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Generalized Two-port Network Based Fractional Order Filters

Nariman A. Khalil, Lobna A. Said, Ahmed G. Radwan, Ahmed M. Soliman

PII: S1434-8411(18)32429-4
Reference: AEUE 52648

To appear in: International Journal of Electronics and Communi-


Received Date: 12 September 2018

Accepted Date: 15 January 2019

Please cite this article as: N.A. Khalil, L.A. Said, A.G. Radwan, A.M. Soliman, Generalized Two-port Network
Based Fractional Order Filters, International Journal of Electronics and Communications (2019), doi: https://

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Generalized Two-port Network Based
Fractional Order Filters
Nariman A. Khalil1, MSC; Lobna A. Said2, PHD; Ahmed G. Radwan3,2, PhD;
Ahmed M. Soliman4 , PhD
Faculty of Engineering, Nahda University (NUB), Egypt
Nanoelectronics Integrated Systems Center (NISC), Nile University, Cairo,
Engineering Mathematics and Physics Department, Cairo University, Egypt.
Electronics and Comm. Eng. Dept., Cairo University, Egypt.


Generalized Two-port Network Based
Fractional Order Filters
Nariman A. Khalil, Lobna A. Said, Ahmed G. Radwan, Ahmed M. Soliman

This paper proposes a general prototype fractional order filter based on a two-port
network concept with four external impedances. Three induced classifications from the
general prototype are extracted with one, two and three external impedances, achieving ten
possible generalized topologies. The external impedances are fractional-order elements and
resistors. There is forty-six filters divided into twenty-two and twenty-four different general
fractional filters of order "α" and order "α+β", respectively. The general transfer functions,
the necessary network conditions and the critical frequencies are presented for each topology
in terms of the transmission matrix parameters of a general two-port network and the
fractional order parameters. These aspects add extra degrees of freedom, which increase the
design flexibility and controllability; it is up to the designer to select any network suitable for
his application. Six special cases of two-port networks based on the second generation current
conveyor (CCII) active building block are synthesized to realize the proposed topologies.
CCII family has four members that yield twenty-four different transmission matrices,
resulting 480 filters. Due to the large number of filters, selected cases are investigated in
detail to validate the theoretical findings through‎ numerical simulations, Spice simulations
and experimental results.

Keywords Fractional-order; Two-port network; filters; CCII; FOC.

1. Introduction
Fractional Calculus (FC) is the study of fractional order integrals and derivatives
operators where the conventional calculus is currently a narrow subset of the FC. The main
benefit of fractional order modelling is adding a degree of freedom which increases the
system’s flexibility through the additional parameters which is the derivative order.
Numerous applications have been emerged in the fractional-order domain such as in control
design [1, 2], wireless power transmission [3], ‎bioengineering [4,5] robotics [6], encryption
[7] and electrical circuits [8-10]. The Caputo definition of the derivative fractional order is
given by [2, 11]: ‎

The Laplace transformation of (1) under zero initial conditions which led to the concept
of the fractional element can be written as follows:

where k is the coefficient and α is the fractional element order with range . The
magnitude and phase of Z can be described by k , α . In the circuit theory, the
fractional-order element (FOE) is a generalizing element where the conventional well-known
circuit components are special cases. The fractance device has a constant phase angle,
independent of frequency. Its realization has become very important because of the absence

of a commercial fractance device. A lot of research papers were devoted to fabricate the FOE
into a feasible device [12-15]. The fabrication process reported in [13], was done by
providing a thin coating of PMMA film on the electrode surface of a capacitive type probe.
FOE can be implemented by electrochemical type fractors which were developed in [14] by
coating a polymer-carbon nanotube (CNT) composite over Cu clad epoxy block. Another
realization for FOE was proposed in [15] based on electrochemical features of the Ionic
polymer metal composites (IPMCs) material. Other techniques to approximate the behaviour
of FOE were investigated in [16-19]. The half-order capacitor was approximated by the self-
similar RC tree in [16]. The equivalent RC tree approximation of the fractional order
capacitor FOC with any order α was presented in [17]. The RC circuit model presented in
[18] is relatively simple and possible to simulate the properties of fractional-order capacitors.
For α > , the FOE can be realized with the generalized impedance converter GIC as
presented in [8] or using the emulator as in [19]. Fractional-order differentiators and
integrators were employed in the design fractional-order capacitors and inductors using
Oustaloup's approximations [19].
The design procedures of the fractional order filters evolved based on the new basis of
fractional calculus. One of these design methods involves replacing the passive integer
components in the structure of a conventional filter with fractional-order ones [20]. Using a
nature-inspired optimization technique, a low pass Butterworth filter approximated in terms
of an integer order continuous-time transfer function was realized in [21] with an order (1+
α , where 0<α< . An exact analysis of the fractional-order Butterworth filter of different
orders was reported in [22-23]. The fractional Sallen-Key filter was introduced in [24], where
the capacitors are replaced by fractional-order ones to realize a low-pass filter using the CFE
approximation. Additionally, a low pass filter of order + α was realized in [ 5] using
current feedback operational amplifiers (CFOAs) as an active element. The differential
difference current conveyor (DDCC) was used to design the fractional order filter which
offered the benefit of low voltage operation and required grounded passive elements [26]. A
stability analysis and pole allocation of the fractional-order Sallen-Key and KHN filters were
performed in [27]. The fractional-order low-pass filter (FLPF) and fractional-order high-pass
filter (FHPF) were designed based on follow-the-leader feedback (FLF) topology to control
their key parameters electronically in [28]. Three different optimized cases of the normalized
fractional-order low-pass filters were introduced in [ 9]. In [30], the design of continuous-
time filters was generalized into the fractional-order domain. The study involved inverting
and non-inverting filters based on CFOAs.
Recently, the two-port network concept has been widely employed in electronic,
automatic control systems and ‎communication systems [31-36]. A two-port network is
defined as a "black box” that can model any device regardless of its ‎internal details. There are
several matrix forms that characterize the input/output currents and voltages of ‎any two-port
network, including the impedance, admittance, transmission, and ‎scattering matrices. The
transmission matrix of the ‎two-port network is adequate for circuits with cascaded
‎connections. The two-port network structure shown in Fig.1 has the following ‎transmission

Fig.1. Two-port network block

a a
I a a -I
where and are the input port voltage and current, respectively, and and are the
output port voltage and current, respectively. The transmission matrix parameters are
obtained by:
a ,a ,a ,a
I 0
I v 0 I 0
I v 0
The concept of the two-port network has been employed in electrical engineering, for
example, for oscillators [10, 33-35] and filters [36],to analyze both simple and more complex
networks. The realization of fractional-order impedance functions was introduced in [31]
using RLC two-port network and a fractional capacitor. Two RC networks and a current-
inversion type negative impedance converter ‎ were employed in [32] to realize filters and
phase shifters. A fractional order oscillator based on two-port network transmission matrix
parameters were presented in [10, 33-35]. Three different classifications of fractional order
oscillators based on a general two-port network with three external single impedances were
presented in [10]. The characteristic equation, oscillation frequency and condition for each
presented topology were derived in terms of the transmission matrix elements and the
fractional order parameters. With a single element in its transmission matrix, a fractional
order oscillator was presented using four different devices as a two-port network in [33]. In
[34], the general analysis of the three impedance oscillators based on two-port networks was
introduced. Two topologies of fractional oscillator structure based on the two-port network
with two impedances were discussed in [35] which presented the op-amp based circuit and
non-ideal gyrator circuit as two case studies. In [36], a single-transistor filter based on the
two-port network was designed systematically and restricted to second-order filters with the
minimum number of passive components. The voltage transfer function was derived using
the transmission matrix parameter of a general two-port network and, all possible filters were
categorized and verified experimentally.
The objective of this paper is to propose a procedure for designing fractional-order filters
based on two-port network concept. A general prototype is introduced based on the two-port
network with four external impedances. Ten possible general topologies are extracted from
the general prototype and classified based on the number of external impedances. The
impedances are chosen to be one or two fractional order elements with resistance, which
yields multiple combinations for each topology. The transfer function and the critical
frequencies are deduced in terms of the transmission matrix parameters of a general two-port
network and the fractional orders. The realization of a fractional order filter using a two-port
network increases the design flexibility and controllability, allowing the designer to select an
appropriate network for a specific application. Six special CCII networks are utilized in the
realization of the proposed topologies. To validate the procedure, selected cases are studied
with their numerical and Spice simulation results. Experimental results are presented to verify
the theoretical findings.
The paper is organized as follows: section 2 introduces the general prototype for the
fractional order filter based on a general two-port network. The general transfer function and
condition to realize filters are derived for the proposed prototype. Additionally, ten extracted
topologies and all possible impedance combinations for each topology are proposed in terms
of a general two-port network. Section 3 presents different networks based on the CCII
family and applied on selected cases. Also, Spice simulation results for selected cases that

validate the numerical results, experimental results and stability analysis are introduced.
Finally, section 4 concludes the work.

Fig.2. Generalized filter prototype.

2. The Proposed General Filter Structure

2.1. The general proposed prototype
The proposed general filter prototype depicted in Fig. 2 is a generalization of the negative
impedance converter (NIC) presented in [32]. It consists of a general two-port network with
four impedances. Its general transfer function (TF) can be written as follows:

, and A is the determinant of a
general two-port network transmission matrix. The four impedances are selected to be
combinations of two resistors with a Fractional Order Inductor (FOI) and a Fractional Order
Capacitor (FOC) or with two FOCs. An order ‎ α+β FLPF, FHPF, and Fractional ‎Band Pass
Filter (FBPF) are achieved by the proposed prototype, where the general transfer function and
the necessary design conditions are derived in terms of the transmission matrix parameters of
a general two-port network as shown in Table A.1. In filter design, the important critical
frequencies are defined as follows [8]:
 is the frequency at which the magnitude response has a maximum or a
minimum and it is obtained by solving the equation ,
 is the half-power frequency at which the power drops to half the passband
power, .
The general equations of m , h for the three induced filters are summarized in Table A.1
in terms of (a, b, c), which are the dominator ‎coefficients of (sα , sβ , s0), respectively, and the
fractional orders. The proposed filter structure may have one, two or three impedances from
which ten special topologies can be extracted, as depicted in Fig. 3.
2.2. Two-port filters with one impedance
The three topologies with only one impedance shown in Fig.3 (a-c) are extracted from the
proposed general structure in Fig. 2 where the impedance location controls the obtained TF of
the filter. The employed impedance could be either FOI or FOC, which leads to two possible
filters from each topology; therefore, six filters can be achieved using one impedance, as
illustrated in Table A.2. It also lists the necessary conditions for the parameters that must
exist in each employed network. The general TF for these three topologies can be written as

in a +a

From Eqn.6, a ,a must exist in any employed network to realize filters. Additionally,
the magnitude, phase and critical frequencies of the resulting filter can be controlled not only
by the order of the fractional element but also by the transmission matrix parameters. The TF

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f) (g)

(h) (i) (j)

Fig.3. Special topologies using one, two, three elements (a)Topology I, (b) Topology II, (c) Topology III, (d) Topology IV, (e) Topology V, (f) Topology VI,
(g) Topology VII, (h) Topology VIII, (i) Topology IX, and (j) Topology X

topology I, illustrated in Fig. 3(a), is achieved when in (6). The FLPF and FHPF of
order can be achieved using FOI and FOC, respectively, as shown in Table A.2. The critical
frequencies of FHPF order are summarized in Table A.2 for topology I case 2.
By substituting +a into Eqn. 6, the resulting TF for topology II shown in Fig.
3(b). Both FOI and FOC combinations can be employed to realize the inverting and non-
inverting Fractional All Pass Filter (FAPF) of order , respectively, and the critical
frequencies for case 1 are presented in Table A.2.
For topology III, illustrated in Fig. 3(c), the TF is obtained from Eqn.6 by using .
The FHPF and FLPF of order α are achieved by FOI and FOC, respectively, as presented in
Table A.2. The important frequencies are also summarized in Table A.2 for FLPF for case 2
of topology III.
The FHPF and FLPF of order α can be achieved by both topologies I and III. However,
topology III has an advantage over topology I which is the grounded external impedance, not
floating as in topology I. It is important to mention that, it is more complicated to use FOI in
filter design than FOC, because FOI requires an extra circuit, as concluded in [8].
2.3. Two-port filters with two impedances
An extra degree of freedom is provided by adding one more impedance to the previous
topology. The possible positions for two impedances give four different topologies as shown
in Fig. 3(d-g). For each topology, the general transfer function is summarized in Table 1. The
possible impedance combinations with the obtained filter TF are shown in Tables A.3, and
A.4. Sixteen filters of order α and seven filters of order α+β can be obtained and the
necessary conditions for the employed network for each case are deduced in terms of the
transmission matrix parameters of a general two-port network. The critical frequencies of the
obtained filters can be calculated using the general equations proposed in [8]. FHPF and
FLPF order can be achieved by topologies IV, V, and VI. Topology VI has two floating
impedances which requires extra two generalized impedance converters (GICs) to implement
the FOE, but topologies IV and V has one floating impedance at . So, topologies IV
and V are less complicated than topology VI in the realization of filters order .
Moreover, topology IV can be used to realize a FBPF of order which can't be achieved
by other topologies using two impedances.
Table 1 General Filter Transfer functions using two and three impedances.
Transfer function
IV a +a +a +a

V a +a +
Topology +a
VI a + a +a A +a +a
Topology a +
VII a +a +
Topology +a

VIII a + 3
+a + 3 + +a 3+ 3 +a 3 3
Topology +a
IX a + 3 + 3 +a + 3 +a 3
+ 3 a A
Topology 3
X a 3
+ 3 +a + +a 3 +a

Topologies with one and two impedance can be employed to realize FLPF of order α
using one floating FOI or one grounded FOC where the floating FOI requires two GICs to be
implemented which is more complicated than ground FOC. Therefore, case 2 from topolog
III (2, III) and cases 4 in topologies IV, V, VI, and VII are the optimal for realizing FLPF of
order α. Also, FHPF of order α can be implemented using one floating FOC and one
grounded FOI. In case of the optimal cases are (case 1 in topologies III, IV, V, VI, and
VII). Topology III has the lowest number of employed impedances which is preferred in the
realization of FLPF and FHPF of order α. The FAPF of order α is implemented by floating
FOI and FOC using topologies II and VII where topology II has a lower number of
impedance than VII.
The increase in the number of employed impedances decreases the restricted conditions
for the employed network. This adds a degree of freedom and increases the flexibility in the
realization of fractional order filters. For example, FHPF of order α can be realized by
topologies (I, III) and (IV,V, and VIII) with one and two impedances, respectively. However,
the required conditions when using two impedances are less than when using one impedance,
as shown in Tables A.2, A.3, and A.4.
2.4. Two-port filters with three impedances
In Figs. 3(h-j), three topologies with three impedances are extracted from the general
prototype. The general TF of each topology is illustrated in Table 1. Two FOEs and
resistance are employed that leads to have thirteen possible cases shown in Table A.5. FLPF
of order can be realized using two FOC in topology X not one FOI and one FOC as in
topologies VIII and IX. So, it is less complicated than topologies VIII and IX which is
prefered in this case. The essential conditions that must exist in each employed network are
also illustrated in terms of the transmission matrix parameters of a general two-port network.
Fractional order filters with order α+β are realized using two or three impedance ‎where
the necessary condition for topologies (IX, X, and XII) are less restrictive than in ‎topologies
(IV, V, VI, and VII). Therefore, the flexibility in the realization is increased as ‎discussed
next. Furthermore, the fractional filters with order α+β can be ‎implemented by two different
orders of FOCs as in topologies IX and XII, not one FOC and ‎one FOI, making them less
complicated than topologies (IV, V, VI, and VII) as FOI ‎needs an extra circuit to be
realized.Topologies with two and three impedances are employed to realize FLPF with
order α+β using one floating FOI and one grounded FOC where the floating FOI requires two
GICs to be implemented which is very complicated. Topology X case 4 and the general
prototype use two grounded FOCs, which are less complicated than other topologies.
Additionally, the realization of FHPF with order α+β is implemented using one floating FOC
and one ground FOI in topologies IV, V, VIII, IX, and X. The least number of employed
impedances are in topologies IV and V to realize FHPF with order α+β. The FBPF with
order α+β can be implemented by using two FOCs as in topologies IV, VIII, and (1, X), or
one floating FOC, and ground FOI, as in topology X cases 2 and 3. Therefore, topology IV
has the lowest employed impedances to realize a FBPF with order α+β.
3. Examples: Two-port Networks Based on CCII Family
The resulting TFs are derived generally in terms of the transmission matrix parameters of a
general two-port network; accordingly, any two-port network that achieves the necessary
condition can be employed when realizing a filter. This section introduces six different two-
port networks using CCII family.
3.1. CCII Block

The CCII presented in Fig. 4(a) is a universal building block introduced in [37]. The
general characteristic matrix for the CCII and ICCII families is defined as follows:

(a) (b)
Fig.4. Circuit symbol of (a) CCII, and (b) ICCII.
I 0 00
0 I
I 0 0 z
The negative sign of x indicates the ICCII family as shown in Fig. 4(b), which includes the
ICCII+ and ICCII- members presented in [38]. Moreover, the direction of I defines the type
of the current conveyor (CC): a positive sign applies to CCII+ (ICCII+) and a negative sign
applies to the CCII- (ICCII-).
3.2. CCII based two-port network
Six networks inspired by the CCII, and ICCII families as verified in Table 2 are discussed.
The CCII- and ICCII+ of networks A, B and C realize a positive impedance converter (PIC),
but the CCII+ and ICCII- of the same networks implement a negative impedance converter
(NIC). The abbreviation means the network resistance to prevent the conflict between the
resistance of network and the design resistance. Each network has four different transmission
matrices that yield twenty-four different realizations.
3.3. Realizations of Filters using different Networks
The investigated topologies of fractional-order filters are deduced in terms of the
transmission matrix parameters of a general two-port network. This adds a degree of freedom
and flexibility in realization using any special network of the designer's choice to achieve the
necessary filter conditions. The design flow can be summarized as follows:
 Choose any specific two-port network to be used in the filter design with
condition that its transmission matrix parameters achieve the realization
conditions summarized in the tables.
 Substitute the matrix parameters of the chosen network into the transfer function
equation and the critical frequencies.
The fractional-order filters are achieved using the applicable proposed networks that match
the conditions. As discussed before, an increase in the number of the employed impedances
decreases the restrictions for the acceptable networks. The total number of realizations for
each case are summarized in Table 3. The number of networks that can be employed to realize
topologies IV, V, and IV is greater than for topologies I, II, and III for realizing fractional
order filters of order α. For example, the number of networks that can be employed to realize
topologies I and II are two unlike topologies IV and V, which use four networks. The same
comparison can be recognized between topologies (IV, V, IV) and topologies (IX, X, XI) for
fractional order filters of order α+β. The number of realizations can be defined by achieving
the conditions for each case and to have acceptable circuitry. For example, networks B and C
can't be employed to realize topology V as the resistance won’t be connected to anything
from the output port which is circuit wise wrong.
For example, topology I has two filter cases (case no. (1 and 2), topology no I) with the
condition that a 0, a 0 for any employed network. Thus, networks A and C can be
used to realize ((1, 2), I). However, networks B, D, E, and F cannot be employed in this

Table 2 Transmission matrix of different networks using Current Conveyor family

Network A

Network B

0 0 0 0
Network C

- - - -
+ - + - + +
Network D

- -
0 0 -
+ + + +
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0
Network E

0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Network F

0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0

because a 0; therefore, the number of realized filters is eight for each case as presented in
Table 3. As another example, topology II cannot be realized using networks A, D, E, F and
CCII+ and CCII – of networks B and C because the transmission matrix parameters of those
networks do not match the topology condition. So, ICCII+ and ICCII- of networks B and C
will be employed in the topology's realization and there are four possible realizations. This
same procedure can be applied in all cases; so, network A, for example, can't be used in many
cases such as topology II, III, (7, IV), VII, VIII, ((1, 4), X)) and case (1, 2) general prototype.

In fact, many networks cannot be applied in many cases, as presented in Table 3;
consequently, the total number of different filters is 480. Because of a large number of
possible filters, the following selected cases are discussed in detail to validate the presented

Table 3 Realization of topologies with using different networks

Network Network Network Network Network Network Possible
A B C D E F No
Prototype 1. X ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ 20
(Four 2. X ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ 20
impedances) 3. ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ 24
Topology 1. ✔ X ✔ X X X 8
One Impedance

I 2. ✔ X ✔ X X X 8
Topology 1. X ✔ ✔ X X X 4
II 2. X ✔ ✔ X X X 4
Topology 1. X ✔ ✔ ✔ X X 10
III 2. X ✔ ✔ ✔ X X 10
1. ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ X X 14
2. ✔ ✔ ✔ X X ✔ 12
3. ✔ ✔ ✔ X X ✔ 12
4. ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ X X 14
5. ✔ ✔ ✔ X X X 12
6. ✔ ✔ ✔ X X X 12
7. X X ✔ X X X 4
1. ✔ X X ✔ X X 6
2. ✔ X X ✔ X X 6
Two Impedances

Topology 3. ✔ X X ✔ X X 6
V 4. ✔ X X ✔ X X 6
5. ✔ X X X X X 4
6. ✔ X X X X X 4
1. ✔ X X X X X 1
2. ✔ X ✔ ✔ X X 8
Topology 3. ✔ X ✔ ✔ X X 8
VI 4. ✔ X X X X X 1
5. ✔ X X X X X 1
6. ✔ X X X X X 1
1. X X X X ✔ ✔ 4
Topology 2. X X X X ✔ ✔ 4
VII 3. X ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ 20
4. X X X ✔ ✔ ✔ 10
1. X ✔ ✔ ✔ X ✔ 16
✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Three Impedances

2. X 20
3. X ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ 20
Topology 1. ✔ ✔ ✔ X X X 11
IX 2. ✔ ✔ ✔ X X ✔ 16
1. X ✔ ✔ ✔ X X 10
2. ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ X X 16
3. ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ X X 16

4. X ✔ ✔ ✔ X X 10
5. ✔ ✔ ✔ X X ✔ 16
6. ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ X X 16
7. ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ X X 16
8. ✔ ✔ ✔ X X ✔ 16

A. Case study
Four cases are selected to be discussed in detail as the case study. The cases are (1, III),
(4, IV) for filters of order and cases ((1, 4 ), X) for filters of order α+β. The performances
of the fractional filters are discussed through stability analyses and numerical simulation.
Based on the TF and the conditions of topology III case 1 (FHPF), three networks B, C
and D can be utilized in realization. Theoretically, the total number of the realized filters is
twelve. However, network D, which employs the CCII- and ICCII-, does not match the
conditions in Table A.2. Therefore, the total number of FHPFs is ten. Networks B and C
provide the same TF, but network B has fewer resistors than network C which is better for
realization. The passband gain of network D can be controlled by resistance unlike
network B. However, the number of impedances in network B is lower than that in network
D; therefore, the designer has the flexibility to choose the network based on the specific
application. The effect of resistance on , and versus α is shown in Figs.5 (a) and (b),
respectively, using the CCII+ of networks B and D where the frequency increases with
increasing resistance. Also, the increase of order α causes to increase and to decrease
for both networks. Numerical simulations for networks B and D are presented in Fig. 5(c) for
0 α .3 where the passband gain of network D is higher than that in network B.
The FLPF of topology IV case 4 (FLPF) can be realized by three networks A, B, C and D;
so, the total number of realized filters is theoretically sixteen. However, network D, which
employs the CCII- and ICCII-, causes the network to not obey the constraints in Table A.3.
Thus, the total number of possible filters is fourteen. Substituting the matrix parameters of
CCII+, for the previously mentioned network, obtains the filter TF equation. Networks A and
B use lower number of impedances than networks C and D. The passband gain can be
controlled by resistance and for networks A and D, respectively unlike networks B
and C. So, the employment of the two-port network increases the flexibility to choose the
best network for the application. Figure 6 (a) shows the magnitude response of the three
networks for α .3, 0 and .
The stability of any system is controlled by its poles; hence, it is essential to study a
system's pole movement for fractional order filter of order α. The TF equation of case 4
topology IV is:

0 C a + a
in a +a

C a + a
which depends not only on the impedance values , C and fractional order α but also on the
values of the matrix parameters a , a , a ,a . The pole movement for different values of
α is shown in Fig. 6(b) where n and k , C x 0- . The system is unstable when
α > and has no physical poles when α < , so the range of α is between α < . According
to the range of α and the value of n , the system has different behaviours such as being
stable or unstable as shown in Fig. 6(c) when α .3. The system remains stable when
n > and the system becomes unstable when n < .

A. Filters of order
Cases 1 and 4 in topology X can be realized by networks B, C and D; therefore, there are
twelve possible realizations. However, under the conditions introduced in Table A.5 the
CCII- and ICCII- of network D do not obey the constraints. Consequently, only ten different
realizations can be achieved. The TF equations for (1, X) when using the CCII+ of three
networks are described by (9a), (9b), and (9c) for networks B, C and D, respectively.

(a) (b) (c)
Fig.5. Topology III case 1 (a) (b) versus α of network B and D, and (c) Magnitude response of for FHPF at

(a) (b) (c)

Fig.6. Topology IV case 4 (a)‎Magnitude response of networks A, C, and D at α .3, The movement of network A poles in s-plane for (b) α < .5 and
n and K , C x 0- , and (c) α .3 n

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

Fig.7. Change filter poles with β of case. topology use CCII+ for network B a "α" 0.7, b
"α" .3, for network C c "α" 0.7, d "α" .3, for network D e " α" 0.7, and f ‎"α" .3‎

Equation (9) depends on the transfer function parameters and the network
resistances which increase the design flexibility. The movement of the poles
versus are discussed for different values of β for α 0.7 and α .3 with C C 0. and
n n . The stable ranges for networks B, C and D are presented in Fig.7 (a-b),
(c-d), and (e-f), respectively. For network B, the stability range is <β< . at α 0.7 and
0. <β< .9 α .3 as depicted in Fig.7 (a) and (b), respectively. For α .3 and β >1.4, the
system has four poles, two on the left side and two on the right side. In Fig. 7(c), at α 0.7,
the system poles gradually crossover to the right half plan and become unstable. The system
is unstable for all values of β. For α .3, the system is stable for values between 0.1 and
1.9 as shown in Fig.7 (d). Three roots exist; two on the left and one on the right when β >1.3.
In network D, the system is stable for both values of α, as shown in Fig.7 (e) and (f),
respectively. Each realization has its own stability range for the same topology, as shown in
Fig.7, and the realizations are quite different when using CCII-, ICCII+ and ICCII- for a
given case. The versus α-β plan is shown in Fig.8 (a-c) for networks B, C and D,
respectively which differ for the same case. The magnitudes and the phases of the three
networks are shown in Fig.9 (a) and (b), respectively. The passband gain of network B is
greater than that of networks C and D and the phases of C and D networks are the reverse of
that in network B when α, β 0.7, .
As presented in Table A.3, networks B, C and D can be employed when realizing (4, X).
Using the CCII+ of the three networks, the TF equation is defined by (10a), (10b), and (10c)
for networks B, C and D ,respectively :



n + n
0 C C n n
in sα+β + C sα + C sβ + C C
n n

With C C 0. and n n , the versus α-β plane for the three

networks are shown in Fig.10(a) and (b), respectively.‎‎ The magnitude and phase responses
are shown in Fig. a and b at α, β .3, 0.7 ,respectively. The passband gain of
network B is higher than that of networks C and D and the phase of network C is the reverse
of networks B and D.
3.4. Circuit simulation and experimental results
In this section, P-spice simulations and experimental results are introduced to show the
reliability of the resulting circuits for selected cases. Each case can be implemented by
various networks, for example, case 2 of topology III has three networks implementation B,
C and D (Case no.2, network no. (B, C, D), topology no. III). The simulations are performed
using AD844 and TL082 to simulate the CCII and the GIC, respectively. The FOC is
modelled using the RC network proposed in [18] as shown in Fig.12 where the RC values to
- -
implement and are presented in Table 4 for
α respectively. The design procedure investigated in [26] involves designing
the filter at the normalized cutoff frequency; hence, frequency scaling is needed to adjust the
filter at operating frequencies to fulfil the required response. Additionally, the circuit is
assembled on the NI ELVIS II series kit from the National Instrument and also used to
measure the output voltages.
Table 4 Resistors and capacitors values for fractional capacitor based on valsa model at α 0.7 and 0.8

C(nF) C(nF)
6130327.118869 0.0337600417515 564304.0397491 3.876000221251
1261596.451194 0.7926464909227 86249.14461657 11.59431788507
215319.5430906 0.3715408218488 11434.75295466 6.996215862047
36749.07740335 0.1741540319435 1515.998514714 4.221640020012
6272.048837802 0.0816320174221 200.9882946951 2.547412031017

1070.464877036 0.0382637495901 4.398294695109 0.822165070129

(a) (b) (c)
Fig.8. Maximum frequency of topology X case.1 of networks (a) networkB, (b) network C, and (c) network D versus α-β plane

(a) (b)
Fig.9. Topology X case 1 (FBPF) (a) Magnitude, and (b) phase response for α 0.7 β


Fig.10. Topology X case.1 (a) (b) for networks B, C and D respectively versus α-β plane

(a) (b)
Fig.11. Topology X case 4 (a) Magnitude and (b) phase response for α 0.7 β
(a) (b)
Fig.12. Fractional capacitor (a) RC network model, and (b) assembled board used in

A. Filters order
To be in a stable region, filters order will be designed at . The FLPF and the FHPF
of order α will be realized using a grounded FOC and FOI, respectively. The FLPF order α
can be realized by grounded FOC in cases (2, (B, C), III), (4, (A, B, C), IV), (4, A, V), and (3,
(B, C, D, E, F), VII). The CCII- of each investigated network is going to be used in the filter
implementation. That’s why network D with CCII- has been omitted from each topology for
cases (2, III), (4, IV), and (4, V) as it violates the restricted conditions presented before. The
simulation parameters are chosen to be and at
0 α . The FOC with order 1.3 is implemented using a GIC as
presented in [8]. The corresponding values of R are , . kΩ, . kΩ , III , , .53
kΩ, . 9 kΩ, 3. kΩ), IV), (4, 8.53 kΩ, , and (3, (8.53 kΩ, 8.53 kΩ, . kΩ, . kΩ,
. kΩ), VII) for cases (2, (B, C), III), (4, (A, B, C), IV), (4, A,V), and (3, (B, C, D, E, F),
VII), respectively. Because of different networks, the passband gain has different values
equal or lower than or greater than one as presented in Fig. 13(a), (b), and (c), respectively
and Table 5. The error percentage in the magnitude response for each simulated cases is also
shown in Fig.13. The comparison between the various responses is summarized in Table 5
where case (2, C, III) has the lowest cut off frequency error and cases (3, B, VII) and (2, B,
III) has the least pass band gain error apart from 1. For Fig. 13(b), the passband gain is lower
than one (=1/3) which can be realized by cases (4, (A,C), ‎IV), and (4, A, V). The lowest error
in the cut off frequency is achieved by network A in case ‎(4, V). For passband gain =3, the
network F has cut off frequency error less than network E. However, the error in the
passband gain in network F is greater than network E for case (3, VII) as shown in Fig. 13(c)
and Table 5. Cases (2, B, III), (2, C, III) and (4, B, IV) shown in Fig.14(a), (b), and (c),
respectively, are selected to be verified experimentally as shown in Fig. 14(d) using the same
values of parameters used in the simulation.
Table 5 Comparison between different simulations FLPF of order α
No of impedances Cut-off frequency
Topology Network
Floating Ground Value Value
B 1 1 503.923 0.784 1.2559
(2, III)
C 1 2 502.167 0.433 999.744m
A 1 2 495.748 0.85 355.288m
(4, IV) B 2 1 497.127 0.574 1.266
C 1 3 495.748 0.85 353.505m
(4, V) A 1 2 498.226 0.354 355.287m
B 2 1 496.7 0.66 1.258
C 2 2 504.13 0.826 1.21
(3, VII) D 2 2 503.284 0.456 977.694m
E 1 2 504.341 0.868 2.8348
F 2 1 497.515 0.497 2.7915

(a) (b) (c)
Fig.13. The simulation FLPF of order α using ground FOC where the passband gain (a) =1 (b) <1, and (c) >1

(a) (b) (c)

Fig.14. FLPF of order α (a) network implementation of (a)(2, B, III), (b) (2, C, III), and (c) (4, B, IV), and (d) experimental setup and practical results at α

Table 6 Comparison between different simulations FHPF of order α
No of impedances Halh-power frequency Passband Gain
Topology Network Error
Floating Ground Value Value
B 1 1 0.998 0.2 1.0072
1, III
C 1 2 1.0161k 1.6 0.9975
A 1 2 991.820 0.9 502.253m
2, IV B 2 1 1.015k 1.5 1.0072
C 1 3 1.091k 0.91 499.888m
2, V A 1 2 991.820 0.9 502.254m
E 1 2 985.909 1.4 2.0208
4, VII
F 2 1 992.796 0.720 2.0054

Additionally, the FHPF of order α is realized from cases (1, (B, C), III), (2, (A, B, C), IV),
(2, A, V), and (4, (B, C, D, E, F), VII) . The CCII- of network D doesn't obey the presented
conditions for cases (1, III), (2, IV), and (2, V), so it will not be implemented. The simulation
parameters are chosen to be and with
α . The corresponding values of R for the simulated networks are (( . kΩ, 4.844
kΩ), III), ((9.6 kΩ, . kΩ, 3. kΩ), IV), ((9.6 kΩ), V), and (( . kΩ, . kΩ), VII).
Due to the existence of different realizations, the comparison between various responses is
summarized in Table 6. The simulated magnitude response and the error percentage in the
filter magnitude responses are depicted in Fig.15 for the simulated cases. For the passband
gain equals one shown in Fig. 15(a), the least error in the cut-off frequency and the passband
gain are obtained by networks (1,B,III) and (1,C,III), respectively as shown in Table 6. At
passband gain =0.5, case 2 (C, IV) has the least passband gain error compared with cases (2,
(A, C), IV) and (2, A, V) as depicted in Table 6. Case (1, B, III) shown in Fig. 16(a) is
verified experimentally and compared with simulation results as shown in Fig. 16(b).
B. Filters of order
FLPF of order using two FOCs can be realized using cases (4 , (B, C), X) and
networks (B, C, D, E, F) of the general prototype. CCII- of those networks will be
implemented at α 0.7, β and rad s with parameters (b=40, c=50, and a=
7.3166). Based on the previously introduced conditions for each case, the CCII- of network D
(4, X) will not be realized. Additionally, the cases (4, C, X) and ((D, C, E, F), general
prototype) cannot be used to implement the FLPF at these selected parameters unless a
‎negative resistance is employed which requires extra circuitry. So , those are more
‎complicated than (4, B, X) and (B, general prototype). The cases ((4, B, X) and (B, general
prototype)) shown in Fig. 17(a) and (b) are implemented using the simulation parameters
6.63 kΩ, n 5. 7kΩ, C 0 nF -α
,C .7 nF and
3 . 9kΩ, n .3356kΩ, C 0nF sec -α , C 3. 5nF , respectively. The
simulation results of cases (4, B X) and (B, general prototype) are presented in Fig. 17(c).
Moreover the experimental result of the case (B, general prototype) is compared to the
simulation result in Fig. 17(d).
Using CCII+, cases (4, (B, C), X) are also implemented with parameters a=-15 and c=50,
so b= 69.57 7. At h krad s, the simulation parameters values are
- -
50kΩ, n .5kΩ, C 0 ,C .79 , kΩ, n .5kΩ, n 5kΩ, C 0
for two networks B and C, respectively. The expermintal output response compared to the

simulation results are demonstrated in Fig. 18 (a) and Fig.18 (b) for networks C and B,

(a) (b) (c)
Fig.15. The simulation FHPF of order α using ground FOI where the passband gain (a) =1 (b) <1 (c) >1

(a) (b)
Fig.16. FHPF order (a) the implementation of (1, B, III), and (b) the simulation and expermintal results at α .




Fig.17. FLPF of order network implementation of (a) (4, B, X), (b) (B, general prototype)
(c) the simulation results at α 0.7 β , and (d) expermintal results of general protoype

(a) (b)
Fig.18. The simulation and practical results for (4, X) at α 0.7, β a network C, and (b)
network B

The simplest way to realize FBPF order is to use two FOCs which can be
implemented by topologies IV, VIII, X, and the general prototype. Case (1, X) is selected as
case study which can be realized by networks B, C, and D. The networks will be designed
using CCII+ at fractional orders α 0.7, β with the paramters a=-15, c=50, and b=
69.57 7. At those parameters, network D can be realized using negative resistance which
requires an extra circuit; thus, it is more complicated than networks B and C. The
implementation of (1, B, X) and (1, C, X) are presented in Fig. 19(a) and (b), respectively.
At m .5krad s, the circuit component values are given as
, n ,C ,C 6.37 k , 33, 0 n 53 , n, n ,C ,C 6.5 k ,
3 .5 k , 65 k , 0 n , .6 for networks B and C, respectively. The magnitude
response is shown in Fig. 19(c) where the gain of network C is greater than that of network B.
Furthermore, the proposed topologies can be cascaded to achieve different types of filters.
For example, the FLPF of order α+β can be obtained by cascading (1, X) and (2, III).
Simulations of the FLPF and FBPF are shown in Fig. 19(d) using network C and E in the
realization of (1, X) and (2, III) respectively.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig.19. Network implementation of (1, X) (a) network B (b) network C, Circuit simulation at α,
β 0.7, for c networks B and C, and (d) the cascaded FLPF and FBPF
4. Conclusion
In this paper, a general design procedure for a prototype fractional order filter based on a
two-port network concept was proposed. The ten topologies investigated in this paper were
classified according to the number of external impedances used for a generalized two-port
network. The general transfer function and the important critical frequencies were deduced in
terms of the transmission matrix parameters of a general two-port network for each topology.
The two-port network concept and the fractional order parameters increase the design's
freedom and flexibility: the designer can choose an appropriate network for the specific
application. Moreover, special networks based on the two-port network and using CCII as an
active block for example, were employed in realized topologies. Numerical simulations,
Spice simulations and experimental results are provided to validate the presented topologies
for the selected cases. additionally, the stability of the fractional order filter was investigated
by tracing the pole locations in the stable and unstable regions.

Authors would like to thank Science and Technology Development Fund (STDF) for
funding the project # 25977 and Nile University for facilitating all procedures required to
complete this study.

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Appendix A

Table A.1 General TF of the proposed prototype with different impedances and the critical frequencies
Filter type TF ( o ) Condition
3 in

Order sα C sβ C a +a a +a +a a +a +a + a +a A
sα+β +sα +sβ +
a C a C a CC

Order sα C sβ C a +a +a a +a a +a +a + a +a A
sα+β sα sβ
a C a C a CC
+a α+β if a 0
FHPF α a +a a ,a 0
Order sβ C a a +a +a + a +a A a + +a visa versa
sα+β sβ +s α +
L a +a C a +a LC a +a
α β β α
β β α α+β α+β αβ
FHPF m βa m +αb m+ m βa m α+β b c cos + αm αb m α+ β ac cos + α+β m cos cos + α+β c 0
α+β α β β β α α
α β α+β αβ α+β
h h a h b h h cos a h bc h cos b h h cos c cos c 0
a +a +a + a +a A a a + +a
a ,b ,c
C a +a L a +a LC a +a
FBPF α+β β β β α α
α β α+β αβ α+β
m α m + α β a m + m cos αβ m βbc + m cos αb m α β ac + α β m a b cos cos βc 0

α+β α β β β α α
α β α+β αβ α+β
m α+β m +α a m +βb m + m cos a α+β m βbc + m cos b α+ β m +α ac + α+β m cos c cos 0
Order α+β α β β β α
α α+β αβ α+β β β α
h h + h h cos + h + h cos + h cos c cos + bc h cos + ac h cos c 0
a +a a +a +a a +a +a + a +a A
a ,b ,c
a C a C a CC

Table A.2 TF of the two-port network-one impedance filter
NO. Filter type TF Condition

sα L
Topology I

1. a
Order sα +
La a ,a 0

2. a
Order sα C sα +
sα +
1. sα L
a sα + a
Topology II

a , a <0
Order sα +
2. a C
sα C α a
s +a C

sα L a sα + a
Topology III

Order La
a ,a 0
Order sα C α a
s +a C

Filter type m h

FHPF a α
Order with Ca a α α
α +cos + cos
FOC cos Ca

a α a α α
Order with cos + cos
a α α a α α
Order with cos +cos cos
FOC a C a C

Table A.3 TF of the two-port network-two impedance filter for topologies IV, V
No. Filter type TF Condition

a +a a a 0
1. sL a a
sα + a a 0
FHPF L a +a
sα a + a
a a 0
sα C a +a a a 0
sα +
Ca + a

L a +a a a 0
3. sα L a +a a a 0
sα +
Topology IV

FLPF L a +a
C a + a a a 0
4. a +a
sα C a a 0
sα +
C a + a

FHPF sα+β a
5. sL a a a
Order sβ C sα+β + Ca sα + La sβ + LCa
a a 0
a or a 0
6. sα L a a a
Order sβ C sα+β + a C sα + La sβ + LCa

FBPF sα C a
7. a a a a a 0
Order sα C sβ C sα+β + C a sα + C a sβ + C C a

1. sα L a

FHPF L a +a
sα a
2. a +a
sα C sα
a C

L a +a
sα L
Topology V

3. a

FLPF L a +a
a C
4. a +a
sα C sα +
a C
sα+β a
5. sL
Order sβ C a
sα+β a Cs

6. sα L
Order sβ C a
sα+β + a C sα LC

Table A.4 General TF of the two-port network -two impedance filter for topologies VI, VII
NO. Filter Impedances
TF Condition
1. s
a +a a 0
sα L a +a a a a a 0
sα + L a +a a +a a a 0
2. Order a +

a +a
a a
a +a A + a
sα C sα + a or a +a A 0
C a +a

3. +a
L a + a +a A a or a +a A 0
Topology VI

sα L
a +a a a
sα +
FLPF L a + a +a A
4. Order
a +a A C a 0
sα C a +a a +a A 0
sα + a +a A
FHPF sα+β a
Order sL
sβ C a a +a A
sα+β + Ca sα +
LCa a 0
6. a ,a , a +a A 0
Order sα L a a
sβ C sα+β + sα +
a +a A C a +a A LC
sα +a L
sα L
FAPF a sα + a
2. Order a 0
Topology VII

sα C
3. a +
a +a a 0
Order sα C sα + a C
4. sα +a
sα L a 0
Order a sα + L

Table A.5 Filter TF of the two-port network -three impedance filter
Filter Impedances
No. TF ( o ) Condition
type 3 in

FBPF sβ a or a or
C a
1. Order R
a +a a 0
sα C sβ C a +a a +a +a A
sα+β +sα +sβ + a
Ca Ca CC a
Topology VIII

FLPF a +
2. Order β
sL a +a +a A a a +a
sα C sα+β +sα +sβ +
C a +a L a +a LC a +a
+a a
FHPF sα+β
a +a
3. Order sβ L a +a +a A
sα C a a +a
sα+β +sβ +sα +
C a +a L a +a LC a +a
FHPF sα+β
a +a
1. Order sβ L
Topology IX

sα C a +a + a A if a 0 a 0
sα+β + sβ + LC
C a +a visa versa
+a if a 0 a 0
FLPF LC a +a visa versa
2. Order sβ L a +a + a A
sα C sα+β + sβ + LC
C a +a
sβ C a if a 0 a 0
1. R
a +a a visa versa
sβ C sα C a +a
sα+β + C a sα + C a sβ + C C a a 0

C a +a
2. Order sβ L R
sα C a a +a a
sα+β +sα + sβ + if a 0 a 0
L a +a C a +a LC a +a visa versa
sβ a 0
C a
3. sL
sα C a
sα+β +sα L a + C a sβ + LC a

CC a if a 0 a 0
4. R
a +a visa versa
sβ C sα C a a +a
Topology X

sα+β + sα + sβ + a 0
C a C a CC a
if a 0 a 0
FLPF LC a +a visa versa
5. Order sβ L R a +a
sα C a +a if a 0 a 0
sα+β + sβ
C a +a LC a +a visa versa

LC a +a
6. R sβ L a +a
sα C a a
sα+β +sα + sβ +
L a +a C a +a LC a +a
α+β if a 0 a 0
s visa versa
7. R sβ L
sα C a a +a a +a
FHPF sα+β +sα + sβ +
Order La C a LC a
sα+β if a 0 a 0
a +a visa versa
8. sβ L R a +a
sα C a +a if a 0 a 0
sα+β + sβ +
C a +a LC a +a visa versa


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