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Benha University

Benha Faculty of Engineering

Subject: - Fluid Mechanics 2
Sheet #2 (second Semester 2024)
Lecturer: Dr.Mohamed Elsharnopy

Sheet (2)
1. A wedge splits a sheet of 20°C water, as shown in Fig. 1. Both wedge and sheet are very
long into the paper. If the force required to hold the wedge stationary is F = 124 N per meter of
depth into the paper, what is the angle of the wedge?

2. The water jet in Fig. 2 strikes normal to a fixed plate. Neglect gravity and friction, and
compute the force F in newtons required to hold the plate fixed.

3. In Fig. 3 the vane turns the water jet completely around. Find an expression for the
maximum jet velocity V0 if the maximum possible support force is F0.

4. Water at 20°C flows through a 5-cm-diameter pipe that has a 180° vertical bend, as in
Fig. 4. The total length of pipe between flanges 1 and 2 is 75 cm. When the weight
flow rate is 230 N/s, p1 =165 kPa and p2 = 134 kPa. Neglecting pipe weight, determine the total
force that the flanges must withstand for this flow.

5. A liquid jet of velocity Vj and diameter Dj strikes a fixed hollow cone, as in Fig. 5, and
deflects back as a conical sheet at the same velocity. Find the cone angle for which the restraining
force .F = 3/2 ρAjVj2.

6. The jet engine on a test stand in Fig. 6 admits air at 20°C and 1 atm at section 1, where
A1= 0.5 m2 and V1 = 250 m/s. The fuel-to-air ratio is 1:30. The air leaves section 2 at atmospheric
pressure and higher temperature, where V2 = 900 m/s and A2 = 0.4 m2. Compute the horizontal
test stand reaction R x needed to hold this engine fixed.

Fig 1 Fig 2 Fig 3

Fig 1

Fig 5 Fig 6
Fig 4
Benha University
Benha Faculty of Engineering
Subject: - Fluid Mechanics 2
Sheet #2 (second Semester 2024)
Lecturer: Dr.Mohamed Elsharnopy

7. The water tank in Fig. 7 stands on a frictionless cart and feeds a jet of diameter 4 cm and
velocity 8 m/s, which is deflected 60° by a vane. Compute the tension in the
supporting cable.

8. Water at 20°C exits to the standard sea-level atmosphere through the split nozzle in Fig.8.
Duct areas are A 1= 0.02 m2 and A2= A3 = 0.008 m2. If p1 = 135 kPa (absolute) and the flow rate
is Q2 = Q3 = 275 m3/h, compute the force on the flange bolts at section 1.

9. For the pipe-flow-reducing section of Fig. 9, D1 = 8 cm, D2 = 5 cm, and p2 =1 atm. All
fluids are at 20°C. If V1 = 5 m/s and the manometer reading is h = 58 cm, estimate the total force
resisted by the flange bolts.

10. Water at 20°C flows steadily through a reducing pipe bend, as in Fig. 10. Known
conditions are p1 = 350 kPa, D1 = 25 cm, V1 = 2.2 m/s, p2 =120 kPa, and D2 = 8 cm. Neglecting
bend and water weight, estimate the total force that must be resisted by the flange bolts.

Fig 7
Fig 8

Fig 9
Fig 10

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