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Danciu, Grigore*
University "Politehnica", Faculty of Transportation
313, Splaiul Independentei, Bucharest, Romania, mail:, mobile:+40-723.389.045

KEYWORDS – Electric vehicle, UTV, Electrification design


This paper presents a design study for electrification of a Utility Task Vehicle (UTV). It starts with
the state-of-the-art and motivations for UTV. Then, it presents a design model for the vehicle
electrification, based on the dynamic model of the power-train. Many implementation solutions are
discussed. Based on this model, a practical selection is done, concerning the necessary equipment:
motor, controller, transmission, battery, and charger. Conclusions present a short analysis of this

1 Introduction

Environmental protection by using renewable energy and mainly in its electrical form is a must of
our society, as presented in EU-Directive (2009), by International Energy Agency-IEA (2015) or
Romanian Ministry of Environment (2012). On the other hand, mobility is also a must with a very
fast growing. Combining these, the rational towards the move to electrical mobility is now well
described in a large number of documents and trends can be summarized by the following points:
 Radical cut of green‐house gas (GHG) emissions all across Europe, independently from
where and how the electricity is produced. With respect to the internal combustion engine vehicles
(ICEV), comparable electric vehicles (EVs) would achieve on average up to 50% GHG reduction
per equal kilometers run. This reduction is very likely to remain stable all along the forthcoming
decade, which makes that by 2020 both the 95gCO2/km target per average fleets based on ICEVs
only and the EU-Directive (2009) on Renewable Energies will be met only with EV contribution;
 Cancellation of noxious emissions in cities recognized to be the cause of a higher number of
deaths than those caused by road fatalities (in EU of the order of 35.000/Year);
 Avoid the use of the most critical primary energy source (petroleum);
 Rapid convergence of the technologies developed for renewable energy with those adopted
for electrical mobility (power electronics, energy storage, etc.);
 Either first generation bio‐fuels or third generation ones (algae), have not been proved to
have a Life Cycle satisfactory positive energy balance and appear to be desperate solutions against
the challenges posed by oil. While technologies to low cost cellulosic bio-ethanol (second
generation bio‐fuels), although having a rather positive energy return, they still need to be further
developed before they could meet the cost parity with petroleum based fuels;
 Further improvements of ICEs are possible, but another 5% improvement of the peak
efficiency will not change the challenge posed by liquid fuels whose world demand are supposed to
grow on average 1.3%/year until 2035, as presented by IEA(2015);
 In the year 2000, Light Electrical Vehicles (LEVs) such as bicycles, scooters, tricycles,
mopeds, quad‐cycles, and UTVs accounted for a global production of the order of 100.000 per year
while in the 2015 they are expected to be produced in several tens of millions per year. To support
these developments there is an ongoing replacement of lead‐acid batteries with much more efficient
and cleaner technologies, like Li‐ion; China, Korea, and Japan are rolling out large scale
production, addressing manufacturing cost issues;
 LEVs are now evolving to micro cars and conventional mid‐sized cars. European companies
will then be exposed to a novel vertically organized supply chain supported by large nations where
regulations are made by fast acting Governmental Institutions. This is having and will have an ever
increasing impact on the relations amongst Tier1‐2 suppliers and OEMs, which is likely to be
reflected on heavy industrial restructuring. European industries are then faced to manage the effects
caused by this radical change of the supply chain adopting quickly and properly sized competing
instruments that could avoid the move of the European productions to the new high tech countries;
 The demand of new forms of mobility is spreading all over the world reflecting people
awareness on the ever increasing problems to provide primary energy and raw materials, on climate
change, and on the impact of noxious emissions on health. Rather than offering forms of mobility
based on ever increasing prices, the industry is now faced to satisfy a rationale demand of mobility.
Not only clean, low energy consume, and safe vehicles, but it needs vehicles requiring less energy
to be produced, using recyclable and eventually self disposable materials‐systems.
In this context, the present paper proposes a study of Utility Task Vehicle (UTV) electrification.
Detailed information and pictures for UTV may be found at dealers or producers as UTVGuide
(2015), Polaris (2015) or TITANUTV (2015). UTV is known also as Side by Side or Recreational
Off-road Vehicle (ROV) and is bigger than ATV (All-Terrain Vehicle), has a higher payload
capability (400 to 800kg) and a side-by-side seating arrangement, with roll-over protection. It has a
lot of applications but some are in urban locations such maintenance works in gardens and car
parks, streets and industrial locations, sport and recreational activities, etc. In such applications, a
dedicated EV is the best solution, but in some case an acceptable solution could be the
electrification or retrofitting of an existing ICEV.

2 Electrification design

B 2.1 Architecture
The power-train of a full electric vehicle (FEV) which is
the case of this study could have a very flexible
C architecture, as presented by Racicovschi, Danciu and
Chefneux (2007). The figure 2.1a presents the simplest
M solution, where power electrical link is with solid line,
low power coordination is with dash line, and
M M mechanical link is with double line. It is similar to the
ICEV propulsion. The driving axle has the usual
differential, D. It is mechanically coupled with the
D R R reduction gear, R. Usually it has a fix reduction ratio, but
the new trend is to use a two steps gear. The electric
a)With differential; b)Independent driving wheels
machine, M, is reversible and works both as motor and
B-battery; C-controller; M-motor;
R-reduction gear; D-differential generator. It was initially a DC machine, but the trend is
to replace it with an AC machine such:
Fig.2.1.EV architectures i) a permanent magnet (PM) synchronous
machine fed with sinus currents (vector controlled) or
with rectangular currents, known as Brushless DC. In the first case the control algorithm is more
complex and needs a high resolution position transducer, but has a higher efficiency and lower
torque ripple.
ii) an induction machine which is cheap and very robust, but has a complex control
algorithm(vector controlled) and position transducer.
iii) a switched reluctance machine which is the most robust and cheap but has some
disadvantages in specific torque and power, and torque ripple. It is not widely used.
Always, the electric machine is fed by a digital controller, C. It controls the torque by controlling
the currents and thus controls the position, speed and acceleration. It also monitors and controls the
machine status (temperature, maximum torque, etc.). Finally, the energy source or storage, B,
could usually be a rechargeable battery, a supercapacitor, or a fuel cell. This paper does not discuss
catenary solutions. The batteries are the main supply solution. Despite the lithium chemistry is
widely used on cars and buses, many electric UTVs still use lead batteries. In figure 2.1.b, the
mechanical differential is replaced by independent driving wheels. Each wheel has a gear, motor
and controller, supplied from the same storage. The axle’s wheels are coordinated by a supervisor,
S, which commands the two controllers. It can implement, also, advanced dynamic strategies such
ABS/ASR/ESP functions, thus increasing the axle effectiveness. Other solutions are possible, too.
One could present two driving axles, each having a differential, a gear and a motor with controller,
supplied from the same battery. The two controllers are coordinated by a supervisor. Other solution
could have four independent driving wheels, each having a gear and a motor with controller,
supplied from the same battery and coordinated by a single supervisor, etc.

2.2 Power-train design

Based on a given architecture, this point finds specific parameters for the power-train components,
M, C, R, and S. This step is based on the main power-train performance specifications: gross mass,
ma [kg], maximum speed, vmax, [km/h], maximum slope, pmax[%], speed at maximum slope,
vp[km/h], equivalent wheel radius, rr[m], and range, S [km].

2.2.1 Maximum motor power and motor selection

The necessary power increases with the vehicle speed. Therefore the maximum necessary power is
usually obtained combining two limit criteria: maximum speed and maximum slope. In all cases,
this state must be reach for long time, and so, continuous power has to be considered.
In steady conditions, which is the case at maximum speed or constant uphill speed, the traction
force Tf, must balance the total resistances, that is the sum of drag force, Ra, rolling Rr resistance,
and slope resistance, Rp, all measured in [N] as presented by Gillespie (1992) and Stoicescu (2007):
Tf = Ra + Rr +Rp (2.1)
The drag force in air, without wind is:
Ra = 1/2 * dair* Cx * A* v2 (2.2)
where, -A is the projected frontal area of the vehicle [m2];
-v is vehicle speed [m/s];
-dair is the air density, equal at sea level to 1.225 kg/m3
-Cx is the drag coefficient, specific to each vehicle.
So, if the vehicle speed is expressed in [km/h], the air drag results:
Ra = 0.047* Cx * A* v2 (2.2a)
The rolling resistance is:
Rr = f *g *ma* cosαp (2.3)
where: -f is a dimensionless rolling coefficient, specific to each tire;
-g is the gravitational acceleration in [m/s2];
-αp is the slope angle and p [%] the slope, αp = arctg(p/100)
The slope resistance is:
Rp = ma * g *sinαp (2.4)
The corresponding necessary power, in [kW], results multiplying forces by speed in [km/h]:
Pnec = v * Tf /3600 (2.5)
a)Then, in horizontal conditions (αp=0), without wind and at maximum speed, vmax, the necessary
traction force is:
Tf hor-vmax= Ra + Rr = 0.047* Cx * A* vmax2+ f *g *ma (2.6)
and the necessary power is:
Pnec-hor = vh-max * (0.047* Cx * A* vmax2+ f *g *ma)/3600 (2.7)
b)On a positive slope road, the traction force and power at a given speed, vp, are respectively:

Tf p =Ra +Rrp+Rp = 0.047* Cx * A* vp 2+ f *g *ma* cosαp + ma * g *sinαp (2.8)

Pnec-p = vp * (0.047* Cx * A* vp2+ f *g *ma* cosαp + ma * g *sinαp)/3600 (2.9)
The resultant necessary power is the maximum from (2.7) and (2.9):
Pnec = max{Pnec-hor, Pnec-p} (2.10)
NOTICE: This algorithm is fully appropriate for a multi-ratio gear-box. For a fix ratio gear, the
necessary torque must also be taken into consideration, usually by an appropriate simulation. For a
good dynamic, it is possible to increase the necessary power or to introduce a multi-ratio gear.
The necessary motor power results considering the transmission efficiency, ηt:
Pmot ≥ Pnec * ηt (2.11)
From this, considering the option for a specific motor type, and considering particular conditions
(temperature and cooling possibilities, vibrations, dust, water, mud, price and commercial
conditions, reliability, etc.) it is possible to select an existing motor from the market.

2.2.2 Controller selection

Usually, the motor producer suggests an appropriate controller, too. It is strongly recommended to
follow this suggestion. Also, this producer gives the working conditions for the assembly motor-
controller and mainly the rated DC voltage and peak current, VDC and IDCpeakmax respectively.
Montage conditions must be taken carefully into consideration and respected in this selection, such
as cooling, water-protection, vibration level, safety, etc.

2.2.3 Reduction gear selection

For fixed reduction gear the reduction coefficient, iR, usually results from the performances
imposed. At the given vehicle speed, vref, the necessary power Pnec-ref is calculated from (2.10). For
the selected motor, the corresponding motor reference speed nref, results from the power-speed
diagram, given in figure 2.1. If many values are possible, the higher one is usually chosen, in order
to maximize the torque. On the other hand, the vehicle speed, v, and the motor speed, n, expressed
respectively in [km/h] and [rev/min], are given by the relation:
2𝜋 𝑛 𝑛∗𝑟
𝑣 = 60 ∗ 𝑖 ∗ 𝑟𝑟 ∗ 3600⁄1000 = 0.3768 ∗ 𝑖 𝑟 (2.12)
From here, the total reduction coefficient, iR, results as:
𝑛 ∗𝑟𝑟
𝑖𝑅 = 0.3768 ∗ 𝑟𝑒𝑓 (2.13)
The coefficient iR usually contains the reduction gear and differential coefficients. It must
simultaneously satisfy both conditions for maximum speed and slope.
For the practical selection of the gear, beside reduction coefficient, iR, other parameters must be
also considered such as the maximum input torque, Tmax, (which is the peak torque of the motor),
and the maximum motor speed, working conditions, etc.

2.2.4 Battery
Concerning batteries, different chemistries are available, but the majority of new UTV designs use
lead or lithium technologies. The lithium battery has a much higher specific energy and power, but
is very expensive and more delicate in exploitation, concerning vibration resistance, cooling,
balancing, etc. Battery selection has the following steps:
a) Selection of the battery technology;
b) Calculation of the units’ number (cells or modules), N. Usually the manufacturers offer two
solutions: individual cells or battery modules, composed of many cells internally connected. The
rated voltage of the cell depends of the technology. For instance, Li-NMC oxide cell (short from
nickel, manganese and cobalt) has 3.7V, LiFePO4 has 3.2V, and lead has 2V/cell. The rated module
voltage, VN1, could be 6V, 12V or higher. The total necessary battery voltage, VDC, is given by the
controller-motor producers as presented in paragraph 2.2.3. It results:
N = VDC / VN1 (2.15)
c) The battery capacity (or energy) is calculated considering that the necessary battery energy is
used for propulsion and for auxiliary services like lighting, heating, servo, etc.
Wnec = Wprop + Waux (2.16)
c1)The necessary propulsion energy, Wprop, is usually calculated based on the given range
on a horizontal road, at constant speed, close to the average traffic speed, vtraffic . Usually, this
speed is 50-60% of the maximum speed. For instance, for a car with vmax= 100km/h, vtraffic
=60km/h. A more complicated cycle model could be used, but this solution needs a computer model
and is not considered here. Consequently, the propulsion energy for the range, S, and constant
speed, vtraffic, measured respectively in [kWh], [km], [km/h], is:
Wtraffic = S * Tpvtraffic /3600 (2.17)
where Tpvtraffic is the traction force corresponding to the vehicle resistances at traffic speed,
vtraffic. It results by replacing vh-max with vtraffic in relation (2.6). Considering the efficiencies of the
motor, controller and transmission, respectively ηm, ηc and ηt, the propulsion energy is:
𝑊𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑝 = 𝜂 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑐 (2.18)
𝑚 𝑐 ∗𝜂 ∗𝜂
c2)The auxiliary energy depends of the necessary average power, Paux and the travel
duration, ts for the range S, and speed vtraffic :
ts = S/vtraffic , Waux = Paux * ts (2.19a)
d)On the other hand, the working cycle of a battery does not involve all its capacity. A full charge
of the battery, especially at lithium could overheat the battery. A deep discharge can also damage
the battery. Consequently each battery has maximum and minimum acceptable values for the depth
of discharge (DOD) coefficients. Usually, for lithium DODmax is about ~0.8 (discharged) and
DODmin ~ 0.1(fully charged), but for lead the range is higher. It results:
𝑊𝑡𝑜𝑡 = 𝐷𝑂𝐷 𝑛𝑒𝑐 (2.20)
𝑚𝑎𝑥 𝑚𝑖𝑛
e)The battery capacity measured in [Ah] can be obtained as:
Ctot = 1000*Wtot/VDC (2.21)
Special attention must be paid to the battery location to avoid safety problems (explosion or electric
shocks) especially in the event of an accident, and axles’ loading balance.
2.2.5 Charger and BMS
The new battery technologies, and especially lithium, need a special attention to control and
monitor the battery. This is made by an electronic device, known as Battery Management System
(BMS). It measures the current, voltages and temperatures for each cell or module and
communicates with the charger and controller in order to keep an appropriate battery state and to
extend battery life. It also does the
Dimensions (LxWxh) cm 297x147x185(108"x56.5"x73")
Engine power kW 21.6(29HP) 455cc-1 cylinder necessary periodic balance of the
Dry mass kg 476 (1050lbs) battery elements. Usually BMS is
Max. payload Kg 454 (1000lbs) recommended by the battery producer
Towing rating kg 567(1250lbs) or even is incorporated in the battery
Tires Front/Rear 25 x 8-12; 25 x 10-12 unit.
Ground clearance cm 25.4 (10”) The on-board charger is also
Top speed km/h 64 (40mph)
recommended by the controller
Transmission Automatic PVT
Table 3.1. Ranger 400 parameters from UTVGuide (2015) manufacturer or the battery producer.
Its principal parameters are: cooling
and charging methods, rated input voltage and current, rated output voltage and current and the
maximum and minimum values for these, battery technology, charging algorithm permitted, etc.

3 Practical design exercise

For this purpose of this exercise it was selected a very popular UTV, Polaris Ranger 400, model
2012, available on Romanian market, too. Its principal specifications are given in table 3.1, based
on UTVGuide (2015) information. For this exercise, a simple electrification solution was to replace
the conventional power-train with an electrical one, keeping the original architecture. That is to
replace the engine and gear box with a motor and reduction gear, and fuel supply system (tank,
pump, etc) with batteries and charger.

3.1 Electrified vehicle principal parameters estimation

The electric vehicle has a higher weight, due mainly to the batteries. Based on experience with
other EVs, for instance given by Titan (2015), the dry mass could be estimated to 787kg. Keeping a
payload of 453kg (1000lbs), results a gross mass, ma=1240kg. Usual for such EV, the top speed on
horizontal road is vmax=40km/h. In this case the vehicle has usually no trailer. For slope, practical
off-road conditions need access to difficult roads, carrying the maximum load (towing load) at
reasonable speed. Practical values are a maximum inclination of p=15% at a maximum speed of
vpmax = 25km/h. In this case the combined gross mass, map is composed of the dead-weight, the
towing load and the driver (usually 75kg). Taking the usual value of UTV hitch tow capacity which
is 1500lbs (680kg), it results map =1540kg. On the other hand, the axles loading is increased and
better balanced due to the batteries. So, we select the same tire type for front and rear, accepting a
higher loading, for instance the tire type 25x9-12, which has the tireheight=25”, tirewidth=9” and wheel
diameter =12”. The rolling resistance coefficient for this tire is around 0.2, as results from
HPWizard (2015), combined with Bosch (2012).

3.2 Electric motor, controller and gear selection

As discussed in paragraph 2.2.1 two conditions are taken into account:
a) maximum speed on horizontal road. In this case, the gross mass is ma=1240kg and the
gravitational acceleration is 9.81m/s2, and the rolling resistance depends of a lot of conditions, but
as presented above, for these tires, an usual coefficient is f=0.02. The aerodynamic coefficient was
selected also from the literature, close to the value declared by Renault (105) for Twizy, Cx= 0.65.
Considering the low speed of this vehicle, its influence is not significant. The projected frontal area
was estimated on geometrical bases, approximating the vehicle shape with regular geometrical
figures, function of vehicle height, Vh, width, Vw, ground clearance, Vgc, and tire width, tw:
A = Vw*(Vh –Vgc )+2*tw*Vgc = 2.46m2 (3.1)
From (2.6)-(2.7) it results at vmax = 40km/h, that:
Ra = 0.047*0.65*2.46*40*40 =120.24N; Pa = Ra*v/3600= 1.34kW
Rr-hor = 0.02*9.81*1240 =243.29N; Pr-hor =Rr-hor*v/3600 = 2.7kW
Tfhor-vmax = Ra + Rr-hor =363.53N; Pnec-hor = Pa + Pr-hor = 4.04kW (3.2)
b) on slope. In this case the gross mass is higher, due to the tow load, but the speed is significantly
reduced, but enough for a reasonable traffic attitude. So, map=1540kg, and vp=25km/h. The
considered inclination is according to usual off-road conditions, p=15%. From (2.8)-(2.9) it results:
Ra =46.97N ; Rrp=298.81N ; Rp = 2241.04N; Tfp = 2,586.82N
Pa =0.33kW ; Prp =2.08kW ; Pp =15.56kW; Pnec-p = 17.97kW (3.3)
At this point, some important conclusions are:
a)the rolling resistance is considered constant with speed which can be accepted here, at low speed;
b)the air drag is very low and can be practically neglected. It does not depend of slope angle. The
aerodynamic coefficient, Cx has low importance and the vehicle shape could be chosen from
practical considerations;
c)the slope driving force, Rp is the most important element in this case, due to the high inclination
and towing load. It is constant with speed.
d) the necessary driving power results from (2.10), Pnec-max =17.97kW, and is in climbing service.
The motor power must be higher, due to the transmission efficiency, as in (2.1 1). In this case, for a
2WD is reasonable to take the efficiency ηt =0.6 and for 4WD a lower value, around 0.94. It results
that the motor needs to have a continuous power:
Pmotor> 19.12kW (3.4)
Despite many DC motors are available on market, the best solution at a low price difference, but
having better performances and reliability, is to use an AC motor. Considering (3.4) the selected
motor is AC-50 from HPEVS (2015). It is an 8” AC motor designed for automotive and utility
applications. This motor can be supplied at different voltages with different specifications. In order
to have the optimum specific power, torque and efficiency in the limited room offered by this UTV,
it was selected the ‘72V- vented and fan cooled’ application. Its performance results from the
power-speed diagram presented in figure 3.1 for continuous service. The maximum continuous
torque is Tmax=59Nm-3000rpm and power Pmax=22kW-4000rpm, with top speed, ntop = 7000rpm.
At lower voltage the current is too high and decreases the efficiency. At higher voltage the battery
pack is difficult to organize, and so many manufacturers prefer to use 48V. The peak service has a
maximum speed ntop-peak=8000rpm, with two currents at different peak times: a)Imax=650ADC,
Pmaxpeak=41.49kW-2800rpm, and TNpeak=149.8Nm-2700rpm; b)Imax=550ADC, Pmaxpeak=39.38kW-
3150rpm, TNpeak=125Nm-2900rpm.
The working point was chosen for the worse case, that is
Torque-T-Nm / Power-P-kW

60 climbing the hill at 25km/h in continuous service. The

necessary power is Pw=19.12kW and from figure (3.1), the
40 T corresponding speed is nref≈4200rpm. The rated tire radius is
rn = tireheight/2 = 12.5” = 0.3175m. Considering a small tire
working deformation, the equivalent wheel radius is
20 P rr=0.97*rn = 0.308m. The total reduction coefficient results
from (2.13), iR=19.96. To implement this, HPEVS
0 recommends the transaxle model Graziano UTV 900 from
Oerlikon Graziano (2015), and intermediates this
10 20 30 40 50 60 70
acquisition. A custom value for the reduction coefficient
Fig.3.1.AC-50 motor mechanical
could be negotiated with the producer. Other parameters for
diagram, based on HPEVS (2015) gear selection result from the peak diagram of AC-50 and
are the maximum torque Tgear = TNpeak =150Nm, and
maximum speed, vgear-input=1.1*8000rpm~9000rpm, considering a possible 10% over-speed. With
this gear, the maximum vehicle speed of 40km/h is produced at n=6720rpm, less than the motor
maximum speed, and the necessary power of 4.3/0.94=4.57kW is much lower than 13kW, the
motor power at that speed, verifying a proper design.
Concerning the controller, HPEVS recommends for the AC-50 motor at 550A peak and 72V, the
model 1238-6501, produced by Curtis Instruments Inc. (2015).

3.3 Battery selection

The chemistry proposed is the common solution for UTV, the lead battery. Considering the rated
DC voltage required by the motor, VDC=72V, and 12V battery units, the number of series connected
batteries from (2.15) is N=6. If consider the average traffic speed vtraffic = 20km/h, and usual range
S=70km~45mi, from (2.6) the traction force in steady state on horizontal road is, Tpvtraffic=273.35N.
Thus, from (2.17), the necessary energy is Wtraffic=5.31kWh. Considering the efficiencies of motor
and inverter, provided by the manufacturers, about 0.85 each, and transmission 0.94, the propulsion
energy taken from the battery is from (2.18), Wp =7.82kWh. The auxiliary power for such a vehicle
considering lighting and other small loads is about 250W. The traveling time taken from (2.19) is
ts=3.5h, and the auxiliary energy from (2.19a) is Waux = 0.875kWh. So, the total necessary energy is
Wnec = 8.7kW. For lead, the minimum discharging coefficient is about DODmin=0.02 and the
maximum DODmax=0.85. Then, from (2.20) the total energy stored in the battery pack is
Wtot=10.48kWh, and from (2.21), the capacity of a battery unit is 145.6Ah. For this, it is selected a
deep cycle lead battery of type US185HC XC2 produced by US Battery (2015). It has reserve
capacity of 117min at 75A, resulting a capacity of 146.25Ah, practically the battery capacity in
working conditions, where UTV current at 20km/h is 77A. For this battery, at DODmax=0.85, the
expected lifecyle is about 650cycles, and the 20h capacity is C20=220Ah. The total battery pack
weight is mbat=54.4kg*6=326kg.
For charging, a recommended on-board charger is SCO7220 from Quick Charge (2015) providing a
smart charging at 72V/20A at a weight of mcharger=42lbs=19kg.
4 Conclusions
The present study has some important conclusions such:
1.UTVs are a cheap and practical solution for a lot of small urban and off-road activities.
2.The electric solution is already present, as demonstrated by Titan (2015), but electrification of a
classical UTV could be a practical solution, too.
3.A design algorithm for power-train electrification has been proposed and clear solutions given.
4.Considering that the weight of removed components such engine, tank, gear box is comparable
with the weight of motor, controller, fix gear and charger the difference in weight between the
Ranger 400 and the electrified vehicle is just the battery pack weight, which validate the study. This
is confirmed by the electric version of this producer, Ranger EV, given in Polaris (2015).
5.On horizontal road the vehicle has a high power and torque reserve, allowing for a good dynamic.

5 References
Gillespie, T.D. (1992) Fundamentals of Vehicle Dynamics”. Warrendale, PA: SAE

DIRECTIVE 2009/28/EC - Official Journal of EU-5.6.2009-L140/16-62

BOSCH (2007) Automotive Handbook, 7th Ed. Warrendale, PA: SAE

RACICOVSCHI, V. et al. (2007) Electric and Hybrid Vehicles (in Romanian). Bucharest: Electra

STOICESCU, A (2007) Automobile traction and consumption performances design.Bucharest:ET

International Energy Agency- Tracking_Clean_Energy_Progress_2015, official site: ,

12_dezvoltare_durabila_nsdsenglish12112008.pdf , consulted 06-May-2015 consulted on 8-Oct-2015 consulted on 8-Oct-2015 consulted on 9-Oct-2015 consulted 10-Oct-2015 consulted 10-Oct-2015 consulted 10-Oct-2015 rev. on 10-Oct-2015
emission-vehicles-2/ consulted 10-Oct-2015
consulted on 12-Oct-2015 consulted on 12-Oct-2015
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