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DPM 39 (Solutions)

C to E

C. RC Passage


1. Choice (B) is true as per paragraph 5. Choice (B)

2. Statement (A) and (C) are from paragraph 2, Statement 2 is from paragraph 1.
Choice (D)

3. In can be understood from the two sentences of the first para that the world cannot be
real because it is subjected to constant change. Choice (D)

4. The answer can be inferred from paragraph 5 and paragraph 6.


5. Choice C can be inferred from para 4 of the passage. Choice (C)

6. The answer is in paragraph 3. Statements (a), (b) and (d) are true. Statement (C)
is not true because instead of 'the scientists should', 'the scientists need to' would have
been better. Instead of 'divine acts', if it were 'the acts that cannot be explained by the
laws of physics', the statement could
Choice (D)

7. Only 3 can begin the paragraph. 4 follows — 'it' in 4 refers to 'redecorating' in 3. 2

follows linked by 'but'. 1 logically follows 2. Ans: (3421)
8. 2 and 4 go together logically and linked by 'But'. 1 and 3 are linked by 'Consequently'.
Ans: (2413)

9. 2 is the opening sentence of the paragraph as it states the subject. 3 and 4 go

together linked by 'But' (mediocre writers in 3 and 'real talent' in 4).

Ans: (2134)

10. 3 opens the subject and is therefore suitable as the first sentence of the paragraph. 4
and 1 are linked by the word `arrived'. Ans: (3241)

11. 1 follows 3 ("this disease"). 3 follows 2.("of these diseases"). Ans: (4231)
D. Quantitative Aptitude(Q1-Q10):

Answer Keys
1. Choice (B)
2. Choice (B)
3. Choice (A)
4. Choice (B)
5. Choice (C)
6. Choice (A)
7. Choice (A)
8. Choice (A)
9. Choice (C)
10. Choice (B)


Let the original price be p. Price after decreasing by 25% .
25 3
𝑝− 𝑝= 𝑃
100 4
180 180
Now 3⁄ − =5
4𝑃 𝑝

 𝑃 = 5 ⇒ 𝑃 = 12 quantity = 180/12 = 15 kg

If p increases by 25%, new price = 12 + 25% of 12 = 15

Quantity = 180/15 = 12 kg
So the increase in price by 25% would have resulted in her getting 3 kg less.
Choice (B)

Let the speeds km/hr of John, Jack & Jill be x, y, z respectively. Let the distance between A and
B be 'd' km.
In the first instance distance travelled by John = (d + 11)km
While distance travelled by Jack = d - 11
The time taken by both is the same.
(d + 11)/x = ( d – 11 )/ y x /y = (d+11)/(d-11) ……… (1)
In the second instance, distance travelled by Jack = d + 9
While the distance travelled by Jill = d - 9
Both travelled for the same time,  (d+9)/y = (d – 9)/z
y/z = (d + 9)/(d – 9) ………(2)
From (1) x (2) :-
x/z = (x/y) x (y/z)
3 𝑑+11 𝑑+9
But, given x/z = 3/2  = ( )( )
2 𝑑−11 𝑑−9

→ 3 (d - 9) (d - 11) = 2 (d + 11) (d + 9)
→ 3d2 - 60d + 297 = 2d2 + 40d + 198
 d2 - 100d + 99 =0 d = 99 or 1. Choice (B)

Soln. 3.
Work done by P and Q in the first 10 days
1 1 3 1
= (30 + 60) ∗ 10 = 60 × 10 = 2 = ½ of the work

Number of days for which Q and R work together

1 1
1− ×180
= 1 1 =2 = 18 days
+ 5
60 90
1 1
Fraction of work that Q does = 10 × + 18 × = 28/60 = 14/30
60 60

Amount that Q gets = (14/30) * 6300 = ₹2940. Choice (A)

Since each of them take below 30 seconds and product of the scores is divisible by 77 and 161.
The scores have to be 7, 11, 23. Since Tina finishes last, the time taken by her is 23 sec.
Choice (B)

Let N represent the set of numbers
 N = 6a + 4, a = 3b + 2, b = 2c + 1
: N = 6 (3b + 2) + 4 = 18b + 16 = 18 (2c + 1) + 16 = 36c + 34
N is a 3 digit number, if 2 ≤C≤ 26:
As 2 + 3 + .... + 26 = 350, the sum of all possible values of N = 36 (350) + 25 (34)
= 12,600 + 850 = 13,450. Choice (C)

Soln. 6.
In an equilateral triangle,

√3 2
PO = LR = QM = 2

Given LR2 + QM2 + PO2 = 51√3 cm2

3PO2 = 51√3 cm2
PO2 = 17√3 cm2
√3 √3 2
:. Area of an equilateral triangle = (𝑃𝑄)2 = ( (𝑃𝑂)) = 17. Choice (A)
4 4 √3

9𝑥 91−𝑥 9 3
𝑓 (𝑥) = 9𝑥 +3 , 𝑓(1 − 𝑥) = 91−𝑥+3 = 9+3(9𝑥 ) = 3+9𝑥

 f(x) + f(1-x) = 1
 f(1/10) + f(9/10) = 1, similarly f(2/10) + f(8/10) = 1 ….. f(4/10) + f(6/10) = 1
92 3 1
 f(5/10) = f(1/2) = 1 = 3+3 = 2, f(10/10) = f(1) = 9/(9+3) = ¾
92 +3
1 2 3 10
 𝑓 (10) + 𝑓 (10) + 𝑓 (10) + ⋯ + 𝑓 (10) = 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + ½ + ¾ = 21/4.

Choice (A)
Let the number of books received by C be x.
The number of books received by B = 3x.
The number of books received by A = 2 * 3x =.6x
: X+ 3x + 6x = 40
- 10x = 40  x = 4
.: C receives 4 books; B receives 12 books and A receives24 books.
Hence, we have to find the number of ways of distributing40 books among A, B and C such that
A receives 24 books, B receives 12 books and C receives 4 books.
 The number of ways of arranging 40 objects in which24 are alike, 12 are alike and 4 are
=P(40; 24, 12, 4) = 40!/(24!x12!x 4!) Choice (A)

Solutions for questions 9 and 10:

9. Let the consumption of the locality per day = X kI

Amount of water initially stored in the tank = 90X kI
The total stores last for only 60 days.
Hence, amount of water actually consumed = 60X kI
Total amount of water wasted = (60)*(150) KI
 90X - (60)(150) = 60X  30x = (60)(150)  x = 300. Choice (C)

10. Let the water last for d days.

Amount of water actually used = 300d KI
(90)(300) - (150)(30) = 300d.
 d = 90 - 15 =75
The remaining water will last for 45 days. Choice (B)
E. DILR – 1 Set

Answer Key

1. Choice (C)
2. Choice (D)
3. Choice (B)
4. Choice (B)
5. Choice (D)

Solution for the questions 1 to 5:

As player D scored 6.67% of the total number of fours (4s) the number of fours the team scored
is at least 15. Similarly, the number of sixers (6s) the team scored is at least 8.

:. The total runs scored in fours and sixes by the different players are

A - 8 + 6 = 14
B - 12 + 12 = 24
C- 20 + 0 = 20
D- 4 + 18 =22
E - 16 + 12 =28

As C has scored 13% and D scored 15% of the runs scored, the total runs scored by the team
must be at least 200 (as we need to have integer values for the runs scored by each player)

1. The team scored 15 fours in total. Choice (C)

2. Player B scored 48 runs. Choice (D)

3. Player C scored the maximum percentage of his runs through 4s and 6s. Choice (B)

4. The players together scored 200 runs. Choice (B)

5. Score of C = 26, out of which he scored 20 (20 + 0) runs in 4’s & 6’s by facing 5 balls.
Remaining 6 runs could be scored by facing minimum 3 balls. Hence, Total minimum balls =
5+3 = 8.
Choice (D)

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