Ρειντ 2

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stormtroopers (and who would bother guarding garbage anyway?

) it might make more sense to add

a passive defensive measure. Perhaps a magnetically sealed door?
Use this same combination of logic and rulings when running Zariel’s fortress and you should be in
good shape.

If the PCs want to get information about the layout, defenses, and other features of Zariel’s fortress
before initiating their raid, there are several options:
Explore the wrecked flying fortress in Hex H6. The layout may not be precisely identical, but
will be broadly so.
Detailed blueprints of the flying fortress can be found in the archives of Bel’s Forge in Hex H2.
Questioning captured devils of the 5th Legion (or making soul bargains for the information) can
also reveal many details.


Zariel’s flying fortress is the mobile base of operations for the 5th Legion, which is composed of
3rd Aerial Cohort, composed of spined devils
7th Infantry Cohort, composed of bearded devils
9th Cavalry Auxiliary, consisting of several dozen war machines.
See The Ranks of Hell for more details on the organization of Avernian legions. The command
structure of the 3/5 and 7/5 is a little unusual, with the flying fortress having two rotating officer
The Horned Devil corps, under the command of Signifier Uxtarthas, is currently out of favor
and are stuck leading the 7th
The Erinyes corps, under the command of Principia Hathastus, currently have dominion and are
leading the prestigious 3rd
Each officer corps consists of an independent cadre of prima, triarii, and their Princeps. They are
kept in competition with each other, creating a fierce rivalry for supremacy in Zariel’s esteem. This
drives them to fiendish heights, but also creates the opportunity for clever PCs to sow discord and
distrust between the ranks.
The 9th Cavalry maintains its own, independent command structure under the command of
Principia Vastarxes. They are not responsible for internal security on the fortress and, therefore, will
be not be significantly featured here.
Legate Siccatrax Augustus, a pit fiend, is the commanding officer of the 5th Legion. She is also
unlikely to directly appear in this adventure unless the PCs seek her out.
Homework: The 9th might be field-testing an experimental war machine. (Mobile Suit
Avernus?) Or perhaps their war machines are simply significantly superior to the
outdated crap the warlords are driving around in. Either way, pulling a heist to steal
one or more of the 9th’s war machines might be the price demanded by a warlord for
their assistance.

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