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Writing an Essay

High school graduates should consider taking a gap year before starting college or entering any
job to gain life experiences, practice self-discovery, and a better sense of their academic and
career goals. The American Gap Association reported that a significant percentage of students
who took a gap year experienced a more profound impact on their academic and career
choices. This statistic expreses the need to explore the options of taking a gap year, considering
the great potential it has for students. It’s important to think about its potential to foster personal
growth, goal clarification and provide preparation for higher education.

One significant reason to support taking a gap year is the opportunity for personal growth and
the development of life skills. Engaging in volunteer work or internships allows students to gain
practical, daily and skills.The independence gained during this time is invaluable. According to
Dr. Robert Clagett, former Dean of Admissions at Harvard College, "students who have taken a
gap year between high school and college not only have, on average, higher college GPAs than
those who don’t, they actually have a higher GPA than would have been predicted, based on
their high school academic credentials”.

One other great advantage of gap year is that it helpsstudent to make self-discovery and
exploration. During this time, they can also engage in part-time jobs and volunteer work which
can expose them to different areas and situations. Students perform better in the gap year if
they are open minded to try new things. According to Jeffrey Selingo, author of There is Life
After College, “the time away from academic pressures allows students to discover and refine
their passions, leading to a clearer sense of purpose when they return to academic education".
The skills gained and experiences that students had during a gap year give students practical
insight into career paths enabling them to make better choices about what course or occupation
they should take up next.

However, a counter-argument is always suggested, claiming that taking a gap year might result
in a delay in academic progress and a lack of motivation to return to academic work. However, a
study made by the National Association for College Admission Counseling suggests that
students who take gap years are more focused when returning to academic duties. The
experiences gained during the gap year can inspire students to have a stronger motivation to
pursue their dreams or higher education.

In conclusion, a gap year offers high school graduates a unique opportunity for personal growth,
goal clarification and a better preparation for college. As education means development,
considering a gap year becomes not just a detour but a great guide and time to a more
successful college experience. The statistics, studies and expert opinions are all in favor of
doing this as a crucial part of the educational journey. High school students should seriously
think about its potential benefits, recognizing that the detour might be better than a lost year
doing something without passion.
Works cited

Answers to Your Questions on a Gap Year | College Admission. (n.d.).

Data & Gap Year Benefits | American Gap Association. (n.d.).

Have 17 -18 Year old kids? This article is a must for you! (2015, April 6). The Jerusalem Post |

Taking a Gap Year. National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC).

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