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Business English

#8 Job interview
28 Липня 2022

спікер: Olesya, викладач школи EnglishDom

Important info to be mentioned
Рекомендуємо перегляд та участь у занятті з великого

Радимо виставити якість відео: замість “авто“, обрати

1080р в ручному режимі

Звертаємо увагу, що проходження поточного курсу

рекомендовано для студентів з рівнем англійської від А2
(рівень A1 - допускається з приміткою про розуміння
можливих складнощів сприйняття)
#8 Job interview

Class Structure
Useful words

Common questions
for the candidate

Common questions
for the interviewer

4 Grammar (Present
Perfect Continuous)
#8 Job interview

Loyal: "I would describe myself as a loyal individual who goes above and
beyond to help others in the workplace."

Punctual: "I am always punctual whether it's getting to work on-time

or meeting deadlines because I have a deep respect for my coworkers
and the company work for."

Responsible: "In my previous job, I was responsible for handling payroll

processing and preparing checks before paydays."

Consistent: "I am a very consistent employee and others can always count
on me to hit my quotas and produce quality work."
#8 Job interview

Trustworthy: "I believe that one of my most marketable qualities is
trustworthiness. I always respect the privacy of others and I understand
how important it is to refrain from speaking about confidential business

Invigorated: "My favorite part of the event planning process is event set-up
because it always invigorates me and makes me want to put on the best
event possible for our clients."

Excited: "I always get excited when faced with a new project or challenge to
overcome because I know I have the opportunity to get out of my comfort zone
and expand my skill sets."

Fascinated: "I'm fascinated by consumer trends and how they evolve over
time. It fuels my motivation to perform research tasks."
# 8 Job in te rv ie w


Optimistic: "One of my best strengths is that I have an optimistic mindset.

It enables me to persevere through challenging projects and help others

see things in a positive way."

Eager: "I am eager to apply my customer service skills and assist customers

with troubleshooting technical issues."

Passionate: "I'm extremely passionate about public health. I specifically love

to complete research on local health trends and develop programs to increase

healthy living habits."

#8 Job interview

CV vs Resume
A resume is a one- to two-page document presenting key facts about your professional
experience, educational background, and skills. A CV (Curriculum Vitae) is a longer
document that details the whole course of your career. A resume is used for job search
while a CV – for academic purposes.

CV Resume
; emphasizes academic ; emphasizes your relevant skills
accomplishments and experience
; used when applying for positions 
 ; used when applying for a position 

in academia, fellowships and grants in industry, non-profit, and public sector
; length depends upon experience ; is no longer than 2 pages
#8 Job interview

CV vs Resume
CV Resume
" contains details of your educational " contains biography, contact
background and work experience, details, educational background,
honors, awards, scholarships, grants, relevant skills, and job experience
theses, published works and skills " usually written in reverse chronological
" written in chronological order order
#8 Job interview

Common questions
for the candidate
Сommon statements that introduce indirect questions:
Tell me about yourself.

Tell me about a challenge or conflict you faced at work and how did you deal
with it?

What are your greatest strengths?

#8 Job interview

Common questions
for the candidate
Сommon statements that introduce indirect questions:
How did you hear about this position?

What are your greatest weaknesses?


Tell me about the time you demonstrated leadership skills?


Why are you leaving your current position?

#8 Job interview

Common questions
for the candidate
Сommon statements that introduce indirect questions:
Tell me about a time when you made a mistake?

What type of work environment do you prefer?


How would your boss and coworkers describe you?

#8 Job interview

Common questions
for the interviewer
Сommon statements that introduce indirect questions:
Can you show me examples of projects I’d be working on?
What are the skills and experience you’re looking for in an ideal candidate?
What are the most immediate projects that would need to be addressed?
What does a typical day look like?
#8 Job interview

Common questions
for the interviewer
Сommon statements that introduce indirect questions:
Do you expect the main responsibilities for this position to change in the next
six months to a year?
Is this a new role that has been created?
Are there opportunities for advancement or professional development?
#8 Job interview

Common questions
for the interviewer
Сommon statements that introduce indirect questions:
How will I be trained?
What are the most important things you’d like to see someone accomplish
in the first 30, 60 and 90 days on the job?
#8 Job interview

The present perfect continuous is used to refer to an unspecified time between
'before now' and 'now'. The speaker is thinking about something that started but
perhaps did not finish in that period of time.

Present Perfect Continuous


have / has fix


beeb dial

keep in touch
+ ing
have / has look back

not last
#8 Job interview

Present Perfect Continuous



Have / has They

beeb dial

keep in touch
+ ing
look back

Time markers for Present Perfect Continuous are for and since.

I have been doing = I’ve been doing.

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#8 Job interview

Useful links
Набір слів Job Interview

Стаття на тему 15 things you should never say during a job interview

Стаття на тему 7 things you should include on your resume about

your work experience, according to 2 headhunters

Відео на тему Job Interview Tips

Відео на тему Tell me About Yourself

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