention that is required for Priority and Focus
FLP Flexible Learning Programs
10. This is a plan for special instruction, support, and services a student needs to thrive in school.
IEP Individualized Education Programs

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