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Tet oe 06-03: 2034 rece —— —___Do nor Time Allowed : Two Hours 10. OPEN THIS TEST BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. R.C. Reddy IAS Study Circle TEST BOOKLET APPSC GROUP-1 SERVICES (2023 Notification) GENERAL STUDIES PAPER-1 (GRAND TEST-2) \ ‘Maximum Marks: 240 INSTRUCTIONS IMMEDIATELY AFTERTHE COMMENCEMENT OF THE EXAMINATION, YOU SHOULD CHECICTRAT ‘THIS TEST BOOKLET DOES NOT HAVE ANY UNPRINTED ORTORN OR MISSING PAGES OR ITEMS, BTC. IF SO, GET IT REPLACED BY A COMPLETE TEST BOOKLET. Please note that it is the candidate's responsibility to encode and fill in the Roll Number and ‘Test Booklet Series A.B,C or D carefully and without any omission or discrepancy at the appropriate places in the OMR Answer Sheet. Any omission / discrepancy will render the Answer Sheet Hable for rejection. You have to enter your Roll Number on the Test Booklet in the Box provided alongside. DO NOT write anything else on the Test Booklet. This Test Booklet contains 100 items (questions). Each item is printed in English. Each item comprises four responses (answers). You will select. the response which you want to mark on the Answer Sheet. In case you feel that there is more than one correct response, mark the response which you consider the best. In any case, chcose ONLY ONE response for each item. You have to mark all your responses ONLY cn the separate Answer Sheet provided. See direc- tions in the Answer Sheet. All items carry equal marks. Before you proceed to mark in the Answer Sheet the response to various items in the Test Booklet, you have to fill in some particulars in the Answer Shect as per instructions sent to you with your Admission Certificate. After you have completed filling in all your responses on the Answer Sheet and the examination has concluded, you should hand over to the Invigilator only the Answer Sheet. You are permitted to take away with you the Test Booklet. Sheets for rough work are appended in the Test Booklet at the end. Penalty for wrong Answers : : ‘THERE WILL BE PENALTY FOR WRONG ANSWERS MARKED BY A CANDIDATE IN THE OBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTION PAPERS. () There are four alternatives for the answer to every question. For each question for which a wrong answer has been given by the candidate, one-third of the question will be deducted as penalty, marks assigned to that (i) Ifa candidate- gives more than one answer, it will be treated as a wrong answer even if one’ of the given answers happens to be correct and there will be same perialty as above to that question. (ii) a question ss eft blank i.e, no answer is given by the eandlidate, there will be mo penalty for that question. 7 DO NOT OPEN THIS TEST BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TODO SO oe (a) - History and Culture Inthe € conte; Sntext of ancient history. consider Hag clowing pairs Tappan Sites Excavated by a panera 1 RD Banerjee B Mohenjodaro 11. R20 Lothat Il, RS Bisht Bi jDholavira _v.” Daya Ram Sabir (Ghose the correct answer using codes A be i fa) omy morowo m owt wwoiium Consider the following pairs regarding the terms mentioned in the Vedic period and their meanings A. SriniL. Guest B Vap I.” Butter C. Ghrita IL. Sickle D. Goghna IV. To sow Choose the correct answer using the codes given below ae cD au ot wim oo oe iy Omwvut qorom ow ut In the context of Mahajanapada and important rulers from these mahajanapada, consider the following pairs Mahajanapadas Rulers A. Chedi, 1. Udayana B. Avanti Il. Prasenjit C. Kosala Ill. Shishupala D. Vatsa IV. Pradyota Choose the correct answer using the codes given below A BCD ef i ty pom ot Vi mowed q@owoiom w F.C. Reddy 1AS Study Circle folowing statements with feapest (0 ST ackarmit an aa ee 1. AheveMer nat Inscription. iy inseribed iP Te official language of 3, Satvanana eZ Position of women Was good in their times which of the 1 correct? 2 Land only 1.8.and 4 only = 1.2.34 a 2,3and4only ‘isthe context of Indus Valley cWvilization, match the following ‘steatite image of 1. Mohenjodaro en statements are A bearded priest B. Evidence of Ul, Banawali Dockyard cc. Terracota of III. Lothal plough D. Evidence of IV. Surkotada horse bone Choose the correct answer using the codes below: A BCD am o1 nw @i win xu 1 wi aro oumyv Consider the following statements relating to Vedic Literature: 1. The reference to Purushukta which depicts 4 Varnas is given in Book 10 of Rig Veda which is written in Later Vedic period = 2. Atharva Veda is written by an Aryan scholar named Atharva. 3 Ist reference to Krishna tes In Chandogya Upanishada, Satyamev Jayate is mentioned in Svetsvatra Upanishada Choose the correct answer ust les Choos t ng the code 3 123and4 Land 2 only @ ieesoey @ 2and4 only 7. Match the following Ashokan pillars and the animals inscribed: on their capital: Location “Animals Inscribed A. Samatl— 1. Single lion B. LauriyanandgariNi. Four Lions * ©. Ripa Ean D. Sankissa y. Bull Choose the correct answer from the following codes: ep o @uawa Smita cron me i i 8, “consider the following statements with respect to the Gupta period: 1. Gupta dynasty was establistied by Chandra gupta! 2. ‘The achievements of Samudragupta are mentioned in Prayag-Prashast. 3, Nalanda University was established by Chandragupta I 4. Kalidasa was patronised by Samudragupta Choose the correct statement/ Statements from the flowing codes: a land Sonly 2only WZ 1, Sand 4only ad only 9. Which one ofthe following Sangama Ruler was believed to have died of femorse due to his tragic role (as he ordered the execution) in the death of Kovalan, the hero and the husband of Kannagi of the Silappadikaram? =~ Nedunjeliyan 1 % Karikala cc. Udiyanjeral ‘senguttuvan* 10, Match the following literary works with their composers /authors: A. Meghoot- sudraka B. Mirchchkatikam Kalidasa ©. Panchtantra——l. Vishnu ‘Sharma D. Niti Sara———IV. Kamandaka correct answer from the Choose the following codes: A BCD oo1my mio Vv er on mv xuomavt 11. Consider the following statements concerning Shaivism and Vaishnavism: pei Bellef in Feincarnation Is one of the core beliefs of Vaishnavism anc Shaivism a 2, Tevarams and Tirumuraris were popularised by Nayanar saints ~~ 8, Andal was a female Shaivite saint 4, Rulers like Harshavardhana and Mihirkuka supported Shaivism. Choose the correct option from the following codes: 1, 2and only b 2,3and4only Sand 4only & ‘2 and 4 only 12X€onsider the following statements concerning the schools of Indjan philosophy: 1. PurvaMimasa explained the philosophy of Vedie rituals 2. Vedanta is based on the central idea of TatvamAsi' (Only Brahma is true) RC. Reddy IAS Sudy Circle 3, Ysa Uniikhy ‘Crs cy AA NBS a (Oho Nyayg teary nes" th va “Station Se Ong! Pea Phi lon etre nen Roose TESA gD, rush Which of the following Sowing the oot Prakagt@8ed on correctly matched? 1, gh Cotes Fece Stat “ator 1. 1,2,and4only 23 ang 2 only. SEN from 2 2and 3only gq Lanag,t on, 2. Sand doniy as, ang acy Allof the above reaper, ove 16. “Consider tne following statements with t Alay) SSPect t9 GE fot respect to Delhi Sultanate: Muhammad bin Tughlag changed the capital from Delhi to Devagiri and renamed it as Daulatabad AX Niadin Khai deployed fanhiyas who Were spies of the siate to pul a_ cheek on the prices in market Firoz shah Tughlag established thousands of fruit gardens and model farms — Choose the correct statement/ statements from the codes given below: Land only 2and 3 only All of the above HK Loniy ; 17. “Match the fottowin peor the correct order from the following A Majar 1, Resting place of Sufi uae ace of Suis & 1.V. 1 mn Iv B Takias I Retigious musical B OLILVIV, Mm ‘gatherings Vn © SameJ' 1 Shrine around the do Likiwv rave of a sufi saint 15. Consider the following functionaries of D. Silsila sy, medieval India and their finctionss * Order or the school Choose the correet option But decisions ofthe judges” 2 ven below PHM fom the codes v0 ‘Turkan-- Chahalgant A group of ferty A Bey Baridd mamalieHead er re an S Bee Mon and" mntaligeste paiey department u 4, Diwan-- Mustakharaj Collection sl amy arrears —— “ua Consider the following statements related to Bhaktism; dee ae Ramanuja made Bhaktism popular | South India by founding Vashisia Advaita >%. Suradasa a devotce of krishna founded ‘ushtimarga ‘Tukaram popularised Abhangas 4. Tulsidasa wrote Kavitawali, Gitawall Which of the above given statements are rect? 1, Sand 4 only DB 1,2and 3 only © Land 3 only a 1,2and 4 only Pee of tne flowing. Which of these statements are correct? a, Allof the above b, 1, 2andSonly xr 2and 3only 2, 3and 4 only led to the success Ur Babur in capturing Delhi from fbrahim Lodhi? 7, Tulghuma style of fighting 2e Use of gunpowder for the frst time in India 9, Larger army than that of Indian rulers Impulsive nature of Ibrahim Lodhi ‘Choose the correct option from following codes < 1,2and3 Consider the following literature of b Allof the above Medieval India and their writer: 1,3.and 4 1,2and 4, fatch the following Officials of Muy A. Kitabul Hind \\ A. Ibn Battuta, B. Lalla Majnus\{MI. Al Berunt CC. Kitab-ul-R 1. Amir Khuéro India with the tasks associated with them: D. Rajtarangini —>AV. Kalhan A. Muhtasib I. Head of Ordinance Choose the correct answer from the codes B. Mir Atish II Department of given below Petitions, A BeD C, Mir4- Arz III. Maintain morality ‘ among people on D. Mir Bakshi SV. Main military ey, administrator and ec or nm om wv es Eee cone the correct anawer from the code aminy5 os 20 Conder the following statements ath a. respect to Vijayanagar Emits “nosy my 3K. Krishnadeva Raya belonged to Saluyn bon mt ow Dynasty. et i ty, ‘MlasaniPedanna who was esnaldered a$ Andhra KaviPitamah was one of Be TGaaieificourtofkvshidera 29. Which ofthe following statements is/are —— correct? 2 Foreign travellers like Nicolo Conti of DX The firat session of Indian National Venice and DomigoPaes of Portuguese oa ee speak highly of the prosperity of eae Kingdom, 2 In S280; Redgrobin( Ganga, the frst a woiten graduate of Calcutta ulers of Vijaynagara. ported University, presided over mngre' development of Sansleit als) fa session. — RC. Reddy IAS Study Circle zation of |, Marquees, A. Reorganl Hastings tres en earopean / ating inal ones 1. Willian folloy he correct answer using the e iictiar af ton opus // "i ay ent d settlemé somo c. ‘Abolition of 111. Dalhousie Bee Pigiod ee is ad 2onty ee i Cornwallis 24. Consider the following tribal movements: D. xablshnet 0 lis 'Santhalrebetion inder Sidhu and bli wore 4 f ioe Munda choose the correct option from the codes la ebelon under Bisa Mu coos : Uprising by Kols of Chhotanagpur a ‘hich of the folio 1g is the correct ‘ nce ofthe - chronological sequence ofthe above given aul movements? = fo . vor mt ¢m1 nw 28. Consider the following statements with respect to JallianwalaBagh Massacre 25. “Consider ‘Michael O' Dwyer blocked the exit and oe VY pened ve on crogd without any Newspaper Associated personality warning. : VAC Amrita Bazar Sisir Kumar Ghosh 2, Rabindranath Tagore_gave up Patrika knighthood in protest against th P% Sudharak — Dadabhai Naorojt incident. Godot 7 3. Voice of India Gopala Krishna ‘M@ Tlergy of Golden temple led by Gokhale Arursingh honoured Dyer by declaring ‘him Sikh Choose the correct statements from the ‘@& Mabaratta Bal Gangadhar Tilak Which of the pairs given above is/are correctly matched? Gye ‘options a. land2only pas only b 2and3 only We L2and3 Land 4 only ©. 1and2only Z 2only a aie 26. Who among the following was called 29. Consider the following statements with ‘Lokahitavadi’? respect to Non cooperation movement & Gopal Krishna Gokhale Wo Great level of Hindu Muslim unify was Gopal Ganesh Agarkar witnessed in the movement. See 2 Congress Volunteer corps emerged as ors Hart Deshmukh oe 27. Consider the following administrative S Mak Swara} fund however was left changes and the Governor/ Governor Cee General in whose tenure they were 4 Jamia Milla, Kasht_and. Bihar sas - Vidyapeeth were established in this movement, FC. Reddy IAS Study Circle 6 Choose the correct stater following options. a 1.2and3 2,3and4 1, 2and 4. Land 4 80, Match the leaders of the Civil disobedience movement and the regions Where they led the salt marches A. C. Rajagopalachari 1, Odisha Se ae a oe Cae We Ghaffar Khan coast Choose the correct option from the following codes: A BcoD wu omy no omiow youn m em i (B) Constitution, Polity, Social Justice @ and International Relations Which one of the committees under the British India Government had ‘ommended voting rights to women? Qtr eomitee The Lothian Committee GB Strachey commission 3 Hunter Commission ‘The original Preamble of the Indian Constitution Tmetmdea whicn mae following words? Sovereign Socialist Republic Secular Unity Dignity of individual Integrity wv * ee 5 x AiG. Reddy 1AS Study Circle 33. Choose the correct answer based on the codes given below 12.3.5 Te) @ Direction: In cach of the following questions, a statement of Assertion (A) is given followed by the corresponding Reason (R), just below it. Read the statements carefully and mark the correct jon (A): India is rightly desertbed as 7 tan idestructble union of deste states ason (R): Article 3, relates to the Uformation of or changes in the existing ‘states of the Union of India, that can be done by a simple majority of both houses: oT parliament. dry ibs, joose the correct option Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A. (©) Both A and R are true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A (©) Ais true but Ris false (@) Ais false but Ris true 94. Mr. Xwas arrested by police for a previously “committed cfime for which he has already received the punishment. He was brought to the police station and was given third- degree torture to extract his statement. ‘The afore-mentioned acts of police violate, of police violat hich of the following rights of Mr. X? Articles 20 and 21 Articles 22 and 21 BY Articles 21 and 19 (@) (@ Articles 20 and 22 Which one of the following is ed the fundamental duties mentioned in Article SIA of the constitution? (@) To defend the country and render national service when called upon to dose ©) To develop scientific temper. humanism, and the spirit of inquiry and reform (¢) To safeguard public property and to abjure violence To protect and improve the environment and to safeguard forests Sqetronment and to safeguard forest 36. Who said, While we want this Constitution to be as solid and permanent as we can make it, there is no permanence in a constitution. There should be a certain flexibility. If you make any Constitution rigid and permanent, you stop the nation’s growth, the growth of living, vita, organic ple"? = Dr B RAmbedkar ¢ ) KM Munshi Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru @ Alladi Krishna Swamy Ayyar 37. Which of the provisions show the federal structure of Indian polity? ‘Dual Polity 5 Angi) wattten constitution °F Suprepacy ofthe constitution 4. An independent integrated Judiciary 5. Bicameralism 6. Emergency provisions Choose the correct answer based on the ies given below 1.3, and 5 b) 1,2,3,4, and 5 ( Lands {@) Allof the above 38, Which one ofthe following committee has recommended replacing the word'Linign' in the constitution by the word{ federal) (a) Rajamannar Committee Anandpur Sahib Resolution West Bengal Memorandum (1@ Sarkaria Commission 39. Who can establish the Inter-State Water, Dispuie Tribunals to resolve the Tiver water.disputes as per Inter State River water Disputes Act? af The Parliament (&) The President ‘The Central Government (a) The Chief Justice of India AC. Reddy IAS Study Circle 40. 41. 42. What are the opts resident sn Une 6 Presi Bills’? 0 the bill. Aniendn cent t 7 He may eve his 285 he bill. 7 his assent to the bi 2 Hemay withhold ao 3 He may return reconsideration: 4, He may not take acti He tmdefinite We on the Choose the correct answer DAS codes given below 1, and 2 only only Yo l.andSonly (@ Allof the above Which of the following's Gordorrect with racy to Prime Minister of India Agate oe errata BScfoios among, the ministers. ¢y) He can recommend dissolution of the He cagabha to President at any me. over the meeting of \d influences the Dill fon on the bill for () He presides council of ministers an‘ its decisfons. He is the ex-officio head of the Civil Services” Board, the —_Tndian ‘Administrative Service (IAS)~andall Civil Services of India work under the rules of business of the government. Which of the provisions ensure the impartiality and independence of Offee of the speaker of Loka Sabha? 1. He can be removed only by a resolution passed by the Lok Sabha by a special majority. His salaries and allowances are charged on the Consolidated Fund of ia, M tte sign from the pt a on ce pore fom tne semay eutral. & After completion of his tenyre, he SC He can onl canno Felmted te ake AY Political ‘offices ‘union or state governments. ly exercise a foc eT, Choose the correct answer codes given below $4 1.2.3. ands 1.24, and5 1.2, and 5 1 All of the above Consider the following pairs of types of questions in question hour and colours in which they are printed ‘Types of questions Printing colours 1. Starred 1. Yellow 2. Unstarred M. Light Pink 3. Short Notice II. Green 4. Private Members IV. White Choose the correct answer using the codes given below 1234 @u 1 mw gm ivi mow @v 1 um 44, Consider the following statements regarding ‘Contempt of Court’ J Contempt of court may be civil or, criminal. 2. Givil contempt includes criticism of judicial acts and comments on the administrative side of the judiciary. Criminal Contempt — includes attacking the judges of court or their officers resulting into physical injuries to them. Which of the statements given above are correct? 2and 3 only oO 1 and 3 only (@) All ofthe above TheCGonstitution pf India laid down provisions regarding the criteria Tor a pefson to be appointed for the office of 7 He should be a citizen of India, 2. He should not belong to the state where he is appointed. Tand 2 only 45. 47. 48. 30 He should have completed the age of 35 years. ~ While appointing the governor, the president ts required to consult the chief minister of the state concerned Choose the correct answer from the codes given below (a) Land 2only (0) 1.2, and 3 only Land 4 only 1 and 3 only lich of the following provisions under the constitution staie that Legislative AssembTies in India hav the Legislative Councils of the states? is incorrect. (A@siatement, 1 is incorrect and ‘statement 2 is correct. following options accurately describes the method to calculate It represents the income accessible for household consumption, savings, and expenditures after considering income tax. It indicates the income accessible for household consumption, savings, and expenditures prior to’ considering income tax. UF tt dénetes the income available solely for consumption following savings and investments. = Wf siantfes the income accessible for usehold consumption before factoring in any other expenses. lowing statements is/are correct regardin, inne eoearing the Gross Value Added 1. GVA measures the input to GDP oa ese ‘Shun fom an mda producer, A Gross Value Added provides insight Into the econon rnc Perspective of aye Cobdition from the msumers, A.C. Reddy IAS Study Circle = ee, SS Select the correct answer using the code en below: only 6) only (©) Both Land 2, (@ Neither 1 nor 2 66, Which of the following statements is/are correct regarding inflation indices in the country? the Wholesale Price Index 4VPI) does “not reflect inflation tnt services. ‘The Consumer Price Index (CPI) . Tepresents inflation in both goods and = eee Both, Vnrdtcate inflatio 3 Bon pind wo rete tasan pl CPi does not portray inflation in capital and intermediate goods. Select the correct answer using the code given below: (a) 1and2 only of 1, 2and 3 only 2, 3 and 4 only All ofthe above 67, Ge the context of government's continued fforts in rationaltang Terulize® Sub: Ferlzers Feiilizer subsidies tn india have no Impact on the Nseal delet as Wey ae » Fertilizer subsidies in India are entirely funded by the central government, and’ there ‘te. no correct? (a) Only one Only two Fame ae fr al ee or Cen ee aeeren fully-Tihanced through revenue Entabuton om sate Svernsens phosphorus, and potassium-based receipts. How many of the above statements is/are RG. Reddy IAS Study Circle 68. Consider the following statements related toMSP To reduce Import dependency the egptral government has fixed MSP for (abel crops grown in India, fm line with recommendation of Swaminathan committee, currently the MSP ts determined solely based on the cost of production. 3-Commission for agricultural costs and prices decides MSP in India, How many of the above statements is/are trus? (7 Only one ) Only two all None fnaider statements regarding the ‘advantages of eNAM WW It eliminates the need for a broker which is the current practice under APMC act. NAFED ( National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India Ltd) is the implementing agency for eNAM (4% Traders can access mand! from any part of the country. many of the above statements is/are : 2 One only ©) Two only an 7 None Consider the following statements regarding classification of Central Publle Sector Entei - 1. The Ministry of Commeree-and industry is responsible for awarding the Status of Maharatna, Miniratna and Navaratna to CPSES. 2. ACPSE must havea Navaratna status to get the status of Maharatna.. Navaratna category CPSEs enjoy the highest degree of financraruatenomy compared to other categories. 69. a 70. How MANY of the ect Above statements is/are &) on, 'Y One, i Only two, () a All three, n, = i a unio Ine following statements about Sa Tae ate comet? tenn’ Venture capital industry, the that ‘Wnleom’ refers to any startup hat reaches the valuation of $10 billion 2. aida privately eld startup can bea ticorn. a Select the correct answer using the code given below. (@) only only @ Both 1 and2 (@ Neither 1 nor 2 72. Consider the following statements regarding the Natonai-Manufseturing Policy 2011 1. It provides for replacing the National investment and manufacturing Zones wath SEZs. perm 2. It envisages. to increase the sectoral share of manufacturing in GDP to at Teast 60) by 2022. Which ofthe above statements is/are correct? ay Tony. © 2only. Both 1 and 2. None. 73. “Flow many of the following were the main features of the National _Kconomlc— programe adopted at if Karachi session ? = Taxation on uneconomic holding, State ownership of key industries. Reduction in rent. Provision of Living age. rer A.C, Reddy IAS Study Circle (a) Only one: (u, Only two only three. oe Vv tion which 6 Theoret Reg agrleulture ae during annual lan, times. nec aove saterents 9/876 oy only. 2only. (Both are correct. Ce ane owing statements 75. How tie 3th five year plan 1s/are correct? . U/ It was the last five year plan under the Planning Commission. (2 Ikwas able to outperform the targeted growth rate. OTs target was to achieve 10 percent growth in agriculture. ect the correct answer. Only one, ) Only two. (0) All three (@ None. 76. The concept of Liquidity Trap depicted by which of situations 2 is best the following a) It ts a situation in which the Forex reserves ofa county ase den ted t0 the level of man: Ba oe aging only 15 days of tie a stuato bank does no ee 6) It is a financial situation in which rising interest rates lead to depletion of disposable cash in the hands of consumers. (QJ Wis a situation in which tne Consumers and investors hoard cash rather than spending or Investing despite the interest rates being low. 77. Consider the following statements regarding Andhra Pradesh IT Policy. 2021- 24. In the last five years, Andhra Pradesh share in IT exports was always above 0.2% of the country's exports. 2. The value of IT exports trom Andhra Pradesh is 0.14% of the IT exports of the country in 2021-22. 3. Andhra Pradesh IT Policy, 2021-24 provides a boost to the "Gig economy” ‘by supporting freelancers in the IT space. Choose the correct answer from the below given codes : land 20Only 2and 3 Only 8 Land 3 only @ 1,2and3 78. Consider the following statements regarding Andhra Pradesh Districts Reorganisation Act, 2022. ————— 1. “The state government of Andhra Pradesh proposed reorganization of districts under section 3(5) of AP Districts (Formation) Act, 1974. 2, The Districts were reorganized on the basis of the number of Lok Sabha Constituencies. 3. All the new districts came into force on 14th April, 2023 Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ? Land 2 Only 2and 3 Only ©) Land 3 Only @ 12and3 79. Which of the following statements on Welfare Schemes implemented in the Agriculture sector of Andhra Pradesh is/ are correct ? 1. Under YSR Jala Yagnam, Out of 54 Irrigation Projects in the divided state of Andhra Pradesh, 14 Projects are completed and in 2 Projects, Phase-] is completed, 2. Under YSR Jala Kala bore wells are drilled free of cost to the needy and eligible farmers in the arid and uplands in the State. 3. Under YSR Sunna Vaddi Panta Runalu ‘Scheme Farmers who have borrowed loans of less than ?2 lakhs and promptly repaid them within a year are eligible. 4, The YSR Thotabadi programme was first started in Guntur district in June 2022. Choose the correct answer from the below iven codes : CY sna ony %) 2and3Only ©) Sand 4 Only 4 1and4 Only Consider the following statements regarding Pedhalanadariki Illu- Housing for All Scheme. 1. Under the Scheme, each eligible beneficiary receives Rs. 3.5 lakhs for the construction of a pucca house with a minimum plinth area of 150 square feet. 2. In Rural areas, the Beneficiary shall not have more than 2.5 acres of Wetland or 5.00 acres of Dry Land. Which of the statements given above 1s/ ©) Both land 2 @ Neither 1 nor 2 RC. Reddy IAS Study Circle aul de ep tine ate inform, tion on a ate i overnment * from the below 82. Con, Sider the following « Tearding Granite inguaug gtatements + The granite induce Pradesh is concentrate 2d main ara Kurnool district, st mainly inthe % Around 200 granite factories have egome | mton-functicnag? Mave Srikakulam "and. Visiantgarat” istriets because of high omafayam™ costs. a Which of the statements given above ie, are incorrect ? a i! D- Lonly 20nly Both 1 ana 2 Neither 1 nor 2 83. Consider the following Statements : 1. Under the Guarantee Pension Scheme (GPS) of the AP Government, pensioners would receive 50% of thelr last drawn salary as pension as against 20.3% of their basic salary under the CPS, 2. The new GPS bill has been drafted in a way to gradually increase the Dearness “Allowance (DA) for government employees without reducing the 50% post-retirement pension. A.C. Reddy IAS Study Circle 16 Which of the statements given above 1s fare Incorrect ) Only b) 20nly Both t and 2 Nelther 1 nor 2 84. cSnsider the following statements re cy fom dma pd uterine as ea rae Sos bow ay ete act en above tmele On semen Bon wo satan Ate seca @ Nene ate Se 05. Under Ren at aP Sa cUpulate regarding the ail resources by ynmission between the two states? SY The remaining balance will be Feconciia within the recede Be RBI. th DA state holding surplus funds wil Issue checks to the other state ©) Bach state will generate & debit note against the other. ‘ach slate will produce against the other, a credit note 2). Acai i determined base onthe actual energy consumption of the over the nat Oye. 0 ‘locaton is detemined based on the over telat 8 ye. c) Allocation is determined based on the actual energy consumption of the over the last 10 years. @ Allocation is determined based on the location of the Central Generating ‘Stations in each successor state. Which of the following is not one of the Pinctona of the River Management espns Act 20149 2) Adminietration & Regulation of notified projects Ensuring release of water as per shares of the States ) Allocation and redetermination of shares in the River water respect to drought and floods. 89. According to the 13th Schedule of the AP Reorganization Act, which major port Is designated for development by the Central Government? Ramayapatnam Dugarajapatnam @ Machilipatnam 4) Bheemunipatnam 90. Which section of the AP Reorganization Act, 2014 mentions continuation in force of Article 371D of the constitution ? Section 96 Section 97 ©) Section 98 (D) Geography 91. Consider the following statements regarding the efects of global warming Y/ Sea levels are rising due to thermal expansion of oceans and melting glaciers, 2% Changes in precipitation patterns are eading to more frequent and intense droughts in some regions. z ‘The frequency and intensity of heatwaves are increasing globaly Ocean acidification Increased COZ absorption. is threatening marine ecosystems. Which of the above statements are TRUE? {a) 1 and 2 only },2, and 3 only 1,2,3,and4 () 2and4only 92. Consider the following statements about the sugar industry and sugarcane in India: “Tr India is the world’s largest producer of sugarcane but not sugar. “The majorty of sugarcane cultivation in India occurs in tropical regions. Government intervention through price_contiols and subsidies significant impacts the industry. AA The Indian sugar industry faces challenges from factors like high production costs and low sugar recovery rates. Which of the above statements are correct? i) 1and2 only 1, 2,and 3 only 1.2.3, anda (@) 2and 4 only 93. Consider the following statements regarding jet steams (0) Jet stream blow across Asian Continent at latitudes North of Himalayas parallel to Tibetan highlands, (o/Tibetan highland divides Jet stream into North and South branches RC. Reddy IAS Study Circle ole 4 OF Jet str "en i ecm — copesular Plateaus *tement f this plateas’ lateau general irom West to Bagger crally Te Mast to Bats cyclones is sunlight. D& The Coriolis effect plays a crucial role in causing the counterclockwice re {tropical cyclones in the Southern Hemisphere... 4. Storm surge is the most significant threat associated with land falling tropical cyclones. Which of the above statements are correct? ree ‘2 and 4 only 79 1,3, and 4 only (@) 2,3, and 4 only 96. Consider the following statements regarding thermal power plants in India: “ Currently around 3/4th of India’s ve el ity is generated through Ciiermal paver plants jo enviro erns the Due to environmental conce Rene ere egnued songucton of new power plant RC. Reddy IAS Study Circle Which of the above statements is/are et? T only } 2only (©) Both are correct (@) None are correct cae 97. Consider the following statement: regarding earings farthquake waves help scientists VO Gaderdiand the nature of Earthvs interior. 2 kinds of earthquake waves like secondary waves travel only through solid materials. Sclect the correct answer with respect to above statements, Both statements are correct and statement 2 is the correct explanation of statement 1 (b) Both statements are correct and Statement 2 is not the correct explanation of statement 1 (©) Statement 1 is correct, however Statement 2 is incorrect. (@) Statement 1 1s incorrect, statement 2 1s correct. ‘ith reference to the 2011 Census of India, consider the follot regarding the youngest 0“ oldest (60+ age group) demographic groups: 1 The proportion of children below 6 years of age was higher than the es Aged 60 and above The share of the elderly population (60+) witnessed a significant ineceoen compared to the 2001 census 5. The rural-urban divide in growth Gates was more pronounced foe ihe 60+ population, compared to the 0-6. ae age rag Sat within the 0-6 age group 4 was signifi “Was significantly hetee 99% ational average, “her than the 2and 3 only Land 3 only Sand 4 only a 99. Which state in India is the Producer of bauxite, the pri aluminium? Jharkhand Odisha TO Gujarat ‘Andhra Pradesh 100. Which one of the following pairs tena, correctly matched ? Month Position of Sun v@) June Midday Sun overhead at >) tropic of Cancer } December Midday Sun overhead at tropic of Capricorn 0) March, Midday Sun overhead on 2A Equator September Midday Sun overhead on 21 Arctic Circle 101. Which of the following weathering process is prominent among(Feldspar Ylominant rocks? ce, (a) Carbonation 9 Oxidation Solution Hydration 102>Consider the following statements: UC Norwesters in West Bengalare known Which of the above Is/are part(s) of the Fing of fire? ion KO) e089 Sy. & only ‘All of the above ad hich of the folowing desert landtorms characterized by low, rounder aie, composed of wind-blown sand, ofte, resembling€erescent moons In shaje a Barchan dunes ©) Longitudinal dunes (@ Yardangs 108. Consider the following statements: “The south of Taral Isa belt consisting of did-and new alluvium deposits, X Bhangar is the new alluvium and is deposited by flood annually. Which of the statements given above is/ age correct? @ioy. (b) 2 only. [a oo and a8 Kalbaisakhi ae 106, Which of the fol statements about ‘ SaaomtSn a tropical rainforests is( correct? (Ze8igssom Shi ‘eewe Karnataka is known as “Mango “The soil in rainforests is highly Shower due to the constant decomposition Which of the above statements is/are ofganic matter correct? (by Emergent trees, the tallest layer of the (a) Lonly rainforest canopy. receive the ™: ) 2only sunlight. Both 1 and 2 UO Epiphytes, like orchids (@) Neither 1 nor 2 103. Consider the following: (1) Andes Mountain (2) New Zealand {3)_ Philippines Taiwan, RC. Reddy IAS Study Circle: 4 bromeliads, thrive in the rainforest canopy with their specialized root systems. Deforestation of _rainforcsts contributes to greenhouse. 88 emissions and disrupts Fes! rainfall patterns. nee sek indicating « omen A caanttSe OF older tat % Stall 9 Fluctuations or ire lone or regularities in the cverele, Sections aise aeiges the vents or population site 209. Which of the torn @) contributor to “tne! formation of Photochemical smog? — Nitrogen oxides (NOx) from vehicle vapors. (By earvon atoriae co from fossit fuel combustion and dean es Sunlight ‘rdon's Courser bird, Except for the state of Andis t 1C1s@d) found anywhere eae Which of the above statements if correct? (a) tony, 2only, @ Both are correct. ‘None are correct. Reddy IAS Study Circle heh of te following statements is (Ther oar eet etna to forty ecosystems, from Wi ee ee © eteen “tocal communities reaearchers, and conservation oe income through (0 They can, gerne income throu management practices. rimarily on protecting angered epectes ae tte Babs endangered s arte 122. Corisider the following eae to i 1. An object weighs less at the equator than a ne pores: ae oles are at less distance from the A tab toe danas tom the the equator, Select the correct answer with respect to the above Statements, ‘@) ‘Both statement 1 and statement 2 are Correct and statement 2 is the corey explanation of statement 1. ©) Both statement 1 and statement 2 are Gorreet and statement 2 te not re @ correct explanation of statement { 2'atsment 1 is correct and statement 2 1s incorrect. Statement 1 statement 2 ig 113. Which sat! ts being following statemerny 1 They are typically found in regions With “high rainfall and warm temperatres——— —_ toe eY are often Tor, sori 2 0 yo fa) Alluvial ‘Soil, Crate, (@ Peaty sot, is incorrect ang . referred to in the 114. The Nallamala Hills, Tenowned for biodiversity, are located in whieh ent of Andhra Pradesh? a (@)_ Kurnool pfo¥” Chittoor ) Guntur (@ Prakasam 115. The largest freshwater 1: Pradesh is: (a) Pulicat Lake ‘Kolleru Lake lake in Andhra (©) Osmansagar Reservoir (@) Nellore Tank 116. Which of the following best e Sains wh Chinook winds are a ad dry? They pick up heat and moisture from the ocean as they blow across the / water. They are hot due to their origin in volcanic regions, They lose pressure and heat as they descend the mountains, becoming cold and ary. (yr compress and neat up as they climb the mountains, releasing the warmth when they reach the valleys. 117. The Sun primarily generates its energy rou (a) Burning of gas, similar to fire here on Earth. Nuclearfusion, combining hydrogen atoms into helium under immense ressure and heat. (Seomering gravitational energy into light and heat as it collapses inwards (@ Allof the above. 118, Which of the following statements regarding Himalayan rivers_is/are correct? RC. Reddy IAS Study Circle 2 pX& They are old and passive relative to peninsular rivers. 54 Most of the Himalayan rivers follow rectangular drainage patterns, \9 They are perennial in nature, Select the correct answer. (a) 1 and 3 only. 2 and 3 only. only. @ All are correct 119, What type of ecosystem is being referred to in the following statements? 1, They exist as fragmented patches interspersed with grasslands and rocky outerops. ‘The dense canopy layer formed by’ stunted, evergreen trees creates a “cool and hiimid microclimate 3. Endemic and threatened species like _Kurunji flower thrive in the sheltered environment. 22 4. They play a crucial role in regulating water flow and preventing soil erosion ‘on steep slopes. Select the correct answer. 6) Savanna grasslands. Terai forests. Shola forests. “7 (@ Moist deciduous forests. 120. What is an Artesian well? {a) A well dug deep into the earth with steps to collect water (b) An_artificial well used to collect minerals from the earth ‘A well in which water flows out on its own ) “A community-owned well in ancient India used by artisans &

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