The Social Studies History Brochure

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Time to take a far This brochure differentiates

look into the past! the Medieval Systems

History For You

By: Shawn Keoni R. dela Rosa

Feudalism Manorialism

Feudalism was a system

with a social hierarchy where
in people in higher power
gave lands (fiefs) to the ones
below them on said hierarchy.
Mercantilism is an economic
theory that states the wealth
of a country or nation relies
King on the amount of gold and
silver or bullions that nation
Nobles Manorialism is a system that
was arranged around a manor Mercantilist countries wanted
house on an estate. gain the most power and
The peasants of medieval wealth in the world. As such,
Knights Europe were rendered they strived to have multiple
dependent on their land and on colonies to gain this goal.
their lord.
The Five Points of
Manorialism was bad for trade Mercantilism are:
Peasants because peasants couldn’t leave Exploration, Trade, Domestic
their land without permission Manufacturing, Colonization,
Fun fact: Knights followed a code of chivalry
from the lord.
and lived in castles, while peasants lived in Alliances/Treaties.
simple houses and worked hard all year long.

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