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4 Rewrite the sentences using the words betow.

!. Complete the sentences with the correct modats convenient efficient inleractive portable
of deduction. Use the ctues in brackets to help you re[iabte remote suitable tiffi-e-saüftg
Sometimes more than one answer is possibte.
L Dara's scooter heLps her get to schooI much quicker.
1 That girl speaks Spanish, so she
be Spanish, N4exican or
South American. (possibte) 2 My computer doesn't use a lot of energy.
2 That website is f u lI of fake news, so that story 3 This [aptop is easy to carry.
be true. (impossibLe) 4 | can use my phone to pay for things it's reatly usefuL
3 Everybody Loves the film, so it when I forget my bank card!
be good. (certain) 5 My oLd mobi[e phone never causes me a problem.
4 Amy is returning her computer to the shop again, so it 6 The TV show involved the viewe¡ so you made decisions
be very reliable. (impossibLe) and it changed the plot.
5 That guy is reatty talI and blond, so he 7 This video game is perfect for children.
be Norwegian. (possible) 8 With lhis app, I can turn lhe tights at home on and off,
6 That young chitd is aIone and crying, so she even if I am in a faraway Locatlon.
be iost. (certain)

2 Complete the texts with the correct comparative or ffi xx x'xx *x &x*§xew §'§v§ *w
supertative form ofthe adjectives and adverbs in brackets.
A The ZXI phone is considerabty',,,--,-- (cheap) 5 Complete the dialogue with the correct comparative or
lhe others and it charges far 2 (quickty). supertative form of the words in brackets and the correct
form of the words below.
But the brands that make the other phones are much
(wetL known) and that's why they are a
anatyse can't contact coutd deaL must suitable
great deaI 4 (expensive).
B She doesn't sing as (wett) mosl other Tom Somebody I don't know has just contacted me, and
pop stars, but she has become , (popuLar) it isn't 1 (nice) text l've ever received
singer in the whote country. People download her songs Who 2 it be?
farT (frequentty) anyone etse's. Last year, Sean What did they 3 you about? Was it
tickets for her show were 8 (high) prices persona [?

ever seen for a concert. I don't understand ill Tom No. lt isn't much a (bad) lhe jokes we
C live -, (far) from the sports ctub, but l'm often send each other, a[though I don't lhink it would
always ,,- (earty) to arrivel l'm lraining a be
5 for my littLe brother to seel
Lot (hard) before and l'm playing a bit Sean So, you've got no id.^a who tro[led you?
(wett) in the practice games. HopefuLty Tcm 6.,,,,,,,,,,,,,, be one of the ptayers
Wet[, l'm sure it
my strong interest witL get me a place in the teaml from the basketbaItteam we'l-e ptaying this w-^ekend.
He says they're considerably , (good)
Wmsmfuw&mry us, they run much (fast) us and wilL
pet 9 (high) score in their history on
3 Match the sentence halves. Salu rdayl
1f you ... Sean That's imposslbtel He 10 be seriousl
1 analyse data, We beat them 65-15 in the last match! We beat them
2 update a btog, in every match! He needs to 11.-,-,,,-,-,--, the
history between the two teamsl
3 lrotL someone,
Tom True. But lhe next match is aiways a great
4 copy and paste something, L2 more imporlant than the [ast. lt's
5 tweet something, going to be interesting, that's for surel
6 deLete a text,
you ... .xThink & s ha
A remove il.
B add new information to it. 6 Speak or write. Answer the questions.
C move it and pul it in another ptace 1 Do you think technoLogy reduces or increases stress? Why?
D send a short message. 2 What one piece of technoLogy wou[d you f ind it
E study it caref u [ty. impossibLe to live without? Why?

F say bad things about them. 3 How do you feeI aboul the idea of artificiaI intet[igence?
a Why do you think some people want to Live with less
technology in their Iives?
5 Are you optimislic or pessimistic about the use of
technology in the future? Why?

44 Revi*w

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