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Business English

#7 Currency & Finance

26 Липня 2022

спікер: Olesya, викладач школи EnglishDom

Important info to be mentioned
Рекомендуємо перегляд та участь у занятті з великого

Радимо виставити якість відео: замість “авто“, обрати

1080р в ручному режимі

Звертаємо увагу, що проходження поточного курсу

рекомендовано для студентів з рівнем англійської від А2
(рівень A1 - допускається з приміткою про розуміння
можливих складнощів сприйняття)
#7 Currency & Finance

Class Structure


Indirect question

4 Present Perfect VS
Past Simple
#7 Currency & Finance

Exchange rate – e.g. The exchange rate of the dollar is a topic of concern

for some

Owe – e.g. They have denied they owe money to the company

Receipt (vs prescription, recipe)

Cheque – a printed piece of paper that you can use instead of money

Refund – e.g. You are entitled to reject it and insist on a refund

Withdraw e.g. Every time you withdraw money from a cash machine you'll be
asked to make a donation.

Discount e.g. I always buy mobile phones when there is a discount

#7 Currency & Finance

To go Dutch

The expression “go Dutch” means that each person pays for himself (usually
at a restaurant). It is often used when a couple goes on a date.

You paid for dinner last Saturday. This time let’s go Dutch, okay?

Beyond one's means

To spend more money than you can afford


Can I see a cheaper one, please? These expensive materials are just beyond my means.
#7 Currency & Finance

At all costs

You use this to say that you’re determined to achieve what you want,
no matter how hard or dangerous it is. Nothing or no one can prevent
you from achieving your goal.

The director asked the finance staff to prevent the losses at all costs.
#7 Currency & Finance

Indirect question
Indirect questions have two parts:

The first is the polite question The second is your actual

or indirect statement used to question, hidden or embedded
introduce your question. inside.

e.g. Do you know where the

ATM is?
#7 Currency & Finance

Indirect question
Questions that introduce indirect questions

Could I ask…? Would you mind repeating…?

Can you check…? Would you mind clarifying…?

Could you tell me…? Do you know…?

Can you tell me…? Can you remember…?

Would you mind explaining…? Do you remember…?

#7 Currency & Finance

Indirect question
Сommon statements that introduce indirect questions:

I wanted to know…. I’m not sure….

I wonder…. Let’s ask….

I was wondering…. Let me know….

I’d like to find out…. I’d like to ask….

I don’t know…. I’d like to check….

#7 Currency & Finance

Present Perfect vs Past Simple

You’ll simply start with the question word: who, what, where, when, why, how, or any

of the variations.

If you’re asking a yes/no question as your indirect question, then you’ll start with the

words “if,” “whether,” or “whether or not.” All of them are equally fine.

The most important thing to remember with indirect questions is the word order after

the question word.

I was wondering whether the discount is provided

Present Perfect Past Simple

connected with present not connected with present,

all about the past
Ex. Look at this CD! I have just made it.
Ex. I made this CD last year.
#7 Currency & Finance

Present Perfect vs Past Simple

Present Perfect Past Simple

the result is important when the action happened is important

and not when happened

Ex. I last performed in public 10 years ago.

Ex. I have performed in public million It was awful.

of times. So I am not nervous.

the period of time when action happened action happened in the past
is not over yet and the period is over now

Ex. He has not listened to your album today Ex. He listened to your album in the morning.

yet. So, tonight he will give your a feedback.

Time phrases: just, already / yet, ever / Time phrases: yesterday, the day before

never, how many times, lately / recently, yesterday, last year, a week ago, in 2010,

for / since, how long, no time information when I was 17, then
Подарунки від EnglishDom
2 місяці Premium доступу

до ED WORDS з промокодом
тематичні набори слів
інтерактивні Smart-тренування
статистика навчання
змагання з друзями
Індивідуальні заняття з англійської з досвідченим
викладачем на інтерактивній it-платформі
За промокодом Genius знижка 15% для всіх українців на всі пакети уроків

Заняття проходить Викладач Особистий куратор

в цифровому україномовний або відстежує прогрес

підручнику через носій англійської і може коригувати

відеозв’язок з програму


#7 Currency & Finance

Useful links
Набір слів Talking money

Набір фраз на тему Реклама

Стаття на тему 11 Tricks to Change the Way You Think About Money

Стаття на тему А millionaire who operates 10 businesses

while sailing around the world with his family

Відео на тему Why working from home is good for business

Відео на тему Revenue, Profits, and Price

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