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Don Diego Vega: He´s sensitive, kind, quiet and handsome. The doesn´t enjoy loud talking, fighting
or flirting with woman. He likes music, poetry and quiet conversation. He comes from a rich and
powerful family, he owns a hacienda and a house. He´s 24, almost 25.
Zorro: has a large black sombrero, a long dark cloak around his body and a black mask.
Srita. Lolita: Clever, beautiful, with long black hair and lovely eyes. 18 yo.
Sargento Gonzales: Has a strong temperament and a moustache
Capitán Ramón: handsome, 26 yo
Don Carlos:
Doña Catalina: same name as my ex, dark hair, nose q más.

A stormy night

A group of soldiers where in a small inn. Sargent Gonzales said that señor Zorro hadn´t visited
Reina de Los Angeles because he was afraid of him, he also thinks that he covers himself under his
good boy mask, punishing enemies of the poor and weak but he´s just a thief and that´s why the
governor has offered a reward for killing him. Don Diego entered to the room, who is a good friend
of the Gonzales and tell everyone that he doesn´t like stories about of blood and violence, so, he
paid for more wine to the sergeant to make him stop talking about killing Zorro and left the inn.

The Man in the Mask

Señor Zorro entered the room and told the sergeant he knew he had cruelly beated an innocent
man, Zorro was pointing the rest of the soldiers with a pistol with his left hand, fighting Gonzales
(drunk and tired) with his sword using the right one and smiling at the same time. But then, he got
angry and cold, knocked the sergeant’s sword from his hand, jumping into a chair and disappeared
a window. After that, Don Diego came back to the inn and asked about what happened, but the
sergeant wanted to talk with the commandant promising he would kill Zorro the next time.

Don Diego Wants a Wife

Don Diego rode along the road to the Pulido hacienda. The Pulido family were an old and noble
family, but Don Carlos made the governor mad and they took lands and money from them. Don
Carlos was surprised to see Don Diego and invited him some wine and cake. Then, Don Diego
explained that his father told him to get a wife and asked Carlos for permission to marry his
daughter, Lolita. Don Carlos was pleased, because the Vega family were friends of the governor
and that could solve their problems, so he accepted. Doña Catalina heard it and made clear that
he needs to win Lolita´s heart first. Don Diego isn´t interested in that, he thinks is nonsense and
Then, Lolita appeared and Don Diego asked her almost immediately if she wanted to marry him,
she got mad and told she wanted to marry someone who could actually win her love. In the siesta
time, Lolita felt someone touching her hand, it was Señor Zorro telling her to not be afraid, that he
was there to get some rest and wanted to talk to her because she was beautiful. She thanked him
and asked him to leave, he did, but not without kissing her hand before.

Lolita´s three admirers

While the Pulido family were having dinner, Zorro appeared to ask for food and drink, Don Carlos
accepted but only if he could take his wife to another room, where he could send a servant to call
the soldiers to capture him. Lolita informed Zorro that the house was surrounded by soldiers and
Zorro turn the candles off and disappeared with the sound of a galloping horse, making Sargent
Gonzales and the soldiers rush away persecuting him. Later, Captain Ramón visited them and lied
about Zorro killing people, that´s when Zorro came out of a cupboard (explained that his horse
was trained to run by himself to confuse the soldiers) and began a fight with the captain, which he
easily won (wounding Ramón´s shoulder), warned him about telling lies about him and left the
house. Don Diego appeared to see if the family were okay. Ramón asked Carlos if he could court
Lolita and he said that Don Diego asked the same, but that is had his permission.

A Visit From Captain Ramón

Diego invited the Pulidos to stay in his house while he was in his hacienda, to protect them from
Zorro. Don Carlos felt pleased, because people in town will treat them better if they´re Vega´s
guests. Later that day, Carlos and his wife were invited to a party. Lolita was reading alone in the
house when Captain Ramón irrupted into it, asked her to marry him and insulted Don Diego, she
told him that he had to leave, but instead of doing that, he tried to kiss her. She stopped him and
slapped his cheek. He tried to kiss her again again just before Zorro entered through the window
to make him stop, apologize and leave. Lolita thanked him with a kiss, he said “I love you” and
abandoned the house. Captain Ramón was furious and decided to send a letter to the governor
implying that the Pulido and the Vega Family were helping Zorro.

The Chase

Señor Zorro entered to the presidio, read the letter and threw it to the fire not knowing that there
was a copy. The soldiers followed Zorro, until his horse got tired and decided to visit a Franciscan´s
farm to rest. But the sergeant had the same thought and reach out for Zorro in Fray Felipe´s farm,
but all they found was Don Diego Vega, so, they kept chasing.

At the Presidio

Lolita told her parents and Diego what happened the night before and encouraged Diego to face
Ramón, but he only asked him for an apology for what he did to lolita. The next day, the family
returned to their hacienda. Fray Felipe was taken as a prisoner for cheating, tricking and taking a
hide dealer´s money. The dealer (short and ugly) said that he had bought 10 hides to Fray Felipe
but they weren’t good and now he wants his money back, the priest responded that he will return
the money when the dealer returns the hides, but he had already burned them. The judge decided
that Felipe was lying and sentenced him being hit 15 times by a whip across his back.

The Whipping Post

Some soldiers took Fray Felipe to the town square and whipped him. The judge told Felipe if he
didn´t return the money in the following two days, he would be whipped again. Zorro punished
the hide dealer, whipping him. Then, he made some men (included the landlord) whip the judge.

At the Hacienda of Don Alejandro

Don Diego arrived to his father´s hacienda with bad news. Alejandro came down his son because
he thinks Diego needs a wife, or he will give his fortune to the Franciscan Brothers. Later that
night, some men came into the room notifying that they were chasing Zorro. They drunk wine until
they forgot about Zorro and Diego left the room to get some rest. Then, Zorro entered to the room
and made a speech about injustices and the soldiers decided to support him.

The Pulidos are Arrested

The governor of California went to Los Angeles to penalise the Pulido family for traitors. The
soldiers arrested Carlos, Catalina and Lolita for “helping the enemies of this country”

. Don Carlos and Doña Catalina were crying, but Lolita wasn´t, because she knew that Zorro was
going to rescue them

At The Jail

Zorro sent a message to the caballeros asking for their help to rescue the Pulido Family. They were
all wearing black masks. Zorro and 4 more entered to jail, took the jailer´s keys and open the
Pulido´s door to free them. When they were leaving, Gonzales started to chase them. Zorro left
Lolita in Fray Felipe´s farm and returned to the town. The sergeant found out where Lolita was,
but she took a knife and escaped riding a horse.

(The Mark of Zorro)

Captain Ramón and Zorro went to Don Juan´s house to surprise the governor. Zorro affirmed that
the Pulido family weren´t helping, that Captain Ramón had insulted Lolita and he also lied in the
letter. The governor fired Ramón. Zorro and Ramón started a blade fight. Zorro cut a “Z” in the
captain´s face (so he wears it forever), pulled his sword trough Ramón´s body and left him in the
floor blooding.
He was returning to the town when he crossed Lolita escaping. When Lolita´s horse got tired, she
jumped onto Zorro´s one and promised to live or die together.
Take off Your Mask Señor

Alejandro, Don Juan and the governor in the square. Lolita and Zorro were stucked in the inn, they
kissed and hugged to protect their hearts from the upcoming end. The caballeros appeared to stop
the soldiers, making a speech about the truth about politics, demanding to put out of jail the
Pulidos and leave Zorro stay free. By the end of the day, The governor accepted the trait and
promised to leave the town if Alejandro took care of it.
Señor Zorro and Lolita came out of the inn, and Don Diego Vega took off his mask, Lolita and
Alejandro were realy happy. Lolita mostly because now she could marry the rich one and also the
hot one fin!!!!!!

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