Second Major Performance Task: COR 006: Statistics and Probability Group 1 COC-FA2-G11-03-HUMSS

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COR 006: Statistics and Probability

Group 1


A random sample of 10 students from Phinma COC showed that the average number of
hours spent surfing the internet is 1.5 hours, with a standard deviation of 3.98 hours. Does
students’ average hours spent is greater than 3 hours per day? Use a 0.05 level of

Step 1: Null and Alternative Hypothesis

Ho: μ = 3 hours

Ha: μ > 3 hours

Step 2: Level of Significance and appropriate test statistic

Level of Significance α = 0.05, Ha is directional, hypothesis test is one-tailed. Since σ is not

known and n < 30, then the appropriate test statistic is t-test.

Step 3: Determine the Critical Region

Identify the correct test statistic

Critical Region: t > tα

t > t0.05

t > 1.833

Step 4: Compute the t-value

Computations: x = 5.1 hours, s = 3.98 hours, n = 10

t =𝑥̄− µ


t =5.1 − 3


t = 1.67
Step 5: Decide whether to accept or reject Ho.

Decision: Accept Ho since the computed value of t is within the critical region which is less
than 1.833.

Step 6: Conclusion

Therefore, based on the results of the hypothesis test, we accept the null hypothesis (H0)
and conclude that there is not enough evidence to suggest that the students' average hours
spent surfing the internet is significantly greater than 3 hours per day at a 0.05 level of

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