Activity 2 Editable

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Linguistic production and the use of technology

Activity 2

We may have to prepare activities without using a textbook, as many of us had during the
pandemic. We may also have the chance to find or look up for activities that we encounter
online and can’t use them “as it is” (this means exactly as we found them) but have to
prepare some adaptations to suit our needs and assign the activity a good place within a
thematic unit. Finally, we have emphasized that the use of technology has to be connected
to a good purpose.

● analyze an activity following different classifications
● determine the position of an activity in the thematic unit that we could potentially use
● reflect on the type of activities you tend to favor or foster in your classes (follow up)

Pair work or individual work

This activity will have four parts:
a) Analysis
You will select one activity that has been posted in Activity 1 from Unit 1 about an app
exploration. Make sure it is different from the app you have explored.
You will analyze it following a classification:
i) the type of activity (controlled, guided or free, or within a continuum)
ii) Does it belong to “HOTS” or “LOTS” in Bloom’s taxonomy? (optional to include)
b) Thematic unit
If you were to use this activity in your lesson plan, at what stage or point in the
learning process would you include it? For instance, can it be used as a pre-activity,
as a main activity or as a follow-up? Notice, as we discussed in Unit 2, that one
activity could have several options so it depends on the class purposes and your
justification where you fit the activity.
c) Suggestions
Propose suggestions or alternatives to the activity so it can help students develop
fluency to avoid monosyllables. If the activity is already helping students with fluency,
what follow-up activity can you add?
d) Justification and reflection
Prepare a brief justification of the pedagogical choices that you made to propose the
suggestions for this activity by resorting to the readings for this unit. In addition,
reflect how technology can be used to improve linguistic competence and
learning. Can your students do the activity without technology?
The length is no more than 500 words. You have to use the readings to back up your
explanations. Organize the presentation by including an introduction, development and short
a) Select an activity from the forum that corresponds to Activity 1 in Unit 1.
b) Complete the checklist by selecting the appropriate answer from each category (Type
of activity, Mini Sequence, and Suggestions). For instance, when analyzing the
activity, consider whether it is controlled, guided, or free. If you determine that it is
controlled, mark an 'X' in the second column.
c) Provide evidence from the activity to support your choices. That is to say, what
example from the activity can you use to illustrate what you say?
d) In the table provided, offer a suggestion or alternative to the activity that can help
students enhance their fluency. Keep in mind that you do not need to present a
complete lesson plan, but rather suggest a minor modification that could lead to an
improvement in fluency.
e) Include a brief explanation in the support by using the reading material.
f) Upload the results of your exploration as a Tarea.

Complete the Checklist:

Select the most Provide evidence from the activity

appropriate answer
based on your
chosen activity

Type of activity I have chosen the app: EducaPlay. It is an online educational platform that lets teachers create interactive educational content such as
games, puzzles and quizzes. The activity created with the app was ABC game - EducaPlay

In the chosen activity, "Pasapalabra" game, students must use critical thinking skills to analyze the clue and the given letter and then
arise with the correct answer. They must apply their previous knowledge of the language and understand the context and meaning of

Controlled ✔ the clue to find the right word. Additionally, learners must use their problem-solving skills to come up with alternative answers when
they are unsure or when the initial answer is incorrect. Also, this activity can be an effective way to promote critical thinking skills in
learners as it requires them to analyze, evaluate, and interpret information to find the correct answers.

The ABC game - Pasapalabra is a controlled type activity as the teacher is deciding on the exact words and language to be used, what

Guided the students has to do is quite predictable and have low chances of making mistakes.


What stage of (this is optional)

Bloom’s taxonomy Acording to the Bloom's Taxonomy, which is classiffied into
would it fit? (optional two categories, HOTS and LOTS or "LOWS" as it is known as
choice) the lower underthinking skills, The presented activity belongs
to "LOTS" as it is an activity that online requires the students
Is it “HOTS”? to complete with a single word. It can be situated at the
bottom of the triangle because this activity only implies
repetition and memorizing.
Is it “LOTS”? ✔

Where would you I would use this activity with my students as a follow-up activity as
include the activity? this would help the students to focus their attention on the use of
their background knowledge or put into practice the presented topic
Pre-activity or lesson. A game is an excellent choice to practice or make a
revision of some vocabularies because it is engaging and different
from the typical activities given in traditional English courses.
Main activity

Follow-up activity ✔

Suggestions or As we know this game requires the students to use single words for each letter of the alphabet, I can say that this activity is not helping

Alternative the students develop their linguistic competence and fluency as they are only speaking in monosyllables. So, I would like to include a
follow-up activity where the students have to select a few words (in this case, I will ask them to practice "countable and uncountable
nouns) from the game. Then, I will ask them to write sentences on their own using the vocabularies and "There is and There are". After a
few minutes, I would encourage them to read the sentences aloud in order to share them with the rest of the classmates. I will design
this activity taking into account that this lesson would be develop in 40 minutes.
If you require additional space to provide a thorough answer, please specify the
corresponding category from the checklist and then proceed to write your response in the
following box.
Criterion 0-1 2 3 4 5 Comments

Only one
classificati The analysis
on is follows one
on is
followed classification
and/or no with examples
Analysis Some
evidence The analysis includes one that illustrate the
based on evidence
to justify it classification but it is not well points made. In
classifications is
is used. illustrated. The location of addition, it
and the included.
No activity where the activity could be includes where
location within The
is included used within the thematic unit is the activity could
the activity
to illustrate included with evidence to take place within
mini-sequence within the
the illustrate it. (3-4) the mini-thematic
location unit with
unit may
within the evidence to
thematic illustrate it.

The suggestion
The suggestions do not
of the activity
show many changes.
Suggestions And/or it may produce a
students to
and the use of similar activity to the The suggestions to the activity
develop fluency.
technology original example. engage students in an initial
Students may not stage of the fluency process.
engage in much
language production.

Justification is
There is Solid justification
based on the
no is provided by
use of several
justification the use of
authors. Initial
and/or several authors.
The justification is mainly analysis is
there are Solid means that
made up of summaries of evidenced in
Use of plenty of the analysis of
key readings. There is a some sections
support-Justifi quotes that key concepts is
tendency to reproduce of the text, for
cation and are not well done and
information without instance, with
reflection explained with examples of
questioning concepts in some
nor linked critical thinking
the argument presented. questions
to the that contributes
(2-3) asked that help
argument to make a good
to make points
presented. point.
in the

The writing of
the ideas is
errors are
clear. Some
observed in
spelling and/or
There is no clear writing the writing of The writing of
and/or the organization the message the ideas is
errors are
of ideas needs a lot of and/or the clear, precise
Composition observed but
revision since the writing does and without
and they do not
reader cannot not present grammatical and
organization of hinder the
appreciate the an spelling errors.
ideas understanding
message. (0-2) organization The writing is
of the
that allows very well
message. The
the reader to organized.
writing is
presented in
the logic of
an organized
the ideas.


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