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Group 5

Overview of Speech Design

How Cats Can Be A Medicine To Human
- General purpose: To inform
- Specific purpose: The positive effects cats can have on humans, in terms of heart disease, stress, and night sleep.
- Central idea: Cats decrease human cardiovascular diseases, manage human psychological issues, improve human
The group of public speaking, led by Nguyên Trung, Phương Quyên, Bảo Trân, Phương Uyên, and Duy Đức. The
presentation shows that owning a cat can be a safe and affordable way to reduce stress, both physically and mentally.
The presentation will focus on the positive effects cats can have on heart disease, stress, and night sleep.
Are you ready? Let’s go.
Owning a cat can significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. It offers social support, encourages physical
activity, and reduces blood pressure. Research shows that individuals with cats have a lower risk of death due to all
cardiovascular diseases, including stroke. Physical inactivity and unhealthy habits, such as tobacco and alcohol use,
are key risk factors. Cats also provide a calming effect, releasing oxytocin and promoting relaxation. Owning a cat can
lead to a healthier lifestyle and a higher appreciation for feline companions.
Cats can be not only pets but also friends that help humans cope with psychological issues in daily life. Studies have
shown that the presence of a cat and interacting with a cat can reduce negative moods of depression in a healthy
population of adult cat owners. Physical interaction with cats can lower melancholic depression and anxiety levels, and
humans can gain a sense of healing from intense work by spending much of their leisure time playing with cats.
During the COVID-19 outbreak, guardians reported that their companion animals helped decrease feelings of anxiety,
depression, isolation, overwhelmedness, and loneliness. People who regularly work under pressure often have pets to
improve their mood, as seen in the case of Hoang Thi Thanh Hoa and Nguyen Dang Trung. The human and cat
relationship can significantly degenerate depression levels in humans.
Cats can significantly improve human sleep quality by providing a sense of security and comfort. Their pleasant purr
can act as a source of white noise, masking disruptive environmental sounds, and promoting better sleep quality. Cats
also carry a spiritual feeling for humans, providing a sense of safety and relaxation. In 2011, 62% of cats slept with
their adult owners and 13% with children. A case in Ohio showed that a cat named Boo saved a family from a carbon
monoxide leak by meowing loudly and alerting them to the danger. Cats can provide shelter and a secure environment
for a better sleep.
Well, this brings us to the end of our presentation.
The presentation highlights the therapeutic benefits of cats, highlighting their role in reducing cardiovascular diseases,
managing psychological issues, and improving sleep quality, making them valuable allies for overall well-being.

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