023 Aspergillus

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23 Aspergillus

Maiken Cavling Arendrup, Yanan Zhao, and David S. Perlin

23.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................................................................................171
23.1.1 Epidemiology and Morphology.............................................................................................................................171 Epidemiology..........................................................................................................................................171 Morphology.............................................................................................................................................171
23.1.2 Clinical Features and Pathogenesis.......................................................................................................................173
23.1.3 Diagnosis...............................................................................................................................................................173 Conventional Techniques........................................................................................................................174 Molecular Diagnostics............................................................................................................................175
23.2 Methods............................................................................................................................................................................ 177
23.2.1 Sample Preparation............................................................................................................................................... 177 Aspergillus Culture.................................................................................................................................178 Blood.......................................................................................................................................................178 Tissue......................................................................................................................................................178
23.2.2 Detection Procedures............................................................................................................................................ 179 Primers, Probes, and Platforms............................................................................................................. 179 Secondary Drug Resistance................................................................................................................... 179 Assay Conditions................................................................................................................................... 182
23.3 Summary and Perspective................................................................................................................................................ 182
References.................................................................................................................................................................................. 183

23.1 Introduction species distribution dependent on geographical differences,

antifungal selective pressure, anatomical site, and host group
23.1.1 Epidemiology and Morphology involved. Epidemiology
Filamentous fungi belonging to the genus Aspergillus are Morphology
found widespread in nature. They are commonly isolated Macromorphology: The growth rate of aspergilli is rapid to
from soil, decaying plants and vegetables, and from indoor moderately rapid (1–9 cm in diameter after 7 days of cul-
air environment.1–5 Aspergillus conidia are widely dispersed ture at 25°C), with the exception of the slow growing species
and are inhaled on a daily basis unless special air filtration A. nidulans and A. glaucus. Colonies are powdery, granular,
measures are taken. Aspergillus species may cause disease or cottony with a variety of colors depending on the species
due to inhalation of conidia or ingestion of mycotoxins and the culture medium used (Table 23.1). Only A. fumigatus
resulting in allergic or toxic disease, chronic infection, and/ is thermo tolerant with the ability to grow up to 50°C, a fea-
or acute infections.6 Allergic aspergillosis occurs largely in ture that is helpful to separate this species from the others,
patients with asthma, atopy, or cystic fibrosis (CF),7,8 while including the newly defined Aspergillus section Fumigati.
invasive pulmonary disease usually only occurs in immu- Micromorphology: Characteristic features for this genus
nocompromised patients with inhalation being the primary include hyphae that are hyaline and septate with dichotomous
route of infection. Over recent decades, the number of branching. Conidiophores arise from a basal foot cell and
patients with invasive aspergillosis (IA) has increased due germinate into a vesicle at the apex. Conidiogenic phialides
largely to advances in the treatment of malignant diseases arise directly from the vesicle (uniseriate) or from inter-
with an increasing number of patients undergoing severe sected metulae (biseriate) depending on the species. Conidia
immunosuppression, as part of intensive chemotherapeuti- are round (2–5 μm) and formed into radial basipetal chains
cal regimes, hematopoietic stem cell or organ transplanta- (Figure 23.1). Species-specific features include the presence
tion.9–15 A. fumigatus is the most common species involved or absence of sclerotia, cleistothecia, Hülle cells, aleurico-
in infections (85%–90%), but A. flavus, A. niger, A. terreus, nidia, chlamydoconidia, and morphology of the vesicles and
and A. nidulans are also regularly recovered, with varying arrangements of phialides (Table 23.1).


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TABLE 23.1
Colony and Microscopic Features of Common Aspergillus Species
Cleisto- Hülle
Species Surface Reverse Conidiophorea Vesicle Phialides Sclerotia thecia cells Aleuriconidia Comments
A. fumigatus Blue-green-gray White-tan Short, smooth, Round columnar U, upper half/ − − − − Growth at 50°C–55°C Whitish
colorless/greenish head two-thirds of variants have been described
the vesicle
A. flavus Yellow-green Goldish- Long, colorless, Round radiate U/B + − − − Conidiophore particularly
redbrown rough head rough near the vesicle
Radial heads tend to separate
into columns
A. niger Black White-yellow Long, smooth, Round radiate U/B − − − − Max. temp. 48°C
colorless or brown head
Radial heads tend to separate
into columns
Rough conidia
A. nidulans Green, buff-yellow Purplish Short, smooth, Round columnar B, upper half − + (red) + − Slow growth. Very evident foot
red-olive brown head of the vesicle cell
A. terreus Cinnamon-brown White/pale Short, smooth, Round compact B, upper − − − + (solitary, Clamydoconidia may be
yellow-brown colorless columnar head two-thirds of directly on present. Elevated AmB MICs

Molecular Detection of Human Fungal Pathogens

the vesicle hyphae)
A versicolor White-yellow/tan/ White-yellow/ Long, smooth, Round loosely B, upper − − +/− − Whitish-dark red exudate may
pale green or pink purplish red colorless radiate head three-quarters be present
of the vesicle
A. clavatus Blue-green White-brownish Very long, smooth Huge, elongated, U − − − − Heads tend to separate into
clavate shaped several columns
A. glaucus Green with yellow Yellow-brown Variable length, Round, Radiate U − + (yellow/ − − Phialides may appear
areas smooth, colorless to very loosely orange) rudimentary
columnar head

U, uniseriate; B, biseriate (with metulae).

a Short: <300 μm.
Aspergillus 173

skin, the valves and myocardium, and the gut may be pri-
mary sites of infection.
In the non-neutropenic host, Aspergillus may cause
chronic forms of pulmonary aspergillosis (chronic necrotiz-
ing aspergillosis, chronic cavitary aspergillosis, and chronic
fibrosing aspergillosis) and non-angioinvasive IA.18,24 Host
factors for the invasive form include GVHD, corticosteroid
therapy, CGD, and solid organ transplantation, and in the
majority of the chronic cases, preexisting architectural lung
tissue changes are present including emphysema, prior myco-
(a) (b)
bacterial infection, asthma, sarcoidosis, etc. The lesions are
characterized by pyogranulomatous infection and inflamma-
Figure 23.1 Wet mount of (a) A. fumigatus and (b) A. flavus. tory necrosis without angioinvasion.16,17 Typically, the fungal
The vesicle bearing phialides on the upper half to two-thirds of the burden in tissue is less, which in combination with a lack of
surface is clearly seen for A. fumigatus. The entire surface of the angioinvasion and the ability of the host to mount an antibody
vesicle of A. flavus is covered with metulae from which conidia pro- response may be factors involved in the lower sensitivity of
ducing phialides arise. Also note the chains of conidia surrounding
antigen tests.25 Clinically, the course of infection is weeks to
the A. flavus head as well as the rough appearance of the distal part
of the conidiophore. months in contrast to the rapidly progressive infection in the
neutropenic host and symptoms include cough, shortness of
breath, fatigue, weight loss, and hemoptysis. Aspergilloma,
23.1.2 Clinical Features and Pathogenesis which is formation of an Aspergillus fungal ball of myce-
lium in a preexisting cavity without tissue or angioinvasion
Aspergillus is a multifaceted pathogen associated with a is included in the term chronic aspergillosis, but is reserved
continuum of clinical presentations depending on the com- to the singularity of the infection. The disease progresses
plex interaction of the fungus the host. Thus, the isolation over months to years and the typical presentation on CT is a
of Aspergillus may represent transient or established colo- mobile fungus ball in a preexisting cavity. For recent reviews,
nization, fungal sensitization and allergy, localized infec- please consult Refs. [18,26–30].
tion, or acute or chronic invasive infection. The terminology
used over time has changed and the disease entities are not
always entirely distinct, which add to the complexity of the
23.1.3 Diagnosis
field. In the following, a short description of the main char-
acteristic features concerning pathogenicity and clinical fea- Successful management of invasive fungal infections depends
tures for most acute and chronic Aspergillus infections will on timely and appropriate treatment.22,31–33 Early diagnosis of
be described, although allergic manifestations are considered IA remains a major challenge for high-risk patients because
outside the scope of this chapter. the signs and symptoms of diseases are nonspecific, blood
In the neutropenic host, Aspergillus infections are charac- cultures are usually negative, and biological markers can be
terized by a hemorrhagic infection due to hyphal invasion of unreliable, particularly in the non-neutropenic host or the
parenchyma and vessels, scattered inflammatory cells, and patient receiving mold active therapy.25,34 Diagnostic imag-
coagulative necrosis.16,17 The lungs are the most common ing is not disease-specific and often comes too late in the
site of infection and depending on the site and size of vessels course of disease. Regrettably, invasive mold infections are
invaded, lesions may be spherical, nodular lesions, or wedge- too often positively diagnosed at autopsy, which has led to
shaped lesions with the base abutting the pleura.18–20 The cen- the widespread use of prophylaxis, empiric, and preemptive
ter of the lesion also called the sequestrum is a necrotic area therapies.35–38 Disease confirmation requires identification
surrounded by a hemorrhagic rim of hyphal invaded, con- of hyphae in blood (rare), respiratory specimens or biopsy
gested, and hemorrhagic tissue. On computed tomography tissue, which can be difficult to discern as morphological
(CT) scanning, this typically present as a nodule surrounded features, reproductive structures, and biochemical properties
by ground glass opacity—the so-called halo sign.21,22 During can take days to weeks to properly evaluate.
neutrophil recovery, the sequester contracts, resulting in an Drug resistance is a confounding factor for the treatment
air cap formation presenting on CT scanning as the air-cres- of IA. Yet, acquired resistance in Aspergillus is still relatively
cent sign.23 No clinical signs are diagnostic but rapidly pro- uncommon. Thus, species identification is a valuable tool
gressive infection with symptoms including fever, dyspnea, guiding choice of treatment as Aspergillus spp. characteris-
cough, chest pain, and hemoptysis is characteristic. Due to tically display specific susceptibility patterns. For example,
the angioinvasion, hematogenous dissemination may occur A. terreus is resistant to amphotericin B, while A. lentilus
involving almost any organ including the CNS, eye, heart, shows pleiotropic reduced susceptibility to several antifungal
bone, and skin. The second most common primary sites of classes. Recently, it was reported in the United Kingdom that
infection in the neutropenic host are the sinuses, potentially azole resistance in A. fumigatus has emerged as a significant
leading to direct invasion of the orbita and CNS, but also the factor in patients undergoing chronic or repeated therapy,39

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174 Molecular Detection of Human Fungal Pathogens

and, in the Netherlands, multi-azole resistant A. fumigatus patient has already been exposed to antifungal treatment.53,54
with a specific resistance mechanism (L98H alteration and Over the years, the sensitivity, specificity, and speed have
a tandem repeat in the promoter region) has been found in been improved by the use of fluorescent brighteners such as
azole naïve patients and the environment.4,40,41 On this back- calcofluor white or blankophor.55–57 Important is to evaluate
ground, microscopy and culture allowing species identifica- hyphae with respect to regularity, size, presence of septae
tion and subsequent susceptibility testing remain a corner and branching.55 Use of special stains (Grocot Silver or PAS)
stone in the diagnosis of aspergillosis despite associated limi- increases the sensitivity and is particularly recommended for
tations including lack of sensitivity, labor and time intensive tissue biopsies.
procedures, and the difficulties in obtaining representative
specimens from thrombocytopenic hematological patients, Culture
neonates, and children. Blood cultures are almost always negative in disseminated
aspergillosis. Relevant sample material depends on the ana- Conventional Techniques tomic site involved but will in most cases be airway sam-
The diagnosis of Aspergillus infections typically involves ples. Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) is superior to a tracheal
the combination of clinical signs and symptoms, imaging, aspirate, which again is superior to sputum. However, as
and microbiological investigations including specimens for Aspergillus species may be present in air, dust, etc., transient
microscopy and culture, antigen or antibody detection. No colonization of the airways or contamination of the sample
test is perfect in the way that a positive test proves infec- is possible and should be kept in mind, especially, if growth
tion and a negative test rules it out. Thus, a combination of is observed distant from the region of the agar surface that
the available tools and interpretation of the results taking the has been inoculated with the clinical material. Growth of
clinical situation (underlying disease and other host factors) Aspergillus may be suppressed by concomitant growth of bac-
into account is necessary. Diagnostic criteria for stratification teria. Therefore selective media inhibiting the growth of such
of patients into proven, probable, and possible aspergillosis should be included and agars incubated for a minimum of 5
has been developed and revised and represent a tool for clas- days. Still sensitivity is around 25%–60%.58–60 Species iden-
sification of patients in clinical trials and for evaluation of tification is traditionally performed according to macro- and
new diagnostics.42,43 In the following, the individual tests and micromorphology and thermotolerance (see above).
their pros and cons are briefly summarized. Susceptibility Testing Imaging Reference methodologies using micro-broth dilution have
IA typically involves the lung.6,10 Chest radiographs gener- been established61,62 but susceptibility testing of molds is
ally show nonspecific infiltrates (alveolar syndrome, intersti- in general not performed in routine clinical microbiology
tial syndrome, or nodules) with lesions more characteristic laboratories. Whilst the endpoint reading is straight forward
for aspergillosis, such as cavitated nodules, only occasion- for azoles and amphotericin B due to the growth versus no
ally observed.44 Chest CT may detect lung involvement at growth pattern of inhibition, the endpoint determination
an early stage of infection in neutropenic patients.22,23 In for the echinocandins is more difficult to determine due to
particular, the halo sign, that is, a macronodule (≥1 cm in significant but partial growth inhibition resulting in altered
diameter) surrounded by a perimeter of ground-glass opac- hyphal morphology.63,64 No resistance breakpoints have been
ity, has been shown to be an early indicator of invasive pul- established but epidemiological cut off values defining mini-
monary aspergillosis (IPA), while the air-crescent sign (a mum inhibitory concentration (MIC) ranges for the wild-type
pulmonary cavitation) is a later sign appearing with the bone population of A. fumigatus are available allowing interpreta-
marrow recovery.23 In the non-immunocompromised host, tions of MICs as being within the wild-type range or above,
CT imaging is less typical. Thus, while 71% of patients with in which case acquired resistance mechanisms should be
neutropenic hematological malignancy had either halo- or considered.65,66 The commercial Etest strip based upon the
air-crescent sign,32 this was only the case in 5% or less of incubation of a plastic strip containing a concentration gradi-
patients with IPA in the ICU setting.34,45 Neuroradiological ent of the antifungal compound on an inoculated agar surface
studies are helpful in the diagnosis of CNS infections.46–48 has been evaluated and shows acceptable agreement if per-
Both CT and MRI are useful, but MRI may be more accurate formed by experienced technicians.64,67,68
and reveal more lesions than CT.49 MRI and CT appearances
of CNS aspergillosis have been studied in detail by several Antigen Detection
investigators.49–51 A validated antigen detection test nowadays exists for indi-
vidual detection of Aspergillus galactomannan antigen (GM). Microscopy In addition, yeast and mold infections (with the exception
Direct microscopic examination is important for two rea- of Cryptococcus and zygomycetes) can be detected using
sons.52 It provides rapid, easy, and cheep information about (1,3)-β-d-glucan detection assay.
the presence of fungi and other pathogens and may allow suf- The performance of the Aspergillus galactomannan test
ficient identification to guide management and it is more sen- has been extensively discussed in numerous publications.
sitive than culture for a number of samples, especially if the Best performance is seen if the test is used as a screening

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Aspergillus 175

test twice or three times weekly in patients with neutrope- detection of small numbers of infecting organisms in a pri-
nic fever unresponsive to antibiotics.36,59,69 The sensitivity is mary specimen. PCR primers designed to conserved regions
lower in patients receiving antifungal treatment and in non- of the rRNA targets are used to amplify the sequence-variable
neutropenic patients.34,70 Positive results are available before fragments, which are then detected by a variety of end point
a positive CT scan or culture in two-thirds of the patients.59 chemistries. Molecular diagnostic approaches with improved
In the neonatal population, false-positive results may sensitivity and specificity are evolving rapidly, which can be
occur more frequently in part due to gut colonization with used with other markers and clinical symptoms to confirm
Bifidobacterium spp.71–73 Interestingly, it has recently been the presence of invasive disease.
shown that galactomannan detection on BAL fluids and tis- The Holy Grail for molecular detection is the accurate
sue biopsies may increase sensitivity.34,74,75 In recent studies and reproducible detection of small amounts of Aspergillus
of (1,3)-β-d-glucan detection in adults, the performance has hyphal fragments or circulating nucleic acid in blood. This
been encouraging76–78 but direct comparisons with the galac- has not been easy and a wide variability has been observed
tomannan assay for detection of aspergillosis do not yield a in the field. An important issue is that Aspergillus growing
consensus as to which test is best.79–82 A practical drawback in the lung is not likely to be blood-borne unless it becomes
is that the test requires incubation and reading with a kinetic angioinvasive or cells die and nucleic acid is released into the
ELISA reader and that the test plates cannot be divided into bloodstream.
separate strips, which lead to a high cost when running single
samples. PCR Detection Formats
Standard PCR-based amplification is often insufficient for Antibody Detection diagnostic use because of relatively high levels of false-
While antibody detection plays an important role in the positive results, since in the various target regions, some spe-
diagnosis of allergic aspergillus diseases, including aller- cies vary by as little as single nucleotide.100 Amplified DNA
gic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis in CF patients or aller- products can be detected in real time using intercalating dyes
gic rhinosinusitis, and in diagnosing chronic infections such as cyber green, although they provide no sequence-
and aspergillomas, its role in diagnosing acute infection is specific information. A wide range of endpoint detection
limited.18,83,84 technologies have been used to distinguish between fungal
species including single-strand conformational polymor- Innate Immunity phism (SSCP),103,104 random amplified polymorphic DNA
Innate immune molecules play a vital role in host defence (RAPD) PCR (RAPD-PCR),105–107 reverse-hybridization
against A. fumigatus. Mannose-binding lectin (MBL) is line probe assay (LiPA),108 restriction enzyme analysis109,110
C-type serum lectin that acts as an opsonin and lectin com- enzyme immunoassay (PCR-EIA) and real-time (RT) molec-
plement pathway activator and inducer of proinflammatory ular probes, such as TaqMan™,111–113 light-cycler,114–116 and
cytokines, which helps confer innate immunity against sev- molecular beacons.92,117–119 PCR amplification used in con-
eral pathogenic organisms including A. fumigatus. Most indi- cert with self-reporting, high-fidelity hybridization probes
viduals have low levels of circulating MBLs, and diminished has helped to improve accuracy. This approach is quantita-
levels have been linked with Aspergillus infections.85,86 MBL tive and has a large dynamic range, which have been used to
variant alleles in patients with CF have been associated with rapidly identify fungal pathogens in both single target and
a poor prognosis.87 multiplex formats.92,117–119 Typically, these techniques can
detect 1–10 genomic equivalents under optimal conditions. Molecular Diagnostics These approaches provide an opportunity to diagnose fungal
Molecular techniques are ideally suited for low abundance infections at an early stage and in a timeframe that can influ-
and difficult to culture pathogens like the Aspergillus spp. ence patient management. Yet, as the technology pushes the
because they provide for faster, more sensitive, and accurate limit of detection, it must take into account prior coloniza-
detection of infecting pathogens from a wide range of speci- tion with environmental spores of Aspergillus and the risk of
mens. Unlike classical methodologies, they can rapidly detect contamination during sampling or processing. Such baseline
in a matter of several hours a single genomic copy from blood factors require reliable quantitative data and that is linked to
or other specimens. Nucleic-based diagnostic assays utiliz- other clinical markers. Ultimately, validation must be cor-
ing amplification by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) or related with clinical outcome.
nucleic acid sequence based assays (NASBA) are highly sen-
sitive and can positively detect fungal infections at an early The Evolving PCR Experience
stage of infection.88–92 The fungal ribosomal genes 18 S, 5.8 S, The detection of fungal nucleic acid in blood and/or respira-
and 28 S, and their intervening noncoding regions, ITS1 and tory specimens at an early stage of invasive disease has been
ITS2, provide molecular sequence signatures for panfungal, a major priority. PCR can be highly sensitive and predictive
genera, and species-specific identification.93–101 These signa- for detection of Candida and/or Aspergillus.116,120 A meta-
tures can be easily and accurately resolved by high fidelity, analysis on the use of PCR for the diagnosis of IA from more
allele-specific molecular probes. Ribosomal genes are pres- than 10,000 blood, serum, or plasma samples obtained from
ent in multiple (38–91) copies per genome,102 which facilitates 1,618 patients showed a sensitivity and specificity of PCR

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176 Molecular Detection of Human Fungal Pathogens

of 0.75 (95% CI 0.54–0.88) and 0.87 (95% CI 0.78–0.93), hyphal fragments, and spores. (The value of detecting spore
respectively.121 Yet, despite these highly promising results, nucleic acid is questionable, since they are not normally asso-
home-brew PCR systems to detect Aspergillus are highly ciated with invasive disease.) Aspergillus hyphae or hyphal
variable. The presence of nucleic acid, as detected by RT fragments can be extracted with reasonable efficiency with
PCR with Taq-man or Light Cycler probes, varies from 30% mechanical and/or enzymatic pre-lysis. For this reason, it is
to 100% when compared to circulating blood markers such as critical that the extraction system is highly efficient.
GM, diagnostic imaging, or clinical criteria.122 Many reports
indicate that PCR is superior to GM with respect to sensi- Improved Extraction of Aspergillus
tivity rates.123 Yet, some labs report more reliability detect- Nucleic Acid from Blood
ing pathogen nucleic acid from respiratory specimens (e.g., The type of blood sample used for the molecular detection of
BAL) relative to blood, suggesting that fungal burden and DNA is also important, as whole blood, plasma, or serum have
extraction efficiency in the specimen is important. For these been analyzed. A comparison of different specimen types
reasons, the reliability of PCR as diagnostic tool for invasive showed that serum is generally the preferred source for the
fungal infections, especially those due to Aspergillus spp. is diagnosis of IA by PCR,121,125,126 most likely because nucleic
uncertain. acids are recovered more efficiently with routine extraction
The major problems contributing to PCR variability are procedures. Recently, several promising reports have dem-
a lack of assay standardization and inefficient extraction of onstrated a high degree of efficiency in isolating nucleic acid
nucleic acids, especially from blood. However, significant in whole blood by increasing the sample volume with an
methodological advancements in sample preparation and automated processing system (e.g., Roche MagnaPure™).125
improved amplification/detection should greatly enhance When combined with other well-established assays,116,120,121
the reliability of PCR as a diagnostic tool for invasive fungal PCR appears poised to have an important impact on the diag-
infections. First, the lack of a standardized assay is significant nosis of invasive fungal infections. Suarez et al.,125 in a 13
as nearly every lab has a different approach. In addition, the month prospective study, compared small (100 μL) and large
use of positive controls for extraction and amplification are (1000 μL) extraction volumes from blood utilizing automated
variable and quality control standards for probe and primer extraction on a MagNaPure, and evaluated it relative to GM
sets are rarely ever mentioned. The EU recognized this quan- detection by an enzyme immunoassay. A total of 938 samples
dary for IA and has organized a consortium to adopt uniform were screened for Aspergillus DNA following large volume
standards.121,124 Presently, only two standardized commercial extraction. The sensitivity, specificity, positive, and negative
PCR assays are available. The Roche SeptiFast RT PCR test predictive values were 100%, 96.7%, 81%, and 100%, respec-
detects and identifies 25 important bacterial and fungal spe- tively, with larger serum volume. The assay sensitivity sur-
cies causing bloodstream infections including C. albicans, passed GM, produced a positive result with two cases of IA
C. glabrata, C. tropicalis, C. krusei, C. parapsilosis, and A. where the GM assay result remained negative, and in four IA
fumigatus. The overall assay is reliable but labor intensive cases, DNA was detected earlier than GM. In another newly
and complex. Myconostica has recently developed molecu- published study,120 a total of 2244 samples were analyzed by
lar assays for detecting common respiratory fungal patho- real-time quantitative PCR. Taking two consecutive positive
gens of Aspergillus genus (MycAssay™ Aspergillus) and results as the diagnostic criterion, PCR detected gave sensi-
Pneumocystis jirovecii (MycAssay Pneumocystis). These are tivity, specificity, positive, and negative predictive values of
molecular beacon-based RT assays that are highly robust and 91.6%, 94.4%, 73.3%, and 98.5%, respectively. A combina-
easily expandable, and it has standardized internal controls tion of serial PCR and GM detected 100% of aspergillosis
for extraction and amplification. Presently, there is insuffi- cases, with a positive predictive value of 75.1%. These new
cient data with the commercial assays to fully assess their studies highlight the importance of extraction methodol-
impact. ogy and PCR standardization for improved performance of
The second most important issue for PCR assays is extrac- RT-PCR. There is still room for improvement in extraction
tion and recovery of pathogen-specific nucleic acid, espe- efficiency, but the new approaches illustrate the value of a
cially from blood. Unlike viremias and bacteremias, which highly efficient RT-PCR assay.
have high burdens in blood, invasive fungal infections have
low circulating levels of pathogens or naked DNA. In IA, only Allele Discrimination and Multiplex Assays
low burdens of circulating nucleic acid or hyphal fragments One of the major advantages of RT-PCR assays with self-
are ever present. In fact, since Aspergillus is rarely cultured reporting probes is that they are allele discriminating, which
from blood, naked nucleic acid released from the respiratory improves accuracy and facilitates detection of single nucleo-
tract may be most important for molecular detection. It is tide changes that are needed to discriminate between closely
essential that extraction of fungal specific nucleic acid from related species or may result from mutations conferring
sterile fluids is efficient, since it is critical to even the most drug resistance.122,127 Molecular beacons, scorpion primers,
sensitive detection modality. Fungal diagnostics require effi- TaqMan and several other types of commercially available
cient extraction of nucleic acid from 1 to 50 genomic equiv- probes have allele-discriminating capacities. Ultra-sensitive
alents or ~40–2000 target molecules. This is more likely melt-curve analysis can also be used for allele discrimina-
with respiratory samples of IA, which often contain DNA, tion, but polymorphisms outside the target sequence can

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be a limiting factor for specificity.128 Innovations in nucleic probes recognizing specific mutations associated with tri-
acid amplification and detection have increased the number azole resistance.119 In a single molecular RT assay, it was pos-
of targets that can be simultaneously detected in a single sible to distinguish between triazole susceptible (wild-type
assay. The ability to detect multiple targets in a single mul- sequence) and triazole resistant alleles. The new assay takes
tiplex assay is an important application of RT detection sys- advantage of allele-discriminating probes in a multiplex
tems, which increases throughput and reduces assay costs. assay format to evaluate drug resistance and assess differ-
A wide range of approaches involving multiplexed probes, ences between triazole drugs. It is suitable for primary speci-
beads, and arrays can be employed to simultaneously detect mens and can be incorporated into routine molecular testing
a large number of targets facilitating rapid evaluation of regimens. Thus, molecular technology is now available for
multiple pathogens or drug resistance alleles. The advantage routine drug susceptibility testing of Aspergillus isolates to
of these approaches is that they combine powerful nucleic azole drugs. These targets cover a vast majority of Cyp51A
acid amplification strategies with massive screening capabil- mutations causing resistance. Yet, it is important to recognize
ity. However, a factor limiting the use of technology such as that other resistance mechanisms (e.g., pump overexpression)
microarrays has been inadequate assay sensitivity and quan- can contribute to clinical resistance, albeit at a much lower
tification.129 Direct hybridization of DNA or RNA not only frequency. The percentage of isolates with specific resistance
provides the least bias in gene detection, but also the lowest mechanisms is under investigation in several large epidemio-
level of analytic sensitivity. This is largely due to practical logical studies.
limitations of efficient hybridization of linear probe-target
hybrids. Ultimately, cost and limited sample throughput Species Identification within
make conventional large planar microarrays less attractive in Aspergillus fumigatus Complex
pathogen detection schemes. Alternative microarray formats As A. fumigatus continues to be the most common etiological
such as bead arrays may circumvent cost and throughput agent of IA, identification of species within the Aspergillus
limitations. species complex (section Fumigati) may be important as
previous studies have shown the existence of cryptic spe- PanProbes Systems cies whose antifungal susceptibility profile differs from A.
A variety of panGenus probes for Candida and Aspergillus fumigates.142 Aspergillus section Fumigati contains 33 dif-
species have emerged in recent years. These probe systems ferent species, with 10 strict anamorphs and 23 teleomorphs.
utilize PCR amplification from common primers recogniz- Morphological observation is not sufficient to distinguish
ing highly conserved regions of either 18S or 28S rRNA between them,143 thus molecular typing methods mostly
genes.130,131 For many years, the biggest limitation of these DNA-sequence based, is a valuable tool for species identifica-
assays was the presence of contaminating nucleic acid tion. As mentioned above, the ITS region was found to be use-
found in amplifying enzymes (Taq polymerase), as well as ful for Aspergillus identification to the species complex level,
in reagents and collection tubes, which led to false-positive but it does not always resolve very closely related phyloge-
results. Changes in manufacturing processes, as well as netic species, whereas intron-rich protein coding genes gen-
new techniques to remove contaminating nucleic acid from erally do much better.144 Therefore, the International Society
enzyme preparations, has made the use of pan-Genera probes for Human and Animal Mycology-sponsored Aspergillus
more reliable. Such broad fungal tests can be used to either Working Group has recommended the use of ITS for the spe-
identify or exclude fungal involvement, and in more com- cies complex level identification and protein-coding locus
plicated disease states, increase the certainty of invasive for the identification of species within the complex.145 Due
disease.132 to their prevalence in public databases, universality of appli-
cation, and relative resolving power, the use of β-tubulin or Drug Resistance and Molecular Diagnostics calmodulin sequences has been recommended for such spe-
A wide variety of mechanisms account for triazole resistance cies identification.144 Molecular tools other than single locus
in Candida spp. including mutations of the Erg11 target, DNA sequencing, such as restriction fragment length poly-
overexpression of the target, and overexpression of multi- morphism (RFLP), RAPD, and multilocus sequence typing
drug efflux transporters of the ABC and MDS families133,134 (MLST) have also been applied to the same aim,146,147 but
induced by global transcriptional regulators.135–139 The vari- they were either having limited discriminatory power within
ety and vast array of mutations makes molecular detection the complex147–149 or low reproducibility150 and not used as
triazole resistance in Candida species difficult. In contrast, widely and effectively as β-tubulin/calmodulin sequencing.
triazole resistance in A. fumigatus is more limited and
involves largely mutations in Cyp51A (equivalent to Erg11).
Triazole resistance mechanisms in Aspergillus can involve 23.2 Methods
both overexpression of drug efflux transporters and/or modi-
23.2.1 Sample Preparation
fication of the target site sterol 14-α demethylase, encoded
by cyp51A and cyp51B.140,141 However, clinical resistance Besides the lack of standardization and validation of PCR,
is mostly correlated with mutations in Cyp51A, which has another major obstacle limiting the wider use of nucleic acid
been exploited to design a multiplex panel of allele-specific detection of Aspergillus is the inefficient extraction of nucleic

© 2011 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

178 Molecular Detection of Human Fungal Pathogens

acids.151 As for the best extraction method, a consensus is dif- although the lysis buffer used for the disruption has to be
ficult to achieve because it varies with target type (DNA or replaced with that matching the automatic extraction machine.
RNA) and specimen source (blood, tissue, respiratory fluid). For instance, the easyMAG® system (bioMerieux) requires
As extraction methods often vary widely from lab to lab, lysis buffer with proteinase K (20 μg/mL) added to the conidia
only the most commonly used approaches for different types suspension or ground mycelia powder in the lysing matrix to
of samples will be described below. Nucleic acid extraction process the FastPrep cleared lysate. The suspension is incu-
from Aspergillus cells tends to be difficult and inefficient. bated at 55°C for 1 h followed by a 10 min centrifugation at
This is largely due to the fact that the complex cell wall of full speed using a countertop centrifuge. The cleared lysates
filamentous fungi is hard to break. Thus, rigorous extrac- are transferred into a sample cartridge and mixed with 2 mL
tion methods that utilize either enzymatic digestion such as of easyMAG lysis buffer. The silica solution is added, sample
recombinant lyticase or mechanical disruption by bead-beat- ID login and the program setting are performed by follow-
ing are required. However, the extra steps of cell lysis not only ing the user’s instructions. Other automatic extraction instru-
prolong the extraction procedure, but also may increase the ment such as MagNA Pure systems (Roche Applied Science)
possibility of fungal nucleic acid contamination especially can also be used, except the lysis buffer should be adjusted
when enzymatic lysis is performed,152,153 since the sources accordingly as stated above.
of contamination are everywhere, including lytic enzymes,
buffers, spin columns (the silica membranes), tubes, dispos- Blood
ables, and even water. For this reason, the chosen extraction The pathogenesis of IA is poorly understood and so is our
method represents a compromise between efficiency, lack of knowledge of the optimal blood fraction required for the
exogenous contamination, and the applicability to routine molecular detection of Aspergillus nucleic acid. While some
high-throughput laboratories.83 High-speed cell disruption researchers suggest that the yield of DNA from serum,
incorporating chaotropic reagents and lysing matrices is one plasma, and the white cell pellet is similar,155 others find that
combination, which provides relatively high extraction effi- whole blood is a better source for fungal DNA extraction
ciency from Aspergillus and other filamentous fungi.154 Either than plasma.156 We recommend the collection of whole blood
manual or automated methods can be adopted, depending on for the nucleic acid detection, because the use of whole blood
the number of samples needed to be processed and the avail- allows the detection of hyphal fragments and circulating
ability of the automatic extraction instruments. nucleic acid while the use of serum only detects circulating
nucleic acid.151,157 The starting volume of whole blood var- Aspergillus Culture ies from 200 μL to 10 mL in different clinical settings,157–160
Both types of Aspergillus culture, conidia and mycelia although it is expected that larger volumes produce greater
(hyphae), may be the starting material for extraction, although yield, which promotes higher sensitivity.161 Different extrac-
the extractions starting with mycelia are more efficient than tion protocols have been widely investigated around a com-
that with conidia.111 Conidia are usually harvested from 3-to mon principle, which is enrichment of fungal nucleic acid
5-day-old Aspergillus cultures grown on Sabouraud dextrose by removing the bulk of human nucleic acid to increase the
agar (SDA) or potato dextrose agar (PDA) by washing with sensitivity of the molecular assay. Currently, the hypotonic
sterile saline—0.1% Tween 20. Compared to conidia, myce- lysis of blood cells has been used very often for this purpose.
lia harvest takes more efforts. The overnight Aspergillus Any in-house brewed or commercial blood cell lysis buffer
culture grown in liquid media are filtrated, washed, dried, can be used, and the main components usually consist of
and thoroughly ground in liquid nitrogen using mortar and Tris buffer, MgCl2, or with Triton X-100. By centrifugation,
pestle. After collecting fungal cells, mechanical disruption fungal cells are trapped in the pellet formed by blood cell
takes place under the chaotropic condition of the lysis buffer debris, and the supernatant containing human nucleic acid
(buffer AP1 or buffer RLT added with β-Mercaptoethonal is decanted. The pellets are resuspended in lysis buffer with
if using DNeasy or RNeasy kit from QIAGEN). FastPrep proteinase K and transferred into lysing matrix as described
instrument (MP Biomedical) with the matching lysing matrix for the extraction from Aspergillus culture above. Manual or
is used in author’s lab (Perlin lab) and also many other labs automated extraction should be decided before the extraction
for the high-speed disruption. The velocity of 6 m/s for 45 s starts since different lysis buffers will be used based on the
with a 5 min rest period between runs is the chosen setting. different method.
The lysis buffer is added to the conidia suspension or the fine
powder of ground mycelia above, then transferred into the Tissue
lysing matrix and processed on FastPrep instrument. After Histological examination and culture techniques applied to
centrifugation, the cleared lysates (supernatants) are trans- tissue are considered as the reference diagnostic standard for
ferred from the lysing matrix and are ready to proceed to the IA.42 With more and more data showing that qPCR is more
rest of extraction by simply following instructions from the sensitive than culture for the detection of Aspergillus spp.
commercial kits. in tissue,162,163 the possibility of accepting a positive PCR
Automated nucleic acid extraction can take place with result in tissue as the reference standard for IA deserves
the cleared lysates obtained from the FastPrep procedure, increasing attention. For preparation of fresh tissue samples,

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Aspergillus 179

homogenization should be done in a sterile, nuclease-free simultaneously.170,171 A LightCycler-based RT-PCR approach

environment. High-speed tissue homogenizer and crushing to detect common pathogenic Aspergillus species includ-
of tissues in a plastic bag are the most often used methods ing A. fumigatus, A. flavus, A. niger, and A. terreus simul-
to prepare a tissue homogenate prior to nucleic acid extrac- taneously was recently reported.170 High-throughput DNA
tion.164 The tissue homogenates are then mixed with lysis buf- sequencing of ribosomal internal transcribed spacers (ITS1,
fer and proteinase K and processed on a FastPrep instrument, ITS2) is ideal and is fundamentally the most accurate, but
after which the protocols described for culture and blood it is not as fast or as convenient as RT detection following
are applied. For formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue nucleic acid amplification.
samples, it has been reported that the extensive cross-linking
of tissue proteins after fixation in formaldehyde can cause Secondary Drug Resistance
nucleic acid fragmentation and inhibition of the PCR pro- As for secondary drug resistance detection, different strate-
cess.165 Sample preparation is more complicated than fresh gies can be applied depending on drug class and the resistance
tissue because of the extra dewaxing by xylene and wash- mechanisms. Our knowledge of drug resistance mechanisms
ing by ethanol; the universal DNA extraction is applicable in Aspergillus is still emerging. Secondary triazole resistance
to formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue samples.166 For in Aspergillus predominantly involves mutations in genes
detailed information, please consult Refs. [101,167]. associated with the drug target. Limited mutations in Cyp51A
confer resistance, making them ideal targets for molecular
detection. These mutations confer different susceptibil-
23.2.2 Detection Procedures ity profiles: (1) resistance to itraconazole and posaconazole
An efficient way to detect and identify the clinically impor- is associated with amino acid substitutions at Gly 54; (2)
tant Aspergillus species is using multitiered nucleic acid itraconazole-resistance and high MICs for voriconazole,
detection panels to recognize increasing complexity from ravuconazole, and posaconazole at Met 220; (3) azole cross-
pan-genera to species-specific and drug resistance-associated resistance with cyp51A overexpression produced by a tandem
targets. Thus, different sets of primers and probes aimed at a repeat (TR) of a 34 bp sequence in the cyp51A gene promoter
variety of detection targets will be discussed. As representa- in combination with an amino acid substitution at Leu 98
tives of DNA and RNA detection, RT-PCR and RT NASBA (TR-L98H); and (4) triazole cross-resistance related to a Gly
will be described below. 138 to cysteine substitution. They were used as the detection
targets for the development of a RT-PCR assay to assess tri-
azole resistance in A. fumigatus. When combined in a multi- Primers, Probes, and Platforms plex platform, the assay provides a rapid evaluation of drug
Among the extensive studies (>200) of detecting Aspergillus resistance in A. fumigatus. By taking advantage of the single
by PCR, most utilize ribosomal RNA genes as detection tar- nucleotide difference detection capability of probes like
gets, as they are multicopy genes, contain highly conserved molecular beacons in a high-throughput, multiplex format,
sequences as well as variable regions, which facilitate the a comprehensive two-tiered molecular diagnostic assay was
genus and species-specific detection. Meanwhile, some stud- developed for triazole-resistant A. fumigatus detection.119
ies have developed new assays using different targets such Molecular probes corresponding to wild-type and triazole-
as mitochondrial DNA target.115,155 As rapidly developing resistance mutations of Aspergillus Cyp51A (Gly54, Gly138,
RT detection probes (e.g., TaqMan, molecular beacons) are Met220, and L98/Tandem Promoter repeat) can be used to
incorporated into PCR assays, RT-PCR formats are likely to profile resistance in a two-tier drop out and positive iden-
dominate the molecular diagnosis of Aspergillus in the near tification format. Other mutations have been identified but
future. A summary of the most commonly used RT nucleic not validated as a source of resistance. Nevertheless, the sys-
acid assays and the corresponding primer and probe sets for tem is robust and can be expanded to include new validated
Aspergillus detection is listed in Table 23.2. targets. Table 23.3 shows the primers and beacon sequences
In addition, newly emerged nucleic acid amplification proposed for this approach.
technology, NASBA offers some advantages over PCR. It is Resistance to echinocandin drugs remains relatively low,
an RNA-directed isothermal amplification and as such there but it has been well recognized that genetic modifications
is no need for thermal cycling. Its robust RNA amplifica- of Fks1 subunit is the universal mechanism for echinocan-
tion is more sensitive than PCR. It hasn’t been used widely din resistant fungi.172 Up to now, the widely reported amino
for Aspergillus diagnosis, largely due to cost and complex- acid substitutions in FKS1 and FKS2, which are responsible
ity of quantification. Nevertheless, good performance has for Candida species resistance to echinocandin drugs,173,174
been reported from several studies using NASBA assays to has not been observed from clinical Aspergillus isolates.
detect Aspergillus spp.91,92,168 For more detailed information, Nonetheless, the over-expression of FKS1 has been linked to
please consult Refs. [91,92,168,169]. Several other platforms the clinical A. fumigatus isolates with reduced susceptibility
including LightCycler with post-amplification (mostly PCR to caspofungin.64 An RT TaqMan PCR assay to detect FKS1
product) melting profile analysis and Luminex xMAP tech- gene developed by Costa and colleagues demonstrated good
nology have been shown to identify different Aspergillus spp. performance of being able to detect 1 fg of A. fumigatus DNA

© 2011 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

© 2011 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

TABLE 23.2
Real-Time Nucleic Acid Assays for Aspergillus Detection
Target Gene Assay Format Primers and Probes Sequences (5′–3′) Specificity Determined Determined Reference
18S rRNA TaqMan PCR Forward primer 5′-TTGGTGGAGTGATTTGTCTGCT-3′ Aspergillus spp. 20 copies of Aspergillus [158]
Reverse primer 5′-TCTAAGGGCATCACAGACCTG-3′ DNA per assay
18S rRNA FRET PCR Forward primer 5′-ATTGGAGGGCAAGTCTGGTG-3′ Aspergillus spp. 5 CFU/mL of blood [175]
Probe (LC) 5′-Red640- 15 CFU/assay, 20 CFU/ [159]

Molecular Detection of Human Fungal Pathogens

28S rRNA TaqMan PCR Forward primer (ASF1) 5′-GCACGTGAAATTGTTGAAAGG-3′ Aspergillus spp. 5 copies/assay, 10 CFU/ Primers
mL of blood from [176]
Reverse primer (ADR1) 5′-CAGGCTGGCCGCATTG-3′
28S rRNA NASBA-Molecular Sense primer (P2) 5′-CAGCAGTTGGACATGGGTTA-3′ Aspergillus spp. cross 0.1–1 CFU/assay [168]
Beacon react with Penicillium
5.8S rRNA TaqMan PCR Forward primer 5′-TTGGTTCCGGCATCGA-3′ Aspergillus spp. also 200 fg/assay [178]
amplify Fusarium spp.
Reverse primer 5′-GCAGCAATGACGCTCGG-3′
© 2011 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

Mitochondrial FRET PCR Antisense primer 5′-AACACCTGACCTTTCGCGTGTA-3′ Aspergillus fumigatus 3 fg/assay [155]
Sense primer/probe 5′-CTGTTAGTGCGGGAGTTCAAAXTCT-3′ (X represents
internal labeling of the T with LC-Red 640)
Mitochondrial FRET PCR Forward primer (AfLC2s) 5′-AATGCACGATACTGTAGGATCTG-3′ Aspergillus fumigatus, 10 copies of Aspergillus [115]
DNA (cytochrome also amplify Aspergillus DNA, or 1–5 CFU/mL
b gene) clavatus of blood
18S rRNA LightCycler (PCR Forward primer (ASP_F) 5′-ATTGGAGGGCAAGTCTGGTG-3′ A. fumigatus/A. flavus 5 CFU/mL of blood for Primers
+ melting curve specific A. fumigatus, and A. from [157]
analysis) flavus
Reverse primer (ASP_R) 5′-CCGATCCCTAGTCGGCAT-3′
A. terreus specific
50 CFU/mL of blood for
A. terreus and A. niger
Probe (Asp.fum) LC640Red-5′- A. niger specific Probes
Probe (Asp.nig) LC640Red-5′-

Notes: The copy numbers of ribosomal DNA were found variable, from 38 to 91 copies per genome.102 The constant used for correlating the weight of genomic DNA of A. fumigatus to the number of genome was
also different among studies. It was assuming 50 fg of DNA equals to 1 conidia by some studies,157,179 and some study was calculating 33 fg of DNA as one genome.178 For mitochondrial genes, Spiess et al.
described as 10 copies of mitochondrial A. fumigatus cytochrome b gene corresponds to 13.2 fg of genomic DNA or 1–5 CFU.115

182 Molecular Detection of Human Fungal Pathogens

TABLE 23.3
Primers and Molecular Beacons for Triazole Resistance
regiona Sequence (5′–3′)b Purpose

a F, sense; R, antisense; MB, molecular beacon; T, target.

b Probe and target domains are underlined.

in one PCR reaction. In this assay, the forward primer was in Table 23.2 for broad-spectrum and species-specific detec-
5′-GCCTGGTAGTGAAGCTGAGCGT-3′, the reverse primer tion and those mentioned in Section for drug resis-
is 5′-CGGTGAATGTAGGCA TGTTGTCC-3′, and the probe tance identification.
3′-TAMRA.112 Other RT formats can also be used for FKS
detection, depending on the availability of different RT 23.3 Summary and Perspective
detecting instruments.
The challenges posed to positively and effectively diagnose
IA at an early stage of disease are daunting. With current Assay Conditions technology, no single assay, apart from direct culture, can
There is no concordant condition for Aspergillus nucleic deliver a definitive diagnosis. Rather, a combination of diag-
acid tests described above. It varies when different plat- nostic approaches are required that utilize various biomarker
forms, primers and probes, and different commercial prod- endpoints, radiographic and clinical presentations. Molecular
ucts are applied. It is important to make a best fit of every technology holds great promise for rapid and sensitive detec-
parameter to improve the probability for reliable detection. tion of nucleic acids from hyphal elements, and may be
Regardless of the target used for detection, the working particularly helpful in identifying drug resistance markers
conditions always have to be optimized, especially in mul- against triazole drugs. As RT detection platforms become
tiplex assays. Intricate interactions among primers, probes, more robust, they need to detect infection at an early stage,
and templates in multiplex format decrease the sensitivity prior to the onset of major clinical symptoms. Furthermore,
of the assay as well as enhance the difficulty of working they need to address common issues of spore contamination
condition optimization. Therefore, whenever possible, con- in non-sterile compartments, such as the upper respiratory
sensus primers should be designed for multiplex detection. tract, and the monitoring of therapeutic efficacy including
For detailed information, please consult the references listed emerging drug resistance.

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Aspergillus 183

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