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MAS291 | SE1740

Name Roll Number Assigned Job

Lã Đức Minh HE176290 Construct a 95% confidence interval for the mean difference in deaths rate due to COVID-19 in each country.

Nguyễn Kim Diên HE172193 At the 0.05 level of significance, is there evidence of a difference in the mean of vaccines rate among the 5 countries?

At the 0.05 level of significance, is there any evidence of a correlation between the deaths rate due to COVID -19 and the vaccines
Nguyễn Đức Đạt HE176656
rate? ( use z test - z Critical to compare)

At the 0.05 level of significance, is there any evidence of a correlation between the deaths rate due to COVID -19 and the vaccines
Nguyễn Minh Trí HE176657
rate? ( use z test - P value to compare )

Filter redundant data based on coefficient of correlation (regression 1) then estimate, analysis regression line for vaccines rate
Nguyễn Kiêm Quang HE171298
and deaths rate in each country (regression 2).

Filter redundant data based on coefficient of correlation (regression 1) then estimate, analysis regression line for vaccines rate
Trần Đức Hùng HE171201
and deaths rate in each country (regression 2).
Vietnam Philippines UAE USA
Deaths rate Vaccines rate Deaths rate Vaccines rate Deaths rate Vaccines rate Deaths rate
0.005376 0 0.5 0 0.014286 0 0.04
0.005085 0 0.5 0 0.013072 0 0.03125
0.009662 0 0.5 0 0.013072 0 0.109091
0.010736 0 0.5 0 0.010101 0 0.094595
0.011905 0 0.5 0 0.008065 0 0.102804
0.012552 0 0.333333 0 0.006006 0 0.065217
0.013333 0 0.333333 0 0.006006 0 0.059072
0.012674 0 0.333333 0 0.004938 0 0.042184
0.012315 0 0.333333 0 0.004274 0 0.040462
0.015458 0 0.333333 0 0.005263 0 0.037037
0.01771 0 0.333333 0 0.008183 0 0.035806
0.018476 0 0.333333 0 0.009036 0 0.028771
0.020385 0 0.333333 0 0.009828 0 0.027112
0.023052 0 0.333333 0 0.007813 0 0.022983
0.023656 0 0.333333 0 0.00712 0 0.019476
0.025237 0 0.333333 0 0.006645 0 0.021793
0.024896 0 0.333333 0 0.005559 0 0.020731
0.025432 0 0.333333 0 0.005299 0 0.020577
0.026289 0 0.333333 0 0.005087 0 0.021158
0.025151 0 0.333333 0 0.004513 0 0.019469
0.024826 0 0.333333 0 0.004682 0 0.018572
0.024777 0 0.333333 0 0.004762 0 0.018252
0.025641 0 0.333333 0 0.005353 0 0.017256
0.026575 0 0.333333 0 0.005336 0 0.017138
0.026419 0 0.333333 0 0.00553 0 0.018214
0.026239 0 0.333333 0 0.005676 0 0.019843
0.029014 0 0.333333 0 0.006151 0 0.020574
0.028958 0 0.333333 0 0.006009 0 0.0219
0.028902 0 0.333333 0 0.005871 0 0.023686
0.030769 0 0.333333 0 0.005871 0 0.024891
0.030769 0 0.333333 0 0.006046 0 0.02583
0.032567 0 0.333333 0 0.005919 0 0.0279
0.032567 0 0.333333 0 0.005932 0 0.029722
0.032505 0 0.2 0 0.006312 0 0.031865
0.033461 0 0.166667 0 0.006396 0 0.033211
0.033365 0 0.1 0 0.006896 0 0.034918
0.033365 0 0.05 0 0.007235 0 0.036622
0.033365 0 0.030303 0 0.007344 0 0.03814
0.033365 0 0.020408 0 0.007565 0 0.041622
0.033207 0 0.038462 0 0.007821 0 0.043562
0.03305 0 0.078125 0 0.008215 0 0.044949
0.03305 0 0.072072 0 0.008413 0 0.04621
0.033019 0 0.078571 0 0.008514 0 0.047689
0.033019 0 0.084507 0 0.008751 0 0.048808
0.032926 0 0.064171 0 0.008896 0 0.049915
0.032926 0 0.094059 0 0.009301 0 0.05162
0.032926 0 0.078341 0 0.00961 0 0.053566
0.032926 0 0.078261 0 0.009976 0 0.054446
0.032833 0 0.061889 0 0.01016 0 0.054864
0.032772 0 0.065789 0 0.010361 0 0.055463
0.032772 0 0.071429 0 0.010622 0 0.056208
0.032772 0 0.063406 0 0.01088 0 0.056904
0.032772 0 0.059748 0 0.010647 0 0.058124
0.032772 0 0.063649 0 0.010325 0 0.058982
0.032741 0 0.067248 0 0.010105 0 0.059582
0.032741 0 0.063256 0 0.009865 0 0.059872
0.032741 0 0.050071 0 0.009619 0 0.059749
0.032741 0 0.050453 0 0.009458 0 0.059598
0.032588 0 0.042226 0 0.009419 0 0.059608
0.032498 0 0.04154 0 0.00926 0 0.060369
0.031993 0 0.040638 0 0.009057 0 0.061104
0.031993 0 0.045063 0 0.00896 0 0.061454
0.031963 0 0.046542 0 0.008811 0 0.061243
0.031934 0 0.046827 0 0.00864 0 0.061332
0.031934 0 0.044536 0 0.008501 0 0.061114
0.031934 0 0.047024 0 0.008309 0 0.061033
0.031905 0 0.047028 0 0.008183 0 0.061658
0.031876 0 0.049804 0 0.008139 0 0.062314
0.031847 0 0.052682 0 0.007976 0 0.062462
0.031818 0 0.055781 0 0.007931 0 0.062519
0.031674 0 0.063898 0 0.007838 0 0.06247
0.031617 0 0.063869 0 0.00773 0 0.062342
0.03156 0 0.064139 0 0.00764 0 0.062229
0.031532 0 0.064001 0 0.007559 0 0.062327
0.031447 0 0.063958 0 0.007516 0 0.062675
0.031194 0 0.065839 0 0.007426 0 0.062786
0.031139 0 0.065221 0 0.007375 0 0.06286
0.031139 0 0.065346 0 0.007279 0 0.062645
0.031083 0 0.066264 0 0.007186 0 0.062414
0.030864 0 0.066222 0 0.007112 0 0.062301
0.030702 0 0.066468 0 0.007136 0 0.062411
0.030675 0 0.06618 0 0.007092 0 0.06246
0.030594 0 0.066324 0 0.007011 0 0.062216
0.030488 0 0.067727 0 0.006978 0 0.062041
0.030488 0 0.066104 0 0.006916 0 0.061932
0.030172 0 0.065707 0 0.006859 0 0.061561
0.029966 0 0.0666 0 0.006833 0 0.061213
0.02994 0 0.067949 0 0.006825 0 0.060923
0.029863 0 0.066918 0 0.006817 0 0.061121
0.029838 0 0.066005 0 0.006803 0 0.060998
0.029737 0 0.06754 0 0.006811 0 0.060762
0.029737 0 0.065814 0 0.006796 0 0.060506
0.029661 0 0.065683 0 0.006759 0 0.060214
0.029661 0 0.065779 0 0.006722 0 0.060047
0.029362 0 0.065774 0 0.006688 0 0.059924
0.029118 0 0.066228 0 0.006676 0 0.059848
0.029094 0 0.06652 0 0.006655 0 0.059493
0.028998 0 0.066352 0 0.006615 0 0.059128
0.028878 0 0.066611 0 0.0066 0 0.058835
0.028854 0 0.065488 0 0.006567 0 0.058529
0.028854 0 0.066167 0 0.006549 0 0.058284
0.028807 0 0.066449 0 0.006508 0 0.058148
0.028548 0 0.066521 0 0.006473 0 0.057954
0.027955 0 0.066661 0 0.00644 0 0.057719
0.027933 0 0.066396 0 0.006408 0 0.057401
0.027866 0 0.065852 0 0.006342 0 0.057078
0.027668 0 0.06534 0 0.006312 0 0.056728
0.027322 0 0.064673 0 0.006267 0 0.056353
0.02728 0 0.063687 0 0.006223 0 0.056074
0.027174 0 0.062975 0 0.006198 0 0.055717
0.026923 0 0.063029 0 0.006165 0 0.055318
0.02684 0 0.062641 0 0.006122 0 0.05483
0.02682 0 0.061845 0 0.006105 0 0.054306
0.026799 0 0.060968 0 0.006079 0 0.053828
0.026779 0 0.060399 0 0.006071 0 0.053299
0.026677 0 0.06007 0 0.006051 0 0.052737
0.026596 0 0.059084 0 0.006028 0 0.052251
0.026495 0 0.056631 0 0.005998 0 0.051628
0.026296 0 0.055156 0 0.005968 0 0.050855
0.026139 0 0.052914 0 0.005973 0 0.050226
0.0261 0 0.051508 0 0.00596 0 0.049507
0.026061 0 0.05085 0 0.005956 0 0.048862
0.025984 0 0.049321 0 0.005945 0 0.048153
0.025907 0 0.048278 0 0.005931 0 0.047534
0.025773 0 0.047852 0 0.005924 0 0.046853
0.025716 0 0.046579 0 0.005898 0 0.046233
0.025716 0 0.04581 0 0.005889 0 0.045592
0.025641 0 0.044985 0 0.005857 0 0.044859
0.025622 0 0.044233 0 0.005839 0 0.044328
0.025604 0 0.043275 0 0.00583 0 0.043862
0.025418 0 0.042854 0 0.005827 0 0.043274
0.025344 0 0.042442 0 0.005791 0 0.042779
0.025271 0 0.042297 0 0.005795 0 0.042112
0.025162 0 0.041959 0 0.005801 0 0.04156
0.02509 0 0.041559 0 0.005777 0 0.040948
0.025054 0 0.041186 0 0.005754 0 0.040354
0.024964 0 0.040678 0 0.005739 0 0.039843
0.024911 0 0.040145 0 0.005721 0 0.039368
0.024911 0 0.039706 0 0.00573 0 0.038856
0.024876 0 0.039116 0 0.005724 0 0.038398
0.024823 0 0.038899 0 0.005736 0 0.037969
0.024805 0 0.038361 0 0.005714 0 0.0375
0.02477 0 0.037266 0 0.00571 0 0.037044
0.024752 0 0.037281 0 0.005693 0 0.036677
0.024648 0 0.036651 0 0.005686 0 0.03636
0.024631 0 0.035923 0 0.005663 0 0.036016
0.024441 0 0.035514 0 0.005639 0 0.035623
0.024322 0 0.035087 0 0.005625 0 0.035307
0.024306 0 0.034442 0 0.005632 0 0.034966
0.024289 0 0.033747 0 0.00566 0 0.034736
0.024121 0 0.032978 0 0.00564 0 0.034498
0.024072 0 0.032831 0 0.005639 0 0.034323
0.024038 0 0.031733 0 0.005617 0 0.03408
0.023891 0 0.030839 0 0.005608 0 0.033856
0.023745 0 0.029308 0 0.00559 0 0.033675
0.023617 0 0.028123 0 0.005584 0 0.033433
0.023427 0 0.027343 0 0.005596 0 0.033255
0.02338 0 0.026093 0 0.005588 0 0.033087
0.023271 0 0.025389 0 0.005575 0 0.033006
0.023256 0 0.025702 0 0.005557 0 0.032841
0.023194 0 0.025303 0 0.005517 0 0.032699
0.023148 0 0.027267 0 0.005501 0 0.032498
0.023133 0 0.02805 0 0.005467 0 0.032262
0.023118 0 0.027856 0 0.005481 0 0.032037
0.023102 0 0.027426 0 0.005468 0 0.031895
0.023026 0 0.026817 0 0.005423 0 0.031848
0.023011 0 0.026349 0 0.00541 0 0.031732
0.022861 0 0.02715 0 0.005364 0 0.03156
0.022786 0 0.027144 0 0.005318 0 0.031447
0.022772 0 0.026634 0 0.005281 0 0.031358
0.022772 0 0.02596 0 0.005244 0 0.031227
0.022742 0 0.025502 0 0.005238 0 0.031195
0.022727 0 0.025151 0 0.005207 0 0.031169
0.022668 0 0.02458 0 0.005172 0 0.031115
0.022639 0 0.024193 0 0.005175 0 0.031048
0.02261 0 0.024016 0 0.005113 0 0.03097
0.02261 0 0.023708 0 0.00506 0 0.030884
0.02261 0 0.023269 0 0.00502 0 0.030779
0.022595 0 0.022951 0 0.004971 0 0.030765
0.022566 0 0.022188 0 0.004954 0 0.030746
0.022537 0 0.02167 0 0.004916 0 0.030671
0.021199 0 0.020757 0 0.004869 0 0.03059
0.021123 0 0.019954 0 0.00483 0 0.030533
0.019808 0 0.019787 0 0.004796 0 0.030434
0.019263 0 0.018784 0 0.004758 0 0.030348
0.018919 0 0.018305 0 0.004732 0 0.030313
0.018597 0 0.017998 0 0.004685 0 0.030288
0.017967 0 0.017661 0 0.004638 0 0.030233
0.017885 0 0.017409 0 0.004597 0 0.030155
0.017713 0 0.017473 0 0.004568 0 0.030076
0.017632 0 0.016789 0 0.004536 0 0.030006
0.017491 0 0.016569 0 0.004504 0 0.02994
0.017073 0 0.016724 0 0.004484 0 0.029888
0.016957 0 0.016445 0 0.004469 0 0.029904
0.016738 0 0.015892 0 0.004448 0 0.029864
0.016355 0 0.016464 0 0.004415 0 0.029837
0.01634 0 0.016527 0 0.004392 0 0.029743
0.015945 0 0.0163 0 0.004358 0 0.02962
0.015709 0 0.015879 0 0.004312 0 0.029538
0.015425 0 0.016084 0 0.004301 0 0.029554
0.015145 0 0.016195 0 0.004316 0 0.029528
0.015028 0 0.016122 0 0.004281 0 0.029458
0.014913 0 0.01584 0 0.004255 0 0.029381
0.014818 0 0.015812 0 0.00425 0 0.029287
0.01478 0 0.015495 0 0.004214 0 0.029148
0.014687 0 0.015408 0 0.004189 0 0.029072
0.014632 0 0.015502 0 0.004157 0 0.029062
0.014565 0 0.015731 0 0.004125 0 0.029043
0.014511 0 0.015868 0 0.004089 0 0.028969
0.014457 0 0.016042 0 0.004056 0 0.028906
0.014427 0 0.016192 0 0.004032 0 0.028838
0.014391 0 0.016113 0 0.004013 0 0.028745
0.014297 0 0.016039 0 0.004005 0 0.028642
0.014297 0 0.016 0 0.003999 0 0.0286
0.014141 0 0.016147 0 0.003997 0 0.028576
0.014102 0 0.016103 0 0.003962 0 0.02852
0.014068 0 0.016157 0 0.003927 0 0.028427
0.014034 0 0.016325 0 0.003885 0 0.02833
0.013994 0 0.016295 0 0.003838 0 0.028253
0.013933 0 0.016183 0 0.003812 0 0.028177
0.013867 0 0.01626 0 0.003802 0 0.028103
0.013856 0 0.016333 0 0.003777 0 0.028042
0.013839 0 0.016239 0 0.003759 0 0.027958
0.013818 0 0.016644 0 0.003744 0 0.027884
0.013725 0.01 0.016733 0 0.003726 0 0.02777
0.013709 0.01 0.017413 0 0.003732 0 0.027661
0.013704 0.01 0.017308 0 0.003704 0 0.027563
0.013688 0.02 0.017338 0 0.003678 0 0.027487
0.013672 0.02 0.017319 0 0.003694 0 0.02741
0.013635 0.02 0.017279 0 0.003678 0 0.027299
0.013619 0.03 0.017392 0 0.003665 0 0.027177
0.013613 0.03 0.017381 0 0.003646 0 0.027095
0.013608 0.03 0.017227 0 0.003645 0 0.026978
0.013608 0.03 0.017304 0 0.003616 0 0.026816
0.013592 0.04 0.017282 0 0.003594 0 0.026728
0.013592 0.04 0.017277 0 0.003588 0 0.026676
0.013587 0.04 0.017357 0 0.003571 0 0.026526
0.013571 0.04 0.01754 0 0.003564 0 0.026383
0.013534 0.04 0.017566 0 0.003569 0 0.026254
0.013534 0.05 0.017511 0 0.00354 0 0.026121
0.013508 0.05 0.017614 0 0.003525 0 0.025988
0.013493 0.05 0.017658 0 0.003523 0 0.025875
0.013493 0.05 0.017709 0 0.003521 0 0.025741
0.013446 0.05 0.017734 0 0.003517 0 0.025591
0.013374 0.05 0.017781 0 0.003504 0 0.025427
0.013359 0.05 0.01791 0 0.003495 0 0.025285
0.013328 0.05 0.017982 0 0.003473 0 0.025126
0.013303 0.05 0.017945 0 0.003472 0 0.024966
0.013273 0.05 0.017974 0 0.003461 0 0.024805
0.013218 0.05 0.018287 0 0.003464 0 0.024663
0.013163 0.06 0.018377 0 0.003461 0 0.024457
0.013118 0.06 0.018514 0 0.00344 0 0.024264
0.013045 0.06 0.018627 0 0.003431 0 0.024065
0.013001 0.06 0.018471 0 0.003417 0 0.023834
0.012997 0.06 0.018485 0 0.003398 0 0.023634
0.012939 0.06 0.01861 0 0.003387 0 0.023459
0.012896 0.06 0.018632 0 0.003385 0 0.023267
0.012806 0.06 0.018567 0 0.003383 0 0.023031
0.01269 0.06 0.018635 0 0.003386 0 0.022761
0.012626 0.07 0.018653 0 0.003367 0 0.022542
0.012585 0.07 0.018585 0 0.00336 0 0.02233
0.012567 0.08 0.018543 0 0.003355 0 0.022098
0.01254 0.08 0.018626 0 0.003345 0 0.02193
0.0125 0.11 0.01864 0 0.003333 0 0.021772
0.012447 0.11 0.018904 0 0.003319 0 0.02159
0.012394 0.13 0.018852 0 0.003319 0 0.021389
0.012367 0.18 0.018855 0 0.003324 0 0.021207
0.012354 0.2 0.018941 0 0.003314 0 0.021039
0.012311 0.21 0.018902 0 0.003336 0 0.02082
0.012272 0.26 0.018962 0 0.003322 0 0.020704
0.012251 0.32 0.018961 0 0.003321 0 0.020588
0.012216 0.43 0.018961 0 0.00332 0 0.02051
0.012027 0.52 0.018966 0 0.003313 0 0.020293
0.011954 0.53 0.018893 0 0.003296 0 0.020139
0.011897 0.53 0.018861 0 0.003295 0 0.020007
0.011816 0.53 0.018902 0 0.003291 0 0.019875
0.011725 0.53 0.01898 0 0.003283 0 0.019777
0.011686 0.53 0.019011 0 0.003278 0 0.019703
0.011551 0.53 0.019042 0 0.003272 0 0.019606
0.011327 0.53 0.018999 0 0.003261 0 0.019468
0.011157 0.53 0.019019 0 0.00327 0 0.019336
0.010786 0.53 0.019192 0 0.00326 0 0.019197
0.010258 0.53 0.019165 0 0.003255 0 0.019052
0.010032 0.91 0.019207 0 0.003253 0 0.018939
0.009801 0.91 0.019167 0 0.003239 0 0.018877
0.009568 0.96 0.019154 0 0.003227 0 0.018783
0.009358 0.98 0.019174 0 0.003219 0 0.018713
0.009172 0.99 0.019204 0 0.0032 0 0.01861
0.008755 1 0.019139 0 0.003185 0 0.018494
0.008784 1 0.019142 0 0.003184 0 0.01836
0.008488 1 0.019309 0 0.003176 0 0.01829
0.0082 1.03 0.019345 0 0.003161 8.27 0.018257
0.007839 1.03 0.019334 0 0.003149 8.27 0.018204
0.00811 1.03 0.019383 0 0.00313 8.88 0.018114
0.008298 1.03 0.019395 0 0.003102 9.42 0.018062
0.008205 1.05 0.019431 0 0.003083 10.21 0.017969
0.008152 1.05 0.019409 0 0.003071 10.88 0.017873
0.008142 1.05 0.019425 0 0.003052 11.68 0.017852
0.007419 1.05 0.019425 0 0.003035 12.77 0.017822
0.007394 1.05 0.019382 0 0.003018 13.96 0.017775
0.007237 1.05 0.019479 0 0.002988 15.29 0.017735
0.007348 1.05 0.019478 0 0.002975 16.67 0.017634
0.006804 1.05 0.019443 0 0.002962 18 0.017584
0.006613 1.05 0.019444 0 0.002942 18.84 0.017524
0.006324 1.12 0.019422 0 0.002925 19.73 0.017524
0.006295 1.12 0.019398 0 0.002905 20.67 0.017529
0.006226 1.13 0.019501 0 0.002889 21.63 0.01742
0.006077 1.18 0.019463 0 0.002866 22.48 0.017377
0.006098 1.24 0.019448 0 0.002865 23.41 0.017272
0.006177 1.27 0.01942 0 0.002854 24.29 0.017172
0.006029 1.27 0.019581 0 0.002849 24.9 0.017115
0.005871 1.37 0.019536 0 0.002834 25.73 0.017097
0.005964 1.38 0.019529 0 0.002823 26.8 0.017073
0.005708 1.42 0.019482 0 0.002805 27.67 0.017033
0.005592 1.44 0.019472 0 0.002795 28.71 0.016989
0.005673 1.47 0.019433 0 0.002781 30.09 0.016933
0.005611 1.48 0.019428 0 0.002787 31.17 0.016868
0.00555 1.53 0.019503 0 0.0028 33.37 0.016798
0.005422 1.58 0.019499 0 0.002804 34.44 0.016827
0.005396 1.68 0.019474 0 0.002797 35.68 0.016834
0.005172 1.81 0.019439 0 0.0028 36.95 0.016826
0.005021 2.03 0.019454 0 0.002802 38.53 0.016813
0.004957 2.27 0.019459 0 0.002818 40.12 0.01681
0.004931 2.4 0.019408 0 0.002826 42.05 0.016769
0.004978 2.47 0.019492 0 0.002821 43.18 0.016736
0.0051 2.47 0.0195 0 0.002824 44.18 0.016727
0.005007 2.62 0.019443 0 0.002847 45.31 0.01678
0.005004 2.68 0.01938 0 0.002844 46.89 0.016817
0.005027 2.97 0.019332 0 0.002868 47.96 0.016839
0.00509 3.15 0.019386 0 0.002875 49.06 0.016861
0.004829 3.36 0.019386 0 0.002896 50.1 0.016841
0.004828 3.45 0.019431 0 0.002907 50.6 0.016825
0.004834 3.56 0.019533 0 0.002918 50.91 0.016881
0.004846 3.66 0.019499 0 0.002931 52.03 0.016939
0.00475 3.85 0.019436 0 0.002942 52.89 0.016979
0.004569 3.88 0.019402 0 0.002965 53.79 0.01701
0.004636 3.91 0.019374 0 0.002994 54.72 0.017023
0.00435 3.94 0.019348 0 0.003009 55.58 0.017024
0.004245 3.96 0.019431 0 0.003037 55.59 0.017011
0.004223 3.98 0.019443 0 0.00306 55.63 0.017069
0.004342 4 0.019407 0 0.003049 56.73 0.017136
0.004362 4.03 0.019353 0 0.003074 57.67 0.017201
0.004192 4.06 0.019346 0 0.003097 58.51 0.017254
0.004134 4.09 0.019285 0 0.00311 59.39 0.01728
0.003934 4.12 0.019227 0 0.003122 60.2 0.017278
0.003904 4.13 0.019448 0 0.003119 60.26 0.017279
0.003827 4.14 0.019685 0 0.003142 60.34 0.017331
0.003728 4.16 0.01969 0 0.003158 61 0.017395
0.003609 4.22 0.019885 0 0.003177 61.74 0.017443
0.004895 4.26 0.01982 0 0.003197 62.1 0.017484
0.00486 4.31 0.019767 0 0.003198 62.41 0.017509
0.004412 4.34 0.01971 0 0.003209 62.71 0.017509
0.004548 4.36 0.019794 0 0.003218 62.79 0.017509
0.00555 4.39 0.019848 0 0.00323 62.93 0.01753
0.005091 4.42 0.019924 0 0.003235 63.31 0.017575
0.005201 4.45 0.019879 0 0.003238 63.74 0.017622
0.004727 4.49 0.019915 0 0.00326 64.13 0.017665
0.004255 4.56 0.019941 0 0.003264 64.69 0.017687
0.003898 4.62 0.019985 0 0.00327 65.23 0.017696
0.003657 4.7 0.020121 0 0.003272 65.47 0.017704
0.004927 4.84 0.020218 0 0.003273 65.85 0.017738
0.004474 5.11 0.020309 0 0.003267 66.75 0.017806
0.005095 5.42 0.020329 0 0.00327 68.36 0.017843
0.007661 5.63 0.02038 0 0.003278 69.87 0.017871
0.008227 6.04 0.02045 0 0.003271 71.31 0.01788
0.008703 6.32 0.020496 0 0.003267 71.87 0.017886
0.008292 6.53 0.020561 0 0.003266 73.05 0.017901
0.008292 7.09 0.020641 0 0.003268 73.81 0.017931
0.011871 7.43 0.020683 0 0.003265 74.85 0.017979
0.012803 7.69 0.020724 0 0.00326 76.1 0.018004
0.014387 8.21 0.020746 0 0.003268 77.37 0.018021
0.015596 8.69 0.020805 0 0.003266 78.06 0.018036
0.015803 9.06 0.020837 0 0.00326 79.67 0.018034
0.015759 9.58 0.02091 0 0.003254 80.89 0.018031
0.016706 10.17 0.021052 0 0.003251 81.41 0.018058
0.017795 11.55 0.021111 0 0.003248 82.28 0.018076
0.018576 12.32 0.02108 0 0.003244 83.16 0.018092
0.01952 13.5 0.021027 0 0.003232 83.99 0.018102
0.019895 14.03 0.020968 0 0.003224 84.99 0.0181
0.020481 14.7 0.020907 0 0.003214 85.67 0.018094
0.020993 14.94 0.020868 0 0.003212 85.87 0.018087
0.021646 15.56 0.020919 0 0.003202 86.04 0.018097
0.022066 15.81 0.021026 0 0.003197 86.67 0.018101
0.02241 16.22 0.021235 0 0.003193 87.15 0.018119
0.022872 16.61 0.021577 0 0.003185 88.98 0.018116
0.023324 16.8 0.021541 0 0.003179 89.32 0.018107
0.022393 17.38 0.021464 0 0.003173 89.83 0.018111
0.02378 17.69 0.021433 0 0.003165 90.13 0.018101
0.024176 17.98 0.021413 0 0.003156 90.46 0.018101
0.024411 18.43 0.021455 0 0.003152 91.65 0.018098
0.024515 18.87 0.021436 0 0.003148 93.04 0.018103
0.024602 19.19 0.0214 0 0.003144 93.96 0.018096
0.024498 19.51 0.021372 0 0.003136 94.98 0.018085
0.024629 19.79 0.021304 0 0.00313 96.1 0.018072
0.024695 20.08 0.02131 0 0.003126 96.39 0.018054
0.024615 20.34 0.021279 0 0.003119 96.84 0.018047
0.023943 20.59 0.021215 0.01 0.003113 96.84 0.018042
0.025063 20.93 0.021138 0.01 0.003105 99.09 0.018033
0.024938 21.22 0.021086 0.02 0.0031 100.1 0.018019
0.02481 21.44 0.021056 0.03 0.003092 102.03 0.018006
0.025027 21.85 0.020946 0.04 0.003083 102.03 0.017994
0.024936 22.42 0.020865 0.08 0.003076 102.25 0.017971
0.024935 23.1 0.020794 0.1 0.003069 102.63 0.017961
0.024866 24.02 0.020769 0.1 0.003067 103.45 0.018001
0.025076 25.24 0.020755 0.1 0.00306 104.76 0.017988
0.025117 26.41 0.020703 0.17 0.003056 105.57 0.017968
0.025016 27.61 0.020642 0.17 0.003051 105.57 0.017951
0.024974 28.74 0.020477 0.19 0.003048 106.19 0.017933
0.02491 29.83 0.020351 0.2 0.003041 106.44 0.017912
0.025074 30.92 0.020239 0.24 0.003037 106.76 0.017894
0.025094 31.84 0.020105 0.24 0.003031 107.89 0.01788
0.02507 32.9 0.019905 0.24 0.003025 108.44 0.017867
0.025033 33.62 0.019709 0.3 0.003021 109.17 0.017847
0.024919 34.18 0.019536 0.3 0.003017 110.58 0.017839
0.024899 34.73 0.01931 0.3 0.003012 111.37 0.017825
0.024874 35.2 0.019172 0.46 0.003009 111.56 0.017807
0.024873 35.73 0.019054 0.46 0.003005 111.96 0.017799
0.024801 36.34 0.018895 0.46 0.002999 112.83 0.017791
0.024731 36.83 0.018708 0.46 0.002995 113.77 0.017783
0.024734 37.48 0.01847 0.59 0.002994 114.33 0.017772
0.024723 38.28 0.018244 0.59 0.002991 114.56 0.017765
0.024642 39.08 0.018016 0.59 0.002989 114.59 0.017756
0.02456 39.96 0.017797 0.67 0.002986 114.61 0.017747
0.024487 40.84 0.017794 0.67 0.002983 115 0.017739
0.024572 41.92 0.017592 0.67 0.002984 116.04 0.01774
0.024504 42.95 0.017265 0.67 0.00298 117.15 0.017735
0.024408 43.69 0.01712 0.67 0.002978 118.33 0.017728
0.024366 44.47 0.016886 0.67 0.002973 120.45 0.017724
0.024404 45.47 0.016723 0.77 0.002972 120.45 0.017718
0.024382 46.34 0.017 0.83 0.002969 121.77 0.017708
0.024381 47.85 0.017163 0.83 0.002966 121.77 0.017713
0.024415 49.05 0.017044 0.83 0.002964 124.27 0.017713
0.02443 50.17 0.017274 0.83 0.002961 125.43 0.017713
0.024458 50.17 0.017281 0.83 0.002954 125.43 0.017711
0.024454 52.94 0.01728 1.03 0.00295 126.57 0.017712
0.024448 52.94 0.017289 1.08 0.002949 127.68 0.017707
0.02448 55.29 0.017277 1.13 0.002947 128.23 0.017702
0.024511 56.26 0.0173 1.18 0.002943 128.82 0.017704
0.024536 57.38 0.017245 1.18 0.00294 129.79 0.017708
0.024561 58.53 0.017201 1.18 0.002932 130.78 0.017712
0.024536 60.1 0.017072 1.31 0.002927 132.39 0.017708
0.024536 60.1 0.017049 1.33 0.002921 132.39 0.017708
0.024546 63.07 0.016969 1.36 0.002918 133.06 0.017706
0.024529 64.62 0.016935 1.41 0.002914 133.28 0.017705
0.024525 66.2 0.016902 1.45 0.002909 133.59 0.017713
0.024526 68.33 0.016858 1.5 0.002902 133.59 0.017717
0.024506 70.09 0.016871 1.56 0.002901 135.2 0.017722
0.024486 70.09 0.016853 1.58 0.002901 136.02 0.017725
0.024438 73.23 0.016825 1.58 0.002896 136.97 0.017729
0.024432 74.29 0.016745 1.59 0.002893 137.98 0.017727
0.024381 74.29 0.016689 1.63 0.002886 138.21 0.017729
0.024354 76.35 0.016689 1.67 0.002884 138.6 0.017735
0.024328 77.39 0.016666 1.69 0.002881 139.77 0.017752
0.024269 78.58 0.016612 1.73 0.002878 140.81 0.017778
0.024197 80.41 0.01658 1.75 0.002872 141.95 0.017782
0.024128 82.03 0.016523 1.75 0.002873 143.11 0.017785
0.024061 82.89 0.016498 1.8 0.002871 144.42 0.017786
0.023974 83.46 0.016502 1.86 0.002871 145.26 0.017788
0.023881 84.68 0.01658 1.92 0.002871 146.45 0.017796
0.023816 85.66 0.016656 1.92 0.002868 146.45 0.017803
0.023719 86.47 0.016637 2.08 0.002868 147.49 0.017813
0.023616 87.93 0.016686 2.16 0.002861 148.48 0.017819
0.023504 87.93 0.016762 2.17 0.002863 149.53 0.017828
0.023381 91.29 0.01674 2.17 0.002868 150.57 0.01783
0.023259 91.29 0.016721 2.29 0.002865 150.87 0.017832
0.023138 93.93 0.016733 2.29 0.002865 151.25 0.017834
0.023036 95.72 0.016734 2.44 0.002863 152.12 0.017839
0.022932 95.72 0.016755 2.51 0.002861 153.76 0.017843
0.022829 98.36 0.016738 2.63 0.002866 153.76 0.017846
0.022706 99.66 0.016776 2.7 0.002868 154.42 0.017849
0.022603 100.78 0.016751 2.7 0.00287 155.18 0.01785
0.022486 101.61 0.016781 2.97 0.002868 155.48 0.017849
0.022396 102.74 0.01683 2.97 0.002869 155.89 0.017853
0.022259 103.93 0.016857 3.35 0.002868 156.65 0.017858
0.022115 105.51 0.016871 3.56 0.002868 157.42 0.017861
0.022033 105.51 0.016929 3.69 0.002864 158.1 0.017868
0.021931 108.53 0.01691 3.76 0.002863 158.79 0.017869
0.021837 109.87 0.016867 3.88 0.002867 159.3 0.017868
0.021709 110.95 0.016841 4.05 0.00287 159.48 0.017871
0.021678 112.99 0.016892 4.2 0.002869 159.83 0.017875
0.021083 115.05 0.016976 4.38 0.002872 160.57 0.01788
0.020975 116.73 0.017009 4.38 0.002871 161.34 0.017883
0.020892 118.5 0.017033 4.38 0.002872 162.09 0.017885
0.020776 119.89 0.017048 4.67 0.002876 162.78 0.017885
0.020621 120.98 0.017041 4.67 0.002875 162.78 0.017885
0.020558 122.89 0.017007 4.85 0.002872 163.73 0.017882
0.020468 124.36 0.017053 4.97 0.002868 163.9 0.017888
0.020396 124.36 0.017114 4.97 0.002867 164.6 0.017888
0.020316 127.5 0.017156 5.25 0.002865 164.6 0.017889
0.020262 128.31 0.017217 5.32 0.002863 164.6 0.017886
0.020189 129.21 0.01725 5.37 0.002861 164.6 0.017886
0.020128 129.21 0.017217 5.49 0.002859 164.6 0.017885
0.02006 130.21 0.017227 5.69 0.002859 165.11 0.017884
0.020007 131.08 0.017252 5.83 0.002863 165.39 0.017881
0.019962 131.82 0.017247 5.96 0.002859 166.02 0.01788
0.019917 132.39 0.017308 5.96 0.00286 166.6 0.017876
0.019881 133.48 0.017313 6.19 0.002861 166.92 0.017864
0.019824 134.28 0.017321 6.26 0.00286 166.92 0.017862
0.019745 134.73 0.01728 6.34 0.002863 168.11 0.017859
0.019701 135.35 0.017299 6.64 0.002859 168.26 0.01785
0.019659 135.35 0.017347 6.81 0.00286 168.47 0.017847
0.019626 137.72 0.017377 7.07 0.002859 168.99 0.01784
0.019611 138.27 0.01737 7.25 0.00286 169.51 0.017833
0.019325 138.27 0.017394 7.4 0.002857 170.04 0.017806
0.019293 140.14 0.017381 7.57 0.002854 170.53 0.017801
0.019255 141.36 0.017408 7.74 0.00285 171.13 0.017793
0.019193 141.36 0.017406 7.74 0.00285 171.28 0.017773
0.019153 141.36 0.017437 7.74 0.002849 171.53 0.017761
0.019113 141.36 0.017439 7.74 0.002849 172.13 0.017747
0.019046 141.36 0.017438 8.59 0.002853 172.61 0.017726
0.019026 146.2 0.017418 8.59 0.002853 173.04 0.01768
0.018981 147.21 0.017434 9.06 0.002851 173.29 0.017669
0.018948 148.31 0.017424 9.06 0.00285 173.29 0.017657
0.018898 149.06 0.01744 9.22 0.002851 173.92 0.017624
0.018852 149.06 0.017459 9.4 0.00285 174.14 0.017604
0.018818 150.96 0.017483 9.64 0.002849 174.7 0.017578
0.018808 150.96 0.017531 9.64 0.002849 175.22 0.01755
0.01876 153.75 0.017521 9.64 0.002849 175.82 0.01748
0.018711 153.75 0.017509 10.54 0.002848 176.38 0.017463
0.018676 153.75 0.017473 10.54 0.002849 176.99 0.017447
0.018622 156.46 0.017496 10.78 0.002848 176.99 0.017403
0.018562 157.22 0.017557 10.97 0.002849 176.99 0.017371
0.018462 157.22 0.017622 11.25 0.002848 177.93 0.017336
0.018416 159.83 0.017599 11.25 0.002847 178.59 0.017297
0.018249 160.68 0.017596 11.65 0.002847 179.25 0.017207
0.018215 160.68 0.017597 11.82 0.002849 179.25 0.017184
0.018182 163.02 0.017601 11.88 0.002846 179.9 0.017171
0.018067 164.29 0.01761 12.11 0.002845 180.77 0.017109
0.018038 165.4 0.017659 12.11 0.002842 181.11 0.017077
0.01802 166.58 0.017653 12.67 0.002841 181.75 0.017026
0.01785 166.58 0.017694 13.03 0.00284 183.05 0.016987
0.017804 168.61 0.017704 13.03 0.002836 183.05 0.01691
0.017746 168.61 0.017718 13.03 0.002834 183.56 0.016884
0.017671 168.61 0.017699 13.59 0.002831 184.06 0.016868
0.017597 168.61 0.017685 13.59 0.002829 184.06 0.016807
0.017597 168.61 0.017629 14.06 0.002828 184.56 0.016767
0.017444 168.61 0.017573 14.06 0.002827 185.59 0.016723
0.017378 168.61 0.017495 14.79 0.002828 185.59 0.016702
0.017312 168.61 0.01758 14.79 0.00283 187.27 0.016634
0.017266 168.61 0.017578 15.37 0.002831 188.18 0.016609
0.01721 168.61 0.017518 15.49 0.002831 188.78 0.016595
0.017147 179.72 0.017484 15.77 0.002829 189.59 0.016539
0.017109 180.7 0.01749 15.77 0.002829 190.15 0.016509
0.017043 180.7 0.017539 17.43 0.00283 190.91 0.016472
0.01699 182.94 0.017536 17.43 0.00283 191.81 0.016451
0.016926 182.94 0.017552 17.43 0.002829 192.64 0.016394
0.016875 184.25 0.017535 17.43 0.00283 193.47 0.016378
0.016812 184.5 0.017495 18.79 0.002831 194.3 0.016364
0.016645 184.66 0.017451 20.25 0.002832 194.63 0.016312
0.0166 184.66 0.017428 20.25 0.002834 195.04 0.016273
0.01652 184.97 0.017463 20.89 0.002834 195.67 0.016246
0.016457 185.05 0.017501 20.89 0.002835 196.71 0.016248
0.01652 185.05 0.017483 20.89 0.002838 197.31 0.016201
0.016473 185.05 0.017555 22.5 0.002841 197.93 0.016183
0.016436 185.05 0.017466 22.5 0.002844 198.65 0.016167
0.016364 185.05 0.017433 22.5 0.002844 198.65 0.016145
0.01629 185.05 0.017401 23.53 0.002848 198.91 0.016113
0.016181 187.16 0.017372 23.53 0.002847 199.81 0.016099
0.016058 187.56 0.017415 23.53 0.002848 200.36 0.016112
0.015917 188.32 0.017409 23.53 0.002849 200.7 0.016077
0.015784 188.71 0.017421 25.04 0.002852 201.39 0.016062
0.015642 189.2 0.017294 25.49 0.002851 201.39 0.016052
0.015511 189.47 0.017252 25.49 0.002853 202.15 0.016023
0.015367 189.47 0.017238 26.23 0.002854 202.47 0.016013
0.01521 189.47 0.017242 26.23 0.002855 202.91 0.016012
0.015033 189.47 0.017257 26.23 0.002858 203.39 0.016033
0.014861 189.47 0.017322 26.23 0.00286 203.83 0.016011
0.014656 189.47 0.017291 27.37 0.002862 204.27 0.016006
0.014386 194.94 0.017205 27.64 0.002864 204.72 0.015998
0.014171 195.24 0.017256 27.64 0.002864 204.97 0.015988
0.013973 195.57 0.017255 28.31 0.002865 204.97 0.016
0.013728 195.99 0.017233 28.31 0.002866 204.97 0.016013
0.013381 196.27 0.017136 28.31 0.002867 205.71 0.016042
0.013113 196.46 0.017052 28.31 0.002868 206.06 0.016034
0.012807 196.88 0.016944 29.81 0.002868 206.38 0.01603
0.012441 197.02 0.016866 29.81 0.002868 206.79 0.016023
0.012088 197.24 0.016809 30.35 0.00287 206.95 0.016019
0.011768 198.61 0.016733 30.72 0.00287 207.18 0.016035
0.011338 198.95 0.016669 30.72 0.002872 207.59 0.01605
0.010905 199.32 0.0166 30.72 0.002874 207.95 0.016074
0.010435 199.32 0.016526 30.72 0.002877 208.17 0.016066
0.010013 199.32 0.016451 32.27 0.002879 208.17 0.016067
0.009622 201.26 0.016325 32.41 0.00288 208.8 0.016062
0.009203 201.6 0.016263 32.41 0.002881 208.94 0.016054
0.008924 201.95 0.016247 33.48 0.002882 209.14 0.016062
0.008578 202.35 0.016066 33.97 0.002886 209.59 0.016081
0.008149 202.62 0.01601 33.97 0.002887 209.93 0.0161
0.007824 202.99 0.015856 33.97 0.002886 210.33 0.016093
0.007566 202.99 0.015779 34.89 0.002888 210.7 0.016088
0.006995 203.91 0.015705 35.25 0.002887 210.94 0.016085
0.00677 203.91 0.015679 35.6 0.002887 211.44 0.016077
0.015656 36.05 0.002887 211.66 0.016088
0.015632 36.49 0.002888 211.93 0.016121
0.015628 36.49 0.002887 212.38 0.016138
0.015583 36.49 0.002887 212.68 0.016139
0.015544 37.29 0.002888 212.94 0.016136
0.015482 37.29 0.002889 213.17 0.016135
0.015435 37.94 0.00289 213.46 0.016139
0.0154 37.94 0.002893 213.67 0.016157
0.015363 38.8 0.002892 213.96 0.016195
0.015247 38.8 0.002892 214.23 0.016211
0.015143 38.8 0.002892 214.54 0.016217
0.015017 39.56 0.002891 214.96 0.016218
0.014943 39.95 0.002893 214.96 0.016216
0.014937 40.29 0.002892 214.96 0.016209
0.01505 40.66 0.002893 215.68 0.01622
0.015017 41.06 0.002893 215.96 0.016228
0.015004 41.06 0.002893 216.14 0.016242
0.014982 41.06 0.002893 216.4 0.016246
0.014949 41.77 0.002892 216.59 0.016242
0.014911 42.13 0.002892 216.86 0.016235
0.014859 43.03 0.002892 216.99 0.016224
0.014803 43.58 0.002891 217.16 0.016227
0.014751 44.06 0.002891 217.52 0.016239
0.014841 44.06 0.002892 217.63 0.016237
0.014883 44.06 0.002892 217.76 0.016249
0.01486 44.73 0.002892 217.96 0.016246
0.014827 45.09 0.002891 218.12 0.016238
0.014868 45.45 0.002893 218.29 0.016226
0.014893 45.87 0.002892 218.39 0.01623
0.014906 46.36 0.002893 218.65 0.016233
0.01494 46.36 0.002894 218.9 0.016231
0.014955 46.36 0.002894 218.9 0.016234
0.014952 47.1 0.002894 218.9 0.016231
0.014946 47.53 0.002894 218.9 0.016224
0.014999 48.01 0.002894 218.9 0.016206
0.01498 48.48 0.002895 219.67 0.016204
0.015049 49.03 0.002895 220.07 0.0162
0.015121 49.03 0.002894 220.42 0.016191
0.015113 49.03 0.002894 220.75 0.016186
0.015159 50.17 0.002896 221.08 0.016179
0.015189 50.66 0.002896 221.45 0.01617
0.015214 51.13 0.002896 221.67 0.016148
0.015294 51.77 0.002895 221.87 0.016146
0.015356 52.42 0.002895 222.01 0.016144
0.015332 52.42 0.002894 222.01 0.016141
0.015462 52.42 0.002894 222.01 0.016131
0.015489 53.42 0.002893 222.01 0.016128
0.015509 53.56 0.002893 222.01 0.016119
0.015542 54.4 0.002891 222.01 0.016097
0.0156 55.25 0.002891 222.01 0.016092
0.015676 56.26 0.002892 222.01 0.016089
0.015756 56.26 0.002889 222.01 0.016123
0.015796 56.26 0.002885 223.97 0.016103
0.01585 57.81 0.002881 224.27 0.016095
0.01587 58.49 0.002876 224.27 0.016084
0.015879 59.22 0.002872 224.27 0.016056
0.015899 60.17 0.002867 224.27 0.01605
0.015959 60.98 0.002861 224.27 0.016039
0.016009 60.98 0.002853 224.27 0.01603
0.016082 60.98 0.002847 224.27 0.016015
0.016181 62.78 0.00284 224.27 0.016009
0.016217 63.65 0.002832 224.27 0.015999
0.016248 64.55 0.002826 224.27 0.015968
0.016351 65.52 0.002818 226.97 0.015963
0.016451 66.56 0.00281 227.16 0.015962
0.016541 66.56 0.0028 227.46 0.015942
0.016606 66.56 0.002791 227.83 0.015918
0.016655 68.08 0.002781 228.17 0.015906
0.016728 68.08 0.002776 228.53 0.015884
0.016791 68.08 0.002767 228.53 0.015841
0.016857 68.08 0.002758 228.98 0.015823
0.016919 68.08 0.002753 229.16 0.01583
0.016965 68.08 0.002749 229.5 0.015774
0.017026 68.08 0.002741 229.93 0.015712
0.017078 73.21 0.002734 230.06 0.01569
0.017124 73.21 0.002728 230.06 0.015644
0.017137 77.82 0.002721 230.06 0.015529
0.017194 80.21 0.002716 231.04 0.015467
0.017206 81.28 0.00271 231.22 0.015367
0.017286 81.28 0.002703 231.37 0.015227
0.017369 81.28 0.002698 231.98 0.015097
0.017421 82.65 0.002692 231.98 0.015053
0.017459 83.53 0.002687 232.76 0.014982
0.01749 83.53 0.002681 233.09 0.014737
0.017549 84.86 0.002679 233.35 0.014568
0.017608 84.86 0.002677 233.62 0.014439
0.017615 84.86 0.002674 234.02 0.014268
0.017662 84.86 0.00267 234.41 0.0141
0.017725 84.86 0.002665 234.73 0.01402
0.017746 87.56 0.002663 235.1 0.013917
0.017749 88.27 0.002657 235.23 0.013638
0.017783 89.28 0.002654 235.23 0.013507
0.017799 90.06 0.002654 235.23 0.01337
0.017822 90.06 0.00265 236.05 0.01323
0.017859 90.06 0.002646 236.34 0.013093
0.017881 90.87 0.002645 236.66 0.013026
0.017896 91.54 0.002644 236.95 0.012943
0.0179 91.54 0.00264 237.17 0.012827
0.017942 91.54 0.002636 237.32 0.012654
0.017964 91.54 0.002635 237.52 0.012537
0.017988 91.54 0.002635 237.77 0.012446
0.018034 91.54 0.002636 238.02 0.012345
0.018037 94.93 0.002638 238.28 0.012305
0.01804 95.72 0.002634 238.37 0.012252
0.018038 96.61 0.002632 238.71 0.012126
0.018044 96.61 0.00263 238.77 0.012087
0.018081 97.74 0.002629 239.03 0.012035
0.01811 97.74 0.002627 239.33 0.011987
0.018102 97.74 0.002626 239.52 0.011943
0.018082 97.74 0.002625 239.52 0.01193
0.018063 97.74 0.002624 239.95 0.011904
0.018036 99.14 0.002623 240.14 0.011854
0.01799 99.85 0.002623 240.26 0.011847
0.017911 100.78 0.002622 240.43 0.011842
0.017821 100.78 0.002621 240.62 0.011831
0.017752 100.78 0.00262 240.84 0.01183
0.017586 102.09 0.002619 241.01 0.011828
0.01744 102.88 0.002619 241.12 0.011821
0.017351 103.83 0.002617 241.27 0.011808
0.017215 104.72 0.002615 241.41 0.011814
0.017053 105.66 0.002613 241.66 0.011829
0.016876 105.66 0.002612 241.85 0.011845
0.016683 105.66 0.00261 241.85 0.011847
0.016506 107.11 0.002609 242.02 0.011849
0.016324 107.83 0.002607 242.02 0.011848
0.016193 108.64 0.002606 242.02 0.011863
0.016105 109.41 0.002606 242.02 0.011879
0.015988 110.15 0.002605 242.02 0.011902
0.01588 110.15 0.002604 242.02 0.011924
0.015765 110.15 0.002603 242.89 0.011933
0.015648 111.09 0.002602 242.89 0.011936
0.015549 111.09 0.002601 242.89 0.011938
0.015492 112.12 0.0026 242.89 0.011937
0.015442 112.65 0.011951
0.015382 112.65 0.011977
0.015321 112.65 0.012004
0.015266 112.65 0.012019
0.015199 112.65 0.01202
0.015169 114.32 0.01202
0.015143 114.51 0.012032
0.015122 114.92 0.012046
0.015108 114.92 0.012065
0.015085 115.7 0.012079
0.015053 115.7 0.012093
0.015106 115.7 0.012094
0.015081 116.28 0.012095
0.01509 116.28 0.012106
0.015094 116.28 0.012119
0.015102 116.28 0.012138
0.015109 116.28 0.012151
0.015114 116.28 0.012165
0.015102 116.28 0.012168
0.015136 118.88 0.012169
0.015142 118.88
0.015152 118.88
0.015172 119.98
0.015185 119.98
0.015232 119.98
0.015247 119.98
0.015263 120.97
0.015263 120.97
0.015312 120.97
0.015357 120.97
0.015366 120.97
0.015396 120.97
0.015406 120.97
0.015415 120.97
0.015411 120.97
0.015422 120.97
0.015427 120.97
0.015487 120.97
0.015512 120.97
0.015548 120.97
0.015557 120.97
0.015556 120.97
0.015584 120.97
0.015606 120.97
0.01562 120.97
0.015651 120.97
0.015694 123.69
USA Russia Data description
Vaccines rate Deaths rate Vaccines rate - Deaths rate: total deaths per total
0 0.005025 0 cases
0 0.003953 0 - Vaccines rate: vaccine doses
0 0.003268 0 administered per 100 people (total
0 0.002725 0 doses administered per population)
0 0.002283 0
0 0.00202 0
0 0.004559 0
0 0.003571 0
0 0.003861 0
0 0.003165 0
0 0.005215 0
0 0.004902 0
0 0.007274 0
0 0.008642 0
0 0.008455 0
0 0.008195 0
0 0.009089 0
0 0.00835 0
0 0.00741 0
0 0.007736 0
0 0.007265 0
0 0.007502 0
0 0.007888 0
0 0.007803 0
0 0.008244 0
0 0.008075 0
0 0.008056 0
0 0.008085 0
0 0.008304 0
0 0.008529 0
0 0.008507 0
0 0.008424 0
0 0.008595 0
0 0.008642 0
0 0.008845 0
0 0.008841 0
0 0.008962 0
0 0.00913 0
0 0.009228 0
0 0.009111 0
0 0.009267 0
0 0.009779 0
0 0.010075 0
0 0.010216 0
0 0.009851 0
0 0.009504 0
0 0.009334 0
0 0.009339 0
0 0.009263 0
0 0.009172 0
0 0.009172 0
0 0.009196 0
0 0.009133 0
0 0.009076 0
0 0.009111 0
0 0.00913 0
0 0.009138 0
0 0.009199 0
0 0.009326 0
0 0.009338 0
0 0.009364 0
0 0.009459 0
0 0.009627 0
0 0.009759 0
0 0.009953 0
0 0.010087 0
0 0.010279 0
0 0.010279 0
0 0.010507 0
0 0.010705 0
0 0.010927 0
0 0.011284 0
0 0.011486 0
0 0.011564 0
0 0.011703 0
0 0.011888 0
0 0.012064 0
0 0.012203 0
0 0.012287 0
0 0.01248 0
0 0.012527 0
0 0.012526 0
0 0.012657 0
0 0.01288 0
0 0.012997 0
0 0.013127 0
0 0.013127 0
0 0.013134 0
0 0.013199 0
0 0.013354 0
0 0.013516 0
0 0.013653 0
0 0.01378 0
0 0.013871 0
0 0.013874 0
0 0.013857 0
0 0.013941 0
0 0.01403 0
0 0.014016 0
0 0.014147 0
0 0.014292 0
0 0.0143 0
0 0.014295 0
0 0.014385 0
0 0.01457 0
0 0.014643 0
0 0.01476 0
0 0.014863 0
0 0.014913 0
0 0.014967 0
0 0.015115 0
0 0.01522 0
0 0.015329 0
0 0.015431 0
0 0.015551 0
0 0.015589 0
0 0.015592 0
0 0.015697 0
0 0.015772 0
0 0.015859 0
0 0.015971 0
0 0.016001 0
0 0.015997 0
0 0.015985 0
0 0.016062 0
0 0.016152 0
0 0.016219 0
0 0.016293 0
0 0.016356 0
0 0.016335 0
0 0.016327 0
0 0.016401 0
0 0.016495 0
0 0.01654 0
0 0.016625 0
0 0.01663 0
0 0.016607 0
0 0.016595 0
0 0.016664 0
0 0.016724 0
0 0.016754 0
0 0.01679 0
0 0.016838 0
0 0.016826 0
0 0.016809 0
0 0.016862 0
0 0.016909 0
0 0.01695 0
0 0.016982 0
0 0.017018 0
0 0.017001 0
0 0.01697 0
0 0.017023 0
0 0.017059 0
0 0.017086 0
0 0.017094 0
0 0.017133 0
0 0.017123 0
0 0.017107 0
0 0.017147 0
0 0.017183 0
0 0.017224 0
0 0.01725 0
0 0.017278 0
0 0.017261 0
0 0.017259 0
0 0.017301 0
0 0.017331 0
0 0.017359 0
0 0.01739 0
0 0.017409 0
0 0.017382 0
0 0.017344 0
0 0.017377 0
0 0.017426 0
0 0.017459 0
0 0.017466 0
0 0.017488 0
0 0.017485 0
0 0.017449 0
0 0.0175 0
0 0.01753 0
0 0.01757 0
0 0.017598 0
0 0.017632 0
0 0.017607 0
0 0.017574 0
0 0.017617 0
0 0.017647 0
0 0.017676 0
0 0.017658 0
0 0.01769 0
0 0.017656 0
0 0.017586 0
0 0.017598 0
0 0.01762 0
0 0.017629 0
0 0.017647 0
0 0.017647 0
0 0.017584 0
0 0.017523 0
0 0.017509 0
0 0.017512 0
0 0.017501 0
0 0.017492 0
0 0.01747 0
0 0.017397 0
0 0.017312 0
0 0.017314 0
0 0.017308 0
0 0.017343 0
0 0.017321 0
0 0.017338 0
0 0.017284 0
0 0.017207 0
0 0.017201 0
0 0.017234 0
0 0.017244 0
0 0.017235 0
0 0.017244 0
0 0.017208 0
0 0.017157 0
0 0.017181 0
0 0.017226 0
0 0.017263 0
0 0.017289 0
0 0.017299 0
0 0.017251 0
0 0.017206 0
0 0.017224 0
0 0.017254 0
0 0.01723 0
0 0.01724 0
0 0.017245 0
0 0.017207 0
0 0.017141 0
0 0.01714 0
0 0.01719 0
0 0.017224 0
0 0.017238 0
0 0.017235 0
0 0.017216 0
0 0.01717 0
0 0.017197 0
0 0.017244 0
0 0.017271 0
0 0.017291 0
0 0.017309 0
0 0.017298 0
0 0.017261 0
0 0.017293 0
0 0.017336 0
0 0.017372 0
0 0.017378 0
0 0.017394 0
0 0.017391 0
0 0.017352 0
0 0.017397 0
0 0.017459 0
0 0.017484 0
0 0.017519 0
0 0.017519 0
0 0.017496 0
0 0.01748 0
0 0.017521 0
0 0.017558 0
0 0.017583 0
0 0.017624 0
0 0.017649 0
0 0.017646 0
0 0.017634 0
0 0.017671 0.02
0 0.017717 0.02
0 0.017747 0.02
0 0.017784 0.02
0 0.017813 0.02
0 0.017809 0.02
0 0.017797 0.02
0 0.017813 0.04
0 0.017834 0.04
0 0.017867 0.04
0 0.01788 0.04
0 0.017893 0.04
0 0.017907 0.04
0 0.017904 0.04
0 0.017927 0.04
0 0.017965 0.04
0 0.017993 0.04
0.01 0.018008 0.04
0.01 0.017999 0.55
0.03 0.01802 0.55
0.07 0.018038 0.55
0.16 0.018059 0.55
0.28 0.018059 0.55
0.34 0.018081 0.55
0.37 0.018086 0.55
0.48 0.018098 0.55
0.62 0.018108 0.55
0.79 0.01811 0.55
0.85 0.018142 0.55
0.85 0.018185 0.69
0.9 0.018217 0.69
0.92 0.018245 0.69
1.1 0.018286 0.69
1.32 0.018299 0.69
1.57 0.018312 0.69
1.7 0.018362 0.69
1.73 0.018418 0.69
1.81 0.018473 0.69
1.85 0.018521 0.69
2.05 0.018565 0.69
2.3 0.01859 0.69
2.61 0.018614 0.69
2.96 0.018672 0.69
3.33 0.01874 0.69
3.49 0.018796 0.69
3.56 0.01884 0.69
3.88 0.018879 0.69
4.26 0.018913 0.69
4.66 0.018939 0.69
5.06 0.018995 0.69
5.44 0.019049 0.69
5.63 0.019099 0.69
5.72 0.019151 0.69
5.99 0.019196 0.69
6.4 0.019225 0.69
6.88 0.01925 0.69
7.37 0.019309 0.69
7.86 0.019372 0.69
8.13 0.019436 0.69
8.25 0.019488 0.69
8.67 0.01954 0.69
9.17 0.019577 0.69
9.75 0.019604 0.69
10.34 0.019652 0.69
10.91 0.019704 0.69
11.22 0.019755 0.69
11.36 0.019803 0.69
11.78 0.019856 0.69
12.29 0.019895 0.69
12.93 0.019914 0.69
13.64 0.019957 0.69
14.35 0.019993 0.69
14.74 0.020044 0.69
14.87 0.020092 0.69
15.35 0.02014 0.69
15.94 0.020174 0.69
16.63 0.020197 0.69
17.36 0.020249 3.6
18.14 0.020304 3.76
18.58 0.02036 4.12
18.76 0.020415 4.32
19.11 0.020464 4.51
19.6 0.020498 4.56
20.19 0.020536 4.57
20.75 0.020568 4.59
21.34 0.020632 4.83
21.74 0.020693 4.99
21.92 0.020756 4.99
22.36 0.020818 4.99
22.94 0.020859 4.99
23.7 0.020906 4.99
24.58 0.020962 4.99
25.52 0.021015 5.36
26.12 0.021072 5.42
26.38 0.021125 5.61
27 0.021167 5.69
27.74 0.021206 5.73
28.61 0.021243 5.73
29.58 0.021297 5.73
30.55 0.021344 5.73
31.17 0.021387 5.73
31.45 0.021433 5.73
32.1 0.021476 5.73
32.91 0.021507 5.73
33.85 0.021531 7.62
34.89 0.021582 7.66
35.92 0.021632 7.79
36.58 0.021672 7.98
36.88 0.021717 8.07
37.56 0.021757 8.25
38.43 0.021793 8.31
39.39 0.021826 8.37
40.41 0.021871 8.55
41.42 0.021912 8.94
42.07 0.02195 9.15
42.37 0.021993 9.34
43.08 0.022038 9.58
44.01 0.02207 9.67
45.08 0.022089 9.78
46.23 0.022122 9.99
47.39 0.022168 10.26
48.13 0.02221 10.39
48.5 0.022253 10.6
49.35 0.022293 10.76
50.43 0.022334 11.08
51.69 0.022367 11.13
53.06 0.022408 11.35
54.16 0.022453 11.53
54.85 0.022494 11.8
55.08 0.022535 12.02
56.02 0.022576 12.39
57.21 0.022604 12.44
58.53 0.022636 12.55
59.88 0.02268 12.72
61.18 0.022723 13.05
62.05 0.022754 13.38
62.47 0.022794 13.59
63.38 0.022831 13.66
64.43 0.022861 13.76
65.54 0.02289 13.78
66.66 0.022922 13.82
67.74 0.022958 14.2
68.45 0.022994 14.51
68.79 0.023031 14.6
69.57 0.023067 14.8
70.54 0.023095 14.8
71.58 0.02312 14.93
72.63 0.023149 14.97
73.62 0.023182 15.47
74.28 0.023222 15.61
74.58 0.023257 15.96
75.3 0.023289 16.35
76.17 0.023328 16.43
77.09 0.023353 16.51
78.01 0.023387 16.8
78.88 0.023428 17.04
79.44 0.023464 17.25
79.7 0.023497 17.45
80.29 0.023533 18.11
81.04 0.023563 18.14
81.81 0.023587 18.37
82.57 0.023628 18.52
83.32 0.023668 18.92
83.78 0.023705 19.01
83.96 0.023742 19.27
84.45 0.023777 19.44
85.06 0.023801 19.5
85.67 0.023828 19.53
86.35 0.023857 20.1
87.09 0.023892 20.42
87.64 0.023928 20.56
87.92 0.023959 20.9
88.47 0.023994 20.98
89.1 0.024019 21.05
89.72 0.024039 21.28
90.33 0.024066 21.45
90.95 0.024095 21.66
91.38 0.024114 21.9
91.58 0.024132 22.11
91.98 0.024145 22.43
92.41 0.024146 22.5
92.84 0.024153 22.52
93.25 0.02416 22.55
93.65 0.024174 22.77
93.88 0.024188 23.25
93.99 0.024195 23.53
94.05 0.024201 23.83
94.43 0.024206 23.92
94.77 0.02421 24.15
95.14 0.024236 24.66
95.57 0.024259 24.7
95.89 0.024273 25.34
96.04 0.024293 25.77
96.37 0.02431 26.11
96.72 0.024329 26.34
97.07 0.024344 26.57
97.42 0.024372 26.95
97.79 0.024401 27.43
98.06 0.024418 28.01
98.18 0.024438 28.66
98.45 0.024456 29.09
98.75 0.024465 29.35
99.03 0.024475 29.49
99.3 0.024504 30.37
99.58 0.024529 30.88
99.75 0.024551 31.23
99.83 0.024568 31.96
100 0.024591 32.44
100.23 0.024615 32.6
100.45 0.024631 32.77
100.66 0.024661 33.37
100.89 0.024696 34.1
101.04 0.024724 34.53
101.12 0.024753 35.86
101.29 0.024781 35.96
101.48 0.024806 36.17
101.67 0.024825 36.27
101.85 0.024858 37.53
102.04 0.024891 37.88
102.15 0.024922 38.26
102.16 0.024956 39.15
102.28 0.02499 39.28
102.46 0.02502 39.4
102.63 0.025045 39.57
102.8 0.025078 40.18
102.99 0.025117 40.59
103.11 0.025151 41.18
103.17 0.025183 41.8
103.33 0.025214 42.42
103.49 0.025248 42.65
103.65 0.025278 42.74
103.81 0.025314 43.25
104 0.025348 44.05
104.12 0.025379 44.28
104.19 0.025413 44.61
104.36 0.025447 45.15
104.55 0.025478 45.4
104.74 0.02551 45.49
104.93 0.025547 46.15
105.16 0.025586 46.61
105.3 0.025624 47.04
105.37 0.025661 48.68
105.57 0.025699 49.96
105.78 0.025739 50.14
106 0.02578 50.38
106.21 0.02582 50.72
106.47 0.025858 51.01
106.62 0.025895 51.43
106.72 0.02593 51.87
106.94 0.025968 52.4
107.17 0.026002 52.64
107.4 0.026043 52.74
107.64 0.026088 53.17
107.91 0.026131 53.49
108.08 0.026175 53.75
108.19 0.026217 54.23
108.42 0.026258 54.48
108.66 0.0263 54.63
108.89 0.026345 54.84
109.14 0.026392 55
109.42 0.026435 55.67
109.61 0.026477 55.93
109.73 0.02652 56.42
109.99 0.026561 56.58
110.27 0.026604 56.75
110.56 0.026649 56.83
110.84 0.026695 57.32
111.17 0.026739 57.44
111.37 0.026781 57.78
111.49 0.026822 58.2
111.77 0.026861 58.33
112.06 0.026902 58.45
112.35 0.026935 58.92
112.64 0.026976 58.99
113 0.027014 59.33
113.21 0.02705 59.59
113.34 0.027083 59.81
113.62 0.027117 59.81
113.9 0.027151 60.13
114.18 0.027184 60.24
114.45 0.027224 60.41
114.76 0.027261 60.7
114.93 0.027293 60.7
115.04 0.027326 61.02
115.09 0.027355 61.14
115.37 0.027382 61.2
115.62 0.027405 61.43
115.88 0.027441 61.48
116.19 0.027474 61.69
116.37 0.027503 61.89
116.47 0.027532 62.14
116.71 0.027558 62.38
116.93 0.027583 62.47
117.16 0.027607 62.53
117.39 0.027634 62.71
117.66 0.027665 63.18
117.82 0.027687 64.35
117.91 0.027711 64.5
118.12 0.027732 64.62
118.32 0.027755 64.76
118.52 0.027775 64.88
118.72 0.0278 64.96
119.02 0.027824 65.21
119.22 0.027839 65.34
119.34 0.027853 65.71
119.65 0.027863 65.71
119.99 0.027869 65.71
120.33 0.027875 65.71
120.67 0.027885 65.71
121.06 0.027895 68.11
121.25 0.027898 68.15
121.36 0.027901 68.56
121.65 0.027904 69.06
121.96 0.027914 69.06
122.27 0.027915 69.06
122.57 0.027925 69.06
122.91 0.027937 69.06
123.07 0.02794 70.2
123.17 0.027947 70.74
123.42 0.027952 71.32
123.7 0.027954 71.59
123.97 0.027956 71.81
124.24 0.027966 72.36
124.55 0.027973 73
124.7 0.027981 74.35
124.78 0.027987 74.35
125.03 0.02799 74.35
125.27 0.028 74.59
125.52 0.02801 74.71
125.78 0.028024 75.4
126.19 0.028044 75.76
126.44 0.028054 76.42
126.58 0.028067 76.97
127.04 0.028083 77.57
127.5 0.028099 78.13
127.99 0.028114 78.51
128.47 0.028138 79.07
129 0.028163 79.93
129.25 0.028185 80.43
129.38 0.028208 80.92
129.81 0.028231 82.08
130.26 0.028253 82.08
130.73 0.028279 82.66
131.21 0.028309 82.92
131.79 0.02834 83.64
132.09 0.028369 84.33
132.26 0.028394 85.26
132.7 0.028422 85.73
133.19 0.02845 86.08
133.71 0.028475 86.28
134.19 0.028505 86.91
134.79 0.028533 87.41
135.14 0.02856 88.03
135.31 0.028587 88.4
135.77 0.028614 89.28
136.28 0.028641 89.53
136.8 0.028667 89.66
137.34 0.028696 90.2
137.96 0.028725 90.83
138.32 0.028755 91.27
138.52 0.028782 91.51
139.06 0.028811 92.63
139.59 0.028837 93.11
140 0.028863 93.27
140.01 0.028894 93.87
140.37 0.028924 94.11
140.64 0.028953 94.19
140.82 0.028979 94.93
141.31 0.029005 95.65
141.88 0.029025 96.06
142.53 0.029046 96.12
143.17 0.029071 97.33
143.9 0.029098 97.46
144.34 0.029121 97.83
144.56 0.029146 98.03
145.1 0.029169 98.48
145.67 0.029194 98.48
146.24 0.029217 98.6
146.82 0.029244 98.98
147.44 0.029272 100.17
147.82 0.0293 100.17
148.01 0.029327 100.31
148.49 0.029352 100.56
149 0.029376 100.56
149.51 0.029409 100.56
150.01 0.029442 100.56
150.59 0.029475 100.56
150.92 0.029507 100.58
151.11 0.029534 100.85
151.66 0.029562 100.88
152.25 0.029588 101.01
152.8 0.029613 101.13
153.23 0.029637 101.65
153.35 0.029656 101.98
153.35 0.029666 102.54
153.49 0.029668 102.56
153.95 0.029659 102.64
154.45 0.029642 102.79
154.94 0.029619 102.87
155.4 0.029596 103.34
155.58 0.029567 103.34
155.61 0.029524 103.34
155.76 0.029452 103.62
156.12 0.02936 104.1
156.54 0.029252 104.13
156.97 0.029139 104.49
157.4 0.029022 104.52
157.89 0.028886 104.8
158.19 0.028717 104.8
158.34 0.028529 105.14
158.71 0.028306 105.31
159.1 0.028064 105.6
159.48 0.02782 105.8
159.86 0.027581 106.04
160.3 0.027311 106.16
160.53 0.027016 106.27
160.65 0.026702 106.49
160.89 0.026381 106.67
161.18 0.026059 106.74
161.47 0.025758 106.76
161.75 0.025485 107.21
162.06 0.025182 107.43
162.24 0.024865 107.63
162.34 0.024546 107.88
162.57 0.024237 108.05
162.81 0.023946 108.18
163.04 0.02369 108.37
163.27 0.023464 108.57
163.55 0.023226 109.11
163.69 0.022996 110.22
163.77 0.022772 110.22
163.96 0.022555 110.22
164.13 0.022353 110.22
164.3 0.022181 110.22
164.45 0.022041 110.22
164.64 0.021898 110.22
164.77 0.021763 110.22
164.83 0.021644 110.22
164.98 0.021528 110.22
165.12 0.021421 110.22
165.27 0.021326 110.22
165.42 0.021247 110.22
165.6 0.021169 110.22
165.7 0.021098 110.29
165.74 0.021031 110.31
165.84 0.020967 110.47
165.96 0.020912 110.51
166.08 0.020861 110.51
166.2 0.020818 110.51
166.35 0.020784 110.55
166.43 0.020761 110.63
166.48 0.020739 110.67
166.57 0.020718 110.67
166.67 0.020699 110.67
Việt Nam Philippines UAE USA
Deaths rate Vaccines rate Deaths rate Vaccines rate Deaths rate Vaccines rate Deaths rate
0.012552 0 0.019042 0 0.002871 146.45 0.018054
0.024873 35.73 0.078571 0 0.004358 0 0.017839
0.013839 0 0.024016 0 0.002609 242.02 0.042779
0.02491 29.83 0.015482 37.29 0.008139 0 0.016139
0.008578 202.35 0.02108 0 0.002881 224.27 0.012019
0.00435 3.94 0.015332 52.42 0.003219 0 0.028745
0.013619 0.03 0.01811 97.74 0.002863 168.11 0.013093
0.003728 4.16 0.019042 0 0.002894 220.75 0.016231
0.024515 18.87 0.015856 33.97 0.003212 85.87 0.011821
0.02507 32.9 0.016825 1.58 0.003105 99.09 0.017584
0.018711 153.75 0.015606 120.97 0.009458 0 0.056728
0.027174 0 0.059084 0 0.005336 0 0.018087
0.022033 105.51 0.018063 97.74 0.002895 219.67 0.017969
0.018182 163.02 0.017041 4.67 0.006655 0 0.016135
0.02378 17.69 0.0666 0 0.006071 0 0.01323
0.007824 202.99 0.019767 0 0.00541 0 0.018042
0.024498 19.51 0.018063 97.74 0.002617 241.27 0.017729
0.023617 0 0.014883 44.06 0.010101 0 0.02852
0.013867 0 0.2 0 0.006071 0 0.016019
0.020468 124.36 0.0214 0 0.002605 242.02 0.017862
0.027322 0 0.015651 120.97 0.004125 0 0.06286
0.014141 0 0.016009 60.98 0.002853 224.27 0.016228
0.020621 120.98 0.015756 56.26 0.007092 0 0.017706
0.006098 1.24 0.016655 68.08 0.002868 147.49 0.042184
0.024615 20.34 0.5 0 0.005898 0 0.01748
0.005396 1.68 0.018893 0 0.002896 50.1 0.016834
0.007661 5.63 0.055781 0 0.002892 217.76 0.018877
0.023617 0 0.065488 0 0.005839 0 0.011904
0.015642 189.2 0.020218 0 0.005898 0 0.024457
0.024506 70.09 0.017 0.83 0.003268 77.37 0.036677
0.019808 0 0.035087 0 0.004597 0 0.023634
0.024911 0 0.02596 0 0.003255 0 0.017171
0.023381 91.29 0.016523 1.75 0.002893 222.01 0.058284
0.013493 0.05 0.017052 28.31 0.003387 0 0.017885
0.023616 87.93 0.06652 0 0.006896 0 0.017801
0.006295 1.12 0.017242 26.23 0.005973 0 0.044328
0.033019 0 0.066264 0 0.002871 146.45 0.023834
0.0082 1.03 0.015106 115.7 0.002868 154.42 0.016826
0.032588 0 0.019482 0 0.003012 111.37 0.016023
0.005422 1.58 0.019383 0 0.002852 201.39 0.016042
0.015028 0 0.015462 52.42 0.003291 0 0.019197
0.031674 0 0.015169 114.32 0.00313 96.1 0.029458
0.022033 105.51 0.019499 0 0.004597 0 0.016148
0.015759 9.58 0.01864 0 0.003694 0 0.024966
0.018249 160.68 0.016762 2.17 0.00896 0 0.060762
0.029966 0 0.019459 0 0.005956 0 0.018252
0.024723 38.28 0.016809 30.35 0.00566 0 0.017883
0.025094 31.84 0.018708 0.46 0.003165 90.13 0.011924
0.027933 0 0.041959 0 0.002867 159.3 0.060923
0.025237 0 0.01626 0 0.002847 178.59 0.017708
USA Russia
Vaccines rate Deaths rate Vaccines rate
49.35 0.017521 0
68.45 0.021031 110.31
0 0.017261 0
125.03 0.02416 22.55
166.97 0.01747 0
0 0.017797 0.02
160.3 0.009627 0
135.14 0.024591 32.44
164.83 0.028755 91.27
0.92 0.010087 0
0 0.028422 85.73
37.56 0.017449 0
0.37 0.017261 0
124.78 0.01697 0
159.86 0.022535 12.02
51.69 0.013874 0
91.98 0.029194 98.48
0 0.028185 80.43
119.65 0.017459 0
103.11 0.019309 0.69
0 0.029098 97.46
127.99 0.019993 0.69
87.92 0.017299 0
0 0.023067 14.8
106.47 0.013941 0
4.66 0.012997 0
0 0.01654 0
163.77 0.021387 5.73
0 0.017251 0
0 0.007265 0
0 0.028099 78.13
108.19 0.017207 0
0 0.028614 89.28
101.12 0.024273 25.34
104.12 0.027474 61.69
0 0.025478 45.4
0 0.027952 71.32
5.06 0.02499 39.28
116.71 0.027885 65.71
118.72 0.016152 0
0 0.028231 82.08
0 0.028231 82.08
139.06 0.028529 105.14
0 0.019151 0.69
0 0.017459 0
0 0.01724 0
100.66 0.028614 89.28
166.2 0.016826 0
0 0.017834 0.04
87.09 0.019151 0.69
Construct a 95% confidence interval for the mean difference in deaths rate due to COVID

Deaths rate

Việt Nam Philippines UAE USA Russia

0.012552 0.019042 0.002871 0.018054 0.017521
0.024873 0.078571 0.004358 0.017839 0.021031
0.013839 0.024016 0.002609 0.042779 0.017261
0.02491 0.015482 0.008139 0.016139 0.02416
0.008578 0.02108 0.002881 0.012019 0.01747
0.00435 0.015332 0.003219 0.028745 0.017797
0.013619 0.01811 0.002863 0.013093 0.009627
0.003728 0.019042 0.002894 0.016231 0.024591
0.024515 0.015856 0.003212 0.011821 0.028755
0.02507 0.016825 0.003105 0.017584 0.010087
0.018711 0.015606 0.009458 0.056728 0.028422
0.027174 0.059084 0.005336 0.018087 0.017449
0.022033 0.018063 0.002895 0.017969 0.017261
0.018182 0.017041 0.006655 0.016135 0.01697
0.02378 0.0666 0.006071 0.01323 0.022535
0.007824 0.019767 0.00541 0.018042 0.013874
0.024498 0.018063 0.002617 0.017729 0.029194
0.023617 0.014883 0.010101 0.02852 0.028185
0.013867 0.2 0.006071 0.016019 0.017459
0.020468 0.0214 0.002605 0.017862 0.019309
0.027322 0.015651 0.004125 0.06286 0.029098
0.014141 0.016009 0.002853 0.016228 0.019993
0.020621 0.015756 0.007092 0.017706 0.017299
0.006098 0.016655 0.002868 0.042184 0.023067
0.024615 0.5 0.005898 0.01748 0.013941
0.005396 0.018893 0.002896 0.016834 0.012997
0.007661 0.055781 0.002892 0.018877 0.01654
0.023617 0.065488 0.005839 0.011904 0.021387
0.015642 0.020218 0.005898 0.024457 0.017251
0.024506 0.017 0.003268 0.036677 0.007265
0.019808 0.035087 0.004597 0.023634 0.028099
0.024911 0.02596 0.003255 0.017171 0.017207
0.023381 0.016523 0.002893 0.058284 0.028614
0.013493 0.017052 0.003387 0.017885 0.024273
0.023616 0.06652 0.006896 0.017801 0.027474
0.006295 0.017242 0.005973 0.044328 0.025478
0.033019 0.066264 0.002871 0.023834 0.027952
0.0082 0.015106 0.002868 0.016826 0.02499
0.032588 0.019482 0.003012 0.016023 0.027885
0.005422 0.019383 0.002852 0.016042 0.016152
0.015028 0.015462 0.003291 0.019197 0.028231
0.031674 0.015169 0.00313 0.029458 0.028231

0.022033 0.019499 0.004597 0.016148 0.028529

0.015759 0.01864 0.003694 0.024966 0.019151
0.018249 0.016762 0.00896 0.060762 0.017459
0.029966 0.019459 0.005956 0.018252 0.01724
0.024723 0.016809 0.00566 0.017883 0.028614
0.025094 0.018708 0.003165 0.011924 0.016826
0.027933 0.041959 0.002867 0.060923 0.017834
0.025237 0.01626 0.002847 0.017708 0.019151
nce in deaths rate due to COVID-19 in each country

Deaths rate Vietnam Philippines UAE USA

Mean 0.01904472 0.0386532 0.0043954 0.024178
Standard Error 0.001146484 0.010327252 0.0002796 0.002008
Median 0.021327 0.018674 0.0032615 0.017873
Mode 0.022033 0.019042 0.002871 #N/A
Standard Deviation 0.008106866 0.073024696 0.00197707 0.014201
Sample Variance 6.57E-05 0.005332606 3.91E-06 0.000202
Kurtosis -0.88914635 34.11560107 0.799322158 1.873341
Skewness -0.380549637 5.578779868 1.246599764 1.736346
Range 0.029291 0.485117 0.007496 0.051039
Minimum 0.003728 0.014883 0.002605 0.011821
Maximum 0.033019 0.5 0.010101 0.06286
Sum 0.952236 1.93266 0.21977 1.208881
Count 50 50 50 50
Confidence Level(95.0%) 0.002303946 0.020753389 0.000561877 0.004036

So confidence interval of Vietnam runs from: 0.016740774 to

So confidence interval of Philippines runs from: 0.017899811 to
So confidence interval of UAE runs from: 0.003833523 to
So confidence interval of USA runs from: 0.020142 to
So confidence interval of Russia runs from: 0.019271092 to

We are 95% confident that the mean of Death rate in Vietnam falls in the interval 0.016740774 to 0.021348666 a
mean of Deaths rate in Vietnam falls out the interval.
We are 95% confident that the mean of Death rate in Philippines falls in the interval 0.017899811 to 0.05940658
the mean of Deaths rate in Philippines falls out the interval.
We are 95% confident that the mean of Death rate in UAE falls in the interval 0.003833523 to 0.004957277 and
mean of Deaths rate in Vietnam falls out the interval.
We are 95% confident that the mean of Death rate in USA falls in the interval 0.020142 to 0.028214 and 5% the
Deaths rate in USA falls out the interval.
We are 95% confident that the mean of Death rate in Russia falls in the interval 0.019271092 to 0.022616348 and
mean of Deaths rate in Russia falls out the interval.

Deaths rate : Philippines > USA > Russia > Vietnam > UAE

Conclusion: Philippines got the highest deaths rate after are USA, Russia, Vietnam. USA got the high death r
althought they're a deverlopment country and make the earliest vaccine.And UAE is a great country in terms
against pandemics.
Reason: the Philippines is a developing country, that's why their economy is really weak for buying vaccine
developing countries. So the result doesn't make us surprise
UAE is different, they have a young population, a solid healthcare system, and elderly people obeying
stay-at-home orders. They also have enough equipment to treat serious cases (vnexpress)
USA has the best of HUMAN RIGHT, so the Americans no need to wear masks and don't have any limit of the
or congregate meals. On the other hand, the US cannot vaccinate as many people as other rich countries, e
among the elderly, and the US lags even further in implementing booster shots (vietnamnet)


.016740774 to 0.021348666 and 5% the

al 0.017899811 to 0.059406589 and 5%

833523 to 0.004957277 and 5% the

142 to 0.028214 and 5% the mean of

19271092 to 0.022616348 and 5% the

. USA got the high death rate,

is a great country in terms of

ly weak for buying vaccines from

erly people obeying

don't have any limit of the distance

e as other rich countries, especially
Vaccines rate
Việt Nam Philippines UAE USA Russia
0 0 146.45 49.35 0
35.73 0 0 68.45 110.31
0 0 242.02 0 0
29.83 37.29 0 125.03 22.55
202.35 0 224.27 166.97 0
3.94 52.42 0 0 0.02
0.03 97.74 168.11 160.3 0
4.16 0 220.75 135.14 32.44
18.87 33.97 85.87 164.83 91.27
32.9 1.58 99.09 0.92 0
153.75 120.97 0 0 85.73
0 0 0 37.56 0
105.51 97.74 219.67 0.37 0
163.02 4.67 0 124.78 0
17.69 0 0 159.86 12.02
202.99 0 0 51.69 0
19.51 97.74 241.27 91.98 98.48
0 44.06 0 0 80.43
0 0 0 119.65 0
124.36 0 242.02 103.11 0.69
0 120.97 0 0 97.46
0 60.98 224.27 127.99 0.69
120.98 56.26 0 87.92 0
1.24 68.08 147.49 0 14.8
20.34 0 0 106.47 0
1.68 0 50.1 4.66 0
5.63 0 217.76 0 0
0 0 0 163.77 5.73
189.2 0 0 0 0
70.09 0.83 77.37 0 0
0 0 0 0 78.13
0 0 0 108.19 0
91.29 1.75 222.01 0 89.28
0.05 28.31 0 101.12 25.34
87.93 0 0 104.12 61.69
1.12 26.23 0 0 45.4
0 0 146.45 0 71.32
1.03 115.7 154.42 5.06 39.28
0 0 111.37 116.71 65.71
1.58 0 201.39 118.72 0
0 52.42 0 0 82.08
0 114.32 96.1 0 82.08
105.51 0 0 139.06 105.14
9.58 0 0 0 0.69
160.68 2.17 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
38.28 30.35 0 100.66 89.28
31.84 0.46 90.13 166.2 0
0 0 159.3 0 0.04
0 0 178.59 87.09 0.69
Groups Count Sum Average Variance
Việt Nam 50 2052.69 41.0538 3885.925
Philippines 50 1267.01 25.3402 1555.506
UAE 50 3966.27 79.3254 8674.579
USA 50 3097.73 61.9546 3998.732
Russia 50 1488.77 29.7754 1534.189

Source of Variation SS df MS F
Between Groups 103428.1 4 25857.03 6.579756
Within Groups 962797.6 245 3929.786
Total 1066226 249

Ho: 𝜇Vn = 𝜇Phil = 𝜇UAE = 𝜇USA = 𝜇Rus α = 0.05 so P-value < α

H1: 𝜇Vn ≠ 𝜇Phil ≠ 𝜇UAE ≠ 𝜇USA ≠ 𝜇Rus -> reject Ho
There is sufficient evidences that the mean of the
doses per hundred people is different among

The reason depends on many aspects, such as:

* The gap between the development contries and developing countries
* The population over 5 countries is different
* The culture and "human right" in their mindset are different too
P-value F crit
4.80E-05 2.408488

hat the mean of the

different among
Vaccine rate

Việt Nam Philippines UAE USA Russia Based on the conclus

0 0 146.45 49.35 0 - Claim 1: Vietnam's vac
35.73 0 0 68.45 110.31 - Claim 2: Vietnam's vac
0 0 242.02 0 0 - Claim 3: Philippines's v
29.83 37.29 0 125.03 22.55 - Claim 4: Vietnam's vac
202.35 0 224.27 166.97 0 - Claim 5: Vietnam's vac
3.94 52.42 0 0 0.02 - Claim 6: Russia's vacci
0.03 97.74 168.11 160.3 0
4.16 0 220.75 135.14 32.44
18.87 33.97 85.87 164.83 91.27 Claim 1: Vietnam's vaccin
32.9 1.58 99.09 0.92 0
153.75 120.97 0 0 85.73 H0: 𝜇Vn ≤ 𝜇USA
0 0 0 37.56 0 H1: 𝜇Vn > 𝜇USA (right - taile
105.51 97.74 219.67 0.37 0
163.02 4.67 0 124.78 0 We have t stat < t Critical
17.69 0 0 159.86 12.02 ➪ Fail to reject H0, reject c
202.99 0 0 51.69 0 ➪ At the 5% significance le
claim the mean amount of V
19.51 97.74 241.27 91.98 98.48
USA's vaccines rate
0 44.06 0 0 80.43
0 0 0 119.65 0 Reason:
124.36 0 242.02 103.11 0.69 Although America's vaccina
0 120.97 0 0 97.46 countries, we can't deny tha
vaccine, and Vietnam still h
0 60.98 224.27 127.99 0.69 funded vaccines.
120.98 56.26 0 87.92 0
1.24 68.08 147.49 0 14.8
20.34 0 0 106.47 0 Claim 2 : Vietnam's vaccin
1.68 0 50.1 4.66 0
5.63 0 217.76 0 0 H0: 𝜇Vn ≥ 𝜇UAE
0 0 0 163.77 5.73 H1: 𝜇Vn < 𝜇UAE (left - tailed)
189.2 0 0 0 0
70.09 0.83 77.37 0 0 We have t < - t Critical
0 0 0 0 78.13 ➪ Reject H0, fail to reject c
0 0 0 108.19 0 ➪ At the 5% significance le
support the claim the mean
91.29 1.75 222.01 0 89.28
lower than UAE's vaccines r
0.05 28.31 0 101.12 25.34
87.93 0 0 104.12 61.69 Reason:
1.12 26.23 0 0 45.4 The UAE has the best vaccin
the UAE is at the top of the
0 0 146.45 0 71.32
understandable to have a la
1.03 115.7 154.42 5.06 39.28
0 0 111.37 116.71 65.71
1.58 0 201.39 118.72 0
0 52.42 0 0 82.08 Claim 3 : Philippines's vac
0 114.32 96.1 0 82.08
105.51 0 0 139.06 105.14 H0: 𝜇Phil = 𝜇Rus
9.58 0 0 0 0.69 H1: 𝜇Phil ≠ 𝜇Rus (two - tailed)
160.68 2.17 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 We have t stat > - t Critical &
38.28 30.35 0 100.66 89.28 ➪ Fail to reject H0, Fail to
31.84 0.46 90.13 166.2 0 ➪ At the 5% significance le
support the claim the mean
0 0 159.3 0 0.04
equal to Russia's vaccines ra
0 0 178.59 87.09 0.69
The gap between developed
not right in this case at leas
used in Russia is Sputnik V,
With the Philippines, they ha
vaccines in other countries

Claim 4: Vietnam's vaccin

H0: 𝜇Vn ≥ 𝜇Phil

H1: 𝜇Vn < 𝜇Phil (Left - tailed)

We have P(value) > alpha(0.0

➪ Fail to reject H0, reject C
➪ At the 5% significance le
claim the mean amount of V
Philippines's vaccines rate

Although Vietnam and the P
But in terms of "vaccine dipl
vaccines from the USA, Chin
people use every Vaccine as

Claim 5: Vietnam's vaccin

H0: 𝜇Vn = 𝜇Rus

H1: 𝜇Vn ≠ 𝜇Rus (two - tailed)

We have P(value) > alpha(0.0

➪ Fail to reject H0, Fail to
➪ At the 5% significance le
support the claim the mean
equal to Russia's vaccines ra

Russia is a developed count
punishment from the EU, Na
vaccines, only sputnik V is p
production. In terms of pop

Claim 6: Russia's vaccines

H0: 𝜇Rus = 𝜇USA

H1: 𝜇Rus ≠ 𝜇USA (two - tailed)

We have P(value) < alpha(0.0

➪ Reject H0, Reject Claim 6
➪ At the 5% significance le
claim the mean amount of R
vaccines rate

All are developed countries
Same reason in claim 5, so w
between 2 means of 2 count

Vaccines rate : Philippine

Conclusion: Combined wi
the deaths rate and the v
On another hand, the US
development countries. W
Based on the conclusion of the CI problem, we have the hypotheses:
Claim 1: Vietnam's vaccines rate is higher than USA's vaccines rate
Claim 2: Vietnam's vaccines rate is lower than UAE's vaccines rate
Claim 3: Philippines's vaccines rate is equal to Russia's vaccines rate
Claim 4: Vietnam's vaccines rate is higher than Philippines's vaccines rate
Claim 5: Vietnam's vaccines rate is equal to Russia's vaccines rate
Claim 6: Russia's vaccines rate is equal to USA's vaccines rate

aim 1: Vietnam's vaccines rate higher than USA's vaccines rate

t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances
0: 𝜇Vn ≤ 𝜇USA
: 𝜇Vn > 𝜇USA (right - tailed)
have t stat < t Critical (-1.664< 1.66) Variance
Fail to reject H0, reject claim 1 Observations
At the 5% significance level, there is no evidence to support the Pooled Variance
m the mean amount of Vietnam's vaccines rate higher than
Hypothesized Mean Difference
A's vaccines rate
t Stat
hough America's vaccination is lagging behind other rich P(T<=t) one-tail
untries, we can't deny that the US can produce the earliest
t Critical one-tail
cine, and Vietnam still has to depend on many sources of
ded vaccines. P(T<=t) two-tail
t Critical two-tail

aim 2 : Vietnam's vaccines rate lower than UAE's vaccines rate

0: 𝜇Vn ≥ 𝜇UAE t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Unequal Variances

: 𝜇Vn < 𝜇UAE (left - tailed)

have t < - t Critical (-2.414< -1.66) Mean

Reject H0, fail to reject claim 2 Variance
At the 5% significance level, there is sufficient evidence to Observations
pport the claim the mean amount of Vietnam's vaccines rate
Hypothesized Mean Difference
er than UAE's vaccines rate
t Stat
e UAE has the best vaccination program in the world, because P(T<=t) one-tail
UAE is at the top of the wealthiest countries, it is
t Critical one-tail
derstandable to have a large source of vaccines.
P(T<=t) two-tail
t Critical two-tail
aim 3 : Philippines's vaccines rate is equal to Russia's vaccines rate

0: 𝜇Phil = 𝜇Rus t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances

: 𝜇Phil ≠ 𝜇Rus (two - tailed)

have t stat > - t Critical & t < t Critical (-0.56 >- 1.98) & (-0.56<1.98) Mean
Fail to reject H0, Fail to reject Claim 3 Variance
At the 5% significance level, there is sufficient evidence to Observations
pport the claim the mean amount of Philippines's vaccines rate is
Pooled Variance
ual to Russia's vaccines rate
Hypothesized Mean Difference
e gap between developed and developing is really big. But it's
right in this case at least in vaccination. Almost the vaccine is t Stat
d in Russia is Sputnik V, so high pressure exists on production. P(T<=t) one-tail
h the Philippines, they have to borrow $400 mil from ADB to buy
cines in other countries
t Critical one-tail
P(T<=t) two-tail
t Critical two-tail

aim 4: Vietnam's vaccines rate is lower than Philippines's vaccines rate

t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Unequal Variances

𝜇Vn ≥ 𝜇Phil
𝜇Vn < 𝜇Phil (Left - tailed)
have P(value) > alpha(0.05) Variance
Fail to reject H0, reject Claim 4 Observations
At the 5% significance level, there is no evidence to support the Hypothesized Mean Difference
m the mean amount of Vietnam's vaccines rate is higher than
ippines's vaccines rate
t Stat
P(T<=t) one-tail
hough Vietnam and the Philippines are developing countries. t Critical one-tail
in terms of "vaccine diplomacy', Vietnam is really well. They buy
cines from the USA, China, US, Russia,... and Vietnamese P(T<=t) two-tail
ople use every Vaccine as they can if they have
t Critical two-tail

aim 5: Vietnam's vaccines rate is equal to Russia's vaccines rate

t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Unequal Variances

𝜇Vn = 𝜇Rus
𝜇Vn ≠ 𝜇Rus (two - tailed) Mean
have P(value) > alpha(0.05) Observations
Fail to reject H0, Fail to reject Claim 5 Hypothesized Mean Difference
At the 5% significance level, there is sufficient evidence to df
pport the claim the mean amount of Vietnam's vaccines rate is
t Stat
ual to Russia's vaccines rate
P(T<=t) one-tail
t Critical one-tail
sia is a developed country, but this country is suffered a lot of P(T<=t) two-tail
nishment from the EU, Nato, USA. So not very much the kind of
cines, only sputnik V is popular but it still has the limit from t Critical two-tail
duction. In terms of population, Russia is pretty larger than

aim 6: Russia's vaccines rate is equal to USA's vaccines rate

t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Unequal Variances

𝜇Rus = 𝜇USA
𝜇Rus ≠ 𝜇USA (two - tailed)
have P(value) < alpha(0.05) Variance
Reject H0, Reject Claim 6 Observations
At the 5% significance level, there is no evidence to support the Hypothesized Mean Difference
m the mean amount of Russia's vaccines rate is equal to USA's
cines rate
t Stat
P(T<=t) one-tail
are developed countries but exists the "BIAS" in punishments. t Critical one-tail
me reason in claim 5, so we're easy to understand the gap
P(T<=t) two-tail
ween 2 means of 2 countries
t Critical two-tail
ccines rate : Philippines <= USA <= Russia <= Vietnam < UAE

nclusion: Combined with the CI problem, we can conclude that the correlation between
deaths rate and the vaccines rate is: inverse proportion
another hand, the USA has a high vaccine rate but the death rate range is really high in all
velopment countries. We still have the exceptions about death rate range and vaccine rate
le Assuming Equal Variances

Việt Nam USA

41.0538 61.9546
3885.9251547 3998.7316825
50 50

le Assuming Unequal Variances

Việt Nam UAE

41.0538 79.3254
3885.925155 8674.57865
50 50
le Assuming Equal Variances

Việt Nam Russia

25.3402 29.7754
1555.505606 1534.189491
50 50


le Assuming Unequal Variances

Việt Nam Philippines

41.0538 25.3402
3885.925155 1555.505606
50 50


le Assuming Unequal Variances

Việt Nam Russia

41.0538 29.7754
3885.9251547 1534.1894907
50 50


le Assuming Unequal Variances

Russia USA
29.7754 61.9546
1534.1894907 3998.7316825
50 50

ly high in all
accine rate
Việt Nam Philippines UAE

Việt Nam Philippines UAE USA Russia

Regression SS 0.000381 0.128624 0.000936 0.056867 0.01496

Total SS 0.038214 3.653255 0.00239 0.159886 0.027161
R square (%) 0.9961 3.5208 39.1571 35.5672 55.0805

So we try to remove all rows of data with vaccine doses administered per 100 people = 0

Việt Nam Philippines UAE USA Russia

Regression SS 0.001449 0.000129 0.000005 0.0008 0.003108

Total SS 0.017423 0.000629 0.000011 0.001616 0.005756
R square (%) 8.3191 20.5378 47.2485 49.5366 53.9873

R square
7.323 17.017 8.0914 13.9694 -1.0932
increase (%)
UAE USA Russia

- The coefficient of correlation for the 5 countries is generally low (the lowest is
Vietnam with only about 1%)

- It happens because the long time period when the vaccine has not appeared.
At that time, the mortality rate completely did not depend on the vaccine but on
other factors such as epidemic prevention, people's awareness, the speed of
virus spread, ...

r 100 people = 0

- Most of the correlation coefficients increase a lot after re-filtering the data
(only Russia has a slight decrease in R square by about 1%)

- So we use this data to estimate the dependence of the deaths rate on

vaccines rate (estimate the regression line)

1. The estimated regressi

- R square = 47.25%, a pretty good number to
predict by estimated regression line SO 2. βo = 0.003148 so if there

3. β1 = -0.0000016 reveal th
the deaths rate of our c

1. The estimated regressi
- R square = 49.5366%, a nice number to predict
by estimated regression line SO 2. βo = 0.018837 so if there

3. β1 = -0.000025 reveal th
the deaths rate of our c


1. The estimated regressi

- R square = 20.54% is small but enough to
predict deaths rate through vaccine rate SO 2. βo = 0.017434 so if there

3. β1 = -0.000014 reveal tha

the deaths rate of our c
Việt Nam

- R square = 8.31% is too small to predict deaths

rate by regression line SO 1. This happened becaus
huge outbreak in Ho Chi
on, it can't keep up with t

- R square = 53.98% is very nice to predict deaths
1. Russia's vaccination ra
rate by regression line but β1 = 0.0000675, that
100 doses per 100 people
mean when the vaccination rates in Russia Why? October 22, 2021, Russia a
increase, the death rate also increase. What
Europe through a press

2. People's awareness: ac
Russians are not afraid o
interested in vaccination

Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.687375
R Square 0.472485
Adjusted R Square 0.471258
Standard Error 0.000116
Observations 432

df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 1 5.18E-06 5.18E-06 385.1424 1.06E-61
Residual 430 5.78E-06 1.34E-08
Total 431 1.10E-05

Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95%

Intercept 0.003148 1.39E-05 226.8154 0 0.00312
x -1.60E-06 8.11E-08 -19.625 1.06E-61 -1.80E-06

. The estimated regression line have formula: Y = 0.003148 - 0.0000016*X

2. βo = 0.003148 so if there is no vaccine, the deaths rate in UAE is about 0.31%.

3. β1 = -0.0000016 reveal that for each 1 million doses of new vaccine injected,
he deaths rate of our country will decrease about 0.016%


Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.703822
R Square 0.495366
Adjusted R Square 0.494252
Standard Error 0.001342
Observations 455

df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 1 0.0008 0.0008 444.6804 2.81E-69
Residual 453 0.000815 1.80E-06
Total 454 0.001616

Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95%

Intercept 0.018837 0.000133 141.6518 0 0.018576
x -2.50E-05 1.21E-06 -21.0874 2.81E-69 -2.80E-05

. The estimated regression line have formula: Y = 0.018837 - 0.000025*X

2. βo = 0.018837 so if there is no vaccine, the deaths rate in USA is about 1.9%.

3. β1 = -0.000025 reveal that for each 1 million doses of new vaccine injected,
he deaths rate of our country will decrease about 0.25%


Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.453186
R Square 0.205378
Adjusted R Square 0.203242
Standard Error 0.001159
Observations 374

df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 1 0.000129 0.000129 96.14697 2.43E-20
Residual 372 0.0005 1.34E-06
Total 373 0.000629

Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95%

Intercept 0.017434 8.76E-05 199.1188 0 0.017262
x -1.40E-05 1.41E-06 -9.80546 2.43E-20 -1.70E-05

. The estimated regression line have formula: Y = 0.017434 - 0.000014*X

2. βo = 0.017434 so if there is no vaccine, the deaths rate in Philippines is about 1.7%

3. β1 = -0.000014 reveal that for each 1 million doses of new vaccine injected,
he deaths rate of our country will decrease about 0.14%

Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.288429
R Square 0.083191
Adjusted R Square 0.080673
Standard Error 0.006624
Observations 366

df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 1 0.001449 0.001449 33.02936 1.92E-08
Residual 364 0.015973 4.39E-05
Total 365 0.017423

Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95%

Intercept 0.013759 0.000469 29.3594 5.18E-98 0.012837
x 2.74E-05 4.76E-06 5.747117 1.92E-08 1.80E-05

. This happened because the first phase of vaccination coincided with a

huge outbreak in Ho Chi Minh City. So even though vaccination is still going
on, it can't keep up with the number of deaths. Thereby distorting the model


Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.73476
R Square 0.539873
Adjusted R Square 0.538853
Standard Error 0.002423
Observations 453

df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 1 0.003108 0.003108 529.164 4.86E-78
Residual 451 0.002649 5.87E-06
Total 452 0.005756

Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95%

Intercept 0.021125 0.000178 118.5587 0 0.020775
x 6.75E-05 2.94E-06 23.00357 4.86E-78 6.18E-05

. Russia's vaccination rate is slow, so far it has only received about more than
00 doses per 100 people, can't keep up with the spread of corona (On
October 22, 2021, Russia admitted that they had the worst vaccination in
Europe through a press conferenc)

2. People's awareness: according to a survey cited by vnexpress, 55% of

Russians are not afraid of positive with corona virus and 52% of them are not
nterested in vaccinations
ificance F

Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0%

0.003175 0.00312 0.003175
-1.40E-06 -1.80E-06 -1.40E-06

ificance F
Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0%
0.019099 0.018576 0.019099
-2.30E-05 -2.80E-05 -2.30E-05

ificance F

Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0%

0.017607 0.017262 0.017607
-1.10E-05 -1.70E-05 -1.10E-05
ificance F

Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0%

0.01468 0.012837 0.01468
3.67E-05 1.80E-05 3.67E-05
ificance F

Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0%

0.021475 0.020775 0.021475
7.33E-05 6.18E-05 7.33E-05

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