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Let's cover a few more advanced topics in C#:

1. **Asynchronous Programming Patterns**: In addition to `async/await`, C# supports

other asynchronous programming patterns such as the Task-based Asynchronous Pattern
(TAP) and the Event-based Asynchronous Pattern (EAP). These patterns allow you to
create asynchronous methods and handle asynchronous operations in a structured and
efficient manner.

2. **Nullable Value Types**: C# introduced nullable value types to allow value

types (such as int, float, bool) to have a null value, in addition to their normal
range of values. Nullable types are declared by appending a question mark (?) to
the underlying value type. For example:

int? nullableInt = null;

3. **Pattern Matching**: Pattern matching is a feature introduced in C# 7.0 that

allows you to test a value against a pattern and conditionally extract information
from it. It provides concise syntax for common type tests and conversions, making
your code more readable and expressive. Here's an example:

object obj = "Hello";
if (obj is string str) {
Console.WriteLine($"The length of the string is {str.Length}");

4. **Local Functions**: Local functions allow you to define functions inside

another function, enabling you to encapsulate functionality within a specific
scope. They are useful for breaking down complex algorithms into smaller, more
manageable pieces. Here's an example:

int Calculate(int a, int b) {
return Add(a, b);

int Add(int x, int y) {

return x + y;

5. **Indexers**: Indexers allow instances of a class or struct to be indexed just

like arrays. They provide a convenient way to access elements of a collection or
class using an index value. Here's an example of defining an indexer in a class:

public class MyCollection {
private string[] items = new string[10];

public string this[int index] {

get { return items[index]; }
set { items[index] = value; }
These are some additional advanced topics in C# that can further enhance your
programming skills and allow you to build more sophisticated and efficient
applications. Experimenting with these concepts and incorporating them into your
projects will deepen your understanding of the language and its capabilities.

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