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DPM 41 (Solutions)

C to E

C. RC Passage

Answer Key : 1-D , 2- D , 3- B , 4- C.

Explanations :

1. Choice(A) is outside the scope of the passage. Reverse discrimination could be a fallout, but
is not stated in the passage. Option (B) identifies a group, but does little else, and is, hence,
unlikely. Choice (C) is about multiculturism, which is antithetical to the white supremacy’
discussed in the passage. (D) is an apt title; refer to the last sentence “aggrieved sense of white
victimhood”. Choice (D)

2. Paragraph 4 begins by stating that the ‘impact’ of the ‘issue’ will be ‘political’. Hence, the
issue itself is not ‘political’ ruling out choices (A) and (C). Economic is not the focus of the
passage, hence (B) is ruled out ‘Sociology is the study of society, and ‘demography’ is the study
of the structure of populations; the passage itself refers to Census Bureau in paragraph 3,
hence (D) is the answer. Choice (D)

3. There is no satire employed here (to ridicule). Antithesis (Opposites) is not directly evident
here. The writer employs rather direct language to discuss this demographic issue, hence
‘ironic’ is a less likely choice. The statement ‘ minorities outnumbering whites’ seems to
contradict itself (whites are majorities), hence the tone is ‘paradoxical. Choice (B)

4. In Paragraph 4, Anglos dropped below 50% in 2000, but California’s white voters were
distressed about the playing field’ in 1996, So (D) is incorrect. (A) is a projected figure for 2050,
hence not an immediate concern for California’s white voters. (B) is unwarranted. (C) is the
answer as the state’s whites perceive that they are being outnumbered by ‘minorities’, hence
the playing field is no longer ‘level’. Choice (C)
D. Quantitative Aptitude(Q1-Q10):

Answer Keys

1. Choice (B)
2. Choice (B)
3. Choice (C)
4. Answer is 6
5. Choice (D)
6. Choice (A)
7. Answer is 4
8. Choice (C)
9. Answer is -9.5
10. Answer is 2


Solutions for questions 1 and 2:

We want the net score of Smitha to be 60 with maximum possible number of incorrect answers.
Given that Smitha answered all the questions and got exactly 40 correct answers in level C. So,
the remaining 40 questions of level C are incorrect and the net score in level C is (1 × 40)- (1/2
x 40) = 20. Since we want the maximum number of incorrect answers, the incorrect answers in
level B must be made maximum possible. Say all the 60 questions of level B are wrong. Then
the net score becomes 20 - (1 × 60) = - 40.But the required net score is 60. So from level A, a
net score of 60 - (-40) = 100 must be scored. Let a be the number of incorrect answers in level
A, then the number of correct answers is (60 - a).
 3(60 - a) - 2a = 100 5a = 80  a = 16
Hence the total (maximum possible) number of incorrect answers
= 40 (in level C) + 60 (in level B) + 16 (in level A) = 116 Choice (B)
Rohit has attempted at least one question of each type. Therefore, he has scored at least 3 from
level B and C. If he attempts 39 questions correctly of A level, he gets39 (3) = 117.
Hence, Rohit has to attempt a minimum of 41 questions to get 120 marks. Choice (B)

The man invests ₹19,000 in 5% stock at 95.
.: number of shares to be bought=19000/95 = 200
annual income = (200)(5) = ₹1000
After he invests in 6% stock at 80, annual income increases by ₹200
Now, the annual income = ₹1200
 The number of shares = 1200/6 =200
Investment = 200 (80) = 16000
Since this amount is obtained by selling 200 shares of the5% stock, he must have sold the initial
stock at ₹80. Choice (C)

The side of the square tile must be the HCF of the two dimensions = HCF (24 ft, 36 ft) = 12ft
∴ 3 pairs of tiles along the length (or 2 sets of 3 tiles along the breadth) i.e., 6 tiles are required.
Answer is 6

We consider the choices.
Choice A: 1, 4, 10, 16. We can't weigh 2 pounds (and possibly some other weights), i.e., we
can't express 2 as sum or difference of the given numbers.
Choice B: 1, 2, 3, 25. We can't weigh any weight from 7 to 18 pounds.
Choice C: 2, 3, 4, 22. We can't weigh 10, 11, 12 pounds.
Choice D: 1, 3, 9, 18. We can weigh any weight from 1 to31 by taking the sum or difference of
these four weights. Choice (D)
Given that boat P can do 8 m/sec in still water and 6 m/sec upstream. Therefore, the speed of
the current is 2 m/s. Speed of Q downstream is 5 m/s.
By the time the two passengers on P decide to get off, their boat had already travelled for 20
min i.e., covered (20) (60)(10) = 12,000 m and the boat Q had travelled for 15 min. and covered
15 (60) (5) = 4500 m.
:. The raft is 7500 m ahead of boat Q.
The boat Q gains on the raft at 3 m/sec.
To reach the raft, time taken = 7500/3 sec = 2500 sec = 2500/60 = 41.67 min ≈ 42 min.
Choice (A)

At each step the concentrations of the milk decrease to 2/3 of what it is at the beginning. Thus,
after the first 4 steps, the concentration is respectively 2/3, 4/9, 8/27, 16/81.
Therefore, if Doodhimal carries out the process for 4 times, the concentration drops to 16/81 as
below 20%. Answer is 4


The longest distance will be PQ, which is the perpendicular bisector of AB.
In right-angled triangle ACM, AM = 50, AC = 30, (C is the mid point of AB)
∴МC = 40
In the right-angled triangle CAN, AN = 40, AC = 30.
∴ CN = 10 √7
∴ PQ = (50 + 40 + 10√7 + 40) m
= 10 (13 + √7) m Choice (C)

f(-2.5) + f(- 1.5) + f(- 3.5) = (- 2.5 - 1) - 1.5 + (-3.5- 1) = -9.5.
Answer is -9.5 .

21/p = 31/q = 5761/r, Let each of these be = k.
Then 2 = kp, 3 = kq and 576 = kr.
576 = 9 x 64 = 32 x 26
𝑘 𝑟 = (𝑘 𝑞 )2 (𝑘 𝑝 )6 = 𝑘 2𝑞 ⋅ 𝑘 6𝑝 = 𝑘 6𝑝+2𝑞
Equating the powers of k both sides, r = 6p + 2q.
 3𝑝+𝑞

Answer is 2.
E. DILR – 1 Set

Answer Key

1. Choice (B)
2. Choice (D)
3. Choice (C)
4. Choice (A)

Solution for the questions 1 to 4:

We know that,
Total number of tourists =Tourists who eat (Chinese + Indian +European) - Exactly two - 2
(Exactly three) + none of three types
280 = 150 + 140 + 130 - Exactly two - 2 (30) + 20
 Exactly two =d + e + f = 100

As d + e + f = 100 and c + e + f = 100
So, d (who eat Chinese and Indian food only)= c (who eat only European food) Choice (B)

a + d + f = 120, e + d + f = 100  а - е = 20.
The difference between those who eat only Chinese food (a) and those who eat Indian
European food(е + 30) is 10. Choice (D)

It is given that, f – d = 20
Now, the difference between the number of tourists who eat only Indian food (b) and that who
eat only European food(c) is to be found.
b + d +e = 110
f + c +e = 100
(b + d + e) - (f + c + e) = 10
(b – c) – (f – d) = 10
∴ B -c = 30 Choice (C)

One hundred of them eat exactly two types of food. Choice (A)

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