Databases TDP - 0001

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By Q command Knowing the details

tsm: SERVERl>q db
Available Assigned Max imum Max imum Page Total Used Pet Max.
Space C a p a c i t y E x t e n s ion R e d u c t ion Size Usable Pages Util Pet
(MB) (MB) (MB) (MB) (bytes) Pages Util
24 12 12 8 4,096 3,072 260 8.5 9.7
tsm: SERVER1>_

Reducing Log Assigned Size

Taking Backup of DB
IBM Tivoli Storage Manager

•sm: S E R V E R 1 > b a c k u p d b d e v c = k t d e v t y p e = f u l l
NR2280I Full database backup started as process 25.
NS8003I Process number 25 started.

tsm: SERVERl>q act begind=-l se="process 25"

Date/Time Message
12/15/2011 12:57:14 ANR0984I Process 25 for DATABASE BACKUP started in the
BACKGROUND at 12:57:14. (SESSION: 54, PROCESS: 25)
12/15/2011 12:57:14 ANR2280I Full database backup started as process 25.
12/15/2011 12:57:14 ANR0513I Process 25 opened output volume
C:\SAT\23982634.DBB. (SESSION: 54, PROCESS: 25)
12/15/2011 12:57:14 ANR0515I Process 25 closed volume C:\SAT\23982634.DBB.
12/15/2011 12:57:14 ANR4550I Full database backup (process 25) complete, 261
pages copied. (SESSION: 54, PROCESS: 25)
12/15/2011 12:57:14 ANR0985I Process 25 for DATABASE BACKUP running in the
BACKGROUND completed with completion state SUCCESS at
12:57:14. (SESSION: 54, PROCESS: 25)

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