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3.6 INSTRUCTOR RESPONSIBILITIES This message will not appear when printing.

1. The job of flight instruction is to transfer knowledge. Flight instructors are responsible for producing the safest pilots possible with the overall focus on
education and learning. Aviation instructors have five main responsibilities.
a. Helping Learners
1. The use of standards, and measurement against standards, is key to helping learners learn.
2. Knowing the objective of each period of instruction gives meaning and provides interest to learner and instructor.
b. Providing Adequate Instruction
1. Flight instructors should analyze the learner’s personality, thinking, and ability to tailor their teaching technique to the learner.
c. Demanding Adequate Standards of Performance
1. Evaluation of demonstrated ability during flight instruction must be based upon established standards of performance, suitably modified
to apply to the learner’s experience and stage of development as a pilot.
2. In evaluating learner demonstrations of piloting ability, it is important for the flight instructor to keep the learner informed of his or her
a. EXAMPLE: This may be done as each procedure/maneuver is completed or summarized during postflight critiques.
d. Emphasizing the Positive
1. Emphasize the positive because positive instruction results in positive learning.
e. Ensuring Aviation Safety
1. The safety practices aviation instructors emphasize have a long-lasting effect on learners.
2. Emphasizing safety by example is one of the best actions an instructor can take to ensure aviation safety.
2. Additional responsibilities of flight instructors include
a. Evaluation of learner piloting ability
1. In evaluating learner demonstrations of ability, it is important for the aviation instructor to keep the learner informed of progress. This
may be done as each procedure or maneuver is completed or summarized during a postflight or class critique.
b. Pilot supervision
c. Practical test recommendations
d. Flight instructor endorsements
1. Examples of all common endorsements can be found in the current issue of AC 61-65, Appendix A.
e. Additional training and endorsements
f. Pilot proficiency
g. See and avoid responsibility
h. Learner’s pre-solo flight thought process
3. It is a flight instructor’s responsibility to teach the learner how to take charge during a flight. A pilot in command (PIC) must know when to tell any
passengers, even a designated pilot examiner (DPE), when the PIC finds actions in the aircraft that distract and interfere with the safe conduct of the
a. Instructor responsibilities include teaching the learner to divide his or her attention between the distracting task and maintaining control of the
b. Properly interjected distractions may help learners learn to determine whether a distraction warrants further attention or action on their part.
4. Flight instructors have a particular responsibility to provide guidance and restraint regarding the solo operations of their learners.
a. Before receiving an instructor endorsement for solo flight, a learner should be required to demonstrate the consistent ability to perform all of
the fundamental maneuvers without the need of instructor assistance.
b. The learner should also be capable of handling ordinary problems that might occur, such as traffic pattern congestion, a change in the active
runway, or unexpected crosswinds.
5. Minimizing Learner Frustrations
a. Motivate Learners
1. More can be gained from wanting to learn than from being forced to learn.
2. Too often, learners do not realize how a particular lesson or course can help them reach an important goal.
3. When learners can see the benefits and purpose of the lesson or course, their enjoyment and efforts increase.
b. Keep Learners Informed
1. Learners feel insecure when they do not know what is expected of them or what is going to happen to them.
2. Instructors can minimize feelings of insecurity by telling learners what is expected of them and what they can expect in return.
3. Instructors keep learners informed in various ways, including giving them an overview of the course, keeping them posted on their
progress, and giving them adequate notice of examinations, assignments, or other requirements.
c. Approach Learners as Individuals
1. When instructors limit their thinking to a group mentality without considering the individuals who make up that group, their efforts are
directed at an average personality that really fits no one.
2. Each learner group has its own personality that stems from the characteristics and interactions of its members, but each individual
within the group has a unique personality to constantly be considered.
d. Give Credit When Due
1. When learners do something extremely well, they normally expect their abilities and efforts to be noticed. Otherwise, they may become
2. Praise or credit from the instructor is usually ample reward and provides an incentive to do even better. Praise pays dividends in learner
effort and achievement when deserved, but when given too freely, it becomes valueless.
e. Criticize Constructively
1. Although it is important to give praise and credit when deserved, it is equally important to identify mistakes and failures. It does not help
to tell learners they have made errors and not provide explanations.
2. If a learner has made an earnest effort but is told that the work is unsatisfactory, with no other explanation, frustration occurs.
3. Errors cannot be corrected if they are not identified, and if they are not identified, they will probably be perpetuated through faulty
practice. On the other hand, if the learner is briefed on the errors and is told how to correct them, progress can be made.
f. Be Consistent
1. Learners want to please their instructor–the same desire that influences much of the behavior of subordinates toward their superiors in
industry and business.
2. Naturally, learners have a keen interest in knowing what is required to please the instructor. If the same thing is acceptable one day and
unacceptable the next, the learner becomes confused. The instructor’s philosophy and actions must be consistent.
g. Admit Errors
1. No one, including learners, expects an instructor to be perfect. The instructor can win the respect of learners by honestly
acknowledging mistakes.
2. If the instructor tries to cover up or bluff, learners are quick to sense it. Such behavior tends to destroy learner confidence in the
3. If in doubt about some point, the instructor should admit it.
h. Assign Goals
1. Goals the learner considers difficult but possible usually provide a challenge and promote learning.
2. In a typical flight lesson, reasonable goals are listed in the lesson objectives and the desired levels of proficiency for the goals are
included in statements that contain completion standards.
i. Learners will remain engaged if they are aware of the progress they are making.
1. One way to make learners aware of their progress is to repeat a demonstration or example and to show them the standards their
performance must ultimately meet.

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