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Student’s name: Kalebe Santos Assis

Let’s practice:

Put the verbs in the correct form of the Simple Present:

a) The bank opens at 10 a.m. and closes at 4 p.m. (to open / to close)
b) What time does Kaun go to school? (Kaun / go)
c) Emily has a bike but she doesn’t use it very often (to have / not use)
d) A: Do you play the guitar? (you/play)
B: Yes, but I don’t play very well. (not play)
e) A: Does the concert begin at 8 p.m. (the concert / begin)
B: No, it begins at 9 p.m. (to begin)
f) A:Does the concert begin at 8 p.m. (the concert / begin)
B: No, it begins at 9 p.m. (to begin)
g) A: Does James ride a bike to school every day? (James/ride a bike)
h) B: No, sometimes he goes by bus (to go).
i) Carol brushes her teeth after meals and before going to bed. (to brush)

Now, let’s write!

Choose a colleague, friend or family member and describe their routine. Mentions (at least) 5 things
this person does and (at least) 3 things this person doesn’t do in their routine and free time.
Minimum: 6 lines

Thanui gets up at 5 AM, then he eats breakfast, brushes his teeth and gets dressed, he
doesn't take a shower in the morning. Thanui goes to the bus stop and takes the bus to
school at 5:50 AM, and only returns home at 1:40 PM, his school is in Eunápolis, but he
doesn’t live there, he lives in Itagimirim. Thanui usually sleeps after lunch and wakes up at 4
PM, studies until 8 PM then he takes a shower and eats dinner, after all this he can finally
play video games with his friends. Thanui doesn’t go to bed early, he scrolls on his phone
until midnight.

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