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Rain Man

Charlie Babbit: owner of a car company, selfish, bossy, insensitive, ambitious.

Raymond: small man, about forty, clean and tidy, without expression on his face. Writes down
things that can be dangerous in his notebook, he sees danger everywhere. Very intelligent. He´s
autistic, 18 years older than Charlie
Susanna: Charlie´s Italian secretary and his girlfriend. She has big black eyes and long brown hair.
Rain Man: Charlie´s secret friend.
John Mooney: Charlie´s dad’s lawyer
Sanford: Charlie´s dad
Dr Bruner: he has grey hair, a calm face and he´s about fifty-six

Bad News

Charlie and Susanna were going to Palm Springs when someone called him to communicate to him
that his father had died. He and his father had a really bad relationship after his mother´s death
(when he was 2), he felt like he was never enough for him.

Map of the Past

After his father´s funeral, they stayed in Cincinnati for another night to visit his father´s place,
which was situated in a very fancy neighbour. In front of the house, there was a really beautiful
blue car and some roses, Charlie hate them because they were his father´s favourite things.
Charlie explained that when he was sixteen, he was forbidden from driving that car, but one day
he had borrowed it to drive his friends around, but his father had called the police and they sent
them to prison. His father left him there for days. He also remembered that he had a secret friend
called “Rain Man” who sang for him while he held his coat.
That day, Charlie met his father´s lawyer to read a letter that he had written before dying. It said
that he had always loved Charlie even though he had left him, that he left him his roses and his
1949 Buick and that his house and all his money were for another important person in his life, but
Charlie couldn´t know who they were.

Father´s Secret

Charlie was upset because she wanted the three million dollars, so, he went to the bank to
discover who was going to get the inheritance, he found the name, Dr Walter Bruner. When they
arrived in Ohio, a nurse received them and Charlie passed through the rooms of the hospital until
he found Dr Bruner, who told him that he couldn´t tell him who was going to get the money, that
his name was only on the papers but he wasn´t getting any money. A little man called Raymond
was standing by the Buick, he was writing in his notebook, he said that the car used to be white
but his father had painted it when he was very little, he also wrote Charles’ name and address on
his notebook. Charlie was astonished and Dr Bruner explained to him that he knew all that
because they were brothers.

The doctor talked to Charlie about Raymond, he explained to him that he was autistic and that he
must follow his routine every day to feel safe, but Charlie only cared about the money and took
him “for a holiday” in the car. Raymond was very anxious.

TV and Pizza

They drove to Cincinnati and rented a hotel for the three of them. Raymond was really upset; he
did not feel comfortable. Charlie tried to calm him down by making him watch TV and eating pizza.
Raymond took something from the movie too literal and ended up turning off the TV, so, he went
to Susanna and Charlie´s room to watch TV there, but Charlie kicked him. He told Susanna he had
planned to keep Raymond with him until he could get the money from the inheritance and she left


During the night, Raymond memorized the telephone book. Charlie called Dr Bruner to tell him
that he would return Raymond to the hospital only if he got half of his money, the doctor tried to
explain to him that he couldn´t do that, but Charlie didn’t care and took his brother to the airport.
Charlie’s business was in trouble and he needed to come back to Los Angeles as soon as possible.
Raymond didn´t want to arrive on the plane because he remembered it had crashed in the past,
but Charlie tried to force him to do it, so, he bit him and started screaming. So, Charlie decided to
drive instead.

Rain Man

Raymond was brushing his teeth, Charlie told him to stop, but Raymond said something that made
Charlie realise that he was Rain Man. Raymond showed him a picture of them when Charlie was a
baby and told him that he had left his home the day their mom died, on 21 st January 1965. He used
to sing to Charlie while he sat hugging his coat, but he never returned after that. Then, he
remembered that Raymond had left the house after almost killing Charlie by making him take a
“too hot shower”. Charlie felt melancholic and sad, so, he called Susanna to know the status of
their relationship, she told him that she needed time.

Las Vegas

Charlie noticed how good Raymond was remembering numbers, so, he decided to teach him how
to play cards so they could go to a Casino. They won lots of money. Then, Susanna visited them.
Then, when they were trying to find a girl who could dance with Raymond, the boss of the casino
called Charlie to his office to notice him that they couldn´t play there anymore.

A Very Good Driver

When they arrived at Charlie´s house in Los Angeles, there were letters from Dr Bruner, they met
and talked about Ray´s custody. A doctor was going to decide who got his custody by the end of
the week. The doctor offered money to have Ray back, but then, Harry just wanted his brother.
Friday came, the “special doctor” wanted to send Raymond back to Wallbrook because they
“understood his problems”, but Charlie told them Ray had changed, that he was getting better. At
first, Raymond affirmed that he wanted to stay with his brother, but then, he said he wanted to go
back to Wallbrook, and he did. Charlie promised to visit him.

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