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Learning Experience Plan

Date of Implementation: Friday, January 12, 2024 Date shared with mentor: Thursday, January 11, 2024

Art Experience Sensory Experience

Math Experience Literacy Experience X

Storytelling Experience Outside Experience

Movement Experience Other

ELECT Observation/Documentation

Age Category: Toddler 18m-3yr Anecdote

(Monday, January 8, 2024)

During free play, Y Rim (CH) was crying and having a hard
Communication, Language, and time connecting with the nevrionment. Haley (S) brought him
Literacy over to the carpet and picked out a book to read with him.
When they sat down together, Y Rim (CH) calmed down and
began to flip pages, pointing at the animals on each page.

Root Skill: Receptive Langauge What were the child(ren) doing during the observation?
What skills were the child(ren) using?

Y Rim (CH) was using pre literacy skills when reading the
book with Haley (S). Y Rim (CH) was engaged with listening
Specific Indicator: Listening to Stories as Haley (S) read the book to him. He held the book, turned
the pages, and was pointing at the different animals featured
throughout the book.

What developmental skill level were the children displaying in this anecdote? (check all that apply)

Manipulation Mastery Meaning

Brainstorm ways that this learning could be expanded or extended through the curriculum planning process:

● Read and Match

● Play and Match
● ISpy

Learning Experience: Read and Match Students listen to Haley (S) read Animal
Families. Child is encouraged to
participate in any pre literacy skills such
Description: as holding the book, turning pages,
Materials: ● Animal Families (book)
identifying on the pages, predicitions, and
● Animal Cards
to match their animal card to the animal
featured on the page.

Consider how this learning experience will be experienced by the various children in your group.
What could you do to make the experience more inclusive?

● Hardcover book (more stable to hold and turn pages)

● Text is big
● Age appropriate language
● Familar Animals and Language
● Visual resprentations (helps with language barriers)
● Go at the childs pace
● Partipcate in play

Y Rim (CH) was sitting at the table after snack. I Joined him and we read a book of his
Description: Describe choice together. Once the book was finished, I gave him his animal matching cards for the
what happened in this activity. I held the book up and read the page, asking him, “what animal is this?” Y Rim
learning experience. (CH) pointed at the correct card. He answered 3 of 5 of the cards before taking the book
and turned the pages at independently, pointing at the animals on the last two pages.
Throughout the experience, the only goal was to ensure that Y Rim (CH) felt comfortable
Feelings: What were you
and found some engagement in the activity. I was worried at first that he wouldn’t be
thinking and feeling during
comfortable enough to participate but after we read the book he liked prior to the activity,
this experience?
he seemed more calm around me and open to continuing engagement.
This experience plan went as planned. I was told to plan an activity for 1 child as the
Evaluation: What worked
program attendance is very unpredictable. The 1 on 1 with Y Rim (CH) made the
well with this experience?
interaction more meaningful and effective. For next time, I would like to have more
What did not work as
materials available so I could have larger groups at a time. In terms of duration, the first
book, plus my learning experience it was about 15-20 minutes long. Typically I would aim
(Consider: materials, time,
for less time to hold the childs attention but in the 1 on 1, Y Rim (CH) held engagement so
interactions, etc.)
we continued our exploration together.
I planned to do this activity on the carpet with 1-3 children. Since the other children were
working 1 on 1 with other staff and Y Rim (CH) was upset, I had to work with the
Analysis: What was the
environment. Y Rim (CH) and I read the book he enjoyed prior to my activity to help calm
difference between what
him down. Once we were calm, I was able to give him the cards to match to the animals in
was planned and what
the story. He participated very well. As he is new to Canada and this program, I was
actually happened?
worried he would have difficulties understanding the language, but having visuals on the
matching cards helped him make the connections.
I am satisfied with the outcome of this activity. I went at the pace and interests of the child.
plans: How will you use
Moving forward, I would like to have more materials available so if there is a larger group,
this information moving
everyone has access to the materials.

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